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So my /pol/ thread was locked. Why? I have no idea. Go and check it out and come back here.

I was going to post this:

If someone could explain this:

> Be on 446 meters per second spinning & wobbling ball travelling through universe.
> You don't notice yourself spinning & wobbling.
> duh. this is because of gravity!
> but gravity is a weak force.. i can counteract it by jumping...
> ok, sorry, the real reason is because of your inertia, imagine you are on an aeroplane travelling 600 mph, you don't feel anything dawg!
> Yes, but an aeroplane IS CLOSED, try your stupid analogy with AN OPEN AEROPLANE.

They want you to believe that the air surrounding you are perfectly synched up with the spin of the world... So perfect in fact that you can't even feel the slightest effect from this...

So according to the OFFICIAL MASON(jew) CERTIFIED MODEL The WIND is /always/ moving along with the planet and it's not even according to gravity according to them - because this could be shown to be impossible, because of it's weakness -, it's because of volcanoes happening to spew out columns of air or something :S It's not shown on any models of the earth because supposedly it's completely hidden, or that is my assumption because i haven't seen an explanation of this from any official position. Here you can try out a live globe or fe map and see how the phenomena stack up:,51.106

In all seriousness though. I used to think this was nonsense too, but now iv'e been on a flat earth binge for months straight and the more i research the more i understand that basically everything we have been told are lies... Perhaps if you have a concerted group of people with money and power and control of the right journals, science is easily subverted... Not to mention control of the media... Hitler warned us and stamped out jews in both media and science.. there was a reason for this.

It's not a psyop. It's real. They measure the earth and they cannot find a curve. None of the ((explanations)) for this like light refraction check out. This is one of the thousand problems that exist if you look into it. There's engineers, professors, all kinds of people who are becoming FE'ers now.
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Do this experiment then.  Get a piece of fruit, Orange, Apple etc.  Go in your car.  Drive at 60 mph. One hand toss the fruit upwards and try to catch it.  Did you catch it?  Did it hit the back windsheild?

Try it and post back here the results.
what does this have to do with the theory of relativity??

and here i was all this time thinking it just had to do with inertia.
I don't think it's possible to debunk this, but please try. Requirements are knowing how airplanes work.

You are flying an old propeller airplane. It has a speed of 200 mph. Now, when the elevator is set to level the plane will fly level, that is how airplanes work.

Now the curvature of the earth is square of the distance multiplied by 8 inches. So since the airplane is moving 200 mph that is 200/60=3.3 miles per minute.

So in 1 minute the distance to the ground should increase 3.3x3.3x8=88 inches. 88 inches in meter is 2.2 meters. After two minutes the airplane have moved 6.6 miles, that is 6.6x6.6x8=348 inches or 8.8 m. After three minutes it's 784 inches or 19.9 meters.

You can see how it adds up, and this plane does not have magical alternate elevators or something that could change it's pitch, so why is it that the airplane continues to stay level with a supposed curved earth?

Roman Power

Post in this thread about the Roman Power
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Eric Jon Phelps
The Jesuit Hydra in America
A unifying idea that ties all of the conspiracies together. 

Do you ever wonder if the illuminati and the initial christian churches, sending each other secret leters, worshiping Lucifer, were one and the same? 

If that were true that would mean that Syria, Turkey and Greece are very important and very powerful in the occult realm.
The initial Christian communities, essentially secret societies that initiate members by baptism, have a mystery school, and communicate through symbols and secret hand gestures. Happen to have an equalateral triangle as the symbol of their God. 

Send encoded messages between the churches as letters, the most bizzare and famous of these being the Revelation of John. 

Greek orthodox and Syrian Orthodox Christianity is near original occult illuminati fraternal Christianity. 

Rome tries to subdue these power centers, bankrupts Greece, wages war on Syria, Destabilizes Turkey with coups and plots. Maybe coincidence maybe not...
John Todd
http://endchan5doxvprs5.onion/.media/4c78f3e4ca75f14421b10a4c7b94de12-applicationzip/alias/John Todd Former Illuminati Occult Member Gives

Exposing The Illuminati From Within (Part 1 of 2) - Duration: 2:36:07.
Exposing The Illuminati From Within (Part 2 of 2) - Duration: 2:29:41.

The Prophecy Club Exposing the Illuminati from Within Bill Schnoebelen 1 - Duration: 1:54:52.

The Prophecy Club Exposing the Illuminati from Within Bill Schnoebelen 2 - Duration: 1:50:25.

Mostly just curious to see if we're allowed to talk about this here, buthe if you have anything interesting to add have a go.
That sounds like a political conspiracy to me!  Go for it, sounds good. I'd like to read more about this.  If you have info dish it.
Well the conspiracy website is run by it.  Go to that message board and type in tavistock to get banned.  That was the first thing that got me interested, but honestly I'm not much of a digger myself.
There are a lot of unfounded claims here - lacking source reference - but this is a goldmine ready for digging.
http: //

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