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would they get deleted at /g/ if we just shared screenshots without any compromising info? no IP sharing either
https://boards.4channel.org/g/thread/80373337 I had to use an installed x server to get this to work
I heard this chan was ran by glowies or that it's glowie infested. It has appeared in leaked fbi reports in the past.
This thing lets you scan for cves, unlike shodan which cucks you with muhh ultra premium membership which costs hundreds of dollars per month (normal membership doesn't get it).
Ahaha I got into a german pbx emulated in qemu, I was messing with the shell and then it was suddenly rebooted. I also found a brazilian centos 6.
thumbnail of 螢幕擷取畫面 2021-02-25 120617.png
thumbnail of 螢幕擷取畫面 2021-02-25 120617.png
螢幕擷取畫面... png
(305.28 KB, 1461x826)
Chink's goverment system
the user is low level woman
I send this message to everyone
their interface is!main.action
Are the chink letters in the box the chink translation? You should have included a translation in simplified, the china copypasta.
Hurry the china copypasta
wuhan biological weapon 武汉生物武器 China manufactured Coronavirus Test kits were broken on purpose 中国制造的冠状病毒检测试剂盒被故意破坏 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Lumi 多黨制 25870
thumbnail of 螢幕擷取畫面 2021-02-25 112143.png
thumbnail of 螢幕擷取畫面 2021-02-25 112143.png
螢幕擷�... png
(589.12 KB, 819x1714)
VNC is lag AF
it have unique Loongson CPU, 8G ram
the OS is based on linux kernel 3.xx, DE seems is gnome with Windows 7 like skin
I checked those mail just title+attachment
and rated not secret
Another ubuntu server. I opened firefox on it, enjoy!
korean chemical plant
chink VPS running fluxbox in wuhan
maybe it's because lainchan and /g/ are tired of threads composed of skids who discovered shodan and decide to post about their doings.
y'all are retarded
So it looks like many of these open systems are QEMU systems. How do I ensure that my own QEMU does not have some vulnerable VNC sessions?
don't specify -vnc as an option to QEMU?

if you want to do open vncs, -snapshot after you are done setting it up is a great idea.
 >>/1654/ self replying like a dumbass here, but you can also just change the VNC password in HMP/QMP using change vnc-password or whatever it is, keep in mind you ARE using VNC, so all security problems with VNC are still applied, but a password will stop like fagbots like crabfucker clones (if your using 5900, which you shouldn't)
continuing the self-reply autism, Speaking of HMP, I wonder if any of these leave the monitor enabled (hint: doing this is a very bad idea on unixes because of the migrate command alone, which is VERY "fun")

On any of these, try hitting Ctrl-Alt-F2, if its a "monitor" you've hit kekland, if its serial0 they're smart, same combo, but with F1 to return to main display.
Regardless if its skid shit its entertaining as fuck. Also lainchan has threads on /sec/ about doxing Qtards on 8kun because they left their real email in the field while posting, so I think its more the mod was genuinely salty he missed out or pissed it was /g/.
honestly this thing is kind of grey area. open VNC connections without a password can be considered an "open access" system like a website. in order for hacking to be illegal you have to knowingly access a computer without authorization. if a computer doesn't require authorization it technically isn't illegal...
Computernewb.com fails to resolve. Does someone know what happened? Did the domain expire?
Is it worth it to use the scan script, setup a box and do it ourselves? computernewb doesn't seem to upload scans often
Practically impossible. Try to use folding@home's windows service version (if it has one, i forgot). Here is an explainative thread https://stackoverflow.com/questions/187983/how-do-i-hide-a-process-in-task-manager-in-c
What dns do you use? I know quad9 blocked it.
oof, guess this is dead
anyways i scanned one a random ip from the site, why is every port open?
There may be alternate sites, you can even make your own frontend using the script.
Or even make your own script, and well integrated, because the one ComputerNewb made is split across 3 files and in his own words "is a bit bad".
Check if they are OK with mass scans. It's one of the things many will ban you over.
Has anyone figured out how to escape an X11 desktop (like "nobody's x11 desktop" in the title) in vnc?

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