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11B X 1371
11B X 1643
Jay Winter

Alternate Analysis

Lip TV
Creepy Obama Death Threat Video, Or Movie Publicity Stunt?





Price: $6.16 A savage tale of multiple personality disorder, counter intelligence gone awry, forbidden love, powerful interrogation psychotropics, murder, Christian terrorist propaganda known as 11BX-1371, Jesus freak child predators, ill reasoned dogmas, mind fucks, memories of memories, stonings, witch hunters, sailboats, skim boards, seminars, Biblical fundamentalists, the plague, and a mysterious island where the Underground Church engineered a biological Extinction Level Event Virus that only a select few of an elite cult even know about. Available in ePub Format


Upside down Text 
Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman "St. Malachy's the last pope)

The rich shall die many times over
The hog will become brother to man

echo "Zm9yZWlnbmVycyBhcnJpdmU=" | base64 -d
foreigners arrive 
echo "MjAxNiBzdGFydHMgYXQgMjAwMQ==" | base64 -d
2016 starts at 2001

These slogans are tied to the flash imagery that appear in the video.   Also it seemed that the audio track also contains morse code, I tried to decode it but it came out as giberish. 
The message is clear from what is visible however.
Mushroom cloud over a city 1:02
We are all dead / Estamos todos meurtos 1:12
Ebola virus image 1:38
Hazmat doctors with respirator 2:05
Destroyed Buildings in City 2:32
MOSCOW Coordinates 2:34
Donald Trump Angry 2:49
PUTIN Winking 3:16
Revelation Come I MORSE 2  3:20
HEXADECIMAL Age of Evil 3:48
Facebook Zukerberg 3:52
Roman Eagle SPQR 4:13
Birdman Points to Upside down text4:40
Petrus Romanus 4:46 
The rich shall die many times over 4:50
The hog will become brother to man 4:50
Moon Landing Picture 4:52
foreigners arrive 5:16 Aliens + base 64 Text
2016 starts at 2001 5:34 Base 64 Text

General message:

The end-times people!! Wars and plagues, west vs east, Moscow vs Washington, the end of the Roman church, men reduced to beasts in the wilderness, then aliens come, 2001 a space odessy.

Ok thanks for wasting my time with that.

So is this all just a coincidence?  Supposedly a Rosicrucian doomsday cult was planning on releasing a bio-weapon that would wipe out 10% of humanity some time between 2018-2024.  According to Jay Winter a self proclaimed intelligence analyst.   This might tie in with RC christian and the Georgia Guidestones.  Or could be a coincidence.   Corona seems to only be 1% kill though...so it's not a good match. What are your thoughts?

11B-X-1371 - Who Was Behind the Infamous Plague Mask Terror Video? [Conspiracy Cases]

11B-X-1371 Terrorist Threat or Hoax? (Explained/Debunked So Far)

New 11B-X-1371 Video
New  11B-X-1371 Video!! 01101101 01100001 01110010 01110100 01110111 01111001 Video. Analysis, slowed down

The audio message in "Morse code" in this video,
11B X 1371 2, is the "Prophecy of the Popes"
of "Saint Malachi", about the 112 Pope on the list ,encoded in the same Latin letters down there are
exactly the letters that are in the code:
"qui pascet oues in multis tribulationibus quibus transactis ciuitas septicollis diruetur judex tremedus iudicabit populum suut"
"He feeds his sheep in many tribulations, after which the city of seven hills spend the formidable Judge will judge the people of the aforementioned"