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i have heard that israel and Hamas are having a war at each other and  because those filthy kikes are plundering and raping and even cannibalize the Hamas people and making them miserable and ruin their lives because jews are fucking evil swines. and they fucking hate you and the whole world and they what World determination and they what to take over the hamas and robbing their money. We the nazis got to make a allies to the hamas to kill those evil fucking dirty Jews and israel once and for all because jews should not be allowed to kill and hurt others like that. because they have money and want to take over. they have gone to far we must help the hamas and kill israel now. and everyone who hates or ignoring that we what to kill israel and jews is a fucking jew yourself. Fuck israel and the jews.

> we nazis had conrol so those kikes couldn’t hurt anyone.
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> We the Nazis
About that word. No National Socialists call ourselves that. Though in the majority of sources, it's to be expected.
> everyone who hates or ignoring that we what to kill israel and jews is a fucking jew yourself
Never have denied that I want them all dead. I admire Hitler probably greater than any other. But his one major mistake was the jewish holocaust didn't happen and it should have. The minute they started spreading atrocity propaganda about liquidated kikes, he should have ordered their immediate deaths in every single labor camp. He SHOULD have killed 6 million kikes. There wouldn't be enough today to massacre Palestinians. I believe if Hitler knew the extent that their deceitful slander against him would last for over 70 years to come, he probably would have. Because might as well.

We need a damn time machine.
A great way is to destroy that state Israel and establish a Palestine that is Afghanistan-cubed (i.e., more conservative than even the Taliban, but less than ISIS). Christians can have a free pass. The thing is, leftists and kikes shall be extreminated like the plague.
Your suggestion needs work on this part:
> destroy that state Israel
Lets hope Hamas succeeds out of the simple fact the IDF are pathetic.

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