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Does the banking system have any good use or good quality, after all the flaws are removed?

Is the banking system, and all banking as a whole, salvageable? Or should all banking be torn down and destroyed, as it's only functional as a tool of destruction and mass control in the hands of the jews?

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> Does the banking system have any good use or good quality, after all the flaws are removed
Elaborate on this aa thats a broad term to ask 
Money is nothing but a token of compensation for goods produced or work done that shouldnt be able to replicate itself ie having interests on it or be above of what it is ie mammonism or capitalism if you wish or to be the end and not means to end 

Manifesto on abolition of interest slavery from gotfried feder should be enough to explain it to you 
Work is the king and not the capital

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The current main issues with central banks, and all minor banks likewise, are:
1) private business printing money
(where such private business follow a set of business interests and goals which differ from the interests and goals of the people of a nation, turning a vital tool for the daily life of any civilian such as money management away or even against the wellbeing of the people of the nation)
2) interests applied over loans
(where the beforementioned control over the money supply by the same banks makes it impossible to repay such loans on a bigger scale, leading to the gradual enslavement of the people of a nation, or of more nations)
3) misownership of the deposits
(the bank using the money of their creditors against the creditors, the abuse of the middleman position which the banks hold over the money of their creditors, basically the usage of the stored money in the bank to further the interests of the bank at the damage of the creditor who actually owns those money) (a chief example of this is the banks financing the native population lower births and the mass migration initiatives and activities to take advantage of the housing market, financing all done with the money of the native population stored by the banks)

The private business money making is also a problem for a second reason, the issuance of more money into the economy acts as an indirect tax, by the devaluation of the money already in circulation, loss of value which is absorbed by the newly created money.

There is also an extra effect of the interests over loans, that is the interests over state bonds. State bonds meant as those loans a government or nation asks to fulfill their projects.
Interests over state bonds which can only be paid by the state as a fraction of the whole tax input, part of the taxes which therefore don't go back to the taxpaying people in the form of state services and infrastructures, but part of the taxes which is basically taken away by the banking system. Meaning that by the effect of the interests over state bonds, the people of a nation are directly paying the banks with their own taxes.
It's also relevant to mention the overwhelming ownership of state bonds by banks and other similar businesses, while the state bonds owned directly by citizens is a minority. This overwhelming ownership of state bonds by the banks further worsens the effects of the interests over state bonds. (whereas it would be a bit more sane to have state bonds to be bought and owned only by citizens and denied to any business, financial or otherwise)

Removing the interests over any transaction alone would not be enough, if also the issuance of money by private institutions isn't also removed.
If interests is slavery, countervalueless money printing is fraud and falsification.

Then again, a banking system without interests and money printing, can barely be called a bank anymore, but more of a safekeeping money storage, a coffer.
So in a way, the solutions suggested above seem more leaning on "kill the current banking system"

4) the bank mass tracking all economic activities done by the population
(tracking which can be reused as profilation for targeted advertising and manipulation of the client of the bank, which becomes mass manipulation of entire populations when all the clients of the banks are considered) (this issue couples with the state mandated obbligation of conducting business exclusively by mediation of a bank, by the obstruction and limitation to the usage of solid money outside of the banks overview)

> can barely be called a bank anymore, but more of a safekeeping money storage, a coffer
Thats what banks are supposed to be to begin with, state issues the credit not a private institution with the only desire to do so to profit from it
> So in a way, the solutions suggested above seem more leaning on "kill the current banking system
Yes as profiteering from printing money supply ie centrsl banking proved to be devastating compared to the state issued credit interest free printed in amount to finance projects and salaries of citizens as again money is nothing but compensation unit for work done or goods produced
Just like founding fathers of US printed and nsdap germany with gaddafi or middle age england 

Despite the fact the speaker, by both the sound of his voice and the jewish-influenced tendency to call himself "thug", is black: He seems to be trustworthy enough to tell  as much of the truth as possible. As opposed to jews with ulterior motives. I haven't finished the entire video yet though. Do let me know if there's any holocaust fraud bullshit lauded as truth later on.

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