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thumbnail of The Kennedy secret Nazis.jpg
thumbnail of The Kennedy secret Nazis.jpg
The Kennedy secret... jpg
(165.34 KB, 1000x776)
This is a thread that I wanted to make over at the original 8chan, but couldn't because so much of the file material is over 8mb.

Understanding the Kennedy Assassination, or the Coup D'etat of 1963, is critical for understanding where the United States is currently and why.
This is a fact that most people, even within the genuine Nationalist movement does not know. But before, during and after World War 2 wealthy white families and dynasties with power and other well known american populists within the United States waged a secret war against the Jews. George Lincoln Rockwell backed Nixon and bashed kennedy as a grand statergy to fool the Jews into thinking that JFK was the Shabbos guy, and they both knew of it. JFK actually was a secret National Socialist who greatly admired Hitler.

So this thread is dedicated to important reading material regarding the Kennedy assassination, or assassinations, and the events surrounding them.

One must read author on this topic, is none other than the late Michael Collins Piperm who died under very suspicious circumstances. He was actually a friend of the American nationalist enigma DeWest Hooker, who personally knew the Kennedys, George Lincoln Rockwell and many others.

So this thread is for reading material about all the events leading up to and happened as a result of the Assassination.
kennedy was a piece of fucking shit, we really don't know why he was killed, it's all just speculation, but he was probably a crypto kike like all the others (bush, clinton, trump, biden, etc.) just jewgle kennedy with jews and you will see what i mean. hard to believe he would be the only White man among a sea of jewish poo.

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