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Lebanese here living in hyperinflation
the beirut port explosion commemoration is in 3 days
fuck kikes
fuck banks
and fuck hyperinflation 
ask me anything about the crisis
Lebanon is right above the illegal occupation of Palestine claimed "Israel". You're practically neighbors. Those kikes are the reason for your suffering. I haven't looked into Lebanon before now, but it appears Michel Aoun is another leader who cucks to Israel. Typical of the entire planet, honestly. I have no questions.
A lot of the Christians in Lebanon (de-facto the ones in power) have been nothing but kike-collaborators and backstabbers.
This is what you get for working with them, remember the allegory of the frog and scorpion.

t. Christian Palestinian.
don't the kikes oppress Christians in Palestine just as much as Muslims ?
i can understand neocon """"""""christians"""""""" cucking to the jews but not the Arab
Americans are completely retarded now.

Americans will look you in the eye and say smoking was banned because the state wants to get more money from cigarette taxes.

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