fe.settings:getUserBoardSettings - non array given[pol] - Endchan Magrathea
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To understand why jews want to eliminate whites, first you need to understand how jews view the world and its people. None of this is an exaggeration by the way, this is literally word for word what they believe:
> Non-jews are literally not human
> Non-jews were created by god to serve as slaves for the jews
> The only reason non-jews look like humans is because god made them that way so jews wouldn't have to look at a bunch of animals serving them
> Stealing from non-jews isn't a crime or bad in any way
> Killing a non-jew is like killing a wild animal; not a crime, doesn't matter
> Raping a non-jew, surprise surprise, is also okay. Granted they do have minimum age requirements. I think for it to be okay to rape a non-jewish girl, she has to be at least 9 years old
> Everything non-jews own is the rightfully jewish claim, god-given property of the jewish people. Possessions, your house, real estate, countries, all of it

Given that, the motivation for controlling the entire planet makes sense; jews literally believe that they are supposed to; its theirs. They believe they're preordained by god to rule over a planet of slaves. Now, how do white people fit into this? White people have a storied history of fighting back against jewish control. That whole "jews have been kicked out of 109 countries" thing? Yeah, that was White people. And jews have been seething about this for, literally, millennia. These people want Whites dead more than anything in life. You cannot fathom how much jews hate White people. And jews have never been exterminated, never been genocide, never anything. They've been kicked out, a LOT, but nobody in history has ever actually tried to kill them all. Obviously the holocaust never happened, but what was happening was an attempt to expel the jews. 

But it's not a fair fight between jews and White people, because White people have this disease in their brains that prevents them from doing what's necessary to survive. It's sometimes called "pathological altruism" - White people will do practically anything in their power, and some things that aren't, just to be "accepted" by society (or what they view to be society). They will gleefully welcome in hostile foreigners. Rabidly defend Israel online and in person. Recoil in horror from someone expressing doubt about ANY aspect of the holocaust. All because it makes them feel like society will accept them and let them stay. It's the thing Whites have an instinctive, genetic fear of the most, above everything else in life: being excluded. Why? Winter. White people evolved in places where a winter alone meant death. You HAVE to be accepted by your tribe or your village, because if you aren't, you die.