/normie/ - Normie Reservation

Where we sent the displaced Facebooking natives of this domain name.

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Hi guys, I love this endchan thing, kind of like facebook but for young people.

I first read about it here: https://www.cnet.com/news/8chan-4chan-endchan-heres-what-you-need-to-know-about-image-boards/

Then when I was on the phone to one of my work friends, he said there was a Qanon community here and I knew I'd fit right in.

Can't wait to start browsing around and posting in all these 'boards'.

One thing I am a little curious though, how do you send people PMs here?

Thanks, please like and share so more people see this.
Wait, where are the social media share buttons? What the hickory!? How do I share this place on other websites? Even dominos pizza website has share buttons, come on! How do I contact the site owner about this? I think this site is broken, I made an account but I can't pm anyone or anything and now I can't share things.

"normie" is a term convicts use
prison people call non imprisoned people, "normies"
Mose of your poop language from the chum boards, is harmful and stuipid
like spanish, dont bother with it
Speak proper english, not like the nog, be a good person.
And facebook is russian stock fraud poopbowl, don't speak of it, let alone use it.
That kike will pay dearly when his time comes

Oh my goodness! You really shouldn't use the work 'kike' as it's actually a bad word for a jew, our greatest allies.
Reagarding 'normie', I couldn't agree more, I first heard the word 'normie' on television, thought it was silly then and still think so now. After all, why wouldn't you want to be normal?
Also, I should add, Facebook is actually an american company, it was hijacked in 2016 by the Russians to get President Trump elected, so not actually Russian. Thankfully they've kicked off the Russians now and are censoring all their rubbish so it's good to use again.

I'm going to sage your post, which I've read is sort of like a downvote. Sorry, but you did use the 'k' word and now you know it's a bad word.

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