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> What I am getting from all of this 
Tldr there are no borders in jews slander or bad jacketing since as long as it sells it sells
However the power of suggestion is useless if archival findings are concerned and especially my personal favourite die rasse und kultur and organizationsbuch der nsdap
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Where have all the MGTOW gone? They were everywhere the last couple of years and now they seem to have completely vanished into thin air. The mgtow.com website is gone. The Reddit board isn't there anymore. Did jews pack up their shit because it wasn't working so well? Their women, as I'm sure you know, are the most insufferable types of cunts on the entire planet. I suggest we plan to bring it back in full force but for only jews'. Kikes love that "only them" shit.

It's all gone for the rest of us. Evaporated. Let's kick it into full gear for jews.
Ok. I thought this^ went without explanation. I'll explain. MGTOW=Men Going Their Own Way. It was a jewish plot to prevent breeding between two of the same race. The same as the majority of jew plots. They're gone now. Shut down everywhere I've searched. So we turn it around on jews. Make them hate women. Make them turn away. Cause them to stop breeding.
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> to prevent breeding 
I think it was just every guy not breeding though. Like all over earth. Or wherever guys could see that movement online

Women are usually really nice and pleasant over most part of the world. Apart from a few bad apples here and there in between. So I'm surprised this movement was ever a thing. 

Maybe the people who followed it had some bad experiences but found someone better eventually. So they just stopped following that movement all together. Dunno.
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I never understood the dementia behind the tought process from it
> We will undermine sexes further and the rising number of men dropping out of society which is set to despise them and at the same time carrying its burdens and then blame the consequences of these measures on parties that were ruined by these measures

The more pathetic thing than that maybe is only a self improvement turned into slave morality hustle culture
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> Like all over earth.
I would say it was mostly Americans. Western "culture". Degeneracy influenced.
> pleasant over most part of the world
This is not true for North America. We have feminist freakouts in every city square. The problems that I believe drew people into MGTOW are women taking positions of authority and traditionally male job titles at an increasing rate. When you combine women with what they have not been predisposed to for centuries, they become stressed. Long work hours. Not tending to the children or growing old alone with no kids but scores of cats. A man's role has long been financial or survival support. A woman's role has long been as a companion and mother. When those are rendered null, men and women become irritable. Witness genetic predisposition in any animal. Changing environments do not stop their instincts. We as humans are animals. The result then becomes an overwhelming number of stressed and pissed off couples - as they both have to work with precious little free time at home, 12 cats owning sad - lonely roasties or sad - lonely incels. And the free time any of them get? Spent on smartphones instead of socializing. Too many of our people were allowed to be influenced. We only make up the 10% of society that jews fear. As their influence only doesn't work on us, but does on everyone else.
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> Shit that never happened
> Cherrypicked people who either trough blackmail or betryal changed sides just like that rat Speer or cannaris
> Says bullshit that never happened again
> Supposed allies of nato even despite the fact nato and warsaw pact never made hostilities ie cold war never happened and it was a coordinated subversion of world
> Ignoring the thing where even reds empliyed ex wehrmacht etc personell especially in DDR
> Ignoring the thing that ussr and israel were best buddy buddies forever despite arab wars

Hitler never signed haavara agreement and it wasnt even popular within nsdap either compared to madagaskar plan
Your strawmanns are as.pathetic as your advocacy of judeo bolshevism or even your urge to gaslight that klaus schwab was a leutenant general of OKW with that shopped picture

Red cope is not history
Also resons why ussr was not eager to make israel a thing was btw 
> Trough uprooting fascism in europe so it can be given to jews
And my personal favourite
> Ussr being first nation to recognize israel before it was established and thanks by ussr and its satelite czechoslovakia it wasnt killed in first days
Didnt analyze that fully and it eas some year so tske it with grain of salt 

Whatever authentic or not its parts of contents which is mainly a foregin policy lost relevancy since he adopted real politik as surprise even hitlers views developed trough the time

Yes ignoring west politik and focusing on ost politik was applied however still it kept within real politik ie no imperialism

The matter with colonies is also irrelevsnt as actually his interest for these was severely low as he had no need for others only for his people
> Inb4 kolonialbund
Just becsuse it existed it didnt mean that it got special support and actually it was ignored by nsdap and later disbanded in 43 as a part of act disbanding non war effort orgs becsuse of war
I'll keep that in mind. So essentially, Hitler's viewpoints evolved through the years even past that book's contents which were already incomplete to begin with.

Is the book perhaps still of interest, as it'd be an accurate view of Hitler's direction for Germany if it was not drawn into a world war? Something that concerns me is that the historian attached to  the book is a jew besides its publication being well after the war which is almost always a guarantee of fabrication or intentional mistranslation.
Exactly. Konrad Kujau forged Hitler's diaries. Francois Genoud forged Table Talk. The Young Hitler I Knew is introduced by the jew H.R. Trevor-Roper and then "inexplicably", it seems Hitler's best friend August Kubizek randomly rants against Adolf's genetics out of nowhere. Kubizek stated that he didn't even recognize parts of the book after it was published.

So to reiterate what you've already said: NEVER TRUST ANYTHING A JEW LAYS THEIR HANDS ON
> So essentially, Hitler's viewpoints evolved through the years even past that book's contents which were already incomplete to begin with.

Yes and either scrapped or revised in final decisions
Simmilar example like in second books case was also with goebbels novel michael he disagreed to publish even when he was presented that it was for propaganda reasons as he wasnt the same in nsdap as he was before hr joined

> Is the book perhaps still of interest, as it'd be an accurate view of Hitler's direction for Germany if it was not drawn into a world war? 
Interest it would make however only as a showcase of how his ideas evolved, got refined or revised over time in the end during final application
Like for example the ost politik being the main aim of concern against ussr and west politik ignored as that wasnt a germanys sphere anyway(and how in the end revised by real politik later) or how he made 180 on british empire and its hypocritical foregin politics

> Something that concerns me is that the historian attached to the book is a jew besides its publication being well after the war which is almost always a guarantee of fabrication or intentional mistranslation
Thats always a dead give away to filter out poison ttough archival findings like people can do with trevors hitler table talks to filter often 70% of contents
Companies like Pfizer have a criminal record and the death toll in the U.S alone would have only been 2 million or less out of over 300 million, and the virus has a 99.98% survival rate, and the vaccine is experimental and hasn't even gone through years of testing, and the adverse reactions for the vaccine has been greater than any vaccine in history so far...can anyone explain to me and tell me more reasons why the "pandemic" was a hoax and show me more info like this that'll further help me piece all this together?
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If it exists, I don't have that. All kikes have is drawings. Anyone can make shit up for a drawing. What I do have is these, plus many more on the subject of the fake "gas chambers".
I finally got a sort of job despite being a loser neckbeard. I want to donate money to the white race’s survival, but I’m not sure where to donate that isn’t kike controlled opposition. Any suggestions? I’ve been thinking about maybe buying albums from artists like Triarii, Arditi, Xurious, etc.
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> I finally got a sort of job 
Congrats anon

> despite being a loser neckbeard
Don't call yourself that. You already work and can fend for yourself so you're the opposite of that. Maybe having a better attitude about yourself is a good start before you try doing anything.

And if you have a few extra pounds, it's okay too. Don't feel insecure about yourself. You can lose them later if you really don't want them anyway

> I want to donate money 
Maybe try to save some emergency money up first before doing anything. Help yourself before helping other people.

Some anon did a ranking list earlier for anons trying to fix things in the world. #1 thing is yourself. Then those around you. Then other people. Then external people. And so on.

Anyway, hope that helped.
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It's not jewish. Jews only claim ownership of many ideals and religions that they never came up with. Many people fell for their lies. I'm very tired of repeating this information, but you seem to be new and have never seen it before. So I'll say it again.

The Hebrew language origin is the primary lie.

The Codex Sinaiticus is the oldest hard evidence of the New Testament. The Septuagint is the oldest hard evidence of the Old Testament. Both are in Greek. Jews weren't first. Jews didn't invent Christianity. They stole. As jews always do Their common claim of it being theirs is as false as them claiming Israel for bullshit Rabbi prophecy. Christianity is not the enemy. Christian Zionists are traitors. Judaism is the enemy. If you pursue natural enemies of the jew, you're not focusing on the jew who wants you dead.
Everywhere in Europe and the Middle East, Celt tribes had the prefix Gal-. Galedones of Scotland. Gales in Ireland. Galicians in Spain. Gauls in France. Galatians in Turkey. Galileans in northern Palestine. Romans called the nothern region where Galileans lived 'Gaulantis', not Israelites. 'Galib' to the jews meant 'heathen'. Galib-lee meant 'heathens country'. Judeans lived in the south in Judea between the Dead Sea and the Negev desert. They originally came from Southern Arabia, from the mountain region of Asir. All Old Testament village names were from Asir. When Judeans founded Judea, they named new villages after their old ones from Nasir. After Judeans were expelled from Palestine, they crossed the Caucasus mountains to convert Turkic Khazars. Jesus's mother was Galilean. He whipped the jewish bankers for usury. He spoke Aramaic, not Hebrew. The bible warns about jews rather frequently in certain passages. The list goes on and I was already tired of this conversation after years of repeating myself.
Hey bud, I havent posted on pol as you know I stick to /news/ but I wanted to chime in here and add a bit to your excellent response.  I believe you are on the right path about Gaol/Gael as a root word, and I believe it refers to Gathelos, the husband of Meritaten also known as "Scota" who was the egyptian princess who founded Ireland and Scotland.  
The Scottichronicon and researchers like glen kimball are on the fringe of the jewish heirarchy but they are correct about much.  In fact, Akhenatan of the eightennth dynasty is where the current jewish world mob derives from, in that he broke with the priests of Egypt who were sodomites and this is why he established tel-amarna.  This is all historically verifiable from an examination of his father amenhotep III who used the term "aten" well before his son took that god's name as the ultimate eternal all encompassing true creator. Amenhotep III is the biblical solomon in this theory, and in fact, the original amarna tablets describe him as losing faith later in life and having a foreigngoddess statue delivered to him for its purported divine healing, which corresponds to the mythical bible tale of solomon, and in the amarna tablets this act is described as an indication of the pharaoh's unfaithfulness.  Solomon was Amenhotep III all research points to this being the foremost explanation..  
...Regardless of how people feel about the bible, its origins derive from this fracture, and even one of Adolf's biographers likened him to Akhenaten.  IMO Jesus was more elusive and uncooperative then the rabbis wanted, and he as you mentioned, shamed them and made them feel invalid as to their sanhedrin.  It is a historical fact that some few decades after the jews used romans to scourge and kill Jesus, that the city fell with three different Jewish dumbfuck pretenders fighting with one another as the romans poured into the city.  That's a historical fact.
Also Jesus mocked them by riding in on a donkey, which is an interesting thing to notice when you realize the shitheads in the temple were silk traders from babylon who had captured jerusalem centuries earlier and actually were the one who helped rebuild it with the corrupted jewish priests they had captured.  Thus by riding in on a donkey Jesus mocked Jews who carried their silk in donkey caravans everyone knew as they were like the tractor trailer trucks of his day.  He was saying to them any king they would have would be just another commodity to them.
In essence, the priests of Egypt had punished Akhenaten (who was actually the historical moses) for his disobedience to the elohim cult and his renegade ways.  The dueteronomist redacter shined Moses up, but he was actually the enemy of the jewish cult, and they hated him as a princeling who sent them into the desert.  So Moses leading his people away from the jewish child sacrificers is the true story, and they in their usual tradition, lied about him and stole his heorism against their foul deeds.
As a result, Meritaten, Moses/Akenatn's daughter and Gathelos/Joshua her man, fled to their original ancestral homeland which was of red hair (egyptian red haired mummies of the eighteenth dynasty are documented) around 1200bc.  These were seagoing peoples, and the nature of their boats is that few remain today.  Thor Heyerdal proved that the story of these people is larger than what the Jew would have us believe. Travelling by ocean is factorially faster than on land.  Thor H. proved reed boats could make it to America and gibraltar and that log rafts could go west from hawaii to indonesia.
and frankly, any people who set about stopping organized child slavery and sacrifice would pay a generation price for defying the elohim who are into such obeisances.  I can also refer here to the excellent book by Andrew Collins "Exodus: The Tutankhamun Conspiracy" which is the best description of the historical biographies of the rothschild family members of england who fucked up palestine and made terrorism a thing, invented car bombs, etc.   His book names names, and is a must have, and also concomitantly explains that carnavon and carter had snuck into the tomg of Tut and stolen the papyrii which would have revealed all this, and I even posted about this and made graphic at ATS around 2008 to show the hole they snuck in through.  This is all verified and factual.  Kimball is correct imo that Gathelos and Scota/Meritaten were good and the establishment of Ireland and the Irish Kings shows that to be true.  Their force was in opposition to the child sacrificing death worshipping Egyptian priests.
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Haavara agreement expulsion wasnt planned thing (no signing by hitler remember) but a neccesity of moment when they still tought they can negotiate after previous plans that failed and especially very desired madagaskar plan and lift embargoes imposed on germany shortly after nsdap got to power

> But haavara agreement created israel (someone says)
The amount of jews and resources in haavara was nothing compared to before and after the nsdaps power and on top of that there were different forces that hepled create israel called jewish terorrism and rheir lobbys power of terror

> Is the idea of the return of the Kikes to muh holy land and National Socialism compatible
Page 383 of mein kampf
> When the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the new national consciousness of the Jews will be satisfied by the establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine, the Jews thereby adopt another means to dupe the simple-minded Aryan.

They have not the slightest intention of building up a Jewish State in Palestine so as to live init. What they are really aiming at is to establisha central organisation for their international swindling and cheating.

Also only "claim" jews have on israel that arent overexxaturation or lies cannot be maitained as the verse from torah (or thalmud?) only stated that they need to kill caanites occupying the land to get their land they are heading ie genocide and thus have no historical or ethnic connection to palestine

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> even further after that commentary on people should work until they die
I think I posted about this earlier in another thread, but I'll just repost it now and expand more on the topic. He always makes those inflammatory comments for a reason: Exposure. 

The more crap he spews out of his mouth which he probably didn't even write himself and he had some unpaid interns do for him. The more people he gets tuning in to his crap content,website, podcast, whatever. The people tune in, the more likely he can make some book sales or conference sales or whatever he's trying to sell.

He's just doing a more pettier version of a marketing/sales funnel. It's pretty basic sales stuff. He's been doing the same thing for years, so he knows what brings him money.


> People get angry = more sales
> people post comments about him = more sales
> people make le funny image edits and videos about him = more sales

> generally disliked
He's also descended from court jesters anon. He doesn't care since in his mind: people giving him attention = "I'm doing my job" = more money and repeat le customers.

Then there's jester's privilege which explains a lot of things they do. It's all a big mess anon.
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> How did this video get so many views and stay up for weeks without getting taken down?

Here's what I'm guessing, new anon:
He probably had some unpaid interns make the video for him and he posted it on a fake yotube account he just made or had around he wasn't using. I think everyone who watched the video just gave him some indirect extra shopping money for Christmas and are completely unaware of how these grifter people work.

And you reposting it now probably gave him some extra money to buy his wife a new purse. You just got conned anon! 

He's been doing this shit for literally almost a decade. Why would he keep talking shit if it didn't benefit him? Cui Bono, my friend. 

He's not the first person to do that. Plenty of people have done the same dirty tricks he does. Especially alt-right "genuine" speakers.

I'm not even going to bother posting his name here. I'm not giving that leech any attention or money. I suggest anons do the same.
Unless you like giving him free money and attention though.
Due to the AIDSkike's constant pestering, sliding old threads to the front page and coming back from whatever vacation they had to be a fucking nuisance:

The word American is now ZOG
The word elite is now JEW

Plan accordingly
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So the Amerìcan elìte are the ZOG jews, got it.

These word filters can be very funny when they are not controlled by 4chan trannies, use them adeguately.
And be cautious with announcing them, these filters are often very weak and can be bypassed with little effort. Still a good trap for randoms coming in to push the jewish agenda.
> and coming back from whatever vacation they had

These jewbots never rest, they go into action when something that scares the jews gets posted. What scares the jews is mostly the truth about their crimes, or anything making that truth more visible, or less hidden from under all the jewish lies.
Something in the last few days must have set the jewbots into alarm.
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Look at this, the bot spam is going off the charts right now.
This board has only 3 or 4 real persons active on the average day.
All the oneliner posts are from bots. Something triggered them really badly.
It's AIDSkike. That is the moniker the spammer has been given because they tend to whine about "impending concentration camps" (typical jew fear #1), whine about the Gestapo (even though those haven't existed since 1945, jew fear #2) and used to whine that there was no cure for AIDS. They've been spamming here and /news/ for years. I used to say it's obvious it's a bot. Anons kept disagreeing. Yes, it's clearly a bot. I just deleted 27 of AIDSkike's posts.

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