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Since it's October, I thought I'd be a good idea to discuss and have a thread over the October/Russian Revolution that happened in Russia. 

Namely that it wasn't even Russian since most people in the Red army weren't even Russian to begin with. 

It also wasn't the first one. There were more failed ones before the final one. 

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> 2. The October Revolution, also known as the Bolshevik Revolution that overthrew the Provisional Government and established the Soviet Union. This was a much more elaborate revolution where Red Bolsheviks planned a final blow, with six months notice. The democratic process was not viable and decided to declare the proletarian dictatorship.

Basically Bolsheviks set up elections after they murdered the Tsar and his entire family. Russians didn't vote for them and voted for someone else. Bolsheviks weren't so popular in the polls. Bolsheviks then chimped out and murdered everyone who was even slightly against them, even party members of the Red army.

> thought I'd be a good idea
It is.

> "Russian" revolution
> most people in the Red army weren't even Russian
I've never heard referring to it as "Russian".
It was called the Great Socialist Revolution of October or something similar back in the day by the commies. Was ridiculed that not one word is true from the name: wasn't great, wasn't socialist, wasn't revolution, and wasn't in October.

If I recall it right "bolshevik" means "majority". Even their name did not reflect reality.

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Some more info on the people that ruled over Russia and most countries in Eastern Europe afterwards. And then East Germany after WWII ended



It's a miserable read though, so brace yourself for it

> If I recall it right "bolshevik" means "majority". Even their name did not reflect reality.

Yeah I know. Bolsheviks hated Russians to the bone. And they hated themselves for it too. You can read my last post and screencap here. 

They already know how shitty they are. And those type of actions just eat you up internally

> It was called the Great Socialist Revolution of October or something similar back in the day by the commies.

Hmmm I see. So the name being used is recent I see

Nice thread. It becomes more obvious that those who claim "Bolsheviks weren't jewish" are talking out of their ass. To OP who bears the Spain flag, what do you know about the discussion of Spain in the /SIG/ thread?

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Summary: Basically, that anon believes Mexicans and Native Americans to be the same thing under "hispanic" as Spaniards are. In fact, his original goal before pretending to sympathize with caucasians ("whites") was anti Anglo. Which has always meant German. Anglo tribes, Saxon tribes. These settled England.

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> Summary: Basically, that anon believes Mexicans and Native Americans to be the same thing under "hispanic" as Spaniards are

Hehehe no way. They have wayyyy too much Native american blood to be the same. They don't look alike. 

And they hate Spain in general. Every imageboard I go to, they spread pure rabid hatred over us. 

I don't care since they're pretty much unofficially owned by North America from what I can gather. lol 

> Which has always meant German. Anglo tribes, Saxon tribes. These settled England.

Just more pointless wars were nobody wins except the people who instigate them. We don't need to PUNISH anyone since most civilians had no say in wars in the past. Most empires hired mercenaries to fight so why punish everyone for what a few did. Over hundreds of years ago at that. Does that help out? I can post more info later

> They have wayyyy too much Native american blood to be the same. They don't look alike.
Exactly. He falsely claimed America, Native Americans and beaners to be the same because of inventio/discovery. Also, "white" people (Caucasians whom he hated previously as Anglo-Saxons) should work with the "DACAryans". Which as one who lives in the U.S., I can say Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is completely for beaners. Calling them Aryan makes zero sense. My intent was to point out Spaniards are not the same. Many images suggest Spaniards are Caucasian by majority. But then the royal family was referenced as "Bourbons". Correct me if I'm wrong: Those French Kings did not originate as kikes. Which is what those brackets are for. As compromised as modern royalty may be.
> Does that help out?
Yes. I'm not as much of a student of Spaniard history as I am of Germany 1920s - 1945. More info later would be appreciated.

Not sure what that term means. But there's more to that topic than meets the eye. France invaded that country, and North America too. They probably left their genetic markup while they were there. 

It's a ranging topic so I need more time to look into everything

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It was even worse for children living there when the Bolsheviks took over. Soviet Union had an enormous homeless orphans population due to all of the instability and wars it had. Even after its dissolution, the number of orphans living in there was pretty bad


From wiki, the word they had for them was besprizornye, besprizorniki which translates to "unattended"

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i dont know where to put this into but here is a dug out archival finding yet again debunking the supposed antisemitic stalin and little know fact that ussr had a large crucial contribution to keep israel wiped out from map (apart of czechoslovakia, US, UK and some french help)

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What a hypocrite. He implemented such a described downtrodden society himself after brutally murdering the last Tsar and his daughters. UNARMED.

Which of course you already know Lenin was a sick fuck. The point of this reply is for others.

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