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How can I anonymously ssh into something? Going through Tor and using a freshly generated key for identification is obvious, but how can I make sure that there is no data leakage above all that? I haven't been able to find any guides on that, even though it seems like something a lot of people might be interested in doing.

eerr through multiple proxies? that's what i2p is for. There's no way that you could request ssh tunneling without being trace route by someone who urge to look over your real IP address. The question is, could he guess which one of you who made that ssh request.
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post this somewhere else if you are interested
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can help too.

Disabling pubkey auth is important. If you have passwordless key or have key loaded in ssh-agent, option
disables pubkey auth completely.

Also, there's this thing to demonstrate deanon by ssh key:
In ~/.ssh/config so you don't leak your username if you forget to specify one.
host *
	user root

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