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Posons, we're back in the tube tread.
There is no normal hat yet, if the topic rises (in a row), then I will prepare better and pump.
For now, just a set of theses or a stream of thoughts:

I am sure that this whole involuntary vaccination movement cannot be explained by mere self-interest or coincidence.
Everything that in the 20th year was called scarecrows of conspiracy theorists was consistently implemented during the 21st year.
All countries of the civilized world acted in the same paradigm (with the exception of Belarus and Sweden). All idiotic decisions were equally motivated and implemented in one sequence.
In many countries, even children have been forced to vaccinate (fortunately few have had time).
People continued to get broken through their knees even when it became obvious to everyone that vaccination didn't stop the spread of the virus. That is, the person refused to take mainly personal risk.
But he wasn't given that opportunity. Even with the potential refusal of medical care, cancellation of insurance, etc.
- people were broken through their knees like never before, I still remember the blaze of a couple from Lithuania who were completely thrown out of society simply because of refusal. People have really started to loom on the horizon.
Famine in the fall of 21. Austria passed all the necessary laws and was going to start planting in the 22nd year. And no one doubted that they would really start to plant. What a mess it was.
In Canada or Australia, I’m not talking about China at all, just like the script from I pet goat.
Vaccination was pushed not only for at-risk groups, i.e. people over 60 or with serious chronic diseases, but also for young people and even children. Just fucking think about it.
They push the mass puncture of children with experimental drugs on new principles that have not passed the normal cycle of testing on us. This is despite the fact that according to all statistics for ordinary children, this shit was
No more dangerous than the average flu.
- everything stops sharply with the arrival of a black cockerel of a super-virulent and light omicron and immediately the faithful chick of the nest of Shvab Popych begins specialization.

The last thread is drowning here >>/258909/

So what's that about?
About how the anti-vaxxers fucked up with their "five-billion swarms from death in the spring"?
Or the fact that “there is no virus in fact, this is you abmanul, but mine is not?”
So, my friend, now it is not 2020, now almost everyone has been ill with a non-existent virus at least once, and everyone has examples of relatives who have accumulated from the “ordinary cold”.
Your idiocy won't fly.

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I think now, in principle, it does not matter what they roll out like a poster, virus X or Ebola with smallpox.
It is much more important to understand that everything will be divided into quarantine zones.
And before that, all cockroaches will be dispersed to camps and / or locked in designated recycling zones.
Covidla was a workout to identify weaknesses.
It'll be moaning and waiting for signs of infection, and when it starts and they realize that it's not about viruses or anything like that, it'll be impossible to escape.
About the Zones a lot was shown, but I do not tire of repeating, you want to know how it will be - watch and review the clip of a little-known kiwi singer:
Princess Chelsea - We're So Lost
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=5xrRi9urn4s&list=PL9MEKeO45UtVQaw6REipnxV-gAcTawy_T&index=20
It's all there - the Zones and the contaminated territories and executions and pill food and strange new respiratory diseases and the Cleanup of the Planet. Just fine print.
Something will come with precipitation, something very toxic and caustic, which will fuck the mucous membranes and respiratory tract immediately to death, I think.

What a selective approach you have.

So, on the war side, you count all the collateral damage (destroyed cities, refugees, etc.), and on the pandemic side, only death?

And lifelong complications like autoimmune diseases, long covid (as a result of which people literally become bedridden patients) and other complications?

Destroyed cities can be rebuilt, damaged PNS to regenerate in any case, we do not yet know how to drive an immunka that has gone wild only in a small number of cases.

>> If I ever meet you, I'll trample your stupid fuck just for comparing the war in my country to a covidla.
And if I meet you, I'll trample your fucker for comparing a planetary cunt, from which you can only hide on a personal island, which will still be back for decades due to complications, with a local exUSSR-varusha

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Accidental Virus Release May Have Triggered Mysterious 1977 Pandemic

Was it simply a coincidence that within months of Pvt. Lewis' death from H1N1 swine flu, a heretofore extinct H1N1 influenza strain suddenly reentered the human population? Influenza virologists around the world had for years been using freezers to store influenza virus strains, including some that had gone extinct in the wild. Fears of a new H1N1 swine flu pandemic in 1976 in the United States had prompted a worldwide surge in research on H1N1 viruses and vaccines. Years after the reemergence, Palese, the microbiologist, reflected on personal conversations he had at the time with Chi-Ming Chu, the leading Chinese expert on influenza. Palese wrote in 2004 that "the introduction of the 1977 H1N1 virus is now thought to be the result of vaccine trials in the Far East involving the challenge of several thousand military recruits with live H1N1 virus."


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In the U.S., gt kits are already sold. They're anti-parasitic like I said. That is, we are talking about combat strains of pathogens such as plasmas of malaria pathogens and atypical forms of pneumonia.

Chinese brothers ran to hospitals for medical examination.
Two options: either rolled out a new virus and someone began to sneeze often, or it is associated with the reforms of the local health care system, like Rashkin – where every hospital to write off costs to the budget and insurance must report on pee-poop beds, so that the Chinese were forced to be treated for plastic sores.
Outbreaks Erupt Across China, Hospitals Overwhelmed

Let him be in the thread.

Mycoplasma pneumonia

A pathogen is an intracellular parasite, a bacteria.
Mycoplasma pneumoniae

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FINAL REPORT: COVID Select Concludes 2-Year Investigation, Issues 500+ Page Final Report on Lessons Learned and the Path Forward


А вы знали, что оказывается этот вир

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FBI Director Kashyap Pramod Vinod Patel:

CIA Director Gina Haspel sent her operatives to lie to the world about the origins of the COVID-19 virus to advance the ideas of MD Anthony Fauci.

Did you slap a spoon