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> And as i come from post communist nation i saw the horrors that marxism spawned here making us to be possibly for many generations to come to be still a lot behind from others

yeah commies really fucked up Eastern Europe. Asian and African countries too. Even most South American and Central american countries. And Brazil is pretty much terminally fucked due to the,. It's a political movement that seems to have made life worse for all of earth since its inception.
> yeah commies really fucked up Eastern Europe
Yes and not only socially and demographically but even enviromentally and agriculturaly as they have absolutley no empathy to anything living
Good examole can be a havoc on mine nations agricultural capabilities how they destroyed by chemistry a large chunk of soil or how in russia they almost erased whales in arctic region because of 5 year plans 
>  ships bloated software and buys out every competitor
Not even bloated but broken to the point where it constantly harrases you with updates and stuff you dont need into it
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Apologies to pull this off if that was covered but does anyone have more data on nonsense of anthonys suttons lolbert meltdowns in his book that is spammed as "evidence" of controlled op nsdap? 
Because apart of breaking that nonsense it causes of "reaction to jewish world domination is what they want to crush you down so that means you will contribute to globohomo and are controlled op" i lack anything else on it in findings
Well apart of the fact there is no written thing about "jews controlled hitler" which these individums scream about in there
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That familiar format of the image. Are you seriously trying to argue against waves of Hasbara on 4chan? You'll never get anywhere trying to argue against that lot. I was there years ago. I tried. The gaslighting by them was endless. I'm not familiar with whichever of Anthony Sutton's books you're referring to. I looked him up. He has written many. However he may have lied in books, now he's just a dead piece of shit traitor to his own people who was submissive to jewry as many Brits have been. Unfortunately.

Traitors are numerous. Lies about Hitler are endless. Constantly arguing against those is like a dog chasing his own tail. I became moderation to make them all shut the fuck up. At least at /pol/ and /news/. They have their "hugboxes" of all mainstream media to exist. We're not allowed to voice there. We have our personal space. They're not allowed to voice here.
> That familiar format of the image. Are you seriously trying to argue against waves of Hasbara on 4chan
No i am not (that was someone else arguing with someone who was gaslighting on holohoax and how poles should also demand support like jews do because they also died there) as its like you said pointless from attrition point of view and my time is more valuable by finding material than bother with something that is made to keep me from doing anything else
I just got a worm into head that there must be more on that nonsensical book from Sutton than his dementia from screencap when passing by
> Anthony Sutton's books you're referring to
Wall street and the rise of hitler ie poster child of 4pol shill

Besides just for future 
I rarely or not at all write dots or checkers with english short sentence building outside of official or administrative correspondences as its not wisest thing to do when you deal with far different grammar and language
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> Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
Ah. Easy enough to find. If you read into it, do let me know what slanderous statements you discover there (and page reference is important).
As David Irving pointed out: book references slandering Hitler tend to go around where a group of authors references each other until you arrive at the author again. A circle of lies. Yet they're called "historians". I have seen many claims that "international jewry financed Hitler". No proof. Though if they did, he clearly struck financial blows at them and made them regret their subterfuge.

> I rarely or not at all write dots or checkers with english short sentence building
They're called "run-on sentences". Which is easier to say than all that. I'm not bothered by any run-on sentence.
Red pill me on degenerate art. Where can I find non-degenerate, non-kiked art, both online and IRL?
By sorting through the bullshit? That's what I have to do at various art sites. Also, tons of people are flooding real art with A.I. Unless the artist has low skill, it's pretty hard to tell the difference.
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Switch on your brain and pick non degenerate art on platforms
> it's pretty hard to tell the difference
Depends a bit if you can differ trough colouring and how it needs to use existing data to make it and thus you can spot that anomaly 
First note on wall street and the rise of hitler book from that lolbert muppet
Main argument indeed is invalid from shills as there is no claim of "jewish financiers funding nsdap"
Anomalies not even that long ago are being corrected with ADetailer for face, hands and clothes. One way to tell the difference is looking at detailed backgrounds. AI can't render a lattice properly. Sometimes not even windows. They won't be symmetrical. They'll look weird.

> there is no claim of "jewish financiers funding nsdap"
Lying about their references is typical of leftists. I haven't had time to look over the .pdf archive myself.
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> One way to tell the difference is looking at detailed backgrounds
Yes that also too
> AI can't render a lattice properly. Sometimes not even windows. They won't be symmetrical. They'll look weird.
Also it is important if some text is somewhere to notice how its gibberish to add on tips how to differ
Also and i dont know if its fixed now AI has also problems to make perfectly authentic when someone does historical stuff with it to properly make markings as the requirements dictate 
Also in 3D animated stuff it bas problems with lightning and again backgrounds
> Lying about their references is typical of leftists
This is not even lying as it requires attempt to build something around it, this is just pathetic desperate literall hail mary throwing and hoping it will stick and no one notices error in transparency dementia when someone dles claim and makes "backup"
DeviantArt should be renamed to DeviantAI now since it's all a bunch of bots and talentless hacks. There's also far more pedo cheese pizza there now than ever before (thanks to DeviantArt's own AI art generator thing)
Well deviant is a synonym of degenerate. It's not just AI. That site is filled with all kinds of sick fetish shit. Kidnappings, bdsm, torture "art". Many more are fucking retards who take Disney, Pixar or other images and just badly cut and paste them together. The old days of DeviantArt though. It was decent artists, shit artists and nude whores selling ugly photographers their bodies just for taking photographs.
I have a theory that Trump is the Anti-Christ. Trump was basically brought into power by the ability and influence of 4chan, and 4chan uses the Pepe the frog meme, which also resembles the creatures mentioned in this passage of the Bible and is also shown as unclean like them because they are sometimes covered in piss and shit: 

"And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet."

There is a whole theory of that surrounding Pepe the frog in that, that's not the whole of it. Also 4chan is like a secret cult that controls things behind the scenes and has a lot of influence, like the Illuminati.

Also Trump says he wants digital or biometric ID's or something, to control immigration, but also it could potentially be the mark of the beast.

Plus he's all charismatic and portrays himself as a potential false-savior with everyone and Q-anon and stuff. That's all of that based on what I know so far.

What do you guys think? Also Donald Trump wrote a personal letter to 4chan thanking them for helping him when the presidency saying he couldn't have done it without them.
What I think? That Trump is a quarter kike piece of shit and I'm sick of hearing people saying "love him or hate him". The same can be said about Biden. Screw them both. But the antichrist? Nah, he's too stupid. I had religious private schooling and from them forcing the bible down my throat, I chose Revelation as a favorite. The antichrist is said to call himself "the Leopard". Maybe he's spotted and just has a lot of moles. Who knows. Another thing stated was that he brags about a head wound. Not sure from what kind of weapon.
> Trump was basically brought into power by the ability and influence of 4chan, and 4chan uses the Pepe the frog meme, which also resembles the creatures mentioned in this passage of the Bible and is also shown as unclean like them because they are sometimes covered in piss and shit:

I know you CIs arent smartest bunch in research but it wasnt that 

Trumps sucess was paved by jared kushner and jim watkinses marketing campagin and investments into meme cognitive warfare which existed even before he candidated on president

Second thing was that in 2016 there was a massive rise of distain for cultural marxism and reemergence of some whacky contrarian civnat nonsense
Third was that they rarher focused their marketing onto imageboards and applked a loads of bans to silence opposition
Someone who is from 8chqn can confirm that to you as there was most ruthless enforcement of trumps marketing
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> Trump was basically brought into power by the ability and influence of 4chan, and 4chan uses the Pepe the frog meme, which also resembles the creatures mentioned in this passage of the Bible
> "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet."
> There is a whole theory of that surrounding Pepe the frog in that, that's not the whole of it. Also 4chan is like a secret cult that controls things behind the scenes and has a lot of influence, like the Illuminati.
The freemasons have an obsession with egyptian lore, and the frog is their pick to symbolize all of the egypt's lore they so much obsess over.
So it can't be excluded those fags have at the very least tried to take control of the pepe meme for their own purposes.

If then the pepe meme truly did emerge by itself naturally, or if it was pushed into notoriety since the very start by mason kikes, that is a more interesting question.

I don't give a shit about Trump, either way. Anyone expecting any kind of hero to save the day is deluded. The people of a nation must be able to defend themselves without the need or the lazyness of relying on others to fix their own problems. 
All of representative politics is a sham. Who controls the medias controls which direction a democracy goes. Similarly to how that famous jew once said "who controls the money supply in the british empire controls the british empire", the mass medias are playing that same role right now.
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> I don't give a shit about Trump, either way.
Well he does fit into the subject you brought up, and he's a quarter kike. That's why I give a shit one way. I fucking hate him. Of course that goes for every jew or traitor shabbos goy servant to them. Biden included.
No. Her fucking insanity doesn't help the cause. She's half awake to ZOG and the other half, she rants about trees not being real. The main problem with those of us who wake up to Zionist control is the paranoia. I once stopped by a live chat and left praise that she led me to opening my mind. She immediately turned on me. The bitch is unfortunately crazy.
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> I have a theory that Trump is the Anti-Christ. 

LMAO even


No dude, he's a TV show host. A literal actor. That's it. He just read the lines off a script and then left when he was done acting. 

Why do people keep making up so many stories about a whatever actor when he's performing on stage?
Pretty vague demand. Kikes have made the name 'Quisling' a buzzword because he ruled Norway for National Socialist Germany. It doesn't mean traitor the way jews wish it to. Anyone who isn't a Quisling is traitor. Don't know what else you want to know.
I guess I was wanting some infographics about him separating the lies from the fact (just any info that might seem interesting). Should I just read his kikepedia article?
So why are feminists and gays and trannies considered bad. I was taught that there was crazy feminists that will accuse you of rape literally just by looking at them, but I was told this is not the case, but how was it possible for me to be this misinformed? Anyway I'd like to learn why fags are bad just like I learned how niggers and Jews were bad.
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> So why are feminists and gays and trannies considered bad
First of all its policies
Feminism has in its teachings the only task in mind which is a part of destabilization of the targets nation
That thing is breakdown of family unit ie demographical damage and destruction of social cohesion with also economical damages like forcing women into workforce or into education they actually dont seek or want to (no really i dont remember much women in techical trades) 
With trannymaniacs it is far more sinister if ever you never dealt with them and i rather recommend to go on 4chan /gif/ to see the picture when tranny hate thread will be created
But as i doubt you would do such a self harm just to swallow a very bitter pill i will just say
These people are narcissists in literal sense who want you either dead or screwed over for their desires to either groom or degenerate, defile, ruin, shun, and steal btw everything you are and what you have and represent 
Same applies to sodomites
> but I was told this is not the case
Mental gymnastics, gaslighting and freudian slips with slippery slippery and slippery slope do a havoc on a man who is that suicidal to reason with people who want him dead or desperate
> Anyway I'd like to learn why fags are bad just like I learned how niggers and Jews were bad.
Here i will just add as an main course of this appetizer
Jews are and were a prominent factor in creation and existence of feminism as same as in other destabilization forces on host nations
Dont believe me?
Who made trannies?
Magnus Hirschfeld and (maybe Sigmund Freud
Who was a massive advocate for pedophilia
Many jewish sexologists but mainly Sigmund Freud
Who was behind sexual revolution
From all jewesses that participated in it it was mostly Betty friedman
Who advocated for Roe Wade (idk how that abortion law is called as i dont live in Weimarica) 
Again jews

When i will be around i can send more as it takes a while to dig in mobile phone or tablet things that are not ported to PC folders
Unfortunately, the remove media function from the moderation panel takes away all images from a post. If you want to repost the first 4, I'll go ahead and scrub all pictures from  >>/93449/
Is there any evidence blacks aren't the way they are by consequence and are really the savages like they act they are? I looked on the Naggers.net website and read the document, they show crime statistics but those statistics are controlled by the elite, and it doesn't show whether they were criminals and savages by nature or not. So is there any evidence that shows blacks are the apes they actually are?
Maybe someone else will give a shit. I don't. We focus on jews as the enemy here. Being forced to live among displaced blacks are only a consequence of their) Trans Atlantic Slave Trade and the mass migrations kikes pushed for Europe.
It depends on the type of anime, whether you have an addiction to it like some weird fucking weeaboo, and if you have a 2D waifu. If you're into Boku no Pico for instance, you probably shouldn't be here.
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Alright will keep that in mind later
> read the document, they show crime statistics but those statistics are controlled by the elite, and it doesn't show whether they were criminals and savages by nature or not
On crime stqts there must be understood the proportion than percentage itself which hasbara or simple shill fear 
> So is there any evidence that shows blacks are the apes they actually are?
Try to dig into historical records from colonial era and just for the start look into africa addio documentary on yt original italian cut with subtitles 
Maybe if i manage to find it i can also send the genetics of a nigger and how they have dementia in the genes 
Or if you can manage to get in the contact you can ask those who were suicidal enough to be in africa as humanitarian help workers
Depends which and what ones
There is not much problem with artstyle itself if made actually properly and not to be an power point slideshow with extra steps
However as i look on present state of that genre it would need an same treatement as book burning in 1933 or that certain scene in jin roh wolf brigade and that raid in sewers
>  to it like some weird fucking weeaboo, and if you have a 2D waifu
I never understood those who obsess over waifu nonsense like that character exists in reality
Like sure every man has his type of woman but just because some character is written and fits that requirements it doesnt make that character a real person
And if its a child then for those people i recommend a mauser mad minute therapy to skull with B patronne
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> Is anime inherently degenerate?
As long as its things like "League of the Galactic Heroes" I think it's fine. Just watch good stuff and not generic trash.

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