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==Politics. Conspiracy, Reality.==

Post about conspiracy, politics, real-politik, masonry, witchcraft, Illuminati, etc.

This is a ==FREE SPEECH ZONE== 

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Conspiracy  >>>/conspiracy/   Paranormal   >>>/x/ 
Horror: The Occult Deception >>>/horror/   Pizzagate: Occult Pedophilia  >>>/pizzagate/  
 Politically Incorrect >>>/pol/
==The Unhived Mind==
==Leo Lyon Zagami==

I will link stickies to resources and alternative conspiracy websites as they are suggested.
==Dark Outpost==

Dark Outpost 12.16.2022 Will We Get All Of The JFK Files?
11B X 1371
11B X 1643
Jay Winter

Alternate Analysis

==Lip TV==
Creepy Obama Death Threat Video, Or Movie Publicity Stunt?

The Book of Enoch is the source of the fallen angels rebelling and fighting against the angels of God story, and the source of the modern Luciferian Legend. 
The book of Enoch is non canonical in either Hebrew or Christian literature is apocryphal, but was cited in the book of Hebrews and in the Epistle of St. Jude so it was known to early Christian communities. 

The name of the leader of the fallen angles is Samyaza, later changed to Samael, (Not Lucifer). Another rebellious Angel Azazel taught warcraft, weaponry, war, and sorcery to humans.  The reason for their rebellion was to fornicate with hot earth women. They had babies called the Nephilim who were Giants. God destroyed them and cast them into a lake of fire and pit of darkness, and killed all of their offspring in the Noachian flood.

Source Documents:

Audio Book

This story was later confabulated into the story of the Fall of Lucifer

But it's best known from is from the Theogony the war between the Olympian Gods led by usurper Zeus against his father Cronus.

"Greeks of the classical age knew several poems about the war between the Olympians and Titans. The dominant one, and the only one that has survived, was in the Theogony attributed to Hesiod....The classical Greek myths of the Titanomachy fall into a class of similar myths throughout Europe and the Near East concerning a war in heaven, where one generation or group of gods largely opposes the dominant one. Sometimes the elders are supplanted, and sometimes the rebels lose and are either cast out of power entirely or incorporated into the pantheon. Other examples might include the wars of the Æsir with the Vanir in Scandinavian mythology, the Babylonian epic Enuma Elish, the Hittite "Kingship in Heaven" narrative, the obscure generational conflict in Ugaritic fragments, Virabhadra's conquest of the early Vedic Gods, ==and the rebellion of Lucifer in Christianity==. The Titanomachy lasted for ten years.[2] The Titans were imprisoned in Tartarus after the war had ended. Tartarus is said to be the deepest part of the Underworld and the place where the evilest beings are tortured for all eternity. "

"youngest child Zeus, by tricking Cronus into swallowing a rock wrapped in a blanket instead. Rhea brought Zeus to a cave in Crete, where he was raised by Amalthea. Upon reaching adulthood, he masqueraded as Cronus' cupbearer. Once Zeus had been established as a servant of Cronus, Metis gave him a mixture of mustard and wine which would cause Cronus to vomit up his swallowed children. After freeing his siblings, Zeus led them in rebellion against the Titans."

This story is literally the clash of the titans, with an alternate ending where the rebels win in the Titanomachy, but lose in the book of Enoch.
==Conspiracy Reality==
== The Eric Jon Phelps Show ==

Links to mp3s of the broadcasts from The Eric Jon Phelps Show:

Content is Calvinist Baptist Evangelical Protestant Christian Preaching, interwoven with a conspiratorial world view of current events and world politics.
==Michael Tsarion==
Special: The Hidden History Of World Religions - The Jordan Maxwell Show Radio Exclusive! 11/12/16 - Duration: 1:00:44

So my /pol/ thread was locked. Why? I have no idea. Go and check it out and come back here.

I was going to post this:

If someone could explain this:

> Be on 446 meters per second spinning & wobbling ball travelling through universe.
> You don't notice yourself spinning & wobbling.
> duh. this is because of gravity!
> but gravity is a weak force.. i can counteract it by jumping...
> ok, sorry, the real reason is because of your inertia, imagine you are on an aeroplane travelling 600 mph, you don't feel anything dawg!
> Yes, but an aeroplane IS CLOSED, try your stupid analogy with AN OPEN AEROPLANE.

They want you to believe that the air surrounding you are perfectly synched up with the spin of the world... So perfect in fact that you can't even feel the slightest effect from this...

So according to the OFFICIAL MASON(jew) CERTIFIED MODEL The WIND is /always/ moving along with the planet and it's not even according to gravity according to them - because this could be shown to be impossible, because of it's weakness -, it's because of volcanoes happening to spew out columns of air or something :S It's not shown on any models of the earth because supposedly it's completely hidden, or that is my assumption because i haven't seen an explanation of this from any official position. Here you can try out a live globe or fe map and see how the phenomena stack up:,51.106

In all seriousness though. I used to think this was nonsense too, but now iv'e been on a flat earth binge for months straight and the more i research the more i understand that basically everything we have been told are lies... Perhaps if you have a concerted group of people with money and power and control of the right journals, science is easily subverted... Not to mention control of the media... Hitler warned us and stamped out jews in both media and science.. there was a reason for this.

It's not a psyop. It's real. They measure the earth and they cannot find a curve. None of the ((explanations)) for this like light refraction check out. This is one of the thousand problems that exist if you look into it. There's engineers, professors, all kinds of people who are becoming FE'ers now.
==Roman Power==

Post in this thread about the Roman Power
==William Schnoebelen==
Mostly just curious to see if we're allowed to talk about this here, buthe if you have anything interesting to add have a go.
==Predictive Programming==

Post interesting predictive programing, subliminal messaging, and conspiracy related videos and topics here:

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