Подгоревшего Ватного Пердака треад №00 Путин хуйло 1/7/2025 11:37:00 No. 709606 [Preview] [Reply] 8634bf Actions report last 50 posts Translate Thread... Hide Thread Translate... Hide User Hide Post Итт ватная чмоня Кал Жопыч Культяпкин докажет всем свою обожженую жопу, а ещё выпьет всю мочу. Основной язык треда - наскрип.
Путин хуйло 1/7/2025 12:30:00 No. 709800 [Preview] [Reply] 7c023d Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post Врумм-Врум! Эт въезжает на стальном инвалидном коне Жоп Калый, рьюзге багатыр удалый!
Путин хуйло 1/7/2025 12:33:00 No. 709801 [Preview] [Reply] 7c023d Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post РазБЕГается народ, пугается. Инвалид сидид ухмехаеца - " Тваь пороны! Эшелоки!" бормочит, всем конец. скорый пророчит.
Путин хуйло 1/7/2025 12:53:00 No. 709830 [Preview] [Reply] 56a973 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 8b0a23c0402826fbbd08d... png (950.62 KB, 501x485) МанЯфест культяпыча анонам до пизды, мемесы про колясок идут в Твиттер, сдавайся, БЕ3НОГNМ
Путин хуйло 1/7/2025 13:27:00 No. 709833 [Preview] [Reply] 1ec169 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post Снимок... png (4.78 KB, 337x47) Снимок... png (4.79 KB, 342x51) Ответ баринов на манифест калыча
Путин хуйло 1/7/2025 13:34:00 No. 709836 [Preview] [Reply] 30be75 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 112726 png (12.4 KB, 750x133) Ответ Алоизыча тупой инвалидине...
Путин хуйло 1/7/2025 13:36:00 No. 709840 [Preview] [Reply] f521ef Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post Как же Кал Калыча обоссывают. Почти так же, как нассали на пятаки приднестровцам... Даже на форчке над ним все смеются
Путин хуйло 1/7/2025 14:10:00 No. 709919 [Preview] [Reply] 770613 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post ущербный калич снова розбушевался
Путин хуйло 1/7/2025 14:11:00 No. 709920 [Preview] [Reply] de61aa Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post WIP-O-MATIC mp4 (8.19 MB, 824x1464 h264) >>/709063/
Путин хуйло 1/7/2025 14:12:00 No. 709921 [Preview] [Reply] b558bb Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post >>/709840/ Лахтинец ущербный, а мы его нормально выпизднуть не можем Это о нас не очень хорошо говорит
Путин хуйло 1/7/2025 14:14:00 No. 709922 [Preview] [Reply] 30be75 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post >>/709920/ Спасибо, Маэстро-нейрокун
Путин хуйло 1/7/2025 14:16:00 No. 709930 [Preview] [Reply] 30be75 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post >>/709921/ Твои токены хуйня, он уязвимость юзает походу
Путин хуйло 1/7/2025 14:22:00 No. 709946 [Preview] [Reply] b558bb Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post >>/709930/ Да какую нахуй уязвимость, капчи отлично распознаются индусами и неграми по 1000 за 3 доллара и давно защищают только от самого scriptkiddie-like флуда
Путин хуйло 1/7/2025 14:25:00 No. 709952 [Preview] [Reply] 30be75 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post >>/709946/ Такую, что дает постить при закрытом постинге, кроме магратеи
Путин хуйло 1/7/2025 14:46:00 No. 709999 [Preview] [Reply] 1ec169 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post Там похода гойда. Русские петушки порезали чеченских господинов
Путин хуйло 1/7/2025 14:52:00 No. 710010 [Preview] [Reply] 30be75 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post >>/709999/ Ух, подожду подробностев
Путин хуйло 1/8/2025 12:40:00 No. 712168 [Preview] [Reply] de61aa Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post >>/712150/ вот этот псто был вчера и не был удален, но тупой инвалид обновил ему дату помтинга. это точно эксплоит
Путин хуйло 2/2/2025 23:14:00 No. 721011 [Preview] [Reply] 887799 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 3425234234... gif (3.44 MB, 256x462)
Путин хуйло 2/3/2025 21:19:00 No. 721886 [Preview] [Reply] 887799 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 1512312 webp (73.32 KB, 600x788)
Путин хуйло 2/3/2025 21:33:00 No. 721910 [Preview] [Reply] 887799 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 16800171205... jpg (689.96 KB, 859x1280)
Путин хуйло 2/3/2025 22:07:00 No. 721994 [Preview] [Reply] 887799 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 4654 jpg (81.88 KB, 616x353)
Путин хуйло 2/3/2025 22:20:00 No. 722026 [Preview] [Reply] 887799 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 4112070 mp4 (126.13 KB, 288x290)
Путин хуйло 2/3/2025 22:59:00 No. 722149 [Preview] [Reply] 887799 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 16712256762950 png (165.27 KB, 433x577)
Путин хуйло 2/4/2025 14:31:00 No. 722271 [Preview] [Reply] 887799 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 36324623634 jpg (213.57 KB, 720x520)
Путин хуйло 2/4/2025 14:58:00 No. 722346 [Preview] [Reply] 887799 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 346234234 webp (1.39 MB, 337x321)
Путин хуйло 2/4/2025 15:13:00 No. 722380 [Preview] [Reply] 887799 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 735645645 jpg (708.56 KB, 1037x620)
Путин хуйло 2/4/2025 16:09:00 No. 722442 [Preview] [Reply] 887799 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 436323423 jpg (1.31 MB, 1900x1069)
Путин хуйло 2/4/2025 17:26:00 No. 722485 [Preview] [Reply] 887799 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 16725696426900 png (520.64 KB, 682x710)
Путин хуйло 2/4/2025 18:50:00 No. 722532 [Preview] [Reply] 887799 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 210007 png (492.36 KB, 578x560)
Путин хуйло 2/4/2025 18:58:00 No. 722560 [Preview] [Reply] 887799 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post download (43) jpeg (110.33 KB, 1024x1024)
Путин хуйло 2/4/2025 19:34:00 No. 722689 [Preview] [Reply] 887799 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 16737273902460 gif (903.08 KB, 250x250)
Путин хуйло 2/4/2025 20:24:00 No. 722804 [Preview] [Reply] 887799 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 16791480407200 jpg (345.42 KB, 768x768)
Путин хуйло 2/5/2025 14:22:00 No. 722963 [Preview] [Reply] c5f84d Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 53242424 webp (6.77 MB, 600x338)
Путин хуйло 2/5/2025 15:53:00 No. 722993 [Preview] [Reply] c5f84d Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 56345345 webp (763.68 KB, 600x340)
Путин хуйло 2/5/2025 17:35:00 No. 723000 [Preview] [Reply] c5f84d Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 2124833 png (167.17 KB, 378x458)
Путин хуйло 2/6/2025 17:47:00 No. 723039 [Preview] [Reply] c5f84d Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 1668244661684 png (652.59 KB, 800x1049)
Shiban 2/6/2025 19:10:00 No. 723090 [Preview] [Reply] d7150b Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post Króla jpg (496.29 KB, 583x777) Have to test something.
Путин хуйло 2/6/2025 19:12:00 No. 723091 [Preview] [Reply] c5f84d Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post American-McGees-Alice webp (110.91 KB, 1920x1079) Sure, why not
Путин хуйло 2/6/2025 19:18:00 No. 723092 [Preview] [Reply] d7150b Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post ucnle_Polan png (16.2 KB, 640x551) No poo is coming. A disappointment for once.
Путин хуйло 2/6/2025 19:23:00 No. 723093 [Preview] [Reply] c5f84d Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 568555456 png (349.61 KB, 768x768) >>/723092/ Hmm, not long ago deleted little spam. Anyway, i'm off for today.
Путин хуйло 2/6/2025 19:24:00 No. 723094 [Preview] [Reply] d7150b Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post poland-stronk png (8.56 KB, 277x182) >>/723093/ Thanks for doing what you do. Good night.
Путин хуйло 2/6/2025 19:27:00 No. 723095 [Preview] [Reply] c5f84d Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 15951321 png (396.27 KB, 900x900) Night. Thanks)
Путин хуйло 2/7/2025 06:35:00 No. 723120 [Preview] [Reply] c5f84d Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post лахторусня... jpg (77.29 KB, 576x463)
Путин хуйло 2/7/2025 14:21:00 No. 723153 [Preview] [Reply] 0c0381 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post Can't believe cripple decided to wipe whole board. He was thinking that typical ruzzke terror tactic of punishing others will work but he forgot he isn't in ruzzuia lol. Good work enchanon
Путин хуйло 2/7/2025 15:28:00 No. 723160 [Preview] [Reply] c5f84d Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 95345654 png (672.86 KB, 655x655)
Путин хуйло 2/7/2025 15:30:00 No. 723161 [Preview] [Reply] c5f84d Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 346453754 png (647.21 KB, 512x768) >>/723153/ Thanks for sharing some piss in the cripple's face/ He's in pain, so it's like painkiller for him)
Путин хуйло 2/7/2025 15:35:00 No. 723165 [Preview] [Reply] c5f84d Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 7666632d5599793474643... jpg (178.48 KB, 1024x1024)
Путин хуйло 2/7/2025 15:53:00 No. 723181 [Preview] [Reply] f8d5f4 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 82c01939-c22f-4... jpg (140.27 KB, 1036x1280) Suka
Путин хуйло 2/7/2025 19:34:00 No. 723193 [Preview] [Reply] 1f3fd5 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post https://youtube.com/watch?v=L8UQq9S8qro
Путин хуйло 2/8/2025 01:32:00 No. 723198 [Preview] [Reply] c5f84d Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 23624423423 jpg (806.92 KB, 1024x1024)
Путин хуйло 2/8/2025 10:31:00 No. 723208 [Preview] [Reply] c5f84d Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 352534734 webp (1.46 MB, 604x340)
Путин хуйло 2/9/2025 17:48:00 No. 723252 [Preview] [Reply] c5f84d Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 1 (1) jpg (409.73 KB, 1080x1080)
Путин хуйло 2/9/2025 19:13:00 No. 723296 [Preview] [Reply] c5f84d Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 16730919369922 jpg (376.5 KB, 771x856)
Путин хуйло 2/9/2025 19:59:00 No. 723320 [Preview] [Reply] c5f84d Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 12354213 jpeg (96.95 KB, 1024x1024)
Путин хуйло 2/9/2025 21:14:00 No. 723343 [Preview] [Reply] c5f84d Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post download (1) png (1.39 MB, 1024x1024)
Путин хуйло 2/10/2025 07:27:00 No. 723406 [Preview] [Reply] 3d84ec Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 08d76daa-7990-4d82-83... png (438.71 KB, 1080x1080) >>/723252/ Пофиксил
Путин хуйло 2/10/2025 12:08:00 No. 723447 [Preview] [Reply] 9a9e38 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post download (149) jpeg (123.39 KB, 1024x1024)
Путин хуйло 2/10/2025 17:39:00 No. 723461 [Preview] [Reply] 9a9e38 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post download (212) jpeg (101.44 KB, 1024x1024)
ОБР ОБР 2/10/2025 22:44:00 No. 723480 [Preview] [Reply] d510c2 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 1663348540... png (16.97 KB, 300x480) https://dollchan.net/b/res/275.html https://dollchan.net/b/res/275.html https://dollchan.net/b/res/275.html
Путин хуйло 2/11/2025 14:53:00 No. 723497 [Preview] [Reply] 9a9e38 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post download (577) jpeg (86.14 KB, 1024x1024)
Путин хуйло 2/11/2025 16:26:00 No. 723517 [Preview] [Reply] 9a9e38 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post download (613) jpeg (91.23 KB, 1024x1024)
Путин хуйло 2/11/2025 18:15:00 No. 723526 [Preview] [Reply] 9a9e38 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 3294707390 jpg (167.54 KB, 626x450)
Путин хуйло 2/13/2025 18:33:00 No. 723766 [Preview] [Reply] 4192a1 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post 34653432 jpg (63 KB, 420x604) 521223515323 webp (1.44 MB, 600x337)