/polcon/ - Political Conspiracy

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Actually a Jew would say:

My God is the God of Abraham, the God of Issac and the God of Jacobb.  I have one God alone, and there is only one God. 

They would admit to their faith for fear of the lord. If they didn't then I wouldn't consider them to be a person of Jewish Hebrew faith.

Unless they were being persecuted...in which case they might deny it or conceal it. The smart Jews who evaded the persecution of the second world war predominantly hid their status and beliefs. I'm sure some got lucky though and got out before things got bad.

My policy is neutral, with minor moderation only if something gets out of hand.  Generally discussion should be about power politics, masonic and paramasonic groups, actuall political conspiracies, anything about the illuminati, freemasonary, grand orient and irregular lodges, p2 lodge, witch covens, satanism, predictive programing, relgious groups, secular groups etc.  Just post good info, or ask good questions in a thread starter.  I don't plan to delete anyones posts or threads, or to lock any threads.  I have no agenda except for reading, information filtering, and increasing understanding.  If you take an unpopular or adversarial position to any group that's fine too. I'm neutral, I'd like to hear about the debate / controversy.

Things to post in >>>/conspiracy/

Chem Trails
9/11 False flag
Moon Landing Hoax?
Media Lies...
Sandy Hook False Flag?

Things to post here in >>>/polcon/:

This board should be strictly for the discussion of organized quasi military discipline fraternity orders and their inter-related groups think tanks, leaders, members, whistle blowers etc.

Examples: Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, Scottish Rite Freemasonry, York Rite Freemasonry, Grand Orient Freemasonry, Memphis and Misraim, Ordo Templi Orientis, Order of the Golden Dawn, Temple of Set, Church of Satan, Scientology, The Church of Latter Day Saints, Illuminati, Music and Film Entertainment industry occult symbolism, General Occultism, 

Think Tanks: Council on Foriegn Relations, Trilateral Commission, etc...

World Governance Bodies: The United Nations, NATO, EU, etc.

Organized political groups, organized political ideological groups ( communists, facists, etc)

All other conspiracy topics post in 


Endwall currently runs both >>>/polcon/ and >>>/conspiracy/ . My purpose is to create freedom of speech zones after the thread locking and banning incidents on /pol/ and /x/.  

I only plan to remove spam, inapropriate material (porn, child explotation spam etc). Or gentle moderation if a thread goes haywire.

Flat Earth should go in >>>/conspiracy/ but since the thread is here already I'll leave it alone.

HARPP, Chemtrails, Flouride, GMO foods, secret science ( zero point free energy etc) etc. should go into >>>/conspiracy/ 

Also in this board: Historical Analysis of events like: The French Revolution, The Bolshevik Revolution, Socialist Communist latin American movements, etc. Speculation about historical or religious underpinnings of any of the discussed organizations and religious sects and cults is also acceptable content.

The Earth is hollow. Not only there were US soldiers that confirmed it, hence why there were silenced, but in books and literature (see jules verne) the earth is explored by the inside. Powerful people doesnt want humans to see the reality of things, they hide something about the hollow earth. In this theory the earth has 2 ways to access the inside: by the poles. The Antartica hole and the north pole hole. That´s why you see a bunch of soldiers guarding "apparently nothing" in Antartica and the north pole. At this point i´m 99% sure it´s hollow. The 1% is because i was not inside. But maybe i will, if people like me help to get us inside.

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