how I see it Anonymous 1/4/2025 13:39:00 No. 95649 [Preview] [Reply] 8137c9 Actions report Translate Thread... Hide Thread Translate... Hide User Hide Post if we want white nationalism then only one path truly exists and it is not vooting. it is fighting, specifically with immigrants and non whites attacking whites, a sort of s.a. of our time
Anonymous 1/4/2025 18:44:00 No. 95653 [Preview] [Reply] 7965cb Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 120 jpeg (103.33 KB, 560x490) Race war is nothing new. It's instigated by the jew. Yet try as you might, you cannot fight. They'll scream for minority rights, shabbos goys and kikes. You can't defeat ZOG by putting down their dogs. Not as long as jews draw breath. The solution is total kike death.
Anonymous 2/24/2025 14:41:00 No. 102545 [Preview] [Reply] 8137c9 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post >>/95653/ based. Gas the kikes and kill every other filthy swarthoid
Anonymous 3/14/2025 07:24:00 No. 102575 [Preview] [Reply] a6004a Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post >>/95649/ > white nationalism Ah, yes, "White". My favourite nation.
Anonymous 3/16/2025 02:57:00 No. 102580 [Preview] [Reply] 7965cb Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post >>/102575/ People are always assuming wrong when they show up among us. National Socialists =/= White Nationalists National Socialists.=/= Atomwaffen National Socialists =/= Siegetards National Socialists =/= O9A National Socialists =/= Occultists National Socialists =/= "Right wingers" National Socialists =/= MAGA Trumpets National Socialists =/= Marxist Socialists National Socialists =/= Strasserists National Socialists =/= The Alt Right National Socialists =/= Believers in "the Master Race" (deception shift against when Hitler said jews want to be the master race) National Socialists =/= Neocon Conservatards National Socialists =/= Zionists (the most retarded of the accusations)