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It is a pretty slow board, but nah this thread is ok. Nice to see after a kike anti-white Soy poster who keeps spamming (and getting banned) here.
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Roastie toastie doesn't necessarily need to be a blonde whore. I recently knew a latina whore exactly like that. Right down to the Xanax and birth control pills. She mocked me when I said 'latina', told me hispanics prefer 'latinx'. Which they don't. The majority hate it.

Getting down to how I know that? Yes. I'm stuck here in this pile of shit melting pot. I've been here for over 40 years. I really should hate the product of mass immigration. But I don't. I hate the producer.
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To understand that namefag collection of shenanigans i would need to provide contex to why thats funny
The context was that individum in 2021 was very insufferable maggot in natsoc generals and lets say someone did some digging as it always devolved to him circlejerking himself
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Last image. What a sad schizo. I feel worse for whomever keeps the response images on their PC though. Both don't actually follow Hitler. They're focusing too much on bullshit and not the enemy. It's a common lie among degenerates to try to fit into niche places that appreciate the greatest man whom ever lived.

Also, the only "fetish" any Natsoc should have is women of their own race. Him being a confessed mulatto, he has no options and should dedicate his bloodline to dying alone.
> feel worse for whomever keeps the response images on their PC though.
It was necceseary by then to keep such things archived as it was and also still is that these people when its all exposed will for some time at worst half a year dissapear and then come back like nothing happened
I have one with some other individum but that one is just sad hasbara fallacy after another than some cursed dumbass who wa ts rhe brown shirt
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Self defense case where everyone does the slave morality of
> He is the evil because kids are kids
The irony even was that jewish idiot fell on that knife like it was not enough they went full retard to beat him because they were abnoxious
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> Some boomer shanked a kike or mulatto mutant?
More or less.

Boomer gets monkey jumped by a group of retards acting like niggers, you know how niggers always attack in groups against single persons, and how fatal wounds are very likely once a person is on the ground and the monkey pack starts to pound randomly from above, 
obviously there was also a jew in the midst trying to incite the retards and other mutants to group attack the boomer, 
the boomer gets dropped in the water, the risk of him getting a serious wound by the monkeys starts to feel real, 
then the boomer takes out his pocket knife and the jew ends up with the guts hanging out. The jew seems to have died in the process.

An happy ending overall, 4cucks was celebrating.
Obviously a jew run court declared the boomer guilty of not having passively wait for a pack of retards to kill or seriously wound him, as instead happened many other times when group attacks were involved.
At least the boomer still has his life, that's more valuable than any retarded prison sentence.

I only have a censored version of the video, there must be an uncensored version somewhere.
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> boomer guilty of not having passively wait for a pack of retards to kill or seriously wound him.
That kills any way of even trsing to... What i am even trying to say anyway as self defense is now so undermined its indirectly illegal to commit to it 
Glad that jew got consequences of his actions and reminder to not fuck with people for no reason at all which many forgot to be aware of
Typical of the ZOG "justice" system. It's like I said in the KILLING JEWS is SELF-DEFENSE thread. Apparently, even self-defense is illegal when it's against a kike. Which is why we need more people.
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> in our organization, we have jews
> in fact, Mr Gaddafi did not allow us to open our offices in Libya precisely because
> we had the courage to say to him, "We work with jews in our organization"
Fucking hell. I banned and deleted the posts of the wrong person. The ban was lifted. There's an Israeli kike hanging around here posting Soyjacks and gay porn. Repost if you noticed your stuff is gone. Stop using Soyjacks That's the jew's MO. Wojak is ok in the right context.
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> REEE the Arabs
You can't get rid of the all the tranny troons, the Arab invaders of Europe, the faggots, the fetish degenerates, without first removing the tumor that backs them all. They would disappear without kikes. Who's actually killing jews in Israel out of retaliation for genocide? It sure as fuck isn't Europeans.

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