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This past weekend Britian was racked by working class White British rioting against ZOG. Its to early to know what these riots will result in, but I think they are significantly important. For the first time in decades they are being directly challenged anywhere in Western Europe.

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I figured out what was going on. There were stabbings of "children" and now the EDL is responding. You're wrong, OP. The EDL doesn't fight ZOG. THEY ARE ZOG. People in the UK have been ranting about the gangs for decades now. How tweens will stab you with knives because those cucks outlawed guns. That's most likely what happened. A stupid shit lost a knife fight. Any time there's an entire group against Arabs, you can bet jews are at the forefront. That's their modus operandi.

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Well, that's a half truth. The true statement there is it was a nigger. Then Tommy Robinson stepped in, most likely for the Mossad because he is one, and lied it was a Muslim asylum-seeker so they should attack mosques, hostels and hotels. I'm disappointed this fucking kike has resurfaced.

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