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Endwall guy should keep irrelevant compile instructions in this thread by editing the OP or edit the Sticky thread before purging said irrelevant posts in various threads. Just remind them to compile from source and redirect them to this thread.

Endwall guy always posts compile instructions that takes up so much space that it gets too distracting while he doesn't always explain himself the context of why he's posting how to compile specific programs from source although it is implied, besides his posts in the news thread, he pretty much posts such instructions in multiple threads in every Tor update or some other program that gets updated. I'd figured that everything would look better if he just slap them all here and just redirect people to the new compile instructions to the posts in this thread in a centralized location so that people don't have to look at all the threads, or simply state that he had updated the instructions.

STEP 1) Get the source tar, check it and upack it
$ cd ~/
$ mkdir tor
$ cd tor
$ torsocks wget https://www.torproject.org/dist/tor-
$ torsocks wget https://www.torproject.org/dist/tor-
$ torsocks wget https://www.torproject.org/dist/tor-
$ torsocks wget https://www.torproject.org/dist/tor-


The following .onions have been flagged as Phishing links by http://7cbqhjnlkivmigxf.onion/
Do not get files from the following onion sites:
e5qcqoax4chithot.onion (2016-02-27) (Phishing link)
zgfgvob256pffy62.onion (2014-12-29) (Phishing link)
torprowdd64ytmyk.onion (2016-05-22) (Phishing link)
gaobjvqqrlotey4d.onion (2016-07-30) (Phishing link)

$ gpg --keyserver hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys 0x4E2C6E8793298290 0x910397D88D29319A

$ gpg --verify tor- tor-
$ gpg --verify tor- tor-

If the signatures are good continue or check the sha256sum:

$ sha256sum tor-
$ sha256sum tor-

If this matches then unpack the files:

$ tar -xvf tor-
$ tar -xvf tor-

$ mv tor- tor_stable
$ mv tor- tor_alpha

$ cd tor_stable

Step 2) configure , make, link

$ ./configure
$ make
$ mkdir ~/bin
 export PATH=$PATH:/homeUSER/bin
$ cd ~/bin
$ ln -s ~/tor/tor_stable/src/or/tor tor_stable
New versions of tor >0.3.5.x build and link the binary in ~/tor/src/app/ as ~/tor/src/app/tor

$ ln -s ~/tor/tor_stable/src/app/tor tor_stable

$ cd ~/tor/src/config

$ su
# mkdir /usr/local/etc/tor
# mkdir /usr/local/share/tor
# cp torr.sample /usr/local/etc/tor/torrc
# cp geoip /usr/local/share/geoip
# cp geoip6 /usr/local/share/geoip6
# cd /usr/local/etc/tor
# tor_stable &
# torsocks wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/endwall2/endware/master/endtorrc
# mv endtorrc torrc-defaults
# nano torrc-defaults

modify to your liking

# fg 1
# ^C (Ctrl + C)
# exit
$ cd ~/tor/tor_alpha

STEP 3) repeat configure, make, link

$ ./configure
$ make
$ cd ~/bin
$ ln -s ~/tor/tor_alpha/src/or/tor tor_alpha
$ cd ~
$ tor_alpha &
$ fg 1
$ ^C (Ctrl + C)

 Install Links 2 from source

$ cd ~/
$ mkdir src
$ cd src
$ torsocks wget http://links.twibright.com/download/links-2.14.tar.gz
$ tar -xzvf links-2.14.tar.gz
$ cd links-2.14
$ ./configure --help
$ ./configure --enable-graphics --with-x --with-ssl --without-grx --without-windows
$ make
$ su
# make install
# exit
$ links -g

Also the default user agent is found in the file http.c , which you can edit with nano.
$ grep "Mozilla" http.c
$ nano http.c
^W Mozilla , edit line ^X then recompile.

### DONE

tor/src/or OR tor/src/core/or
change this to

digest_algorithm_t alg = DIGEST_SHA1;
digest_algorithm_t alg = DIGEST_SHA256;
Leave this alone it will break tor if you change it.


change to

change to


Also change this

else if (build_state && build_state -> desired_path_len >= 4)

to be:

else if (build_state && build_state -> desired_path_len >= 7)

New versions of tor >0.3.5.x build and link the binary in tor/src/app/ as src/app/tor

If you know of any other good mods for tor post below or in the tor/vpn thread.


Install Torsocks from source

$ su
# pacman -S git
# apt-get install git
$ mkdir -p ~/git
$ cd ~/git
$ git clone https://git.torproject.org/torsocks.git

or if tor is already running with previous version of torsocks
$ torsocks git clone https://git.torproject.org/torsocks.git

$ mkdir -p ~/tor
$ mv torsocks ~/tor
$ cd ~/tor
$ cd torsocks
$ ./autogen.sh
$ ./configure --help
$ ./configure
$ make
$ su
# make install
# exit
$ cd /src/bin
$ chmod u+rwx torsocks
$ cd ~/bin
$ ln -s ~/tor/torsocks/src/bin/torsocks torsocks
$ export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
$ torsocks --version

Install Youtube-dl from source git

$ cd ~/
$ mkdir -p git
$ cd git
$ torsocks git clone https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl.git
$ cd youtube-dl
$ su
# torsocks pacman -S zip pandoc
# pacman -Rc youtube-dl
# exit
$ make
$ ls
$ cd ~/bin
$ ln -s ~/git/youtube-dl/youtube-dl youtube-dl
$ cd ~
$ export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
$ echo "PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH" >> .bashrc
$ youtube-dl --version

Clone tor from git repo


$ mkdir ~/git
$ cd ~/git
$ torsocks -i git clone http://dccbbv6cooddgcrq.onion/tor.git
$ cd tor
$ cd src 
$ cd or
$ nano or.h
$ nano routerparse.c
$ nano circuituse.c
$ cd ..
$ sudo su
# torsocks pacman -S asciidoc
# cd config
# cp geoip geoip6 /usr/local/share/tor/
# exit
$ cd ..
$ ./autogen.sh
$ ./configure
$ make
$ cd ..
$ mv tor ~/tor/tor_git
$ cd ~/bin
$ ln -s ~/tor/tor_git/src/or/tor tor_git
$ cd ~
$ tor_git &
$ fg 1
$ (CNTRL + C) ^C

is there reason to use torsocks over git's builtin socks5 proxy?

wouldn't it be better if you just register as http.proxy and https.proxy variable by git config?

Not sure what revision of git your distro ships with but using torsocks should be considered depreciated hack for applications with builtin socks5 proxy support.

Install REOP from Source
$ mkdir -p ~/src
$ cd ~/src 
$ endget --no-check-certificate https://www.tedunangst.com/flak/files/reop-3.0-snapshot.tar.gz
$ tar -xvf reop-3.0-snapshot.tar.gz 
$ cd reop 
$ ./configure 
$ make 
$ ./reop --help 
$ cd ~/bin 
$ ln -s ~/src/reop/reop reop 
$ export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
$ reop --help

Generate a key pair
$ cd ~ 
$ mkdir -p crypto 
$ cd crypto 
$ mkdir -p reop 
$ cd reop 
$ pwd 
$ reop -G -i endwall
Enter a passphrase:

$ ls ~/.reop
pubkey seckey

Encrypt / Decrypt
$ cd ~/crypto/reop
$ echo "This is the message" >> message
$ reop -E -i endwall -p ~/.reop/pubkey -m message 
$ ls 
message message.enc 
$ reop -D -p ~/.reop/pubkey -m decrypt -x message.enc 
$ ls 
message message.enc decrypt
$ cat message
$ cat message.enc
$ cat decrypt

Useful for encrypting passwords.txt file on an air gap for passwords generated using passgen


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