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The most twisted and distorted thread of /endpone/ is here!
This is a place where the images shown are not real, your eyes will be tricked to no end and you´ll see how the surreal world conquers your view of those images that you had seen before.
The brony fandom was originally the combination of /co/+ /b/. The /co/ part is that this thread focuses on pony images. However, the /b/ side of this follows the same famous line that its original board shows: "Anything posted here are autistic works of fiction, only a fool would take them seriously." This means that nothing here actually exists but another version of that fictional material and only naive people would see them as fresh original content. Don´t worry, the actual images will be posted (not always together) for drawing comparisons and notice the details between them.
Let me sum it up by quoting these lyrics:
> Truth is false and logic lost
> Now the fourth dimension is crossed
> You have entered the twilight zone
> Beyond this world strange things are known
> Use the key, unlock the door
> See what your fate might have in store
> Come explore your dreams' creation
> Enter this world of imagination
The Twilight Zone by Rush (1976).
With this warning said, let the chaos flow!
Previous thread: >>/678/