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thumbnail of lib.jpg
lib jpg
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There was a pdf someone posted on this site, but I can't fucking find it. I don't even remember what board it was posted on. It was about the hyper-inflated death toll numbers for WW2 and explained how the "6 million" figure is actually more like 200k in reality. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

Can someone post that book about banking and stuff. It explains how the system works and had something to do with Tsarist Russia I think.
There was a section on how to run an economy properly and Henry Ford talked about it or had something to do with it I think.
I can't remember it clearly but an anon told me and I lost the thread.

thumbnail of Bloom - Gravity Fails.jpg
thumbnail of Bloom - Gravity Fails.jpg
Bloom -... jpg
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(It's not on libgen)

> The comedic work of the children of modern Jewish immigrants overturned the prevailing languages and imageries with which an Anglocentric United States had traditionally represented and expanded itself. In ^IGravity Fails: The Comic Jewish Shaping of Modern America^R, James D. Bloom approaches these developments by first surveying this transformation as it affected literature, entertainment, commerce, and politics, and then offers sharply focused chapters that look at changes in sexual candor, reactions to the Holocaust, and critiques of race.

> Indeed, the personae discussed here pioneered unprecedented candor toward and scrutiny about sex and violence, and no other book delves as deeply or as widely among art forms, media, and levels of cultural hierarchy. Including considerations of the work of such diverse artists as Woody Allen, Mel Brooks, Lenny Bruce, Gilda Radner, Philip Roth, Jerry Seinfeld, and Stephen Sondheim, Gravity Fails provides a unique, penetrating, and hilarious look at a major force in the progress of American culture.

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