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Welcome to NuChannel. NuChannel is a Channel which is inspired by 4chan, 8chan, and 7chan. It is created as a response to the new-found culture that has taken over both 4chan and 8chan.

4chan is no-longer about fun, conversation, and casual banter. It is about shitposting, "le epic memes", and IRL activism. It is in Biggie's humble opinion that this is not how a channel of high quality should be ran. NuChannel will be a network of distributed boards across Endchan, and possibly, other websites. (Perhaps even with different administrators)

Some important things that you should know about NuChannel;
Politics have no place on NuChannel. They lead to drama, fragmentation, infighting, and shitposting. Time and time again has proven that when Anonymity and politics mix, it always ends up with spilled soykaf. (Epic lainchan reference)

Do not drag in "boogymen" into NuChannel. Do not accuse someone from being from reddit, nor tell them to go back to reddit. If a reddit user can use NuChannel without disturbing the community, this is fine, and even encouraged. This rule applies to users of 4chan, 8chan, Tumblr, or any website. NuChannel currently doesn't have a culture. It is up to you, the user, to shape the culture that will be NuChannel.

NuChannel will not create boards that are dedicated to "normies". If you're a normie who can use NuChannel without disturbing it, you're welcome. Just keep in mind that you're probably not going to be wanted here. What you're doing as a normie is basically being a black male attempting to join the Aryan Brotherhood. It just don't work. Boards like /soc/, /adv/, /etc/, won't be made on NuChannel. Don't request for them to be made.

Security and distribution is a huge part of what NuChannel is going to attempt to be. All boards on Endchan (Where NuChannel is currently hosted) can be accessed via s6424n4x4bsmqs27.onion.

Do not post "may mays" on NuChannel. MayMays are "too fucking stupid" to be posted on NuChannel. You know what a may may is. Don't post them.

NuChannel will always be free of stormfaggots, moralfags, and activismcancer.

Currently the NuChannel boards aren't ready yet... Expect them to launch very soon!
-Your administrator, Biggy Smalls (No, I'm not actually fucking biggy smalls)
No, NuChannel is not a Channel dedicated to this "new 4chan culture". It's actually quite the opposite. If you've used 4chan before GooberGate or the rise of /pol/, you'll know what I'm talking about.

The other Nu* boards need to be tweaked for anitspam before they're ready for use. I will also be making some banners.

Q: What software does NuChannel use?
A: NuChannel is ran on Endchan. Therefore, It runs on LynxChan.

Q: Why make NuChannel?
A: NuChannel is meant to preserve classic 4chan culture. It is free from activism and /pol/.

Q: Can I tell my friends about NuChannel?
A: Sure!

A Plea from ya boy biggiesmalls
Want to see NuChannel grow? Drop ya boy some BTC. All donations go towards improving NuChannel via advertising. (Currently NuChannel does not really need donations. If you'd like to donate, shoot some dime towards Endchan or StephenLynx. This is a placeholder.)

Bitcoin address not yet ready
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Are those guidelines for community or a basis for eventual rules? Remember: people who desire moddom are usually the least qualified for quality control and true nature of imageboard culture doesn't even allow to predict what will end up being shit even if it starts as total shit.
All the bad things you've listed can be regulated by users denying attention, creative mockery and local population of trolls. If you won't aim at that and relegate responsibilities to mod team you're heading for failure.
Don't ban a medium for joke. Everything can be made funny. Ultimately being funny is the responsibility of the users and you can't force them to be.
Reclaiming what made 4chan great is going to be hard. 4chan happened because the makeup of the internet was different. I'd probably take youtube around 2007 over any imageboard today.

> anything hiroyuki
pls no
> "Reclaiming what made 4chan great is going to be hard."

If you mean the CIA and Moot their torx bit they used on you; They will be smashed into a million pieces if not cooperative.

Great means what exactly?  I almost died laughing reading this idiots OP.
Is this the negro GTA poster dude?  What would make him think anyone wants to sne dhim BTC haaha fucking hilarious this should be fun.  

No one gives a fuck about chaners, chan mentality, or redditors both were stupid on day one.  "Everything can b funny" yeah f you are a worthless teenage shmuck you can giggle all day.
Sorry for my absence.
I have returned.

Answering questions in literally a few minutes, with proper explanations.....
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Explanation for my absence; I've been juggling through quite a few online community and IRL oriented things recently. I'm back and I'm ready to bring the NuChannel project back up to speed.

They're a basis for eventual rules.

I agree that people who never desired power make the best leaders; I originally became a moderator for an online community a very long time ago... I'd say I'm quite experienced in online communities, their growth, and their moderation.

This will be a new-brand of Imageboard culture. It will not be comparable to 4chan if it reaches the place that I want it to reach. (No, not in concurrent users, but in culture)

The goal of this Imageboard is not to be funny; with humor comes shitposting, and with shitposting comes death.

This is not 2007 4chan, this is 4chan as it was originally intended; A place for discussion, but expanding beyond anime. I will use the foundation of the Imageboard format to create a website which can be used to discuss multiple constructive topics Anonymously, and without shitposting. The mistake of 4chan staff was allowing shitposting and "meme" creation to occur, in my opinion. The closest thing I can compare the project to is the GNU project, which builds upon the UNIX concept.

The closest website comparison that I can provide is I have a great deal of respect for Appleman1234, and I think that he is an excellent administrator. Read Lainchan for an idea of what I want NuChannel to be. I want quality people from boards pre-goobergate on NuChannel. Boards like /g/ or /prog/, or people who posted on /r9k/ before it went to shit.

>  But why not just use Lainchan then?

Lainchan is centered around a few themes, and I want NuChannel to compromise multiple themes, and target those themes to its targeted userbase (social outcasts, techies, Internet explorers, and generally, people who don't use social media / smartphone culture). I want to have multiple, huge, active boards; but not boards filled with "normies". Normies are hard to define.. I might go more in detail in a later post...

>  GTA negro poster dude?
No, I'm not that person.
>  BTC
Perhaps you should read. Bitcoin donations are something very far down the road, and it's not going to be on my roadmap for quite a while, if ever I have moderated and adminstered many forums, chans, IRCs, discords, Dubtracks, and Plug.DJs, and I have never requested money from my users (As I didn't need them..) We did have a bitcoin address to pay for a dubtrack/plug website though.. I avoid spending money out of pocket to build an online community, as I believe it to be unnecessary, and it corrupts my view of the community that I am building. I want this culture / website to be completely detached from me. I don't ever want to make a profit from it, and I want it to thrive. I don't want another 8chan board that's dead or dies, I don't want another 4chan clone. I want something new an exciting; something that has nothing to do with 4chan or 8chan.

Note: The Hiroyuki Nishimura image was supposed to represent a "soapbox"
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Over and over; throughout my usage and management of online communities: Something has always been present and non-changing:

Memes kill online communities (when they're not moderated)

Cultures need memes to be generated. This is common sense.
However, nasties tend to create "maymays", which destroy culture.
From this point on, when I use maymay, consider it to mean "bad meme/s"

Maymays exist both in the online world, in the real world. 

A wonderful example of a maymay is the demonization of Reddit which is prevalent on most online (*chan) communities. You, the reader, might be effected by this maymay. It causes masses to become paranoid of a Reddit boogeyman. You might think of this as irony or a joke, but I've actually encountered someone who refused to click a reddit link after I notified them that their screenshot had been maliciously edited. This person was a very close friend of mine; we were both moderators of an IRC channel, so I personally doubt he was joking around; he refused to click it due to "reddit cancer", Effectively sticking his head in the sand.. 

Another example of a bad maymay could be a logical fallacy which is embedded in your local culture. If you've ever been in a rural location in the United States, chances are, you've seen a culture effected by a maymay.

Back the topic of online communities:

I will attempt to weed out these maymays across NuChannel, and allow a culture to grow from this "purified culture seed" that I will be planting. 4chan's seed of culture was corrupted by maymays, and the administration has done nothing to rectify this. the XFAG maymay brings nothing to the table of discussion, yet is it prevalant throughout the website. I want *good culture* to come about this Channel.

This obviously presents a problem: How would I, the Administrator of NuChannel, know what constitutes a maymay? Isn't a maymay entirely subjective?

A maymay is a meme which brings no good quality to the website. You CAN have fun on NuChannel, but that's not what the site is about, it's about discussion above all. If a meme interferes with the discussion, it is automatically a maymay and will be expunged.

I will act objectivly with all my removals, declarations of maymays, etc. I will not act maliciously. Keep an eye on the log.

If you were banned because of a maymay in the future, there will be an appealing system in place. This appealing system will allow you to protest against the deletion, and if you can make your case, you will be unbanned and I will personally apologize to you.

But what about mods? If NuChannel gets as big as your unrealistic ass expects, what about possibly biased mods?

NuChannel will always have unbiased staff. The same above applies to all staff in the future.
The best way that you could help is by simply telling your friends. Endchan currently provides all of my needs, and I'm very grateful for the website and support.

I'm working on advertising, thankfully, the Eye of Sauron has already brought in some users!


I'm not very good with CSS. I couldn't find any documentation over at StepenLynx's GitLab, Could you point me that way?
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You put too much emphasis on the meme aspect of communities. I am also of the opinion that lainchan is far from ideal. Could you please outline how you plan on staying objective in moderation, also, why the name nuchannel? I like the sound of endchan better, for example. 
Defining the normie phenomenon is difficult and clearly identifying it's presence is important for an anonymous image board. Banning and removing posts is not the cure; dedicated anons posting to create an atmosphere that encourages quality posting is what matters in the long term. That said, if i really knew how to bring the quality anons with the good posts; i would make my own image board. And if i ever came across an image board where i don't have to sift through rubbish just to find the one or two good posts/threads, then, i would surely end my nomad ways. 

> The goal of this Imageboard is not to be funny; with humor comes shitposting
You can't stop humor regardless of your personal goals. Limiting posting is dangerous. Humor can be used to remove the normals but i agree that it can also lead to a board becoming shitpost À la carte. Still, there are anon shitposts and normie shitposts and this is where many communities with good intentions go wrong.
I should also point out that I'm hitting the bed.
I'm in the eastern timezone, (its quite late here)

Just wanted to make it known that I hadn't abandoned this project ASAP.
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You're so far off I don't know what to say.
There's really nothing to say because this is not a level of conviction that will listen to arguments - as you've yourself noticed it's result of your experiences - so if it is to be rectified it is also by experience.
You have a point about group-think but you haven't properly identified the problem and you'll get caught in a never ending struggle against each new case of it's symptoms. People prone to reliance on group-think will always find a new concept to adopt without question.
There are legitimate reasons to dislike reddit and it's community. Problem arises when people learn to dislike things without understanding why they do, even to a point of displaying the same qualities that have been the reason for the hate in the first place. Methods you've outlined don't counter that at all. 

You might be better off starting some kind of a forum - you'll have easier time finding a target audience.
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>  You put too much emphasis on the meme aspect of communities. I am also of the opinion that lainchan is far from ideal. Could you please please outline how you plan on staying objective in moderation, also, why the name nuchannel?

I believe that memes are the foundation of any successful community. Without memes, digital forums or chans stick to the same 5 or so topics which are a meme in themselves.

"What browser do you use?" -- On a technological forum.

"What are you listening to right now?" -- On a general discussion forum

I could go on. 

Why do you think that Lainchan is far from ideal? I want this project to be the best that it can be, and all constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

As far as staying objective in moderation goes, as I've said before, it will extremely transparent. I will photograph all removed posts (if appropriate) and paste them in a log. If there is proof that the person's thread was not distributing discussion, then that thread will be recreated, although, replies will be lost.

>  Banning and removing posts is not the cure; dedicated anons posting to create an atmosphere that encourages quality posting is what matters in the long term.

I couldn't agree with you more. My plans are to use the tools of moderation to forge this atmosphere. I will remove posts that create "maymay culture", but by no means will I be a dictator whom decides what is and what isn't wrong. I plan to be extremely objective, and I will never let my personal politics interfere with what this community should be.

>  You can't stop humor regardless of your personal goals. Limiting posting is dangerous. Humor can be used to removal the normals but I agree that it can also lead to a board becoming shitpost À la carte. Still, there are anon shitposts and normie shitposts and this is where many communities with good intentions go wrong.

How can humor remove the normals? I've never seen that done before, and it sounds very interesting. Are you talking about things like Pee Pee Poo Poo made up by /r9k/?

An interesting quote from the above block:

>  There are many anon shitposts and normie shitposts and this is where many communities with good intentions go wrong

I'd like to keep shitposting from both parties to a minimum or none. 

As for the communities that have failed, could you give me an example? I'd like to study those communities so that I may learn from their mistakes.

>  Why the name nuchannel?
I wanted it do be something new. How's the name MayChan sound? The name isn't set in stone.

Had to break the posts up, comment too long...
>  This is not a level of conviction that will listen to arguments - as you've yourself noticed it's a result of your experianced - so if it is to be rectified it will also be by experience

I love arguments. If you can give me any suggestions that can be implemented into the project, then I would love to hear them. I do not stick my head in the sand and I love constructive criticism.

>  You have a point about group-think but you haven't properly identified the problem and you'll get caught in a never ending struggle against each new case of it's symptoms.

What is the problem, then? I don't think I'll have any issue struggling, identifying the issue is very easy to do.

Cheat sheet:
1: Does it disrupt discussion?
It's a maymay

2: Is it low-quality, or contribute nothing?
It's a maymay

3: Is it neither of the above?
It's not a maymay.

>  People prone to reliance on group-think will always find a new concept to adopt without question.

Those people will naturally be repelled by the very concept of this board. It is meant to naturally repel those who rely on group-think, as this place is meant to dismantle it.

>  There are legitimate reasons to dislike reddit and its community

Reddit is not a community. It is multiple, separated; but sometimes connected, communities. Some of these communities do indeed suffer from group-think, but not all of them. For this reason, I do not think it is correct to paint Reddit as a boogeyman in itself.

Should some communities like /r/twoxchromosomes be looked down at because of their group-think mentality? Possibly. Should the entirety of Reddit be dismissed because of /r/twoxchromosomes? No, I don't think so, at least.

> Problem arises when people learn to dislike things without understanding why they do, even to a point of displaying the same qualities that have been the reason for the hate in the first place. Methods you've outlined don't counter that at all.

How would you go about handling the situation?

I think that my plans should prevent exactly what you have described, but I can always be wrong, and my ideas can always be improved.
> You have a point about group-think but you haven't properly identified the problem
> Problem arises when people learn to dislike things without understanding why they do
The 'cheat sheet' you wrote makes these points even more relevant. 
Reddit is inherently bad by it's own design. Lainchan is not, but there is a thread on /tech/ that talks about that. 
> You might be better off starting some kind of a forum
I agree.
Good. I needed a new ccontainment site to send faggots to.
Please be sure to make a /furry/ and a /int/ board.
documentation on LynxChan or just CSS in general? If CSS in general, what aspect do you want to change?

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