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thumbnail of 1282034 partial color edit.jpg
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The most twisted and distorted thread of /endpone/ is here!
This is a place where the images shown are not real, your eyes will be tricked to no end and you´ll see how the surreal world conquers your view of those images that you had seen before.
The brony fandom was originally the combination of /co/+ /b/. The /co/ part is that this thread focuses on pony images. However, the /b/ side of this follows the same famous line that its original board shows: "Anything posted here are autistic works of fiction, only a fool would take them seriously." This means that nothing here actually exists but another version of that fictional material and only naive people would see them as fresh original content. Don´t worry, the actual images will be posted (not always together) for drawing comparisons and notice the details between them.

Let me sum it up by quoting these lyrics: 

> Truth is false and logic lost
> Now the fourth dimension is crossed
> You have entered the twilight zone
> Beyond this world strange things are known
> Use the key, unlock the door
> See what your fate might have in store
> Come explore your dreams' creation
> Enter this world of imagination

The Twilight Zone by Rush (1976).

With this warning said, let the chaos flow! 

Previous thread:  >>/678/

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thumbnail of the bridge mascot edit 2.png
the bridge mascot... png
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thumbnail of the mare that faced Sombra.png
the mare that faced... png
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emboss edit png
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thumbnail of cadence by aidelank edit for the Cadencebat story.jpg
cadence by... jpg
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Well, I think that should be a pretty good sample of what´s been made on the first thread. There are a lot of explanations and discussion about how they were projected and reviews of this material. 

/endpone/ Editors: 

Bridgefag: >>/3780/,  >>/3781/, >>/3787/,  >>/3792/, the bridge banner  >>/3793/ and the discovery of Canterlot Daily in his /go/ thread,  >>/3794/,  >>/3805/,  >>/3811/ (goth edit, also with Vaporwave and emboss versions on the last thread) and three of the edits of this post (Dolores, dark Amore and the emboss edit).

Board owner:  >>/3816/ (a test of how far he could reach with the compression) and the  >>/3793/ edit of that Canterlot Daily banner.

L23: what hasn´t been said before.

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> I actually made it after th fic though. 
yeah, I know, it´s just that it simply looks like it could perfectly fit for whatever you have planned with her.

> Though for future Bat Cadence appearances that is a path I could take. 
yeah, even if it´s taken to a derivative edition from the original picture, as long as it puts the reader into that concept and translates decently what you want, that should be enough.

> Now this is good. My asset is still a bit amateurish but now looks both purposeful and creepy in its own way.
yeah thanks. I doubted for a while about its brightness and I had to decide among 5 editions and decide which one should make the cut.  I have other versions of her (more red colored and with less brightness) and I can post them as well.

The main thing about it was making your drawing a little bit more complex with the flaws and give her a little bit of a bat feeling. I simply pressed my finger a couple of times inside the wing and the contours of her body were transferred to the inside of the main wing. Adding more sharpness, a partial color wash and the little adjustments made with the PC, turned out to this product. I haven´t made a chaotic edit that would make the cut for a good while.

It´s not like the first time I do this with your pictures.

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16667 jpg
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Definitely an improvement. Like it.

This is so cool! An old picture that wasn't a gem, but not horrible. It feels very Halloween or Autumn themed. It (and the original pic even to an extent) are kinda strange. Did ya have any special thought process or drive with this one?

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and this is kids, how you transform an over the edge gif to a comedic one (we already have a ton of suicide reaction pictures). It would make much more sense if it were a quesadilla though.

> Definitely an improvement. Like it.
yeah, simply using the shadows, a little bit of sharpness, clarity and more intensity in the color can end up with this result. It served me to warm up a bit because I haven´t made edits for a long time. Not that it requires any practice but what came right after it, it would make sense that I started with something as simple as that.

> This is so cool! An old picture that wasn't a gem, but not horrible. It feels very Halloween or Autumn themed.
thanks, I didn´t expect to see such a positive reaction because...

>  It (and the original pic even to an extent) are kinda strange. Did ya have any special thought process or drive with this one?
it is indeed strange and most likely, the most unknown territory to show. I have always feared about using more than 3 layers in any picture and without the flaw effect from the mobile app, this is probably the most recharged and saturated pictured that has ended up in this state. 

I didn´t know what to reach, it´s all been trial and error, modifying the adjustments until I created layers that looked correct to me. I kept going as if it was a video game and I have like 5 checkpoints/layers of images that I have saved during the process in order to continue, I cannot explain exactly what I have made nor what I wanted except lessening the cold effect from the original picture. 

I wanted to add a little bit more of brightness because it looks certainly awkward to me but I would ruin that aesthetic that you have described. I left it at that and after a certain layer, I played with the wings´ shadows and almost any adjustment would look cool with them by taking them into account.

I could analyze the process by judging on reverse but I have clicked on so many things and moved the effect all the time that it came because of having a good time while listening to dream pop rather than achieving anything in particular.

I couldn´t conclude nor comment about anything because my feelings were (and still are) mixed towards it, posting it for having this thread more active.

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> It would make much more sense if it were a quesadilla though.

Why didn't I think of that!? Yes indeed that'd be cool


I didn´t know what to reach, it´s all been trial and error, modifying the adjustments until I created layers that looked correct to me. I kept going as if it was a video game and I have like 5 checkpoints/layers of images that I have saved during the process in order to continue, I cannot explain exactly what I have made nor what I wanted except lessening the cold effect from the original picture. 
I get that pursuit. You were just moving on aimlessly with it.

> I couldn´t conclude nor comment about anything because my feelings were (and still are) mixed towards it, posting it for having this thread more active.

> it is indeed strange and most likely, the most unknown territory to show. I have always feared about using more than 3 layers in any picture and without the flaw effect from the mobile app, this is probably the most recharged and saturated pictured that has ended up in this state. 

I like it. I'm pretty sure I've seen some pics somewhere with a similar look before that were Halloween or Nightmare Night themed. I thought you may have been aiming for something like that a little bit.

> You were just moving on aimlessly with it. 
basically that.Again, I could make the explanation in a retrospective analysis of what adjustment I had modified the most between pictures but that´s a task which anyone can figure out from the eye itself.

> I thought you may have been aiming for something like that a little bit.
not even close, I only wanted to get rid of so much blue from the picture and get more dynamic by using the tone and the contrast. There were a little bit of a couple of effects in between and it escalated to a different variety of colors that didn´t go all that extreme. Now, that cost me to try literally everything just to guess what I wanted to do. It´s like shooting blind at random targets. Maybe I wanted to go further because it would be too predictable to deliver the same all the time. 

By the way, that´s quite possibly the best take I have seen with the emboss filter in which it doesn´t get too weird or collapses the picture with the effect in its entirety. Also, I must say that Candy looks like she has come from an 80s (maybe early 90s graphics?) game in this case. The thumbnail at least makes her look like a sprite. 

> Though the original is a bit too dark I see it as tranquil. The edit feels more like a departure than an improvement, with several different contexts depending on the mood. From happy to actually a little creepy.
ufff that´s up to a personal interpretation from the viewer. You are onto something. While I am editing it especially when I do it aimlessly, sometimes I simply don´t focus so much on the meaning but on the visual aspects. In retrospective, after a certain undefined period, the user gets to see the meaning of it without being so biased.

thumbnail of 2038227__safe_artist-colon-1jaz_princess+luna_female_lobster_seaponified_seapony+(g4)_seapony+luna_shipwreck_species+swap_underwater.jpeg
thumbnail of 2038227__safe_artist-colon-1jaz_princess+luna_female_lobster_seaponified_seapony+(g4)_seapony+luna_shipwreck_species+swap_underwater.jpeg
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> I can see why you like this one.
I knew that before this post, you had used more than effect just to arrive at this picture. I had never seen a similar edit that you had show before. 

> I'm not sure i remember everything I did it wasn't much but it seems there was a few steps I'll try to repeat it with something else.
if I had to explain everything I did in the edits, I would get crazy trying to figure it out. Normally, I would save a few copies of the process just to have a checkpoint/base material for the next step and apply the inductive method. 

Judging it without knowing the Photoshop effects, it seems that you used a derivative negative effect.

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thumbnail of 2013206A_very_small_edit_of_color.jpeg
2013206A_very_small_e... jpeg
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> Now, that cost me to try literally everything just to guess what I wanted to do. It´s like shooting blind at random targets. Maybe I wanted to go further because it would be too predictable to deliver the same all the time.

> You are onto something. While I am editing it especially when I do it aimlessly, sometimes I simply don´t focus so much on the meaning but on the visual aspects. In retrospective, after a certain undefined period, the user gets to see the meaning of it without being so biased.

I can understand that. Just trying to get your barings by feel and seeing where it goes. I still need to try to find some pics from the style I thought you were aiming for though.

> By the way, that´s quite possibly the best take I have seen with the emboss filter in which it doesn´t get too weird or collapses the picture with the effect in its entirety. 

Its actually the fabric filter this time. I ought to try to do more like this where I select just parts of the image. The only part I do not like is the darkened wing, I should have made it a different color or the same color of the rest of the image.

> Also, I must say that Candy looks like she has come from an 80s (maybe early 90s graphics?) game in this case. The thumbnail at least makes her look like a sprite. 

It's the cubism filter. She certainly looks pretty retro in the thumbnail that's for sure.

thumbnail of Invert_contrast_and_brightness_mess_with_color_slides_too
thumbnail of Invert_contrast_and_brightness_mess_with_color_slides_too
(486.36 KB, 0x0)
> I knew that before this post, you had used more than effect just to arrive at this picture. I had never seen a similar edit that you had show before. 

> Judging it without knowing the Photoshop effects, it seems that you used a derivative negative effect.

It looks like a more stylized contrast filter. I'm trying to  repeat the process, I know I changed the contrast and messed with some contrast and color filters but it seems like there was something else.

> Normally, I would save a few copies of the process just to have a checkpoint/base material for the next step and apply the inductive method. 

When I'm not messing around and being serious that could be a good idea, the only problem is when I'm in a bit of a zone and don't want to think about it if ya get what I mean.

Nice color addentions with that seapony Luna. I also like the lighting as well.

alright, you are making it really hard to pick just one because the base image is really great but some of these effects just add a cherry on top of it.

Ironically enough, this edit  >>/4157/ is technically the least impressive of them all for some reason. 

I will try to rank them in a quick way because it´s getting a bit late for me:

emboss<= emboss with supernova <<< eroded< ice blue=abstract< supernova=<the faded out 

The pink filter works pretty well for this picture (the ice blue doesn´t fall short either). Almost all the effect could be pretty valid for the image itself. The abstract and the eroded 
works for thumbnail and the supernova works great at replacing the sun/moon by bringing rays all over the picture. It almost looks as something inherent/natural to the picture itself.

thumbnail of 16667__safe_artist-colon-artist-dash-apprentice587_princess+luna_alicorn_crescent+moon_female_looking+back_mare_pony_raised+hoof_solo_traditional+art_w.jpg
thumbnail of 16667__safe_artist-colon-artist-dash-apprentice587_princess+luna_alicorn_crescent+moon_female_looking+back_mare_pony_raised+hoof_solo_traditional+art_w.jpg
16667__safe_... jpg
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thumbnail of 16667 1st step.jpg
16667 1st... jpg
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thumbnail of 16667 3rd step.jpg
16667 3rd... jpg
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thumbnail of 16667 4th step.jpg
16667 4th... jpg
(1.62 MB, 1652x2298)
> Just trying to get your barings by feel and seeing where it goes. 
do you want the whole process visually? I have all the pics for the process...well, I am uploading them all in order so you (and I) can figure out how "that magic" (if touching buttons is magic) happened.

> I still need to try to find some pics from the style I thought you were aiming for though.
finding autumn themed pictures should be easy to find (over 1k pictures on Derpi) but as for lo-fi/flawed pictures.....good luck at discovering any. Nobody wants to see a low quality image. Even if you found their tag, barely anything in its category would reach over 100 upvotes.

> I ought to try to do more like this where I select just parts of the image. 
going into a partial route could be a more playful method to try a few effects instead of the whole picture. 

> The only part I do not like is the darkened wing, I should have made it a different color or the same color of the rest of the image.
yeah, it looks a little bit out of place even though I thought you had added that color just to make it clear her bat aspect or something related to your vision about her.

> It's the cubism filter. She certainly looks pretty retro in the thumbnail
yeah, I had seen that filter before with this image  >>/3780/. It shows how situational some filters are depending on the image entirely. No filter is going to work in the same way all the time. Instead of looking like cubes, they feel more like a 32 pixel art by downgrading the definition. 

> I'm trying to repeat the process, I know I changed the contrast and messed with some contrast and color filters but it seems like there was something else. 
it definitely looks like the colors are sharper than the original picture and definitely doesn´t look like the invert filter could be applied here. As soon as you modify lots of aspects even if it´s a slice of that adjustment, you cannot remember the settings unless you record yourself for the whole process

> the only problem is when I'm in a bit of a zone and don't want to think about it if ya get what I mean. 
I don´t think that much about my images either even though in retrospective, I do care when they go further than expected and I have to put some logic into them. 

> Nice color addentions with that seapony Luna. I also like the lighting as well.
yeah thanks. Even though I can enjoy the original image perfectly, for the sake of editing slightly the lightning and removing the darkness by giving it a more vibrant look, I decided to make a "what if" into it and get both options for those who feel that it´s looks darker than it should have.

However, I didn´t have problems with that image, it´s pretty well received...

unlike the next picture which I am going to post next...

thumbnail of 2053694__safe_artist-colon-kp-dash-shadowsquirrel_fizzlepop+berrytwist_tempest+shadow_abstract+background_fizzlepop's+fireworks_signature_solo.jpeg
thumbnail of 2053694__safe_artist-colon-kp-dash-shadowsquirrel_fizzlepop+berrytwist_tempest+shadow_abstract+background_fizzlepop's+fireworks_signature_solo.jpeg
2053694__safe_a... jpeg
(1.38 MB, 1600x2000)
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thumbnail of 2053694 pc edit (2).jpeg
2053694 pc edit... jpeg
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I had to edit this picture. It looks great by itself but this fits into the oversaturation of color damages your eyes category. Normally the lightning would be the most common problem to deal with but this time, the image is set to get over a hundred upvotes because of its quality yet the oversaturation ruins the picture in the long run, looking absrud and turning off the viewer.

In comparison, this edit blows out its sparkly nature but an optional contrast should be there for those who cannot look at it for too long.  I like the image but unlike the seapony Luna case, this one needs to provide a little rest for the eyes. 

At least, that´s as far as I am concerned.

thumbnail of 681843__artist+needed_safe_princess+celestia_psychedelic_solo.png
thumbnail of 681843__artist+needed_safe_princess+celestia_psychedelic_solo.png
681843__artist+needed... png
(1.09 MB, 800x800)
thumbnail of 681843 first pc edit.png
thumbnail of 681843 first pc edit.png
681843 first pc edit png
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this image has been a wild one and the first one in which I have used the error adjustment. It´s more or less like the flaw effect but this one can actually fix pixels from any pictures....by clicking a lot in the circle and having a little bit of luck.

So I picked this image from the artist needed because the contour of Celestia looked really nice. There is one big problem though, how do you fix the rest? You cannot post an image like this without telling you that the "psychedelic effect" makes it colourful 
in a messy way. The original has like 30 upvotes and I highly doubt anyone out there shares this picture on the imageboards.

My first solution consisted in applying the monotonic image, (one single colour) so the rest doesn´t look so messy. I made this edit back in November.

thumbnail of 681843 final correction base.png
thumbnail of 681843 final correction base.png
681843 final... png
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thumbnail of 681843 pre flame edit.png
681843 pre flame edit png
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thumbnail of 681843 flame edit.png
681843 flame edit png
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so having removed that psychedelic effect and getting a cleaner result, it has always looked as something incomplete to me. Why? Well, the picture has technical glitches and this leads me to believe that this was a bootleg image for the artist, hence the artist needed tag. 

I´ve had like 14 checkpoints before getting into the final base material, removing all of that stuff that overloads the image. Sure I looked for flaws in other picture but here I have gone through the reverse route and I haven´t certainly accomplished it,there are some outlines that have taken some form while editing.
The main tool has been the correction of said errors and not all the times it fixes them but creates them as well. In short, a random gift and a curse depending on what you are looking for. As the image was pretty messy by itself, I have taken the freedom to experiment with a couple of edits out of the final material, particularly the addition of heat into the picture and...

thumbnail of a moon shaped pool.jpg
thumbnail of a moon shaped pool.jpg
a moon shaped pool jpg
(2.38 MB, 1200x1200)
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thumbnail of 681843 a moon shaped pool edit.png
681843 a moon shaped... png
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...a black and white picture by playing with the contrast and the shadows. 

The fanbase liked to ponify everything back in the golden era so I decided to mimic a bit this album cover which might be pretty familiar. Not for the sake of cringe but more like trying to accomplish something else after spending more than an hour trying to fix those random lines.

thumbnail of 1117662Another_go_at_it.png
thumbnail of 1117662Another_go_at_it.png
1117662Another_go_at_... png
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1117662Now_She_Has_A_... png
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1117662slightly_awkwa... png
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> My first solution consisted in applying the monotonic image, (one single colour) so the rest doesn´t look so messy. I made this edit back in November.

This first edit looks like another Ice Celestia theme. I like it pretty well. 

so the final correction base is the one in you used as the fallback for your others?

> so having removed that psychedelic effect and getting a cleaner result, it has always looked as something incomplete to me. Why? Well, the picture has technical glitches and this leads me to believe that this was a bootleg image for the artist, hence the artist needed tag. 

Makes it feel like buried treasure amongst the trash, and you are trying to bring it to its potential.

> As the image was pretty messy by itself, I have taken the freedom to experiment with a couple of edits out of the final material, particularly the addition of heat into the picture and...

> The fanbase liked to ponify everything back in the golden era so I decided to mimic a bit this album cover which might be pretty familiar.

This ponification of th album is my favorite. It has a nice atmosphere to it. I can understand the fear of cringe, as both ponification and the dark and gothic could get you shouted with dead meme  well, partly dead meme  and deviart tier taste but I like the atmosphere of it and I've had way crazier ponify for the shake of ponifing urges than that... 

Second place is your first edit from way back in November,
A 3rd is the flame edit. Then your correction base and final the pre flame one which just feels like its in a lackluster state of incompleteness.  

This was just some messing around trying to correct my least favorite part of the image, her snout and mouth. With mixed though not horrible results. It just feels like most of it needs to be better realized/need to spend more time actually learning how to draw with my tablet.

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thumbnail of 1167832HIgh_Color.png
1167832HIgh_Color png
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1167832Looks_Like_She... png
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thumbnail of 1167832Messed_With_This_For_A_Bit_Feels_Like_Its_Missing_Something.png
thumbnail of 1167832Messed_With_This_For_A_Bit_Feels_Like_Its_Missing_Something.png
1167832Messed_With_Th... png
(1.32 MB, 3000x3000)
thumbnail of 1167832Yet_Another_One.png
thumbnail of 1167832Yet_Another_One.png
1167832Yet_Another_One png
(1.3 MB, 3000x3000)
This one I'm more split on which one I like most of these to edits. Though the final one barely edges out because I like th purple. The original image ain't bad and these feel more like a new take than an improvement.  

Indeed it can. Though I agree that it does feel incomplete, I have seen stuff of a similar vein in the fandom that I quite dig. 

Speaking of incomplete. These Cadence edits all feel incomplete to me. Much higher threshold of potential and I like them better, but they don't feel fully realized.

thumbnail of 2045208__safe_screencap_applejack_fluttershy_gabby_pinkie+pie_rainbow+dash_rarity_scootaloo_silverstream_spike_starlight+glimmer_sweetie+belle_terramar.png
thumbnail of 2045208__safe_screencap_applejack_fluttershy_gabby_pinkie+pie_rainbow+dash_rarity_scootaloo_silverstream_spike_starlight+glimmer_sweetie+belle_terramar.png
2045208__safe_screenc... png
(754.67 KB, 1280x720)
it can perfectly lead to interesting at least.I haven´t considered it too much until this edit but as I say, too easy to mess it up at random and really hard to master its aesthetic in an artistic way.Either the results end up in a postmodern mess or it gets a breath of fresh air
out of these,emboss fortunately works pretty nicely because of the curvy lines in her design.The filter cleans up and creates a contrast that helps at telling her body structure.
> looks like another Ice Celestia theme. I like it pretty well.
I could have posted it long ago but as I say in my previous post, I felt that something was lacking in that image that didn´t satisfy me completely.

> Makes it feel like buried treasure amongst the trash, and you are trying to bring it to its potential. 
that´s the point of editing leftovers from the artist needed tag or pictures that have little to no upvotes that can be potentially polished. I simply save a few images while clicking page after page for images that no one would post.
> so the final correction base is the one in you used as the fallback for your others?
eeeyup,I stopped removing the glitches with the corrector and I simply went through the ordinary editing again until I got the finished product.

I didn´t imagine that I would make a parody of this album at first, I am amazed that it manage to look so close to the original that I still cannot believe it.My main focus was about removing the errors and I kind of gave up at that point with those forms around Celestia left at random. 
I listened to that record again because of the news about a leak of minidiscs of 18 hours and I looked at the cover again. I cannot help but loving it visually (the music too but that´s another story) and when I posted it here, I couldn´t believe the results. 

> This ponification of th album is my favorite. It has a nice atmosphere to it.
getting to combine both things and create a symbiosis between them leaves me out words. I will say that I wanted to have an experimental edit with the black and white coloring but I didn´t expect to have it with this one.I didn´t have this picture in high regard at all because it has stayed there in the folder for 7 months or so. 

> I can understand the fear of cringe, as both ponification and the dark and gothic could get you shouted with dead meme well, partly dead meme and deviart tier taste
> I've had way crazier ponify for the shake of ponifing urges than that
yeah thanks. I will say though that the album cover art helped me to get a different expression for the picture and I saw it more like a solution after correcting the picture for more than an hour and not like a straight parody of it. Any fan likes to ponify everything but I won´t deny that music has influenced a lot when it comes to fics and in some way, through the edits. As if it wasn´t clear with the lo-fi edits you have a more explicit product of this statement

> A 3rd is the flame edit.
> orrection base and final the pre flame one which just feels like its in a lackluster state of incompleteness.
yeah,I felt like looking for the heat effect because of her Daybreaker side. It didn´t translate as nicely as it sounds in theory.
Also, you said that image seems like it´s a buried treasure from the trash. Did I comment properly about the original picture? I realized that the "psychedelic" effect isn´t that original from the original artist. Looking back at it, the image mashes up a vector of Celestia with questionable color decisions and the background...I didn´t notice this but it had the Hub logo and Twilight´s face behind, hidden between blurriness and the screenshots looks like it was taken in reverse
Can you imagine that the glitches were coming from Twilight´s face/eyes? I didn´t realize about it after comparing the edits with the original.  I don´t usually like showing ego here but this is the closest thing that I have turned into something that could be seen as artistic from a sample that it wasn´t at its core.

And yes, the official edit for this picture is the AMSP cover edit.

> This was just some messing around trying to correct my least favorite part of the image, her snout and mouth. With mixed though not horrible results. It just feels like most of it needs to be better realized/need to spend more time actually learning how to draw with my tablet.
I left that picture here long ago just to put more material to edit in general.

The black silhouette makes her look badass and out of all the mouth edits,it looks like the angled down works nicely but I wouldn´t have a clear idea what to do with that image tbh. The 2nd edit is my least favorite mostly because of the semicircle at the right of her mouth.

> Though the final one barely edges out because I like th purple. The original image ain't bad and these feel more like a new take than an improvement.
yeah, I left those two together because they would compete against themselves closely, basically leaving them just to see which one is the favorite of the two.

> I have seen stuff of a similar vein in the fandom that I quite dig. 
I haven´t seen it all that much. If you manage to post it, maybe they could give a spark of a few ideas....

> Much higher threshold of potential and I like them better, but they don't feel fully realized.
except the first one, I am pretty split between the other three. Maybe it sounds edgy but the red edit (3rd picture) looks like the most consistent one in her colors, despite the other two barely being behind. It´s all a matter of taste in this case.

the image is a pretty popular one on DA and yeah, that Star Wars pic sets a pretty dark tone for Candy. 

I cannot tell between the two dark green (?) edits but so I consider them equally awesome. Maybe they are slight changes (contrast or intensity) but to me, those two look the same. 

And for the other two, as far as I am concerned, the pinkish filter definitely looks more vibrant, causing more impact to the eye. Although I must say that the brighter edit of the green ones reminds me of those dark green pixels that appear in the old video games. I also must say that the intense edit resembles a military poster from a soldier/guard because of the green´s tone that appears in a standard uniform.

Honestly, I wouldn´t have a clear preference. I guess this is up to which one convinces you the most for your next material. In general, as you say, they look pretty cool and in my opinion, I find it more difficult to pick just one. This dilemma is what I have to face before posting a few edits here.

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Howdy, a quick PoLS with some edits I worked on eariler! I tried removing the backgrounds to some gifs.  This trick only works on some gifs that are formated a in a certain  way and while I can't say it's too terribly interesting on it's own it is something that might be fun with a little further editing. The AJ I resized smaller because I feared with endchan's 8chan chaos I may have a harder than normal time posting an 18mb file.

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thumbnail of 1749266RemovedBackground.gif
1749266RemovedBackgro... gif
(5.81 MB, 521x330)
Howdy, a quick PoLS with some edits I worked on eariler! I tried removing the backgrounds to some gifs.  This trick only works on some gifs that are formated a in a certain  way and while I can't say it's too terribly interesting on it's own it is something that might be fun with a little further editing. The AJ I resized smaller because I feared with endchan's 8chan chaos I may have a harder than normal time posting an 18mb file.

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thumbnail of 1749266RemovedBackground.gif
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Howdy, a quick PoLS with some edits I worked on eariler! I tried removing the backgrounds to some gifs.  This trick only works on some gifs that are formated a in a certain  way and while I can't say it's too terribly interesting on it's own it is something that might be fun with a little further editing. The AJ I resized smaller because I feared with endchan's 8chan chaos I may have a harder than normal time posting an 18mb file.

> This trick only works on some gifs that are formated a in a certain way and while I can't say it's too terribly interesting on it's own it is something that might be fun with a little further editing.
it´s quite fun honestly, it reminds me a lot of the RPG battles in which only the opponents matter and the backgrounds truly irrelevant. It´s a quite peculiar idea to be honest even though it seems quite tricky to domain all the pixels for the parts of the picture. 

For the TFH character fits pretty well I must say. 
> The AJ I resized smaller because I feared with endchan's 8chan chaos I may have a harder than normal time posting an 18mb file.
you can post it again with a more calm mindset, we are not meeting the same fate as them....hopefully (even though a few ones are claiming that it could come back(?)) 

now, that´s a pretty damn great transition. Into the hits it goes.

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also, it seems that I am the savior of Dashfag´s posts before Endchan went to a full crisis, hiding behind a bunker of 11 days. 

He has even attempted to combine his tastes with Rainbow Dash and well, this is a picture of several layers...

I am impeding him from doing pony related content and editing something over here, not to mention that I have left this thread aside for quite some time.

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thumbnail of StarlightGlimmerByTeaFlowerEditEraseEveryOtherRowFilter.jpg
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The basic edit looks okay, not a fav not a dislike. The more advanced one looks like one of those inverted creepy pasta images from the 2010 to 2012 (and maybe some would say 2014 era). Visually the Luna looks still to much like a 3d asset to call great but I really like the ripple effect in the background. Almost looks like cubism in a few places.

> it´s quite fun honestly, it reminds me a lot of the RPG battles in which only the opponents matter and the backgrounds truly irrelevant. It´s a quite peculiar idea to be honest even though it seems quite tricky to domain all the pixels for the parts of the picture.

I didn't think of it that way but RPG battles do fit. The idea I had with the fragmented gifs is that they perhaps could be modified or added to in other ways. Maybe some type of none cyberpunkish glitch art (well cyberpunk would be on the table, but I wanted to take it in a different direction).

> now, that´s a pretty damn great transition. Into the hits it goes. 

I'm almost surprised you liked it so much yet I can understand too because I find myself just staring at it as it fills in with pixels. All I did here was delete the background layer.

and one last thing before I go to bed. You have praised the background of the advanced image but I am quite surprised that you haven't noticed something hidden in my latest edit so far.

I will leave you wondering a little bit why it took me so many pictures by using the spotty correction but if you want a little hint from me,I suggest you to...

check a world map

With that said, have a good night folks.

> The basic edit looks okay, not a fav not a dislike.
I was considering that basic edit to leave it at there and after watching for a short period, I noticed that it wasn´t enough.

> looks like one of those inverted creepy pasta images from the 2010 to 2012 (and maybe some would say 2014 era)
as long as the image induces to some kind of feeling or transmits something else beyond a SFM, I´d rather stick with anything. I have picked this image because it appeared in the artist needed tag but let me tell you, I didn´t have any sort of expectations save giving another attempt to SFM edits. I was pretty much indifferent for picking the base material when it comes to 3d stuff. 

I might get an idea of the style from 2010-12 but I cannot picture how the trends of 2014 worked back then. 

> Visually the Luna looks still to much like a 3d asset to call great
da*yay*it, I thought that the background and extreme editing could have prevented from noticing it and hide her ture nature (maybe I should have probably corrected/deleted the shadows so her model gets more plain for the viewer)

> I really like the ripple effect in the background. Almost looks like cubism in a few places.
the funny thing is that unlike your photoshop program, I haven´t used the cubist filter for the advanced edit.Most of the time, I have focused on using the spotty correction for creating some sort of cohesive layers that change the colours gradually, especially around the moon (dressed up as the sun because of the luminosity and its whiteness) 

Now, about your three edits:the erase filter in the original pic doesn´t fit all that much for the pink colour.

However, I am torn between the other two images. The problem here is that I personally wouldn´t have a strong feeling to edit this picture because it looks completely fine. 

Leaving my vision aside, I don´t know what to pick because the erase filter works for the green tone. In the second picture, that filter delivers a slight vibe of nocturne rays/tech vision  so I suppose that associating it with that aesthetic really does a favor for this image. I don´t get that charm with the original pic + the rows of said erase filter though.

As I am one of those who sees this image as perfectly fine, I do believe that the simplest one also works here as well. This means that the clean version without the erase filter makes the cut as well, staying as a really classy pony with her brown mane. If this is an inverted edit, she looks great for what it offers.

thumbnail of 2136242__safe_artist-colon-moonlight-dash-ki_starlight+glimmer_chocolate_food_hot+chocolate_-colon-i_i+mean+i+see_marshmallow_mug_pony_solo_unamused_un.png
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> The idea I had with the fragmented gifs is that they perhaps could be modified or added to in other ways. Maybe some type of none cyberpunkish glitch art (well cyberpunk would be on the table, but I wanted to take it in a different direction).
well, you have shown very different results from your original intentions, so it has clearly deviated even though the aesthetic perfectly fits for the cyberpunk style.

It seems that you have considered BO´s words about how sick glitch can turn out and yeah, it shows that there is always potential. However, the material that you have used doesn´t seem to aim where you wanted to arrive at.

> RPG battles do fit.
for the image that you have picked, it clearly does.

> I'm almost surprised you liked it so much yet I can understand too because I find myself just staring at it as it fills in with pixels. All I did here was delete the background layer.
sometimes the simplest things work the best. When it works, it simply works and there not much mystery beyond that except for doing more tests and trying over and over again. 

You might have been surprised by my reception but I am one of those who waits and judges whenever the author feels ready to deliver the content to the public. 

About my reasons for finding it appealing, the lack of background prevents me from getting distracted with the colourful background and my eye only focuses on the moving pixels that are doing a transition, bringing more colour and paying off in the end with the full title. As you have said to yourself, the eyes only focus on how the pixels are filling the image but not the point where they fill all the image but some elements from it. My eyes don´t get distracted and they notice all the parts that partially compose this picture.

Keep in mind that you are not only taking a visual aspect but more like a psychological take, adjusting the impressions that the consumer can take about it. 

> It surprises me as well. CarrotDashfag is at this point almost becoming a regular. 
it doesn´t surprise me that much. I have found some proof of it in the meantime that shows his other side a little bit. 

He has also praised AJ´s image for looking kind of badass to him by the way.

thumbnail of 1847412__safe_artist-colon-rodrigues404_derpy+hooves_clothes_fake+horn_female_food_ice+cream_ice+cream+cone_ice+cream+horn_jewelry_mare_pegasus_pony_sh.png
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> what does he know?
I know that you have visited /flutter/ even though it´s not that much of a mystery for noticing it

> no all U want is 2d animation that is hand painted
you have described why the fans watch this show. That´s not a contempt but an essential part of the franchise.

> 3d forever
I was going to comment about the changes that the orange colour produced over the purple textures but...

I think....I think that´s not how 3d works.

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thumbnail of MyFirstOC.png
MyFirstOC png
(1.48 MB, 1200x1026)
I present to everybrony my first OC. Carrot Corn Betty. I sometimes ship her with Rainbow Dash and her favored  food is  Carrots 

Here are some other facts:
< is fat but hides it well

< is short but hides it well

< is autistic and doesn't hide it well

< secretly has a crush on Tucker Carlson 

< hates steroids

< hates steady state AI

< Thinks Derpibooru is amazing and can't believe how badly the weebs and furfags have lost the arms race

< hates manga that mention joy

< Loves taco bell

thumbnail of 2066015__safe_artist-colon-agaberu_tempest+shadow_broken+horn_bust_eye+scar_female_horn_looking+at+you_mare_pony_portrait_scar_solo_unicorn.jpeg
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> This was you right? 
definitely not coming from the Spaniard 

> yeah because I saw flutter. Im not polish 
the board detects it as if you are polish with your post. That ahppened to me once and I got the US flag for some reason. This phenomenon comes because Odili wanted to have some randomness with it and leave it at that.

> Although I prefer shitty 3D myself 
I am not the biggest fan of the source filmmaker models. You can do a lot of weird things with it to your own will but the textures feel like we are going back to the late 90s. There are a few gems with pony related content because of the scenery but that´s like picking a  nice three star hotel out of 200 ones that are not accredited at all nor have had any quality check.

> I present to everybrony my first OC. Carrot Corn Betty. I sometimes ship her with Rainbow Dash and her favored food is Carrots
hold on, Dashfag. I know that you want to post and spam your religion as if you are the next messiah to illuminate this site but you are running way too fast. You are excited about endchan coming back and all of that but you still cannot clear the skies in ten seconds.

Let me put things clear here. The pony I posted  >>/4558/ is not an OC, in fact, the pictures that come from Derpibooru show the tags and the thumbnail gives you an idea if that character is an OC or if it has an actual canon name. 

That pony is a special one. Even people who weren´t fans at all nor watched the show whatsoever actually knew her name: Derpy Hooves. You can check her wiki if you want but basically, that pony became famous because of an error in the animation from the first episode, she wasn´t supposed to be like that (she was copy pasted pony that stayed in the background, serving as filler for the screen) but fans posted the hell out of her and her popularity skyrocketed to such huge levels that any appearance from her would cause a big reaction from the fans...

and it happened. She talked in this episode for the first time:


Besides "varied" reactions from the fanbase, they decided not to call her Derpy and just leave her without name. This video has her name mentioned and it´s the uncensored one before soccer moms and a few offended ones decided to complain that it was an insult to those people. 

She disappeared from the map and she didn´t have any sort of relevance until a couple of seasons later with a permanent comeback.

I have written a pretty short summary and I´ll leave it at that for now.

Back to your post, you have certainly got right a couple of things for a newcomer who has no contact with the show:

> is autistic and doesn't hide it well
yes and that´s the main reason she was born and went from a copy pasted background character to a helpful secondary one that affects the events. She even saved Twilight Sparkle from turning into stone in the movie.... so yeah, that escalated a lot more than it should have been.

> ship her with Rainbow Dash
shipping doesn´t fit but I will tell that Rainbow Dash actually interacted with her in her first episode that Derpy had a voice.

As for the rest of your lines, either they are satire or you are simply disguising your views or descriptions about yourself. 

> Thinks Derpibooru is amazing and can't believe how badly the weebs and furfags have lost the arms race
and I don´t know what you truly mean with this one between your intentions of comedy.

also, one sad thing I´ve got to tell you, Dashfag. Her favorite isn´t what you want it to be. She has always had one special food from the very beginning:


You went too fast m8. Sorry to ruin it for you but it is what it is. The canon was written almost 9 years ago and there nothing that anyone can do.

> da*yay*it, I thought that the background and extreme editing could have prevented from noticing it and hide her ture nature (maybe I should have probably corrected/deleted the shadows so her model gets more plain for the viewer)
Don't fret too bad. I still like the image (and the cameo of Spain, which as a Texan I can totally relate to because we put Texas everywhere) and you could still go for a slightly rough style and make it work pretty well.

> U have shittaste 

> no all U want is abstract crappy indie game pixle art 
I don't know enough about indie games to make a judgment other than I recall people sometimes saying that a lot of pixel art is just laziness put under the shield of nostalgia

> no all U want is 2d animation that is hand painted 
I do value things that are hand crafted but what I'm really an enemy of is ubiquity of one method or idea at the expensive of everything else (like Cloud Computing). Besides MLP itself is flash animated and a lot of fans prefer the show style.

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> hold on, Dashfag. I know that you want to post and spam your religion as if you are the next messiah to illuminate this site but you are running way too fast. You are excited about endchan coming back and all of that but you still cannot clear the skies in ten seconds.

Carrots are enteral and I can clear them in 5 seconds.

> Let me put things clear here. The pony I posted  >>/4558/ is not an OC

I know.

> That pony is a special one. Even people who weren´t fans at all nor watched the show whatsoever actually knew her name: Derpy Hooves. 

I didn't know the backstory but I did know of Derpy. I thought her name was Derpy Doo and didn't have any idea anything else except she was a klutz or autistic. I don't know every detail but this isn't my first rodeo shitposting with you fags.  Like any one of your fagdom's shiter OC she is merely a preexisting character with 1 thing changed. She's a carrot corn with carrot magic. 

> shipping doesn´t fit but I will tell that Rainbow Dash actually interacted with her in her first episode that Derpy had a voice.

seems like they have good chemistry to me

>  She even saved Twilight Sparkle from turning into stone in the movie.... so yeah, that escalated a lot more than it should have been.

Is she basically like Jar Jar Binks but liked?

> and I don´t know what you truly mean with this one between your intentions of comedy.

This is for real though. I cannot believe how good derpibooru is and that it is custom coded. Look at any other booru and it is utterly lacking compared to it. I almost hate to admit it but that's one other feather you ponyfags can honestly put in your cap.

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> also, one sad thing I´ve got to tell you, Dashfag. Her favorite isn´t what you want it to be. She has always had one special food from the very beginning

> Dashfag. I know that you want to post and spam your religion as if you are the next messiah to illuminate this site but you are running way too fast.

< she is stupid

< carrots are better than muffins for horses 

 and you were betrayed by your own booru on this one 
It's CARROTdashfag to you.

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> I still like the image (and the cameo of Spain, which as a Texan I can totally relate to because we put Texas everywhere) and you could still go for a slightly rough style and make it work pretty well.
alright thanks. Just two aspects of the edit and we clear this topic out. The map of Spain wasn´t planned at all and I simply wanted to adjust the random lines that looked pretty ugly and random, hence you have felt that sense of cubism. While editing the middle of the picture, I was trying to modify it for a more consistent layer and I sort of made the north of my country. Then I joked myself about trying to see if I could do it just for fun and in the end, I wouldn´t finish this if I didn´t have its contours complete (the south and the west of it cost me a lot of corrections and clicks).

The other little sad fact is that I have tried that rough style and whatever I tried, I wasn´t convinced at all, nothing worked and I decided to consider this one as the final edit. I found no path to thrive nor any proper step to move forward and find something more interesting on top of it. 

In short, it´s the ending point because any other attempt would only lead to worse results than this.

> I recall people sometimes saying that a lot of pixel art is just laziness put under the shield of nostalgia
that´s a  pretty likely theory. However, pixel art can turn into an impressive tool if used properly just that the most popular cases end up in subpar results. Just like flash was for animation, the pixel artstyle is seen as the cheap one. However, flash has had its own success and appeal (MLP is one of its finest examples) while the latter has to make more efforts in order to become less infamous. 

> I do value things that are hand crafted 
it does require effort and some of its imperfections/eclecticisms are actually charming, Derpy came from a mistake of it by the way.

> I'm really an enemy of is ubiquity of one method or idea at the expensive of everything else (like Cloud Computing).
is this a metaphor about 3d in animation? or is it more a criticism towards one peculiar trend that everyone copies (like Dreamworks ripping off Shrek over and over)?

thumbnail of 1642357__safe_screencap_derpy+hooves_my+little+pony-colon-+the+movie_derpy's+sacrifice_gas_gem_hat_party+hat_pegasus_petrification_pony_rock_smog_sta.png
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> I can clear them in 5 seconds. 
prove it...


oh....she actually did it....

> I didn't know the backstory but I did know of Derpy. I thought her name was Derpy Doo and didn't have any idea anything else except she was a klutz or autistic. 
well, her autistic aspect is the most visible one to anybody so it´s considered as the starting point for identifying her. I explained like the shortest summary I had in my mind last night. I didn´t explain that from season 5 onwards, she got to have a voice and influence on some plot devices because of her work in the post office (mainly in seasons 8 and 9). Also, the writing staff also thought of her canon context for getting the retarded eyes. In season 6 (Where The Apple Lies, Ep23) she was seen in a very short clip that she was blindfolded and it literally confirmed that her autistic vision comes from a failed surgery in her vision. Not only she became relevant because of the fanbase but after having her as an established character, she got an actual backstory in the show as an afterthought.
> I don't know every detail but this isn't my first rodeo shitposting with you fags. Like any one of your fagdom's shiter OC she is merely a preexisting character with 1 thing changed. She's a carrot corn with carrot magic. 
I know. By the way, I haven´t personally created an OC....yet I have written about them dealing with a couple of different topics in their stories (one is about fear and the other one is about a prostitute). I won´t deny that some fans create OCs only with cheap recolors of established vectors but hey, they want to spend their time on that.

> seems like they have good chemistry to me 
unfortunately, I don´t recall seeing them together all that much after that scene. Rainbow Dash has become a pretty busy pony and Derpy has become an independent pony after finding her job in the post office. Derpy has interacted with Rarity,Twilight, the princesses, Big Macintosh and Dr Whooves/Time Turner. She reappeared in a Rainbow Dash´s episode in season 4 but didn´t have any dialogue with her. 

> Is she basically like Jar Jar Binks but liked?
hmmmm I don´t think that comparison is the best one. Yes, she saved Twilight from being petrified but that was a really short scene that didn´t have any sort of relevance after escaping from Canterlot. However, being a hero is not her role at all. She has ended up as the finest example of canonized fanservice. It´s something that the fans have gone crazy about but over time, her role has become more integrated to the show to the point where you cannot notice in hindsight that she was shoehorned because of an external influence at first. She achieves her place very silently, yet bringing a little smile to the fans because of her innocent behavior in the meantime.

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> This is for real though. 
> I cannot believe how good derpibooru is and that it is custom coded. Look at any other booru and it is utterly lacking compared to it. I almost hate to admit it but that's one other feather you ponyfags can honestly put in your cap.
I don´t want to throw flowers at the fanbase (because it´s going to sound obviously biased) but yeah, Derpibooru itself is a gem. You check other places for images and after using it, you see how barebones places like Deviantart, the anime booru or the furry sites truly are in comparison. 

It´s a site that you don´t adapt yourself to it but more like it adapts to you with really appealing custom options. Consider that the brony fanbase had a problem of infamy because of rule 34 and leaking porn of ponies in the google images search by simply typing their names (the excess of content was way too much to handle for the browser) so children would find that inappropriate content instantly.

This lead to build up a careful mindset about leaking that content. Porn is a huge titan that you cannot avoid at all and it will keep increasing so you cannot make it disappear.....but you CAN organize and filter it nicely, hence Derpibooru became so sophisticated.

It has filters and without visiting any other site, you can have it as a normal gallery or in the split of a second, use it for the most gore stuff or as your ponified Pornhub. You cannot complain about seeing NSFW content over there because the site itself warns you about it and you voluntarily want to see it if you want. As if that wasn´t enough, with your account, you can filter tags that you want to avoid so they won´t appear at all while browsing.

You can also skip the cringy/terrible material with the score option (greater than the score of 100 likes mostly guarantees it) so all that you get to see are the most praised images considered from the community....among other options.

That site is truly a blessing and while this sounds as cheap propaganda, I find myself surprised why other communities haven´t copied the formula yet. The accessibility over there is absolutely ridiculous and you can get everything you want in a very short period of time.

> It's CARROTdashfag to you.
fair enough

> and you were betrayed by your own booru on this one 
that image was uploaded 11 days ago and it has no source in order to check where it came from (also the user who uploaded it did that with no account at all). It could literally come from yourself and you had posted on /endpone/ before the existence of this edit. 

It has 37 likes though so if that one is yours, you haven´t got a bad result for an edit of this kind.

the board owner did those meta edits as well...

thumbnail of 1873303- walk_through_the_sky_by_whiteskyline-dcqz4sz.png
thumbnail of 1873303- walk_through_the_sky_by_whiteskyline-dcqz4sz.png
1873303-... png
(79.5 KB, 1191x670)
thumbnail of 1873303 mobile + pc edit.jpg
thumbnail of 1873303 mobile + pc edit.jpg
1873303 mobile + pc... jpg
(139.46 KB, 853x669)
so, I´ve been giving a few spins in my head and I think that we are using free software for these edits....so it would make sense to edit images that were created from a free tool...

this means that I should reconsider the comeback to the SFM models, making them a little bit more peculiar and focus on experimentation without having as many fears as I would feel while editing a high quality hand-drawn picture.

This one (pic related) was the beginning and it didn´t go right at all, let´s see if I can go further than that...

because, what could possibly go wrong with 3d models of this kind? 

We´ll see it  in the next Dragon Ball Z episode

oh dear, Twilight must have tested the new mushrooms that Zecora discovered last week. Her eyes have fallen into the colourful world of psychedelia.

I don´t know what the lines drawn in Paint are supposed to mean besides the contours of her mane.

thumbnail of 2004291__safe_artist-colon-jacob-dash-lhh3_nightmare+moon_3d_color+porn_fangs_fog_glowing+eyes_glowing+horn_grin_pony_smiling_solo_source+filmmaker_spr.png
thumbnail of 2004291__safe_artist-colon-jacob-dash-lhh3_nightmare+moon_3d_color+porn_fangs_fog_glowing+eyes_glowing+horn_grin_pony_smiling_solo_source+filmmaker_spr.png
2004291__safe_artist-... png
(8.87 MB, 4800x2700)
thumbnail of 2004291 slight edit.png
thumbnail of 2004291 slight edit.png
2004291 slight edit png
(12.09 MB, 4800x2700)
so I think that I am ready to take over the SFM pictures and edit them. I posted this reply  >>/4625/ just to make clear that I didn´t know how to handle them, so there is a lot of room to improve in my personal case.

Let´s start slowly with slight changes that don´t require much thought nor look outlandish from the original material, should we? Just simple adjustments here for aesthetic reasons and this falls more into a subjective perspective than anything else.

thumbnail of 1615373__safe_artist-colon-aidelank_oc_oc-colon-aina_oc+only_apple_bat+pony_chest+fluff_female_food_mare_small_solo_table.jpeg
thumbnail of 1615373__safe_artist-colon-aidelank_oc_oc-colon-aina_oc+only_apple_bat+pony_chest+fluff_female_food_mare_small_solo_table.jpeg
1615373__safe_artist-... jpeg
(403.14 KB, 3089x2160)
thumbnail of 1615373 comic edit.jpeg
thumbnail of 1615373 comic edit.jpeg
1615373... jpeg
(410.1 KB, 1188x1910)
as we can see  >>/4630/, I´ve only changed the brightness so it looks less turned off in comparison to the original.

Now, let´s put on the spotlight a one time character in the series: Pharynx. In the original image, we see the two brothers with the standard SFM models and this is where the filters come in to its very extreme.

I had mentioned that I would have less fears while editing these 3d images so I wouldn´t ruin a great picture at some point. What does this mean? 

Well, I couldn´t tell what the end result was but I am implying that this gets closer to those colourful comic drawings that stand out and look really vibrant yet really plain.

Can you tell any characteristic aspects or slight details of 3d in the edit? 

As we keep talking, the princess of the night is waiting for us, she misses our presence (by only leaving her aside just this post, she is sure impatient to become the star tonight).

Will she offer anything new?

thumbnail of 1575620__safe_artist-colon-nightmaremoooooon_nightmare+moon_3d_female_mmd_pony_solo.png
thumbnail of 1575620__safe_artist-colon-nightmaremoooooon_nightmare+moon_3d_female_mmd_pony_solo.png
1575620__safe_artist-... png
(1000.03 KB, 1920x1080)
thumbnail of 1575620 anime edit.png
thumbnail of 1575620 anime edit.png
1575620 anime edit png
(1.3 MB, 1259x802)
and yes, she really wants to impress us. As if the previous edits about her weren´t enough, she is willing to show another style here and now. 

Pharynx looks like it comes from a western style but someone over here could argue that it reminds a lot of the anime style.

Arguments or not over the previous edit, this one attempts to be a game changer and go to the extreme and beyond with the clarity effect. So much that it also downgrades the picture but simultaneously, makes it more plain and tricks the eyes if we are seeing a SFM 3D model or a screenshot taken from an anime.

thumbnail of 1074734__safe_artist-colon-reixi2525_nightmare+moon_3d_night_solo_source+filmmaker.png
thumbnail of 1074734__safe_artist-colon-reixi2525_nightmare+moon_3d_night_solo_source+filmmaker.png
1074734__safe_artist-... png
(994.33 KB, 1920x1080)
thumbnail of 1074734 change of settings edit.jpg
thumbnail of 1074734 change of settings edit.jpg
1074734 change of... jpg
(1.9 MB, 1368x1079)
and we are ending this series of SFM with a weird one.

Okay, let me put you in context about this one. This image has 18 upvotes so you can imagine that this came and went without pity nor glory for the community (by Derpibooru standards, I can´t tell if someone else has posted it over the imageboards)

Why didn´t this get any sort of attention? The good old blurriness that no one wants to see. We are living in an era in which everone wants a phone with a camera of high definition for photos and posting them without any pixelated mistake nor blurriness for attracting the followers on social media.

However, if someone has read this thread and the previous one, this blurriness doesn´t look good and one could wonder how to take something useful out of it, standing out a little bit above from the rest.

Well, what if I told you that Nightmare Moon isn´t actually flying in the space? Ladies and gentlecolts, we are not floating over there.

By cutting the image,leaving the moon aside, one can focus on the princess.

Everything could have gone wrong with this attempt but I hope that everyone can enjoy this as much as I did while editing it.

All this material was mostly edited last night in less than 2 hours with the exception of this post. 

> Everything but that's half the fun.
if you only knew about the process behind this one. If you only knew...

As for now, I am only leaving this final result but there´s more to show behind this...

thumbnail of FluttershyFiMCover1.jpg
thumbnail of FluttershyFiMCover1.jpg
Fluttershy... jpg
(1.05 MB, 1660x2550)
thumbnail of FluttershyFiMCover1Clothfilter.jpg
thumbnail of FluttershyFiMCover1Clothfilter.jpg
Fluttershy... jpg
(3.75 MB, 1660x2550)
> Let´s start slowly with slight changes that don´t require much thought nor look outlandish from the original material, should we? Just simple adjustments here for aesthetic reasons and this falls more into a subjective perspective than anything else.

Looks slightly nicer. Colors look a little richer. I dig it.

Brighter is better with this. The translucent effect on the mane looks especially nice with it a bit more vivid. Though I think overall the model itself is actually pretty good and the slight edit shows its strength. Her mane and tail look like jello, but they don't feel stiff like some other models where the princesses mane's look like rubber balloons.

This looks like the best if your objective is transformation. In truth it feels like a hybrid between one of those models and the comic style (I guess one might say it looks like cell shading) but it's an order of magnitude better than that dull puke green model.

Parts of the image look really well, especially the clouds. The main giveaway is the mane and the platform she is standing on which look in parts clearly CGI. It's visually confusing and I like it, though  >>/4631/ is the most well executed.

> By cutting the image,leaving the moon aside, one can focus on the princess.

Other than the stiff pose it looks pretty good. Almost whimsical in spirit. It makes me feel strangly happy... if that make sense.

> Everything could have gone wrong with this attempt but I hope that everyone can enjoy this as much as I did while editing it.

I did. It actually inspired me a little (though I haven't acted on anything with that bit of inspiration yet).

thumbnail of FluttershyFiMCover1Neonfilter.jpg
thumbnail of FluttershyFiMCover1Neonfilter.jpg
Fluttershy... jpg
(1.52 MB, 1660x2550)
thumbnail of FluttershyFiMCover1PhotoCopyFilter.jpg
thumbnail of FluttershyFiMCover1PhotoCopyFilter.jpg
Fluttershy... jpg
(913.05 KB, 1660x2550)
thumbnail of FluttershyFiMCover1RedShiftJustBecause.jpg
thumbnail of FluttershyFiMCover1RedShiftJustBecause.jpg
Fluttershy... jpg
(1017.86 KB, 1660x2550)
> if you only knew about the process behind this one. If you only knew...

If it's something that isn't too private than I'm all ears.

> As for now, I am only leaving this final result but there´s more to show behind this...

Same for the scraps I'm posting right now.  I'm only posting ones that don't reveal my  [REDACTED] 

thumbnail of 2149960__safe_artist-colon-trinoids_nightmare+moon_ethereal+mane_evil+grin_grin_lidded+eyes_smiling_smirk_solo.png
thumbnail of 2149960__safe_artist-colon-trinoids_nightmare+moon_ethereal+mane_evil+grin_grin_lidded+eyes_smiling_smirk_solo.png
2149960__safe... png
(1.23 MB, 1088x1477)
before I comment on anything else. Let me say that when it comes to judging filters, it becomes really difficult to put one above the other whenever I am editing, it really falls into a subjective taste and it really depends where you are trying to go with them.

So, about these comic covers, the two filters that stand out the most (to me) are the neon and the photocopy filters (if I have to pick). 

The former amplifies the contours of the lines and it can become really useful for certain expressions/ aesthetics. While this image doesn´t fit the most for a black cover, the colourful contours give a richer tone than doesn´t appear in the original. For the logo it does look certainly like a title from those creepy 80s shows but for the rest of the picture, it maintains the innocence. 

The latter not only serves as a great base for giving something to the kids to paint on it but also gives a clearer focus on the shadows and how they define the picture even more than the original.

The cloth filter doesn´t add up all that much and the only way I imagine its texture is if it´s painted in a wall in real life (which would be awesome by the way). And as you say, the red filter is a just because...

> The lines are just her main and me half thinking if I should try tracing it with a poor paint 2D border but I called off the attempt.

> Same for the scraps I'm posting right now. I'm only posting ones that don't reveal 
I see. Did the scrap have something to do with Mare Do Well or is it just a dark identity that comes from Twilight herself?

thumbnail of 1992943__safe_artist-colon-shu-dash-jeantte_nightmare+moon_alicorn_armor_female_flying_mare_night_pony_solo_spread+wings_wings.jpg
thumbnail of 1992943__safe_artist-colon-shu-dash-jeantte_nightmare+moon_alicorn_armor_female_flying_mare_night_pony_solo_spread+wings_wings.jpg
1992943__saf... jpg
(455.07 KB, 1447x2047)
> Looks slightly nicer. Colors look a little richer. I dig it. 
alright perfect even though I still keep that both make not much difference between each other, unlike the following ones.

> Brighter is better with this. The translucent effect on the mane looks especially nice with it a bit more vivid. 
eeeyup. By the way,I forgot to mention that I modified very slightly the contrast and not only brightness is involved but there´s more clarity. In this case, these adjustments play a more important role (still in a subtle way)

> Though I think overall the model itself is actually pretty good and the slight edit shows its strength. Her mane and tail look like jello, but they don't feel stiff like some other models where the princesses mane's look like rubber balloons. 

yeah, that model must have been recent or an updated version. Looking at the serial number, you can tell that it´s appeared much later than the first ones and it has a pretty good score (not over 100 upvotes but something close to them). I was wondering for a little while if this image was actually SFM for a little while.

> This looks like the best if your objective is transformation.
my last Luna edit tried to convey that and you mentioned over here  >>/4533/, it looked too much like a 3d asset. So yeah, my idea was to go for the heavy editing until getting the feeling of 3d, even if the background shows a lot of brightness. 

> feels like a hybrid between one of those models and the comic style (I guess one might say it looks like cell shading) but it's an order of magnitude better than that dull puke green model.
while posting the "descriptive story", I didn´t consider the style of the DBZ games but as I couldn´t remove the shadows, they become like the only elements that could give you a clue that this is a 3d model. 

> Parts of the image look really well, especially the clouds. The main giveaway is the mane and the platform she is standing on which look in parts clearly CGI. It's visually confusing and I like it, though  >>/4631/ (you) is the most well executed. 
well, I didn´t think that you would end up liking the Pharynx´s one the most. Before posting these 5 pictures, I thought this one would stand out even though I admit that the mane would be the main 3d element to point out. I don´t know if cutting the platform would make the image more awkward or more convenient though.

> Other than the stiff pose it looks pretty good. 
it had 18 upvotes and unlike  >>/4630/, you cannot expect much from these models even though....

> Almost whimsical in spirit. It makes me feel strangly happy... if that make sense.
I would like to know why it makes you think like that. I will admit that I forgot that Nightmare Moon could bring villainy vibes on this one for a while and looks more like an impish character with that face.

> It actually inspired me a little (though I haven't acted on anything with that bit of inspiration yet).
oh, that´s a nice thing to hear.

> If it's something that isn't too private than I'm all ears. 
I will reveal other personal thoughts for other works/posts. 
For this one, I meant to describe the working process in order to get to this result. Basically I am showing to you the steps of how I reached that picture and probably, you are going to like more the middle of the road content than the final result. 

Let´s see if I can expose everything properly without getting into a mess.

thumbnail of 1074734__safe_artist-colon-reixi2525_nightmare+moon_3d_night_solo_source+filmmaker.png
thumbnail of 1074734__safe_artist-colon-reixi2525_nightmare+moon_3d_night_solo_source+filmmaker.png
1074734__safe_artist-... png
(994.33 KB, 1920x1080)
thumbnail of Adjustments for the main settings. 1st step..jpg
thumbnail of Adjustments for the main settings. 1st step..jpg
Adjustments for the... jpg
(294.52 KB, 1920x1007)
thumbnail of 1074734 base for  the video effects.png
thumbnail of 1074734 base for  the video effects.png
1074734 base for the... png
(1.62 MB, 1381x1079)
Okay, so let´s go for the technical explanation behind this one because this one is certainly new. I am leaving all the programs and the  main guidelines to do it.

But first, we need to talk about parallel universes  (Oops,meme alert from SM64)

I mean, we need to talk about adjustments (1st step) and 3d effects applied into a video (2nd step). All of this by using the Photo application that Windows 10 offers so I cannot get more basic than this tool. 

The first step is pretty much the same that I follow for most of the edits, adjusting the values as usual. The thing is that I have actually checked the actual numbers that changes the settings with one single edit (I didn´t screencap nor write the values for the first attempt) and what I am showing here has less brightness, contrast and clarity than  >>/4633/ because I felt like Nightmare Moon fit more with less lightning, not to mention that it can damage a little bit the eyes in the long term. 

So yes, I have had to edit it with the two steps twice (from the starting point) because of the wrong adjustments in it. I will expose from top to bottom what numbers should be applied (not 100% exact but it´s really close) for this step (the program is in Spanish so I am translating them for the explanation):

From top to bottom in the screencap (inside the orange circle):

Clear: +32, contrast: -66, exposition: +55, luminous areas: +35, shadows: +50, colour: +83, tone: -37, clarity: 0, vignette: 0. 

By cutting the image until you focus simply on her, these values turn this picture from flying to swimming. Only a single layer from the original one so there is no need to go beyond these values and the edit it over the top. 

After the first step, we arrive at a checkpoint and I call it: "Base for the  video effects". From here, it doesn´t rely on the adjustments for advancing with the intended ambient.

thumbnail of Adjusting the length for organic development (2).png
thumbnail of Adjusting the length for organic development (2).png
Adjusting the length... png
(721.77 KB, 1906x999)
thumbnail of Available options (2).png
thumbnail of Available options (2).png
Available options (2) png
(1.38 MB, 1867x1003)
thumbnail of Adjusting the volume, placement and timing (2).png
thumbnail of Adjusting the volume, placement and timing (2).png
Adjusting the volume,... png
(1.32 MB, 1919x1001)
Note: I think that I´ve got all the values correct except for the tone. If you want a less greenish water, set the number between the values of -20 to -30.

So, after having the getting the proper values in order to make it seem like she is in the water, we have to go for the next option. Instead of picking the editing option, we have to click on the video with music option. 

What the hell would I want a video for this edit? Because it has the bubble effect and it´s most likely (personal opinion of mine) the most viable of the bunch that doesn´t destroy the fantastical settings.

Now, this effect needs some time to develop  organically during the video and make the image completely immersive so this means that we need to make a video with all the bubble placements and then, save a little clip/screencap from it and secure it with another set of adjustments (just in case).

The first image points out the length for making the effects appear. I tried a clip with 5 seconds but they all appeared too rushed for my taste so I went for a 35 seconds video and then I cut it, leaving a clip of 20 seconds (I am posting both anyway in the next post). 

After adjusting it, then the 3d effects come into play and this is quite possibly the fun (and the longest one). 

Not only one has to focus on placement, the rotation and the size of the bubbles but also you have to keep in mind how they appear through Nightmare Moon´s body (which explain I have barely put big bubbles under her body so it wouldn´t look unrealistic) and the black stripes from the sides because the 3d effects don´t take into account the picture itself. 

If I cut it inside the video program, there are missing parts of the picture so that option doesn´t count here. Careful not to drive the effects outside the picture, otherwise it becomes noticeable its man-made process (at least in the video itself, if one wants to edit all over again, you can right ahead for it and pick a clip of 5 or 10 seconds). The best solution is by adjusting the efffects into small ones for filling those ambient spots.

thumbnail of 1074734 35 sec video (definitive).mp4
thumbnail of 1074734 35 sec video (definitive).mp4
1074734 35 sec video... mp4
(25.65 MB, 1920x1080 h264)
thumbnail of 1074734 20 sec definitive video.mp4
thumbnail of 1074734 20 sec definitive video.mp4
1074734 20 sec... mp4
(17.37 MB, 1920x1080 h264)
as for adjusting the timing for each effect, that´s an option under your own will. You can make them either appear abruptly or subtly depending on your intentions.

In my case, I have decided to through a progressive evolution and give some time to adjust them and flow naturally. Either you put them from the start or you can place them after a certain period. 

However, there is a slight disadvantage: it´s really noticeable to make them disappear whenever their lengths end, so that makes it a little bit more complicated. The easiest route here is by putting them until the very end without needing to spend many neurons on this detail. If you want to replace them or make them bigger/smaller after a while, put the next effect right before the previous one ends (like 4 or 5 seconds for the subtle transition).

Now, this bonus task doesn´t interest at all for an image nor a silent webm but if you want to go with the full experience, the cherry on top of this would be the volume adjustments according to the size of each effect. This is for those who really look for the A mark but if you synchronize the sounds with every single effect added through the video, I will take off my hat because of this additional effort.

The entire video (the 35 seconds one) has approximately 20 effects all over its length. If you don´t have powerful computers,it will lag a lot so I suggest to save a series of synchronized effects first and then, add the rest over on top of the first video. The previous effects will be inherent to the video so the value of effects added inside the program will reset to zero.

*The format is in mp4 and they take up the same memory in the webm format. I´ll leave them like this for now but I think that I can share them with less MB.

thumbnail of Final adjustments (just in case the video modifies the initial values).jpg
thumbnail of Final adjustments (just in case the video modifies the initial values).jpg
Final adjustments... jpg
(307.49 KB, 1915x996)
thumbnail of 1074734 change of settings final edit (less brightness and clarity).jpg
thumbnail of 1074734 change of settings final edit (less brightness and clarity).jpg
1074734 change of... jpg
(1.3 MB, 1364x1062)
and now we are returning to the usual task, getting a copy of any seconds that you like from the video, cut the black sides and check if it has all the adjustments correct or if you see that the picture doesn´t convince you completely. 

In my case, from the image taken until the final product, I have set these values:

From top to bottom in the orange circle:

Clear: -10, contrast: -22, exposition: +14, luminous areas: -33, shadows: +19, colour: 0, tone: 0, clarity: 0, vignette: 0. 

And there we have it. No sorcery needed for this one. 

I have explained a lot of trivial/basic stuff but if I hadn´t done this in a detailed chronological order, I would have left a few holes in it(not to mention that it could become really confusing for spotting specific aspects/problems) 

It also makes visible the editing process behind my edits in which I add the "PC edit" tag on the thumbnails (even though I haven´t edited a picture for a few months on mobile, so I will tag them as mobile (+PC) editions instead because they are the rare case these days).

Despite having repeated this one because of that excess of clarity and brightness in this  >>/4633/ (realizing about that mistake after posting it, *facepalm), I have had fun while editing this and it was the right time to explain that the bubbles (among other filters in the video option) aren´t the standard options that I have used for this year and a half, not to mention that I have written in the values for the adjustments (I don´t usually do that)

I might have typed about this stuff in the previous thread but I believe that this is the most complete one that I have written on this board. 

I hope that after this dedicated explanation, no one raises questions about weird/alien stuff in the edits because I cannot use a more standard tool than this. I will describe a few things (if I get to know how I did them while setting up random values) and if needed, or at least, an approximate direction of what´s been done for each case.

thumbnail of 1298292__artist+needed_safe_princess+luna_clothes_dress_mirror_remembrance+(audio+drama)_solo.png
thumbnail of 1298292__artist+needed_safe_princess+luna_clothes_dress_mirror_remembrance+(audio+drama)_solo.png
1298292__artist+neede... png
(291.67 KB, 819x459)
thumbnail of 1298292 edit.png
thumbnail of 1298292 edit.png
1298292 edit png
(502.41 KB, 819x459)
so it´s been a while since I have posted here. I wouldn´t consider exactly these pictures worthy for standing out on their own so they have been there, inside the folder of the artist needed pictures. 

For the most part, I don´t see them as interesting as the previous images posted here, so they serve as leftovers in order to fill the thread. I don´t see anyone posting these pictures in the usual pony imageboards so definitely, these are pictures that one would rather avoid because other ones shine more.

I wanted to bring a different Proof of Life Shitpost with these edits (instead of shitposting comments about the show all the time) and well, I´ve been feeling pretty relaxed after the ending of gen 4 in general.

thumbnail of 08c47045bb67e11eb33e803954653659.jpg
thumbnail of 08c47045bb67e11eb33e803954653659.jpg
08c47045bb67e11eb33e8... jpg
(346.1 KB, 1400x1113)
Proof of life as well. In a couple of days I'll be getting to my review... or perhaps calling it my attempt to assess thing.
 It's turning out to be pretty long  I'll get to here in a bit.

>  and well, I´ve been feeling pretty relaxed after the ending of gen 4 in general.

Same, with a mix of emotion on the side. More at peace than before for sure.

thumbnail of 2176192__safe_artist-colon-lechu-dash-zaz_queen+novo_seapony+(g4)_my+little+pony-colon-+the+movie_solo.png
thumbnail of 2176192__safe_artist-colon-lechu-dash-zaz_queen+novo_seapony+(g4)_my+little+pony-colon-+the+movie_solo.png
2176192__safe... png
(559.68 KB, 774x1032)
it seems so. By the way,"Dolor" in Spanish means pain....just saying.

> In a couple of days I'll be getting to my review... or perhaps calling it my attempt to assess thing.
> It's turning out to be pretty long I'll get to here in a bit. 
alright, don´t worry, I am not asking for a rushed review because you anticipated that huge length last week and combined with the fact that we are talking about a finale of three episodes (1 hour), by the number it was going to bring more work at reviewing it than the rest of this season, with the additional task of handling the feelings properly (how to express them).

> More at peace than before for sure.
yeah the mood has noticeably changed here and considering the personal problems that you might be facing right now, it´s no wonder that there is more time to feel relaxed and come up with your thoughts with no pressure.

In fact, I try to not carry myself into an emotional state and think too much about the ending. There will be a point in the future when this event will impact me more than these days, so I stay chill with the fandom content and other things unrelated to this franchise. 

Anyway, PoLS as usual. Whenever you feel prepared for it, I will leave my comments as well.

I understand you consider these edits less interesting but  >>/4678/ is actually pretty cool transformation.

This one is pretty nice to me.

This one looks more dramatic.

These are all decent tier but I can see why you would find them uninteresting. 

This one is the most questionable. The colors with both edited or otherwise look kinda unappealing.

> alright, don´t worry, I am not asking for a rushed review because you anticipated that huge length last week and combined with the fact that we are talking about a finale of three episodes (1 hour),

I'm not. Been carefully considering my thoughts and working at my own pace.

> In fact, I try to not carry myself into an emotional state and think too much about the ending. There will be a point in the future when this event will impact me more than these days, so I stay chill with the fandom content and other things unrelated to this franchise. 

True, after all, why be nostalgic for something you are still part of? 

> By the way,"Dolor" in Spanish means pain....just saying.

I choose the name because Dolores. Oh well, that's actually kind of funny...  cue emo music 

thumbnail of 2179573__safe_artist-colon-livitoza_princess+luna_clothes_coat_coffee_snow_snowfall_solo_traditional+art.png
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> Been carefully considering my thoughts and working at my own pace.
nice. Although your thoughts seem to build a quite extensive review so I don't have a clear idea when I have to start with the replies. Nonetheless,there is no release date for them so as long as you are convinced with your own self about those episodes,the rest will come and go.

> why be nostalgic for something you are still part of? 
I will fall into that nostalgic state later in my life when a cycle ends and get to move forward. However,I cannot feel that for now and I ask myself how I have been able (well,you or any fan) to have the patience and interest after 5 years.The impact is already much bigger than expected....but it will also hurt more than expected. 

Anyway,you are right about that question.

> that's actually kind of funny... cue emo music 
it is indeed. 

Having said this,my reply is a PoLS in disguise.

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> I understand you consider these edits less interesting 
they are and I have admitted it while posting them. I had a couple of these saved in my folder as leftovers and I edited a couple more so I could expose a little gallery and give a little bit of activity here. There have been much better edits than these ones in the past. 

 >>/4678/ is actually pretty cool transformation. 
oh, that was the easiest ones ironically enough. I could literally pretend that I am a pixel artist when I simply used the pixelated filter from the video format that I had explained here  >>/4665/.. I used the spotty correction for a few spots and there you have the result. 

> This one is pretty nice to me. 
the biggest secret out of that one is that I modified the brightness/exposure and pick the purple tone (slightly). It goes from the night to a picture taken in the morning. 

> This one looks more dramatic. 
the edit is an excuse to expose that picture. I was browsing on Derpi and checking Nightmare Moon pictures that were around 20 to 50 upvotes. This one had 44 upvotes this thursday and I have given it subtle changes so anyone can pick between the two according to the personal taste. 

> These are all decent tier but I can see why you would find them uninteresting. 
yeah, I haven´t taken any risky move with them, in fact some of them took me less than 5 minutes. It feels more like a selection of the artist needed pictures that I have decided to pick instead of coming up with an inspiring vision towards them.

> This one is the most questionable. The colors with both edited or otherwise look kinda unappealing.
the image has less than 20 upvotes but for some reason, my mind thought that I could make something interesting out of it. If anyone can make it interesting or more appealing, go ahead. In fact, I remember that you edited pic related with better results than me in the last thread.

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well, that´s more or less a relief but like I said while I was posting it, I didn´t have plans to edit this one until I saw that comment. 

Do you have any idea for making it look better than the original? The main problem consists in the brightness but I admit that the image loses a lot of edge there.

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you know, considering in the format that one is in, one expects the negative/challenging things first unless there is something specific that makes you think otherwise. 

Normally, when something is fresh, people actually take a hot opinion while the positive ones focus on the past material. That means that I still don´t have a clear idea where this edit or your opinion is aiming at. I only know that in relative terms, it looks better (from your words) but I have said several times that these are images that I edit so others feel encouraged to do the same or do it better than me, or at least, see what sticks out there.

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okay, so if the previous pictures of this thread weren´t so obvious, you know that I decided to dive into the world of SFM models, mostly because I feel that one can easily take a picture/screencap in the Source Filmmaker so by itself, making that picture interesting is more difficult from the very beginning (the models don´t change unlike the drawn pieces). 

My question is: what would you do with this picture? Besides saying that it is uninteresting and doesn´t lead to anything worthy to post out there , we know the user wanted to have some fun by imitating Jojo´s poses (which leads to semi-anthro material by the way, I don´t blame the user though), how would you edit this one? 

I´ve been trying a few effects tonight but I am not all that convinced to post them yet so I am simply posting the original without anything else for now.

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well, I am aware that you cannot do much with SFM models so that offers more room to mess the image with the editor. 

These were my attempts at trying to do something with it, focusing on each princess separately instead of editing the whole image. 

Did it deserve any attention to begin with? I don´t know but at least, it was fun to play around for a while.

Howdy stranger! 
Not off the top of my head but perhaps I'll tinker with it.
Biggest problem with SFM is that it's mostly posing and lighting. You can't draw. Can't have your own style very easily unless you model your own stuff. So what my focus would be, other than just experimentation, would be to see if you can add a touch of something that gives it that touch. That'd be an idea.

This luna image is based. Fav so far. Turned out almost a charming low polygon feel. 

They all look a bit better with the edits but the poses still look awkward. Still, I could see value in edits  maybe mixed media thing? 

This one I still like but is probably the weakest since it isn't as fun as the ones above and still has the awkward pose.

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> Not off the top of my head but perhaps I'll tinker with it.
alright, after all I have been mostly doing that as well.

> Biggest problem with SFM is that it's mostly posing and lighting. You can't draw. Can't have your own style very easily unless you model your own stuff. So what my focus would be, other than just experimentation, would be to see if you can add a touch of something that gives it that touch. That'd be an idea.
well, look at that, you have described the biggest merit that one can reach in this thread: giving an existent picture a unique character/attribute that didn´t have before. This is why one needs to test everything in order to go further. How does one check that? By simply testing, pure trial and error. 

Also, this hurts to say but in reality, I am not creative and I cannot be qualified as a creator. You give me a blank paper and my mind is asking me for something to be based on, combined with the fact that my drawing skills leave a lot to be desired (formally speaking). 
Also, you might be laughing out loud but I do not have a scanner (in 2019!, even though it´s due to the fact that I have never needed one yet), and my PC relatively speaking is a potato for today´s standards (AMD of 2013-14, 3.15 GB), despite getting optic fiber. I have tried to run the SFM program and it runs painfully slow.

In short, it never rains but it pours (creatively speaking).

> This luna image is based. Fav so far. Turned out almost a charming low polygon feel.
that was one of the easiest out of the bunch, ironically enough. The Photo App of W10 has a filter for pixelating the images (even though you have to create a video first) and I simply cut it, made some adjustments and added the filter. Pic related is the original image.

> They all look a bit better with the edits but the poses still look awkward. 
I knew from the start the poses looked like that and as I am big headed, as soon as the image clicks on my head for editing, it starts engineering something undefined. 

> Still, I could see value in edits maybe mixed media thing? 
I don´t know but as long as something from here ends up being more valuable or adds something else that didn´t offer before, it´s sufficient. If any masterpiece happens to occur here, it will be by accident.

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> This one I still like but is probably the weakest since it isn't as fun as the ones above and still has the awkward pose.
I have to agree with that part of being less fun and having less room to tinker with it. I edited in that way because the unfocused pose reminded me of something symbolic for some reason (mostly because of the helmet).

> This is why one needs to test everything in order to go further. How does one check that? By simply testing, pure trial and error. 

And then what? Who knows. I will say I've had more fun simply running pictures through filters and sometimes more advanced edits than I thought I would. 

>  I am not creative and I cannot be qualified as a creator.

Says the person who started this thread and has contributed a few fics to the board. I'm not calling it ingenious but some of your attempts at changing and giving new meaning to pictures I have enjoyed most of all.

>  PC relatively speaking is a potato for today´s standards 

 None of my computers were made in this decade... 

Well, let this be a tiny PoLS as I have been called to other duties.

Goodnight /endpone/

there is not much beyond the fact that using the negative filter in Nightmare Moon´s body would lead to Daybreaker colours. 

The thing that I should have figured out earlier is that the colour combinations are actually the opposite between the two royal sisters.  

See  >>/4664/ so you can compare it with the original.

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> And then what? Who knows
eeeyup, no one actually knows what´s the end result and as I share that feeling of having fun during the process, getting further into a development that one wouldn´t expect at first. I suppose part of its charm. 

> I've had more fun simply running pictures through filters and sometimes more advanced edits than I thought I would. 

> None of my computers were made in this decade
well, evil of many, consolation of fools. We´re well fucked in this regard (even though the nostalgic IBM keyboard kind of redeems that). I suppose that one has to wait until the components don´t work anymore.

> Says the person who started this thread and has contributed a few fics to the board. 
I haven´t written a single fic for more than a year and they have a couple of secrets behind their writing: they mostly relied on my emotions felt at that moment, hidden between the context for the story and little interactions until the central point arrives. And secondly, I have mostly relied on music in order to type something with that mood. More like things appearing out of nowhere, a few songs induced me to have a few images in my head, as if I typed what I saw while listening to them. I will admit though that June 2018 was the best month in this regard, coming up with two fics in the middle of a period of exams.

> I'm not calling it ingenious but some of your attempts at changing and giving new meaning to pictures I have enjoyed most of all. 
well, at least, you´ve got some enjoyment from them. As for ingenious pieces...would you post any of them on Derpibooru? Are they even worthy to share out there (besides this place)?

At least, they are interesting enough for you to consider that. However, edits are easily replaceable and one always imagines that there are better ways to convey that new meaning. 

Basically, creativity cannot come mostly because I always need something to rely on. The true authors are those who actually build it from scratch. 

If anything, you could describe an editor as something similar like electronic musicians who take samples and modify them, getting combined into a sole piece because of recycling (vaporwave, maybe?). But even then, anyone could come and do it better. I am simply waiting that someone else does. It feels more like I am trying to guide others for taking that next step. You have outdone yourself for the fics though, one of them could be translated easily into the official material.

> As for ingenious pieces...would you post any of them on Derpibooru? Are they even worthy to share out there (besides this place)?

> At least, they are interesting enough for you to consider that. However, edits are easily replaceable and one always imagines that there are better ways to convey that new meaning.

In one word, yes (some of them at least). In a longer explanation: I think these edits could be something, even the tiny SFM ones. I think adding new meanings, personal touches, etc. Could go somewhere beyond nowhere. I've enjoyed your experimental and messing with obscure mid to lower tier art. Not telling ya to not keep yourself grounded but don't let "this isn't anything so I shouldn't even bothering" prevent your experimentation. 

> I haven´t written a single fic for more than a year and they have a couple of secrets behind their writing: they mostly relied on my emotions felt at that moment, hidden between the context for the story and little interactions until the central point arrives.

I thought part of your Celly fic was 2019?

> Basically, creativity cannot come mostly because I always need something to rely on. The true authors are those who actually build it from scratch.

Perhaps. Though I think that a lot of things start as mixing than one can add your own and it can depart.  Liking mixing toddler shows with Star Trek...  

> And secondly, I have mostly relied on music in order to type something with that mood.

Not sure how much of a drawback as I've done that too. You're talking about listening to a song over and over and over again while typing it right? I don't do it all the time but I have and my eariler days in the fandom I would write fragmented fanfics to one song all the time.(may have mentionned this before.)

> We´re well fucked in this regard (even though the nostalgic IBM keyboard kind of redeems that). I suppose that one has to wait until the components don´t work anymore.

I actually prefer'em to the modern stuff. Easier to tinker with. You can keep a computer running pretty long if you want to with spare parts. Though I primarily run different flavors of Linux on Laptops so I imagine my experience is vastly different from the needs of somebody who is trying to run the latest and the best on Windows 10. Something that maybe required of ya in a university setting.

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> I think adding new meanings, personal touches, etc. Could go somewhere beyond nowhere.
probably something can be done with that. One might have the tools but there has to be some room out there for expressing one self. The more I think about it, the more this looks like songs of electronic music to me. How can you express something with such a cold medium like technology. 
> I've enjoyed your experimental and messing with obscure mid to lower tier art. Not telling ya to not keep yourself grounded but don't let "this isn't anything so I shouldn't even bothering" prevent your experimentation. 
thanks for saying that advice.
About messing up with mid to lower tier art, why would one try to edit a great picture (a clear example: the Cosmos picture chosen for the OP in the NMAiE)? While it´s true that there have been great pictured edited because of several reasons: fun, curiousity, adjustment/filter tests..., editing a picture that not many people care about and has a low amount of likes or doesn´t express anything extraordinary, then that´s where one gets the absolute freedom to get to a different place that the original never did. 

> I thought part of your Celly fic was 2019? 
November 2018. Even though, I wrote for one night a few paragraphs that I felt writing at the time, that fic was posted last year. I believe that the Revolution fic that you wrote was also posted before ending the year. Creatively speaking, you have written all the important fics of this board for now.

> I think that a lot of things start as mixing than one can add your own and it can depart.
that´s true and then one builds up that unique aspect over time. Looking for something original is really complicated and while this has been said since ancient times (the phrase: "It´s all been done before"), one annot avoid to get influenced by something unconsciously. 

> Liking mixing toddler shows with Star Trek... 
John de Lancie must have enjoyed taking part in the ponified version of The Next Generation, repeating the same role as he did back in the 90s. The results of that mix: guaranteed entertainment almost all the times he appears in it.

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> You're talking about listening to a song over and over and over again while typing it right? I don't do it all the time but I have and my eariler days in the fandom I would write fragmented fanfics to one song all the time.(may have mentionned this before.)
eeeyup. Mostly because that gives the source of what one could write next (hence why the originality might lack from the "author").

You indeed said that statement before (you relied on the lyrics of song made by Rush for the Revolution fic).  The main problem with that technique is that...well, one writes according to the emotions and not with a solid base in its core (maybe it´s not explicitly the guilt coming from us but more like we are living in an era where relativism and the opinions count a lot for driving things forward). It´s almost as if one writes romantically and while the emotional bursts can express a lot, the consequences of breaking those standards could be overwhelmingly awkward. I am mostly incapable to find value in songs made for parties, so it implies that there won´t be many happy moments out there. Reading your stories, they feel similar in the philosophical regard but they are less visible because of the descriptions, relying on subtlety or questions that ask for unanswered implications. 

Listening to one song over and over while writing a fic, that happened with the Comforts of Darkness and that came because of listening to a heart-wrenching melancholic song and true story, crying while writing that part. There is some sort of magic when you listen to one song too much, it becomes a part of yourself for a while and you know it like the back of your hand. This leads to different paths: one is getting tired and move on or achieve an exclusive aspect out of it for you personally. 

and when you get the second case, it sadly happens when one is depressed or stays in isolation with it. 

> I actually prefer'em to the modern stuff. Easier to tinker with. 
not everything new is good nor all old stuff is bad. In the end, it depends on the needs and the preference that one person has. 

> Something that maybe required of ya in a university setting
not all the computers have W10 in my university. Sure some of them have 4GB of CPU and run smoothly but others have Windows XP or 7 and guess what? They have the grey IBM keyboards with that charming sound while pressing the buttons. 

Universities don´t need much else beyond that (there are some programs of calculation and analysis that improve the speed because of that) but it´s true that the better parts it has, the more it runs faster for routine tasks but we´ll arrive at one point where the speed won´t matter all that much and it´s mostly focused on the video game industry. Don´t get me wrong, the AMD that I have is great for using the internet or typical tasks but as soon as you test it with games that were released after the mid 2000s, you can say goodbye to run that with high specs. This is why I can barely run the SFM program on my own (like 6 or 7 fps and loading screens of a few minutes). 

> I primarily run different flavors of Linux on Laptops so I imagine my experience is vastly different from the needs of somebody who is trying to run the latest and the best on Windows 10.
yeah but you don´t need to bother about it. You know better about that than me. I have never tried a Linux even though it offers appealing options like using Tor, VPNs and editing it according to one´s personal tastes.

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> you know what? Perhaps I'll try my own edit of it too. My first thoughts are simple stuff like coloring, but I may try something more ambitious...
alright, that  sounds interesting to say the least. 
I am posting the edits that I could have posted yesterday. However, there is one problem: there are three edits that I found appealing aesthetically speaking even two of them look really similar between each other. 

So, the plan is to expose them and you decide which one you like the most. Either that or giving some comments to get some feedback...

or better yet, go for the 4th option and edit it for yourselves and put the version(s) onto the table so the rest can judge it (I don´t have the serial number but you have the original picture to apply whatever idea you have for it).

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about the pixelated Luna, you were right that using that filter for her was the least fun part of those. 

Has this edit made it better?  The changes that I notice here are: more blurriness and pixels, and turn that eyeless Luna into a vivid one by using sparks. 

I suppose that the blurriness makes this image softer visually speaking and so it becomes more pleasant in comparison to the radical colours exposed before. As none of us can change that pose, it has gone from looking like a badass to "Equestria, I´m CIA". 

Is this attempt better? It is simply because you put more effort in it than me because I only cared about using one single filter, so in this regard, yours deserves more respect because you were focused (yet the results are blurrier ironically enough) on it.

Does it have any personal aspect from you? Yes, you edited a few pictures with huge sparks before and you have used the right proportions for this one. 

> Maybe you should have a edit contest to see how many Nightmare Moon would be good for the change.
hey, that´s not as bizarre as it sounds, one could compile a good gallery with Nightmare Moon looking like her opposite. However, the negative effect doesn´t always translate all that well. You edited a Cadence gif with the emboss filter and nailed it...here it´s the same happy accident (and realization) but in terms of combining correctly both the body and the sky. I have tried to use that negative effect and the colours don´t match all that well unfortunately. You can try it on your own as well an you will see how the biggest problem for using the negative is when it comes to the surroundings, not the body.

> Simplest advise is to just have fun.
yeah and I should listen to that advice from the stars more often  but I am like Cosmos in this regard 

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> How can you express something with such a cold medium like technology.

Digital world can be a cold age I suppose. Though I think that I do not like a lot of remixing I think it itself is something that can be more than just lazy or cold, technological process.  Look at this:
It is merely a PMV, yet, unlike a parade of random clips ,vectors and special effects it actually tells a bit of a story. The clips, some pretty good editing and special effects and choice of song make something that is utterly haunting. The song I do no care for in any other context and is not quite my style of music yet I love it here. A meaning was added for me. Something that only exist in this mixing up of content. 

Even a lazy effort can still be something too. See this?
Truth be told there is not much to it at first glance. Just screencaps with dialog added and rarely small edits. I have sometimes ran into this series in the past and never really thought much of it. I mean, it's just screencaps with the plot of a RPG campaign, not really my cup of tea. And then I found this series a few months ago and was shocked to see it still running and it apparently having been having weekly updates since 2011 . Is using screencaps lazy? Yes. Would I call this Lazy? Not sure I could with over 1000 updates and what must be at least a half decent story to have comments on nearly every page.  

So while I do agree that most remixing is nothing to brag about and even when it has a bit of effort can feel hollow, it can be a work of art on it's own merit. 

> the more this looks like songs of electronic music to me.

If it's not wub wub dubstep and electronic house dance beats I can enjoy it sometimes.

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> The main problem with that technique is that...well, one writes according to the emotions and not with a solid base in its core

I'd say it depends on if your motivation can last beyond the song. For that was sometimes no, it was just a lone scene disconnected from any plot. Others it was a feeling for a scene in a story or concept that I already flirted with so the emotion was entirely dependent on the song in the first place. 

> It´s almost as if one writes romantically and while the emotional bursts can express a lot, the consequences of breaking those standards could be overwhelmingly awkward.

Perhaps. Though it depends on how one shares those words and can be mitigated by choices made after the fact. 

> I am mostly incapable to find value in songs made for parties, so it implies that there won´t be many happy moments out there. 

To be fair, I don't think all of your fics where driven with just emotion and you did ask questions in a similar manner to me  The nature of Celestia and Daybreaker, That Bat Pony OC, that slightly weird one with DWK 

> Listening to one song over and over while writing a fic, that happened with the Comforts of Darkness and that came because of listening to a heart-wrenching melancholic song and true story, crying while writing that part. 

Wow. That's a pretty strong emotional state. I can see how one would find that tiring and not want to continue flirting with such if it can affect you that strong.

>  I have never tried a Linux even though it offers appealing options like using Tor, VPNs and editing it according to one´s personal tastes.

Well, I am no Linux snob, but if you ever want to try it you can  or should be able to unless Microsoft has messed something up  run it from a boot disc or USB no problem if you ever want to try it.

Also, I really like the edit of your old drawing. It kind of gives it a children's story book or paper cut out kind of feel that I kind of like (and actually have messed with before.) I would show you what I mean with an old paper drawn fandom animation or PMV but I can't find either of'em. I did make a couple of small edits but only one of them is even going in the direction I am trying to show.

> Has this edit made it better? The changes that I notice here are: more blurriness and pixels, and turn that eyeless Luna into a vivid one by using sparks. 

It's better but only moderately so. I used GIMP's pixel filter. Which let's me control the size of the pixels  (maybe yours does too). Still I think I need to do a lot more before I'd call it good. Getting rid of the background and placing my own flat colors. To be fair to yours, it's still usable but it'd have to be an element of something else.

> Does it have any personal aspect from you? Yes, you edited a few pictures with huge sparks before and you have used the right proportions for this one. 

I'd say it's only slight touch but I suppose it does count. 

>  it has gone from looking like a badass to "Equestria, I´m CIA". 

More authority than toughness.

> hey, that´s not as bizarre as it sounds, one could compile a good gallery with Nightmare Moon looking like her opposite. However, the negative effect doesn´t always translate all that well.

I'd say it depends on if you could cut out Nightmare Moon from the rest of the drawing and just the negitive affect on her.

>  You edited a Cadence gif with the emboss filter and nailed it.

BTW this two  >>/5219/  >>/5209/ posts are not by me. I guess one of the lurkers. Thanks for the compliment though!

> yeah and I should listen to that advice from the stars more often 

Maybe now with two anons saying it it'll help get through.

> but I am like Cosmos in this regard 


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> or better yet, go for the 4th option and edit it for yourselves and put the version(s) onto the table so the rest can judge it 

I took the 5th and edited your edits. The one where I put the mosaic filter and messed around with the contrast and yellow to get this dark glow effect is my favorite of my edits but it's too rough to call it excellent or a feature fav.

> speaking even two of them look really similar between each other. 

2nd and 3rd are fav tied. Not calling it the most outstanding but I really like the darkness, both as yellow lines and slightly blurred. 

You're forgetting your more transformational edits  >>/4234/  >>/3797/  >>/3798/ and few that while maybe not worth writing home about are a pretty big improvement over the original such as  >>/3802/

If this could look more flat 2d comic or could achieve the effect of cell shaded 3d look it could be cool. It sort of flirts with both while being neither and doesn't really feel that good in the in between that it's in.

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And finally here is the other two edits of your drawing  well actually my first is so much an edit as just cutting it out.  I embossed it and copied a section of it embossed and used it as a pattern for the background. Not really too remarkable but I feel like if I could cut it smoother then the increased contrast one would be pretty neat.

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I have read your posts and I did as soon as they were posted. I am simply leaving them out a little bit because there are couple of topics that could go on and discuss properly the concept of creativity, especially in this post  >>/5234/. So I have paid attention to them, it´s simply that I have other things in mind (in general).

But as you have posted a few edits, I am going to comment a little bit about them:

About Twilight´s drawing,  >>/5235/, I didn´t expect it to look so good (I am torn if I should post both versions in the hits for the next thread or not). I wish the original drawing looked in the vector as smooth as this. Quite possibly a highlight and it was a simple adjustment. 

About the emboss filter, the filter itself doesn´t deliver much most of the time even though it can offer some surprises aesthetically speaking.  >>/5238/ The 2nd version with contrast is an improvement in comparison to the other one (even though the first one does have an appealing thumbnail of Twilight´s silhouette).

About the three main changelings,  >>/5237/, here is my ranking:

Brighter edit (3rd picture)> The "supposedly awful idea" (1st edit)> Mosaic edit (4th one) >= Contrast and Yellow (2nd edit)

I mean all of them look good but the 3rd one is the most pleasant to my eyes and offers the lightning in the changelings bodies with a distinct without going fully radical on the yellow colour for the contours. As for the "supposedly awful and lazy idea", maybe a masochist or a contrarian but it does present ideas that the other ones don´t and if taken carefully, it could serve as a cool cover for IDW like this pic related. It doesn´t pan out all that well but I am putting it high because it doesn´t deserve to be all that dismissed as you might think. 

That´s my personal take towards them but I have yet to reply to other things. At least you get a partial answer before ending this year from me.

> About Twilight´s drawing,  >>/5235/, I didn´t expect it to look so good 

I know. It feels purposful and it looks like it could work well into a cut out animation or children's storybook style.

> The 2nd version with contrast is an improvement in comparison to the other one (even though the first one does have an appealing thumbnail of Twilight´s silhouette).

I actually consider the first one better with the second one having higher potential with a smoother cut. 

> I mean all of them look good but the 3rd one is the most pleasant to my eyes and offers the lightning in the changelings bodies with a distinct without going fully radical on the yellow colour for the contours.

It probably looks the smoothest. I like the yellow but I think I have to agree.

>  It doesn´t pan out all that well but I am putting it high because it doesn´t deserve to be all that dismissed as you might think.

It i could color it good than yes, it could be an interesting look.

> That´s my personal take towards them but I have yet to reply to other things. At least you get a partial answer before ending this year from me.

Don't worry about it. I'm still working on to my reply to your review. Just go with the flow.

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> It feels purposful and it looks like it could work well into a cut out animation or children's storybook style.
the fact that it´s earned some sort of value makes me smile a little bit. I certainly didn´t want to visit and see my old drawings again so this twist has made me put some faith on one of those pictures I made in the past. 

And probably you are right about your statement. 

> I actually consider the first one better with the second one having higher potential with a smoother cut. 
probably. The biggest con that I would say towards the first version is that the contours of her body don´t look all that well defined when someone checks the entire image. It´s hard to tell her form with that those thin subtle lines.

> It probably looks the smoothest. 
and the most balanced I think. 

> I like the yellow but I think I have to agree. 
when it comes to that edit, I see the contours way too saturated of yellow. While it presents itself nicely at first sight before clicking on it, the problem arises when the yellow contours have too much colour intensity. I don´t know how to explain this without experiencing it by yourself but basically, I will say this: watch the full image and try to stare at it for a few seconds. The sense that I get is that my eyes get somewhat tired of seeing it or receiving like a visual impact that overwhelms me. The thumbnail is great but I swear that I get a slight fatigue by seeing it after a while. I don´t perceive that with the rest. 

> It i could color it good than yes, it could be an interesting look. 
you can see it with the comic cover that I have posted for having a reference that the idea could actually work, not to mention that it offers the biggest variety of colours in comparison. 

> I'm still working on to my reply to your review. Just go with the flow.
with the flow, yeah... the board´s one or my studies´one.

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> It's better but only moderately so. I used GIMP's pixel filter. Which let's me control the size of the pixels (maybe yours does too).
yeah I do have that effect as well just that I don´t tend to use it all that much because I can´t find any place to put it organically, at least so far. Maybe in the future I will experiment with it but it throws me out for the most part.

About that edit I made,eh, it was there for fun but it seems that you have more ideas towards that Luna.

> I suppose it does count. 
well yeah because as you can see, I don´t tend to use that effect.

> it depends on if you could cut out Nightmare Moon from the rest of the drawing and just the negitive affect on her. 
I have yet to try that because I haven´t felt like cutting an image from its original picture, mostly because I wouldn´t know what to do next even though you are giving me an idea of modifying her and then use a fitting a background. Now for this idea, I would have to have the objectives pretty well clear while doing it.

> I guess one of the lurkers. 
probably 5050 posted both replies.

> Thanks for the compliment though! 
you are welcome even though it´s not the first time I say this towards that gif

> Maybe now with two anons saying it it'll help get through. 
as long as those two anons prove to be alive....because that´s the biggest requirement to even begin at making progress.

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> I'd say it depends on if your motivation can last beyond the song.
obviously when I am writing, I cannot put it all the time but the constant repetition brings that feeling of entering inside your mind and answer to that with another format. Writing because of the feelings is quite risky but I suppose that the motivation doesn´t always come from it 100% but more like a trigger that manages to connect other parts. I swear that it looks like I am writing religious dogmas of faith but that state pushes one forward and writing about something that never existed yet one feels like one has seen those scenes in his mind....it´s overwhelming.

> For that was sometimes no, it was just a lone scene disconnected from any plot. Others it was a feeling for a scene in a story or concept that I already flirted with so the emotion was entirely dependent on the song in the first place.
and this is why one feels like an electronic musician because you are like sampling or taking from others what you didn´t have in mind but those scene are connected in your brain. Obviously if you don´t tell about it, it looks original and fresh for anyone else, especially if you take it really out of context. 

> Though it depends on how one shares those words and can be mitigated by choices made after the fact. 
that´s like revising everything so as a whole, it makes sense within the context written so this indeed relies more on how the messenger transmits it to the rest. 

> I don't think all of your fics where driven with just emotion and you did ask questions in a similar manner to me 
probably because a part of me wants also wants to have a structure or at least, make enough sense in order to stand by itself. Besides, I have felt quite a few times that your writing reminds me a lot of what I would think as well. Probably the 1st person narrative fits the best for introvert people.

> The nature of Celestia and Daybreaker, That Bat Pony OC, that slightly weird one with DWK 
considering that Celestia´s handles the concept of being evil/good within the same identity and the topic of edginess, I suppose that /endpone/ was an influence because of the discussions made in the past. As for DWK, yeah, you could have written that one and it made you think a lot considering how short it was. Instead of writing a blog venting about the fanbase and how fucked up the depressive anons were within the fanbase, the fictional route seemed like a more productive excuse in order to expose those observations of mine.

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> That's a pretty strong emotional state.
and what´s worse, it´s not even the first time I have applied that while typing in a Word document. [╔spoiler] I did that as well back in 2016 but those words inside "a letter" were aimed towards my brother for appreciating him ,words that I couldn´t say to him directly to the face yet they arose when I had the keyboard in private[/spoiler]

> I can see how one would find that tiring and not want to continue flirting with such if it can affect you that strong. 
don´t think so. In that month, I wrote both Luna´s and Novo´s fic in less than two weeks so that statement doesn´t make much sense. What´s even bleaker is that I didn´t get tired because of that, it´s that those words only come to reality and I flirt with them when I am thinking too much, wondering about several things that float in my mind, anxiety towards my future, asking myself if i am going to fail... Flirting with them was a medium that could cause some relief at finding answers or expressing something that could help me later or at least, have some sort of purpose.

What made me forget about that mindset is how busy I have been with this board by replying to really varied topics and in real life. After that summer of 2018, I have mostly been really busy in my degree because of lab sessions (this is why the Mirror of Fire happened) and several other tasks. 

Basically what I am saying is that I wrote them as a disguised vent and I concluded myself after creating the personal thread that I couldn´t present myself as a loser coping with the world, not to mention that they are more productive and even manage to inspire others. After admitting this, I think that I should prove what I can do now, considering how many things have changed from back then. 

> if you ever want to try it you canrun it from a boot disc or USB no problem if you ever want to try it. 
I´ll keep this in mind just in case but I don´t think I will find it necessary. 

> I really like the edit of your old drawing. It kind of gives it a children's story book or paper cut out kind of feel that I kind of like (and actually have messed with before.)
> I did make a couple of small edits but only one of them is even going in the direction I am trying to show.
thanks and I believe that both the edit and the paper cut will be posted in the highlights. I feel achieved after getting a better aesthetic than a hand drawn image, converted into digital because of a mobile phone photo without using scanner. At least, it looks less cheap in comparison.

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> Digital world can be a cold age I suppose.
that´s what I thought like 3 or 4 years ago and you will see why I changed my mind.

> It is merely a PMV, yet, unlike a parade of random clips ,vectors and special effects it actually tells a bit of a story. 
especially with the book, closing simultaneously with both stories for Twilight and the royal sisters but ironically enough, the song actually stands for itself and I swear that these thoughts of mine came without watching the video at first. It´s easy to tell where you got the ideas, especially during the clips around 2:26 and 0:35 but that was only an impression for your fic and use that as an excuse to introduce Cosmos´standpoint, not to mention that both the original material from the early years and the perception of FiM have radically changed since then. 

> The clips, some pretty good editing and special effects and choice of song make something that is utterly haunting.
not all of those clips are perfect but yeah, they fit. Also, I´ve got to point this out: is the singer behind actually Sia? Because it´s giving me a lot of vibes from the famous pop artist that appeared in the movie.

> The song I do no care for in any other context and is not quite my style of music yet I love it here. A meaning was added for me. Something that only exist in this mixing up of content. 
that´s the most beautiful thing that one can get from any material. I mean, music, books or series are meant to be used but I wonder if they are meant to drive to something derivative around them for the original creators (because not all of them are willing to accept versions of it). And yes, this material does have enough power to lead you to do that and not all the things out there manage to accomplish even though pretty much anything falls into personal reasons. Such as:

> Even a lazy effort can still be something too. See this?: http://friendshipisdragons.thecomicseries.com/
well, if that counts...I suppose that everything counts but it´s me in the end, who pushes myself for thinking that the material might not be original. I suppose that in the internet age, the DIY content and punk philosophy of transmitting anything, even if it´s completely out of context, it could develop that spirit of freshness.

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and now, I am posting why your statements here  >>/5234/ are correct and my reasons that this world isn´t actually that cold in the digital age.

> I do agree that most remixing is nothing to brag about and even when it has a bit of effort can feel hollow, it can be a work of art on it's own merit.
> it's not wub wub dubstep and electronic house dance beats I can enjoy it sometimes.
I am quoting both lines of yours because what I am bringing up here...is dubstep. Apologize me Bridgefag but it´s actually dubstep, just that Skrillex and company weren´t the actual creators of it, just that they popularized a derivative (brostep) take of it by making it energetic and aggressive.  

Seeing the comment of Skrillex´s videos, I have seen accounts with Pony avatars that actually caught the attention from bronies, so this explains why there was so much popularity for Vinyl Scratch and the genre...in misunderstood ways about their origins. It´s ironic but the same genre that I despised before by saying that electronic music isn´t real music...has made me change my mind and even bring hope/inspiration that the person behind the songs is the key element that brings those elements together and making them artistic.

Dubstep isn´t what you nor the average person would think it is at first glance, nor it does come from the USA. It actually came from the UK during the 90s and especially the mid 2000s in the underground scenes (especially in London) and there were several tags for it: UK garage, 2-step and...future garage. This is where one of my main inspirations come when I have into account for these edits: Burial. 

What´s so special about him? The fact that the samples weren´t always consistent, the slicing seems perfect but it´s actually manual, so there are fractions of a second or even layers/noises that make it organic and imperfect yet so steady. What´s even more surprising is that he used a precarious program in his own house and he combined everything by adjusting the maximums and minimums from the peaks of sound,so the results come from a visual perspective from the program and not simply because of the sound that one would check by listening to it. He´s self taught and not even a musician that tours out there. 

What´s even more revolutionary is that the music didn´t sound as consistent as the average electronic song from that era and the isolated atmosphere presented here actually conveyed those intended feelings yet what you can feel is absolutely abstract. I meant that technology could be a cold medium for expressing something but after discovering this rec from /mu/ and a spanish youtuber, I consider that reaching that warmth and the transmission of feelings behind the screen are actually possible to accomplish

How does one manage to do that? It´s really complicated and I know that I won´t get there...but I suppose that trying something is better than doing nothing.

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so yeah, I am actually admitting that you are right with your post just that I am showing how much of a similarity an editor can have with the electronic musicians....because after all, the vaporwave line nailed it with the phrase: "Everything is a remix" and the only aspect that makes anything original is the context or purpose brought behind it. However, this might lead to the unfortunately conclusion of conformity that everything has been done before. 

but even without shining all that much like the big artists...
> is using screencaps lazy? Yes. Would I call this Lazy? Not sure I could with over 1000 updates and what must be at least a half decent story to have comments on nearly every page. 
....I suppose that like those screencaps, the purpose for low key material might inhabits in the entertainment value.  

Now, you know why I have been somewhat obsessed at times at attempting to make something different with the SFM models or edits that had to deliver more layers in order to feel completely different without leading them to a huge mess. 

Anyway, you have been like the biggest medium who has introduced me to fan MLP music because I have stayed reluctant to it and the latest song does have professional merits so opening me to that territory because of you...consider that an achievement.
But..I have those youtube links for you. Who knows what might you get from them but as I saw from the process behind the /night/ thread, you might feel at home with your least favorite genre  especially with Come Down to Us because you might be feeling like floating in the stars with the Michael Jackson sampled angelic voice from You are not Alone....while seeing the recent deaths from the news both in the fanbase and for a certain band member mentioned in the OP and maybe see why I don´t believe that technology will be cold by itself. The power of transmitting feelings relies...on the messenger and his capabilities to do that in the end.

You were right Bridgefag, you were right.

Good night.

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I should have used a better image than that one for those trips. I will probably regret that [spoiler] even though I have recently obtained quads on /mlp/ to balance that).

Anyway, these edits were ones that I had left before the maintenance period. I have tried to edit three images more for the two royal sisters but I am not all that convinced about them. These ones aren´t all that polished except that for the Trixie pic which I had posted before.

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> Trees look better
considering that the edit was made just for trying to reduce the blurriness, it´s no wonder that there is more clarity in the edit.

> The lighting in the second one makes it look like cheap netflix 3d spinoff tier 
well, it´s a SFM model so it was bound to look like that in the first place, I felt that there was too much obscurity in the first one for my taste 

> Think skylanders or fillyfunaisia or whatever horse show two is called
funny you mention that and yes, the Filly Funtasia vibes are noticeable there. Now that you mention it, I have checked the site of that show and luckily:


They still have plans for it currently so despite the lack of news for a relatively long period, they are still alive with more languages translated for it. For a change,I could edit a few images of that show.

> This look ok
I should be making a party after reading this. I´ll take that as a compliment.

> This is the future.
definitely such greatness shouldn´t be shown to the public so easily, only the privileged ones should click on the spoiler.

Alright have a lot more stuff to say in this thread but I might as well make a small return by giving a little bit of feedback here. 1 is my choice, but it's close. I usually prefer more vibrant colors but Luna herself looks slightly better in 1. I don't how I describe it? Slightly clearer and cleaner? Again it is very close.

> 1 is my choice, but it's close. I usually prefer more vibrant colors but Luna herself looks slightly better in 1. I don't how I describe it? Slightly clearer and cleaner? Again it is very close.
I mean,I decided to leave both because the differences are so tight yet at the same time, picking one of those two doesn't turn out to be an easy game. It's much more simple editing them for getting the results of each other than choosing the best one for the public eye.

As long as the chosen one gets to do its job of looking better than the original, the rest feels somewhat secondary in comparison to that purpose.

Edit 2 is probably the most dramatically improved. It's not perfect but the shading makes it look all the more detailed.
This my fav. This one doesn't look bad other than it looks like the colors have lost their vibrancy from being taken with a phone camera or something. I like the subtle glow.
That actually maybe what is going on with these 3 as well. That last one don't look bad at all but there is a grayish tint that is gone from your edit. I wonder if it's the chosen medium or just bad photos?

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> Edit 2 is probably the most dramatically improved. It's not perfect but the shading makes it look all the more detailed. 
> This my fav. This one doesn't look bad other than it looks like the colors have lost their vibrancy from being taken with a phone camera or something. I like the subtle glow. 
these two edits are pretty likely to be compiled for the compilation on the next thread. About Pharynx´s one, I know that it´s imperfect and maybe there some slight room for improvement but the colors of his body manage to be more precise and loyal to the show. The original idea was to edit it like I did for  >>/5222/ though. These images all share the traditional art tag, so they aren´t fully defined or might have some flaw because of its format. 

As you can see in Luna´s case  >>/5519/, you can perfectly say that this image doesn´t have any mistake in its contours but the grayish tone prevents it from looking appealing to the eye. The edit could have helped that image for getting a few votes more on Derpibooru. In fact, anyone could upload the edit over there, because it has the artist needed tag (even though I wasn´t looking for that requirement necessarily). 

> I wonder if it's the chosen medium or just bad photos?
I can´t answer that with certainty. The main idea was how much one can optimize images that fulfill the drawing aspect but fail to shine to the fullest. The chances to catch the attention from any viewer fall because of those details. And it seems that the main pattern for these bunch of pictures for these three are the lack of glow or the grayish tone.

I don´t know where the root of that problem comes from exactly but while editing them, one forgets how it occurred and instead focuses more on how to solve it.

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I started with the old embossed filter trick. When I don't know what I'm doing  most of the time  I just run the image through this and see how it goes. Usually it can make a image look a little more appealing and even here I'd say it is so but lesser. The lines are too thin and the colors too flat with no shading for any cool bumps or 3dish effects. It's only a minor upgrade at best.

However I tried some filter called waterpixels. Have no idea what it does but it removed the lines and gave it all a flat minimilist look that almost looks a bit appealing, especially for a legobrony cosplaying as Rainbow Dash (not too be too hard on what was probably the work of a child). I tried messing around. Couldn't get the eye back without other parts going away.

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Now how about something else? This Ponified Krika I found there. He is a character from Bionicle. Perhaps I'm being a bit unfair in using a image from the Bionicle comics to show what he looked like since the art is pretty far apart in terms of quality. This one turned out iffy but I'd like to revisit what I did again for later edits. I don't remember all of what I used but I know I adding a whirl effect that bend him out of shape and used a tool that causes color to dilate over outlines. It looks like it could be good for creepy pictures of changelings at least.

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I really like the alt edit to be honest. Looks dramatic!

1st but it's only barely. It's less bright but the colors look more even.

Worked on in some. Pic related. I think I maybe able to color it better if I do something I tried once long ago so it's an unfinished WIP.

These are all pretty good tbh. Pretty high improvements if ya ask me. I think the lines ya added for Luna work. 
This is the least improved of compared to the other 4 I cite above. Good to have it centered but the vibrancy isn't as dramatic 
> because otherwise, you could have lots of time and even get ideas such as remaking an image that no one cared but a fag like me does.
Lego brony cosplaying as Rainbow Dash. I'm way out of your league in that category.

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So I couldn't help but notice you were branching out a bit from your normal editing:
 Yes there traced but you did use a program to make it yourself, correct? Lovebat looks especially less like an edit and more like an outright improved drawing. It maybe miss mash of quality in a couple of parts but some of those elements look quite good. Especially the mouth and eyes and I overall like it a lot. Who is to say you shouldn't draw a pony or two  on your own? 

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I am going to leave a Proof of Life Shitpost tonight. Most likely, I am going to reply to everything tomorrow because there is quite a bit to digest in these threads. 

But I wanted to say that yes, the little story that I wrote a couple of days ago was meant to bring that surprise by slowly leaking it in a unsettling way. Both  >>/5622/ and Cadence were drawn with the Sketchbook program (pic related is the original without editing anything) after realizing about the curve ruler trick without having proper drawing skills (notice how almost everything of her body has relied on that ruler). It took me quite a while to redesign your picture and I silently spent the time in drawing these.

Who knows if I am going to make something else in the future but for now, hey, a little  contribution was given. 

I´ll reply to the rest tomorrow with more enthusiasm because I have a lot of material to deal with the posts published last night.

Good night.

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> But I wanted to say that yes, the little story that I wrote a couple of days ago was meant to bring that surprise by slowly leaking it in a unsettling way. 
I really liked how you did it. I'll get to the meat of it after I review your other fic. As for the pic. You weren't using any drawing tablet either? Just the program? 

> Who knows if I am going to make something else in the future but for now, hey, a little contribution was given. 
Do as you wish. I'm just suggesting that you stick your toes in that direction that's all. 

> I´ll reply to the rest tomorrow with more enthusiasm because I have a lot of material to deal with the posts published last night.
You should totally check out my theory first, I think I have really cracked the code of show analysis.

Goodnight  L23, 5050, SiVC and any other lurkers. 

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> I downloaded from pbooru and seeing what can be "saved" by edits. Let's start with this legoman Rainbow Dash cosplayer. Can I save him? Can I make him more appealing to the eye?
definitely Ponibooru stuff doesn´t particularly encourage me to do anything. I still have visions of those "jewels" published in the /go/ thread. *shivers

Anyway, let´s see what we can pull from there in this thread: 

> The lines are too thin and the colors too flat with no shading for any cool bumps or 3dish effects. It's only a minor upgrade at best.
at least it hides the color combinations and adds a little bit of depth to the picture but it´s diminished by the lack of shadows. 

> I tried adding some noise. It looks like it could work as part of something else distorted but on it's own it just feels like an unfinished element to something.
I don´t usually use the noise effect mostly because it works on very specific cases and here, it doesn´t seem to correspond with the material given.

> Lines are too thin to have fun with a lot of filters, like neon for example.
doesn´t your program have an option to corrode or dilute the lines or contours? I know about one that does that function.

> However I tried some filter called waterpixels. 
Have no idea what it does but it removed the lines and gave it all a flat minimilist look that almost looks a bit appealing
> especially for a legobrony cosplaying as Rainbow Dash (not too be too hard on what was probably the work of a child). I tried messing around. Couldn't get the eye back without other parts going away.

I believe that I´ve got that same filter (watercolor) as well and yeah, it removes the lines  or little points drawn randomly in any picture. It depends on the level and how many layers you want of it to get rid of them and maybe your edit went too far at removing the lines that it carried the right eye of Legoman. Check out if there are any levels for that filter.

I still don´t know which edit to pick, probably the embossed one for me.

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on the other hand however:

> This Ponified Krika I found there. He is a character from Bionicle.
take a shot every time Bridgefag brings up his old fanbase.

> I'm being a bit unfair in using a image from the Bionicle comics to show what he looked like since the art is pretty far apart in terms of quality. 
no one expects to carry exactly the soul or spirit of the ponified character and nail it completely because the process inherently removes those characteristics. So documenting it doesn´t matter all that much in the end. 

> This one turned out iffy but I'd like to revisit what I did again for later edits. I don't remember all of what I used but I know I adding a whirl effect that bend him out of shape and used a tool that causes color to dilate over outlines. It looks like it could be good for creepy pictures of changelings at least.
Now, I must say that the lineless artstyle works pretty often and masks the possible flaws that the contours could display while drawing.  So if I had to pick an edit, it would be this one. That style can also be reached with the drawing programs as well by filling the contours with the same colour as the background, so only the body remains. 

With Krika, it oddly works for gaining this aesthetic.

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> I really like the alt edit to be honest. Looks dramatic!
well, then I will post both. Sometimes the simplest tricks are the best ones I guess.

> 1st but it's only barely. It's less bright but the colors look more even.
got it.

> I think I maybe able to color it better if I do something I tried once long ago so it's an unfinished WIP.
I have tried to color them as well but it looks that you had more success in that task. It displays a clearly unfinished coloring but still more successful than my time dedicated to it.

> Pretty high improvements if ya ask me. I think the lines ya added for Luna work. 
thanks. It seems that the edition for unnoticed traditional art is working more than the SFM edits and turning into more varied/interesting results. 

> This is the least improved of compared to the other 4 I cite above. Good to have it centered but the vibrancy isn't as dramatic 
yeah, I didn´t spend much time on this one except for adjusting a little bit in terms of clarity and centering it. 

> Lego brony cosplaying as Rainbow Dash. I'm way out of your league in that category.
L23: I am faggot for dedicating my time to a drawing of Luna that has around 20-30 upvotes that no one cares.

Bridgefag: hold my beer,Legoman.

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> So I couldn't help but notice you were branching out a bit from your normal editing
yes, I did but honestly, calling me a drawfag would be a huge mistake because...

> Lovebat looks especially less like an edit and more like an outright improved drawing. 
despite requiring a drawing process, it serves more as a sophisticated edit of your original drawing. I struggle a lot at drawing something from a blank paper because I have a difficult time at imagining the dimensions. So I still see myself as an imitator, you can see that the eye is traced in the same way that Lovebat does in the post for /endpone/´s rules. 

> you did use a program to make it yourself, correct?
that picture was edited with the help of two programs (Photos from Windows 10 and Photoscape). I redrew it and added the magenta background with Sketchbook. I used several pictures of reference in order to pick the exact numbers for the colors of each part

> some of those elements look quite good. Especially the mouth and eyes and I overall like it a lot.
well, one of the main intentions with the story and this picture was to impress the original author of it. Having accomplished this, I don´t need to convince anyone else because after all, this was simply made with /endpone/ in mind.

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> I really liked how you did it. I'll get to the meat of it after I review your other fic.
whenever you get into it, I will mention something really curious behind it. I can wait perfectly for the review though.

> As for the pic. You weren't using any drawing tablet either? Just the program? 
so you want all the secrets behind it, huh? Alright, here is all the stuff that made it  >>/5681/ possible:. Ehem ehem:

*breathes in

> The Sketchbook program 
> An emachines keyboard from the mid 2000s 
> A generic red Logitech mouse
> A pavilion 23xi screen (HP)

Have I mentioned a drawing tablet yet? If I haven´t, it means that I don´t have one. Also, I don´t even have a scanner so if the picture looks polished means that it was clearly drawn in digital. 

I do have a tablet in my house, a Galaxy Tab 4 10.1 (Samsung) and I have tried to run the Sketchbook program over there but it only works with by using the fingers, not to mention that I would be selfish to use it all the time because it was a gift meant for my mother, so she is using it almost all the time. After a few minutes trying something with it, I gave up.

So this was drawn by placing the curve ruler, the ellipse and using the exact tone colors from other pictures by copying the numbers for them. If you ordered me to draw anything by grabbing a pencil, I would get the same results. The only thing that has changed after doing this is how I have learned to deal with Sketchbook´s features and domain them because of trial and error.

> I'm just suggesting that you stick your toes in that direction that's all. 
yeah, thanks. In fact,not much has changed because of that. You said in one post not long ago that I could retake old stuff, even in drawings. Considering that I barely passed the arts subject with a 5 or a 6 when I was 15, this is a personal achievement and probably the closest attempt at doing something serious, contributing a little bit more than expected. Who knows what´s going to happen next? I don´t know but at least, Cadence has showed up again this month with more content.

> You should totally check out my theory first, I think I have really cracked the code of show analysis.
I did and you have received pretty long replies of mine dedicated to it in that thread.

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Bridgefag, I hope that you are ready for the consequences that are going to come in the next days.  

I hope that you are aware of the monster that you created back in 2018.  

What´s your secret for seeing the future, m8? I am curious.

This edit is in the middle. I like the vibrancy but the uneven colors have me split. It almost looks to lose to be good yet I remember that being a feature of the art style of a lot of the tumblr ask blogs and it sometimes worked well.

IDK. Long ponies have existed before Dolores as a meme but it is still freaky. Bridge Dolores was a distinct enough that if I had deployed her more widely then such a concept would've probably been associated with us. What's next? Is Lovebat going to go viral? I don't claim anything yet it can still freak one out a little.

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> I like the vibrancy but the uneven colors have me split. 
yeah. I could have painted it on Sketchbook but I don´t know if that change ruins the contrast. 

> I remember that being a feature of the art style of a lot of the tumblr ask blogs and it sometimes worked well.
sometimes, you´ve said it all. Maybe a few visual example could help though.

> Long ponies have existed before Dolores as a meme but it is still freaky.
very. Like I said in the other thread, there are lurkers here and /endpone/ could be mentioned out there without noticing it at all. So, we cannot measure how much of an impact this board has had except for the posts that have been delivered here in the past.

> Bridge Dolores was a distinct enough that if I had deployed her more widely then such a concept would've probably been associated with us. 
I don´t blame ya. I mean, you didn´t know any better at the time and these images were shared among a limited number of users  in 2018-19(basically me and the BO, the lurkers aren´t a uniforms quantity). She was supposed to be the icon for /endpone/ and you simply went and used the wordfilter for OC content at the time. Nothing else. Who could have seen this recent phenomena coming?

> What's next? Is Lovebat going to go viral? I don't claim anything yet it can still freak one out a little.
Cadence as a bat pony....is less cute and has much less potential to become iconic in other circles. /endpone/ could have easily used her as a changeling but nope, she is a bat. I believe that the OP for the rules is what might boost her popularity (for those who come to this board) and perhaps, you should open an account on Fimfic for the takes around her concept. Either way, /endpone/ has gone way further than expected by this point. It did with the celebration of 2020 and the series finale and the long Dolores meme was just the cherry on top of the cake.

Who knows if Cadence as a bat pony (the Mare in the Mountain) will gain prominence? I wish she did but let´s be realistic, she is not as easy to draw nor she is that cute/appealing enough to withstand any slice of popularity within the fanbase.

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Dolores gif
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Took the gif and edited it with a tool/filter called erode. Some layers I ran it just once while others I did it over 2 or 3 times. Has an interesting effect that could be useful later. Would have more to say but I have other duties  Next time: fic review. 

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> Some layers I ran it just once while others I did it over 2 or 3 times. Has an interesting effect that could be useful later.
it could be really useful. It´s the first time that I have seen that effect so far, at least applied to gifs. I have eroded static pictures just to add more width to the contours but I have never bothered to experiment with gifs and change the effects throughout the sequence.

It erodes the picture, see how the contours of her mane and her entire body are wider than in the original and then, those 2 or 3 times, they get more eroded.

This could be used for several purposes but for now I am thinking about two options: go full psychedelic in the sequence or put strategically the timing of the erosions so they deliver a sense of a camera either losing the focus or having the options readjusted while filming (as if one person was actually blinking while seeing her)

We´ll have to see...

> Next time: fic review.
the south of Equestria awaits those words from your part.

> I rewatched the episode recently for research.
what are thoughts about it, Bridgefag? Did you post your thoughts back then about the episode?

About the edit, I have to say that it has more impact and  more dynamic. The eye has to keep itself more active while watching the change of  width in the contours of TS´s body.

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Well, before ending my activity tonight, I was making a little random clip about 3 random ponies. You know, it was about time to post something for the edit thread from my part.

It lasts almost one entire minute but that doesn´t tell anything really....also, it has music (an instrumental of a single).

Anyway, have a good night, /endpone/.


It's a good thematic motif for them. Music feels hauntingish but also the effect of the slide show makes it feel a bit like a demo reel showing the princesses. 

> what are thoughts about it, Bridgefag? Did you post your thoughts back then about the episode?
Actually I don't think I did. I only remember us noting Sludge sounded a lot like DWK. Why I was going back? Particularly to look at how they pushed pretty strongly that Twilight was a mother figure to Spike.  Plus research that classified for now  I also went back to Dragon Quest to look at what lines were said then. 

>  The eye has to keep itself more active while watching the change of width in the contours of TS´s body.
It feels like a light for a sign or something. Needs more work for me to declare it a good edit but I may have a use for it.

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> It's a good thematic motif for them
actually, it wasn´t anything fresh if you think about it. I posted those same words a few months ago for the quads  >>/4444/. I simply felt like combining them with a song that I have been listening to for this month. 

> Music feels hauntingish but also the effect of the slide show makes it feel a bit like a demo reel showing the princesses.
basically one could edit this much better as you have said for the X ray edit of TS...

> It feels like a light for a sign or something. Needs more work for me to declare it a good edit but I may have a use for it.
I would answer like this as well. I wanted to gather and have the main idea clear before the hype extinguished for me. And yeah, the dynamism from your edit could potentially become something truly great.

> Particularly to look at how they pushed pretty strongly that Twilight was a mother figure to Spike. Plus research that classified for now I also went back to Dragon Quest to look at what lines were said then.
alright, so those were the main intentions for you. Checking the season 8 thread, you didn´t share any comments about it. You did for the Best Gift Ever and What Lies Beneath but Father Knows Beast shone in terms of your absent opinion.

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> I simply felt like combining them with a song that I have been listening to for this month. 
What song?

> basically one could edit this much better as you have said for the X ray edit of TS...
Pretty much. I mean, you may be able to do something cool moving in either direction. If you go for the demo style it'd probably take more creativity but ain't impossible. 

> And yeah, the dynamism from your edit could potentially become something truly great.
If I could set it to a beat or control it in service to a greater theme it could be cool.  

> but Father Knows Beast shone in terms of your absent opinion.
Well I may bring it up soon. A side goal that arose while doing some research was studying the  nature of Spike and Twilight's relationship and what they have implied in a few episodes.

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> What song?
do you want to know? Really? You are going to be quite disappointed when you realize that it actually comes from an indie rock band (immensely popular by the way) :


Perhaps the part that anyone would check out  after seeing the clip  >>/5882/ would be from 2:13 until 2:56. I could have used other sections of this song though. Maybe the part that starts at 3:39 grabs your attention because of the autotune that lifts you up.  

> you may be able to do something cool moving in either direction. If you go for the demo style it'd probably take more creativity but ain't impossible.
It isn´t impossible at all but as for now, I am simply playing around with the basic options of cutting the images, synchronizing the rhythm with the appearance of each image and using basic effects that the program provides to me. It´s nothing fancy but it´s enough to enliven up this thread a little bit.

> If I could set it to a beat or control it in service to a greater theme it could be cool.
I have no doubt that this could turn into something quite entertaining to watch.

> A side goal that arose while doing some research was studying the nature of Spike and Twilight's relationship and what they have implied in a few episodes.
Given that you have come across with that episode and the s8 or the post-gen 4 threads are still there, maybe you could take advantage of it and add a review besides your research, not to mention that this episode has received mixed reviews across the fanbase.

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I suppose that the 2nd one displays a more peculiar effect but the pinkish tone by itself doesn´t fall short at all either. Perhaps the eye feels more comfortable at watching the 2nd picture for a longer period so I would pick tat one.

I haven´t edited that Cadence picture though.

However, I have decided to give another try to a few old edits now that there is more knowledge and experience at editing them.

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Both of these edit edit are improved. Lovebat moderately and the bat pone OC only slightly.

Not much going on here but it still looks nicer and more vibrant. 

I don't know if ya did I little or a lot but this looks sick!

Have a mid way Mare in The Mountain. Just eroded to make the lines thicker and made her slightly redder along converting her to PNG so I can delete the background for something later.  PoLS for now.

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obviously because of the little tweaks that the programs can offer, there was some room for improvement and there it is.

> Just eroded to make the lines thicker and made her slightly redder along converting her to PNG so I can delete the background for something later.

perfect, I have downloaded it as well and I think that I am going to post this version in the compilation for the next thread. 

> I don't know if ya did I little or a lot but this looks sick!
I am going to be honest here, it took me less than 5 minutes in order to make that edit. The process went like this:

> me checking the old folders of my mobile phone
> see that this picture didn´t have any edit
> it´s an OC x Celestia picture and the sharp grass doesn´t help much to begin with
> opens Photoscape
> automatized brightness and contrast, a little bit of backlighting 
> Black and White effect
> More contrast and shrinkage to the contours, as if it came from any average manga 
> film effect: CP7  (medium)
> and I think: "That will be enough"

No seriously, it´s quite ironic that an edit which took me less than 5 minutes (doing the process quite uninterested towards it) gets praise...and I didn´t even have any expectations nor I have felt invested until this comment. Writing this post has taken me up more minutes than the edit itself.

By the way, 9th position for /endpone/ (though it fell back a couple of hours after you had posted this screencap). Considering that there hasn´t been any kind of maintenance service, it´s an actual well-deserved place. Well done.

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> perfect, I have downloaded it as well and I think that I am going to post this version in the compilation for the next thread. 

You like it better? I actually was slightly split on if I should try to make the lines bolder or get rid of them. 

> No seriously, it´s quite ironic that an edit which took me less than 5 minutes (doing the process quite uninterested towards it) gets praise...and I didn´t even have any expectations nor I have felt invested until this comment. Writing this post has taken me up more minutes than the edit itself.

How funny that should work out. I guess some images only need a little to look great while others need a lot to just not look awful. Either that or I have horrible taste.

> Considering that there hasn´t been any kind of maintenance service, it´s an actual well-deserved place. Well done.

Goodnight /endpone/.

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well, Twilight´s magic for the teleportation spell sure brings a flashy effect without using any program...

> I actually was slightly split on if I should try to make the lines bolder or get rid of them.
just share the version that you see the most suitable for you and we´ll compare them. As for now, this one can perfectly work.

> I guess some images only need a little to look great while others need a lot to just not look awful.
yeah, there are a few cases whose edits seem like it took like a couple of minutes for the editor when one could have put a lot of time figuring out what should be made for it...or even worse, spending hours without finding any satisfactory result. That´s evenmore frustrating and when you reach that point, you have to leave it for another day.

> Either that or I have horrible taste.
well, considering that you have shared a few sick edits in this general...allow me to doubt your statement.

enchan user, i need your suggestion

someone said that a lot of beautiful artworks are plagued with ocs that only 1 person would appreciate it

so i ask you to see my gallery 
and tell me which examples are the best to mod and have a mane6 instead

thumbnail of Suggestive picture.png
thumbnail of Suggestive picture.png
Suggestive picture png
(118.13 KB, 1024x363)
thumbnail of Movie style gif.gif
thumbnail of Movie style gif.gif
Movie style gif gif
(732.45 KB, 480x480)
oh hi, I suppose that you are asking at one of the two main editors here. Alright, let´s reply to your post...

> so i ask you to see my gallery and tell me which examples are the best to mod and have a mane6 instead
> deviantart.com/age3rcm 
I am implying that you asking me to select which GIFs I like the most and you want an opinion according to my taste. I am going to respond to your request with an average answer first  if you want a more personal one, I will deliver it

The average answer: these ones.

The first one would perfectly work as a suggestive picture (Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash or Twilight would comply with those bedroom eyes). The second was picked because of the toonboom artstyle. The third one, if it´s meant to be conversed, it would fit like a glove for Twilight. The 4th one, Fluttershy would fit here considering that she has been the only canon bat to appear in the show (unless you count the comics) and the last one, instead of using two members of the Mane 6, you could use one of these three pairs: RD with Scootaloo, Rarity with Sweetie Belle or AJ with Apple Bloom. 

You wanted me to pick a few, I have picked 5 for this post out of your gallery. Now, keep in mind that this an opinion like everyone else and despite editing a few pictures in my free time, it doesn´t mean that I am choosing the best ones nor it means that you are asking an opinion from an actual expert or artist  please, don´t say obrigado because of this. All of these words are coming from the mouth of an average fan. I am just sharing here the ones that have caught my attention. Nothing else.

How are you going to mod them by the way? What´s your method in order to make those conversions? Just curious.

well, considering that Endchan isn´t working properly for me tonight (at least when it comes to GIFs), I am posting the links instead:



There we go.

> someone said that a lot of beautiful artworks are plagued with ocs that only 1 person would appreciate it

Though I have some sympathy to this inclination. From what  I can tell a lot of these OCs are commission work, so I really can't critique you on the particulars of design  not that I'm the most qualified anyway.  I'd say that a lot of what my fellow user  picked out would work well enough but I will toss in my two bits with pic related. You could do several things with this... Octopony OC creepy station that I think could work well. You could have Twilight doing her tail (if toonboom supports you keeping the base Animation while doing more than changing colors) like the Mane-iac or save that for the Mane-iac herself. It'd be cool if you could also could make the animation the color of magic and make it a type of spell too.

> how would this work?

> filly to alicorn?

How to upload multiple pictures to endchan? Or are you asking a different question?

As for a question of my own: What brings ya around here anyway? I do not mean to pry but I'm just curious because 
we've had a influx of visitors recently and we are pretty off the map. Did you here of us from somewhere or did you just stumble onto this place?

thumbnail of 1706862__safe_artist-colon-discordthege_oc_oc+only_bat+pony_bat+pony+oc_castle_female_flying_full+moon_looking+at+you_mare_moon_night_pony_scenery_smil.png
thumbnail of 1706862__safe_artist-colon-discordthege_oc_oc+only_bat+pony_bat+pony+oc_castle_female_flying_full+moon_looking+at+you_mare_moon_night_pony_scenery_smil.png
1706862__safe_artist-... png
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thumbnail of 2337825__safe_artist-colon-purediamond360_oc_oc+only_oc-colon-queen+lahmia_changeling_changeling+queen_abstract+background_blue+changeling_blue+eyes_bust_change.jpg
thumbnail of 2337825__safe_artist-colon-purediamond360_oc_oc+only_oc-colon-queen+lahmia_changeling_changeling+queen_abstract+background_blue+changeling_blue+eyes_bust_change.jpg
2337825__s... jpg
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chrysocolla_dawn_by_m... jpg
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thumbnail of 1877875__safe_artist-colon-zobaloba_oc_oc-colon-dawn+sentry_background_bat+pony_bird_closed+eye_commission_fish_flower_nap_pony_solo_ych+result.jpeg
1877875__safe_artist-... jpeg
(1.53 MB, 2100x1575)
> i really want to use an alternative to /mlp/, but i am not sure for what reason
> i will try and post to live endchan/pone/ a smidge
well, just do whatever you see convenient for you.

Now, I have to add something here that I didn´t post yesterday and I left omitted on purpose form the answer that anyone would expect. I have to confess a more personal view here: 

> someone said that a lot of beautiful artworks are plagued with ocs that only 1 person would appreciate   >>/6085/
this anon right there...has a point, to an extent.

However, I would suggest him to take a deeper dive into the OCs and tell everyone how images like these have no value at all by themselves...

If that anon told me that sentence around 2011 and we were involved in the Sonic fanbase (whose OCs rely on being as edgy or badass as Shadow the Hedgehog), then I would have agreed with him around that time. 

However, in 2020 and in MLP, unless that the OC is meant for a ship (Canon character x the self inserted OC) or create a powerful alicorn so it´s the coolest one to display in the entirety of Equestria (alicorns of three horns, unbeatable level of power in terms of magic and so on), OCs in MLP barely have any difference from any background character that would appear in any scene of any episode. Being powerful or unique psychically doesn´t matter in order to sell it to the fans and thus...

as  >>/6094/ has said, most of them are meant to be drawn/paid with commissions but that doesn´t prevent the artist to draw canon characters in the future. Even though there is always a handicap of appreciation from a canon character that is famous vs an OC that no one cares, as long as the art is good or the backstory/fics dedicated to them have effort behind them, one can also share that appreciation almost indifferently despite not caring nor being all that familiar towards it. 

I agree with the handicap of appealing a limited number of fans but as long as those characters accomplish what they are meant to do for those fans, no one can complain all that much about them. The main problem of that criticism relies on the fact that most OCs are cheap creations and don´t have anything interesting to offer (which is a legit argument but stereotyping them to that level... we would be entering in a dangerous territory here with that generalization).

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> how would this work? filly to alicorn?
if you are somewhat confused at making Fluttershy an alicorn, you could use a princess here. Just do whatever you feel like here.

> i have the files, so its easier to just make new elements in toonboom for the different designs

> It seems that gifs aren't working for me as well. 
so it wasn´t just me. Odili does it again.

and now, I am answering to that request with a more honest view here:

I´ve picked a few GIFs at random because you are quite committed to them so I have implied that you familiar at modding gifs. By the way,I have barely edited GIFs and while scrolling through your gallery, I have noticed something peculiar with your drawings...you have proven this anon  >>/6085/ wrong with your own OC with pic related. Even if you could mod it to another character, it wouldn´t be quite the same by doing the conversion.

I picked the GIFs because those are the most repeated commissions that you have delivered over the years but I am more interested in seeing your drawings finish, namely the Reversalis picture or another incomplete sketch that you have out there. 

This is just on a personal level, mostly because I don´t usually focus too much my attention on GIFs and I normally lean towards static pictures so it felt a little weird to see a huge amount of dynamic images in your gallery.

Nonetheless, I am sticking with the choices I pointed out yesterday. It´s simply that I would like to see that other side from yours that you could perfectly provide beyond these conversions though.

thumbnail of LoE 3.png
thumbnail of LoE 3.png
LoE 3 png
(1.19 MB, 1920x1080)
thumbnail of Song 1 UTIS.mp3
thumbnail of Song 1 UTIS.mp3
Song 1 UTIS mp3
(2.03 MB, 0x0)
It seems that I am going not to feel alright until the ideas get exposed, my head cannot stop thinking about something weird that only occurs to me...oh well.

What has been floating in my head for these past two days consists in ideas that I cannot execute in practice but it connects these audios with MLP, namely two instrumentals. 

The first one seems like it would come from a fairy tale so it could fit for any animation in general. The song lasts 4 minutes (I cut it after the 1st minute)  and it´s not an actual instrumental (but more like a karaoke version of the original). There is a little disadvantage here: the song is somewhat brickwalled (or compressed) so the impact acoustically isn´t all that dynamic to the ear.

Nonetheless, I envision a transition that ends and closes a chapter but simultaneously starts the next one with more energy and passion towards the future events, as if there are new horizons to come  or new stories to experience.

It could perfectly apply to any fantastical setting in general but my mind tends to associate it with a RPG video game based on this 4th generation.

Though it´s quite unlikely that I manage to use it properly for a decent clip considering that I am not aiming at anything in particular but the idea/base material is there...at least...

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thumbnail of LoE 2.png
LoE 2 png
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LoE 4 png
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LoE 5 png
(1.9 MB, 1920x1080)
thumbnail of Song 2 Intro.mp3
thumbnail of Song 2 Intro.mp3
Song 2... mp3
(2.43 MB, 0x0)
as for the 2nd instrumental, this one was meant to be an introduction to that record and much easier to handle for a clip. In fact, I believe that I linked its youtube video several times in the past.

In this song, I tend to associate with the beginning of a movie that introduces you to Equestria, Canterlot in particular. 

This sounds like a copycat of the movie except that I would expose the city with a cutscene of several angles at dawn and in a much calmer manner instead of portraying it as a lively place intended for parties.

The scenery by itself should deliver a breathtaking and peaceful presentation to the spectator. Besides, the orchestra gives a sense of warmth and familiarity from the very beginning.

It could even work as a trailer for any fanmade project. I am using a few Legends of Equestria screenshots that I took in 2016 during an open session weekend and they should illustrate how the ambient by itself can lead to a welcoming impression without featuring a pony during the introduction. After that first minute (or even an extended version of this intro), the characters slowly begin to appear in the screen (opening the windows of their houses, a character walking in the middle of the streets, a train leaving the station, Celestia raising the sun...)

This one has a much bigger chance to get a clip/sequence of images although there are other effective ways to exploit it that I might be missing. 

I could even post more audios of what i have envisioned about MLP in the past but these two in particular don´t sound too outlandish for the tone of this franchise and I cannot get rid of these ideas.

Time will tell if I decide to do anything with these two songs in the end...

thumbnail of 2362907__safe_artist-colon-occultusion_nightmare+moon_alicorn_pony_crescent+moon_curved+horn_female_helmet_hoof+shoes_horn_jewelry_mare_moon_night_raised+hoof_r.png
thumbnail of 2362907__safe_artist-colon-occultusion_nightmare+moon_alicorn_pony_crescent+moon_curved+horn_female_helmet_hoof+shoes_horn_jewelry_mare_moon_night_raised+hoof_r.png
2362907__safe_artis... png
(606.44 KB, 1109x1191)
So, is this another autistic episode that won't lead to anything productive? I don't have a clue.

 I am simply sharing a few reflections that while I was studying,these little scenes were randomly floating in my head and interrupting me every now and then (though they haven't turned out to be all that intrusive)

I don't have any expectations if I put my hands on these because you know, I am not into animation but perhaps a sequence of a few images could work out for me in order to fill the thread with something a little bit different.

As for now,those are simply ideas that I wanted to share tonight.Despite that I have been listening to these songs for years, they have arisen in prominence in my mind nowadays.

This should also expose how my method of envisioning stories/sequences is not by using dreams (like the /night/ (CB) anon does).In contrast, I daydream instead with songs that after listening to them repeated times, there is a moment in which those imaginary events happen. This should clear up a few doubts of the process behind the fics I wrote in the past.

Anyway, have a good night, /endpone/

Proof of Life

That's odd. I mean there has been incidents of accidental double posts but I usually never delete those. Seems kinda random as that post is the first part of three.  Thanks for the offer of help.  Good luck with the chaos of endchan. 

thumbnail of 2366404__safe_artist-colon-hitbass_artist-colon-skitsniga_princess+luna_alicorn_pony_female_mare_moon_night_night+sky_reflection_sky_solo_stars.png
thumbnail of 2366404__safe_artist-colon-hitbass_artist-colon-skitsniga_princess+luna_alicorn_pony_female_mare_moon_night_night+sky_reflection_sky_solo_stars.png
2366404__safe_artist-... png
(2.42 MB, 2048x1152)
nope, I think that I reported that post without looking for that. The server overloaded in .net domain when I wanted to post just a single reply but Endchan was struggling somehow at connecting properly for a while. When I hit the New Reply button, it didn´t load and I clicked several times and then, the thread wouldn´t update until two/three minutes after it loaded.

There is nothing wrong with the post itself just that like the BO has said,  >>/6166/ accidental double/triple posts happen because the servers don´t work all that well for a while and it´s not the first time that happens to me in this week.

I see that the repeated posts had been deleted before you came to this thread so the problem was solved by that point because of another moderator/volunteer.

thumbnail of 2365551__safe_artist-colon-skyaircobra_starlight+glimmer_trixie_pony_unicorn_absurd+resolution_duo_duo+female_female_galloping_mare_running_smiling_sunset.jpg
thumbnail of 2365551__safe_artist-colon-skyaircobra_starlight+glimmer_trixie_pony_unicorn_absurd+resolution_duo_duo+female_female_galloping_mare_running_smiling_sunset.jpg
2365551__safe_artist-... jpg
(3.71 MB, 5500x2547)
> We have touched on it before I think. Such day dreams are somewhat familiar to me but yours sound a bit more abstract.
eeyup, several times actually. Whenever I expose the process behind the fanfics, I explain with as much clarity as possible to process and report where those thoughts come from.  What I have told here serves as a personal check that things haven´t changed all that much and there is a certain pattern and/or consistency when it comes to daydreaming and picturing scenes related to MLP inside the brain. 

The fact that the process described is still the same kind of relieves me because at least, I am not contradicting nor having hallucinations. As it has happened before in a similar manner, at least, it comes as less surprising. 

Funnily enough, I haven´t spent my time thinking about these scenes today though. Perhaps writing down these thoughts help at overcoming them and release that mental charge to the outside. 
> Was working on a slightly expermental edit but have gotten stuck so have a PoLS with a promise for more in the future.
> experimental edit
oh boy, hype! hype!

thumbnail of 2125649__safe_artist-colon-shad0w-dash-galaxy_princess+luna_absurd+res_alicorn_cutie+mark_cyberpunk_ethereal+mane_female_mare_pony_robot_roboticization.jpg
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2125649__safe_artist-... jpg
(3.06 MB, 6100x4100)
the tree is a lie

I´ve got you. Not sure if a kid would react more towards the surprise or the epileptic sequence shown in the gif though.

> trying to figure out how to merge images of different properties togather. Got stuck at several points and although I had intresting results in a couple I haven't really completed my objective.
pasting one image over the other does require a little bit effort for making the final result organic and natural. The biggest problem relies here on the fact that you are looking for Chrysalis to look like a normal vector and then, combine her with any Equestrian ambient. 

For example, the emboss filter makes her look more natural because she has become flat in the last image. For the 2nd one, it´s giving me vibes of my teenage years when i was messing around in GT5 with the effects. The partial colour one turned everything into black and white except for the cars that were racing. Same here in your edit but with the 3d model.

Perhaps you should try at making her flat and toy around with the adjustments that make her look like a 3d model and reach a level body for her (the shadows, contrast...) . Then, one can introduce her to the 2d background that you want to combine with her model.

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117592 edit... jpg
(1.77 MB, 1200x1795)
thumbnail of 117592 edit 2 (watercolour).jpg
thumbnail of 117592 edit 2 (watercolour).jpg
117592 edit... jpg
(1.92 MB, 1200x1795)
The previous two edits were made last month where this one was a picture that I hadn´t seen before on Derpi  (the serial number shown in the thumbnail is Bronibooru´s one, not Derpi´s)

Given that we could be witnessing the rise of new alternative boorus in this post gen 4 era,I went to the Bronibooru site which Bridgefag linked on his /golden oaks/ thread and I decided to put my hands on this one. I ended up making two versions of it, the first one keeps the drawn contours whereas the latter exposes a watercolour effect that removes the thin lines and diminishes the noise coming out of the original.

As always, I am leaving both versions  next to each other so you can compare them. Or if you find yourselves making a better edit  than these ones, try it.

Anyway, here they are.

thumbnail of 68527.png
thumbnail of 68527.png
68527 png
(748.84 KB, 1280x1225)
> dot-Com?
eeeyup, it´s the only domain available for that site.

> it lacks for good tagging. 
definitely. I am not a fan of the generic Danbooru format either. 

> Also "anime AF" should not, imho, be a tag for anything.
that tag exists... I mean, I have run into a few Derpi picture with the "Majestic AF" tag but I didn´t imagine that this smaller booru would have the tag that you are mentioning.

And it´s real. The tag contains 230 pictures so far and pic related counts as one of them.

About your edit, I am noticing that you have added more intensity in order to adjust Trixie´s skin to her natural blue color by removing that purple tone. It fixes that although it´s a  subtle change.

thumbnail of 2372861__safe_artist-colon-eli-dot-moon-dot-378_oc_oc+only_sea+pony_solo_traditional+art.jpg
thumbnail of 2372861__safe_artist-colon-eli-dot-moon-dot-378_oc_oc+only_sea+pony_solo_traditional+art.jpg
2372861__safe_artist-... jpg
(37.25 KB, 1017x1016)
thumbnail of 2372861 edit.jpg
thumbnail of 2372861 edit.jpg
2372861 edit jpg
(342.75 KB, 1200x1689)
just type the serial number of Derpibooru and you will found out that none of these are mine. I simply search for: "traditional art" and I keep turning the pages until I find some potential material to edit and try something with them.

You wouldn´t post these pictures easily out there so despite having the option to edit good images on their own, I prefer experimenting with a base that doesn´t hold up as nicely as it should. If the edit is better than the original, technically you "win the thread" 

> Where did you come across such washed out originals?
Derpibooru. It´s not a secret. Just that these pictures normally don´t have high ratings nor the average user would bother to check these more than once. Anyway, here you have the original (even by typing the serial number from the thumbnails in the URL, you can find them as well):


> These aren't your pencilworks are they?
nope, sadly I don´t have the skills to draw. Normally, in a chan, you would have a drawfag to provide new content and I don´t. The closest attempts for offering original content were  >>/5222/ (and I am not satisfied at all with the drawings I made back in 2017) and the redrawn picture from Bridgefag  >>/5681/ last March (original was  >>/3858/). 

> Fine drawing just bad scanner settings, methinks.
yeah, several random factors that contribute to the drawing for not looking all that good as they could. I tend to experiment more with those picture that have nothing to offer. Those that only need adjustments to fix that bad scanning (or wrong lighting for example) end up way more limited in terms of edition as a result.

However, there are way more steps than the apparent look delivers to the viewer (so you might believe that these ones consist in adding a little effect but I would need to explain several features from the editor programs that go further than that and some of these edits have in-between images that don´t get posted here but I have in my folder. For example, this edit  >>/4234/ took me like 14 checkpoints, so I have skipped the steps behind the spotty correction and I needed a few hours to fix the mess in the background)

> /* Err, and have my edit, done with IrfanView */
I haven´t had any experience with IrfanView (so I am not familiar with its features) but I am predicting that you have modified the luminosity (or brightness). I have used Photoscape and Windows 10 Photo Program for all these (yeah, this is what happens when you don´t have Photoshop)

It looks better indeed but there are more aspects to take into account with that Daybreaker picture (intensity, colour or contrast for example). The problem arises when you have to adjust several things at once and then, try to find a balance that works out for the final product (which turns out to be the biggest challenge for accomplishing a nice look and frustrating most of the time).

Perhaps one should start with images that only need a correction or two by adjusting contrast/brightness, shadows or colour (or even simply resizing an image); and then use other tools like noise reduction, spotty correction, effects and contours (eroding or dilating the lines) 

After one toys with the basic features of any editor program, one realizes that it is always the same and almost everything else relies on trial and error by using those options strategically (and having a little bit of luck within the process)

anyway, figuring out the options from the editor program is quite trivial (even though I could understand the struggles at exploiting them for a while). This thread is a mix of trying to post unusual content, fun by messing around with the editor and attempting to dig all the possible potential that any picture can offer (especially if those images don´t say much by themselves) while looking for feedback or bringing more ideas on top of that content.

In no way this beats the drawing practice (very few edits would be worthy to upload in a serious manner out there)  but I suppose that this doesn´t seem to be the most common thread that you would find on a pony board. So hey, we fill this with experiments, leftovers and random ideas that swirl inside our heads.

I´ve got to end my activity right here.

Good night /endpone/

Nice seeing ya join us in editing. 

> IrfanView
Wow, that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. How would you rate it?

Cool edit here. 

>  I have used Photoscape and Windows 10 Photo Program for all these (yeah, this is what happens when you don´t have Photoshop)

>  So hey, we fill this with experiments, leftovers and random ideas that swirl inside our heads.

> I´ve got to end my activity right here.
Me as well. Been working on a /go/ update and a expermintal thing but neither are ready atm. 

Goodnight /endpone/

thumbnail of 2321479__safe_artist-colon-025aki_autumn+blaze_kirin_blushing_cute_female_fire_looking+at+you_smiling_solo_traditional+art.jpg
thumbnail of 2321479__safe_artist-colon-025aki_autumn+blaze_kirin_blushing_cute_female_fire_looking+at+you_smiling_solo_traditional+art.jpg
2321479__safe_arti... jpg
(688.5 KB, 1822x2048)
> Cool edit here.
It looks really pixelated despite all the gained aesthetic though

I downloaded it once as an alternative for Paint. Perhaps I should give it another chance by judging it as an editor.Maybe it offers more options than the ones I know.

> Been working on a /go/ update and a expermintal thing but neither are ready atm.
well, those unfinished projects have more hype from me than Pony Life. So,there is that bold statement from my part.

thumbnail of 2346690__safe_artist-colon-hierozaki_octavia+melody_earth+pony_semi-dash-anthro_bipedal_cello_female_flower_lantern_mare_musical+instrument_solo.jpg
thumbnail of 2346690__safe_artist-colon-hierozaki_octavia+melody_earth+pony_semi-dash-anthro_bipedal_cello_female_flower_lantern_mare_musical+instrument_solo.jpg
2346690__safe_artist-... jpg
(246.84 KB, 1920x1080)
why I am envisioning that this gif could be perfectly used for shitposting in Pony Life threads? 

> MFW I've spent most of the day trying a crazy edit
a few edits in the past took me days so you are not the only one here. You can spend a few hours trying to figure out what works for that picture and end up with nothing satisfactory that comes close to what you initially wanted to achieve.

Basically, I know that feeling. Then, you edit a picture for 10 minutes or less and ends up being better received than the one you put more effort within the process (true story)

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thumbnail of TheCageTransformTool.png
TheCageTransformTool png
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I_can_Stretch_Stuff png
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thumbnail of Doesnt_That_Look_Better.png
Doesnt_That_Look_Bett... png
(125.93 KB, 779x620)
> I should give it another chance by judging it as an editor.Maybe it offers more options than the ones I know.
Well, it is often seen as  inferior  open source attempt at photoshop, so it just might! It certainly can do more than paint. 

Here is a tool I've used in a few tests but I don't think I ever used it an edit. You make a cage around an area and then can move the nodes to stretch it or shrink it. Hence the name Cage Transform.

thumbnail of Lego_Golden_Oaks_Emboss_Test.jpg
thumbnail of Lego_Golden_Oaks_Emboss_Test.jpg
Lego_Golden_O... jpg
(998.85 KB, 1280x1707)
thumbnail of Lego_Golden_Oaks_This_Sucks_but_It_Gave_Me_A_Cool_Idea.jpg
thumbnail of Lego_Golden_Oaks_This_Sucks_but_It_Gave_Me_A_Cool_Idea.jpg
Lego_Golden_O... jpg
(578.5 KB, 1280x1707)
> a few edits in the past took me days so you are not the only one here.
Indeed this one is one of those. I wouldn't call it "good" but it maybe the most ambition thing I've done. Again, I stress that it may not have a cool result but I do find it an interesting test.

> Sometimes the End lets me attach images.
It seems like the end gives you special grief. I have had it happen but rarely on anything below 10MB. Heck, I uploaded something over 100MB recently...

As for your edit, I do think the Sepia looks a bit better. Reminds me a bit of an older book illustration tbh. 

Here is some cheap edits of the Lego Golden Oaks that you uploaded at  >>/6303/

thumbnail of rainbow_1798102993.png
thumbnail of rainbow_1798102993.png
rainbow_17981... png
(563.28 KB, 540x720)
> it is often seen as inferior open source attempt at photoshop, so it just might! It certainly can do more than paint.
yeah. There are so many options in that program that I don´t even know where I should even begin, it´s overwhelming to domain it properly. 

Not only that but it runs somewhat slow in my PC when I try to apply certain filters (consuming the CPU as if I were playing a video game), freezing at some point that ruins the progress and becomes an annoyance. 

Despite fixing the connectivity by getting (finally) the optic fiber last year, my PC seems to be quite stuck in the 2000s.

> You make a cage around an area and then can move the nodes to stretch it or shrink it. Hence the name Cage Transform.
that could work for extending the body of a pony (you know what I mean) or making certain adjustment to imperfect/eclectic images that are ruined because of disproportionate dimensions within the original drawing.

The crucial point of this feature relies mostly on which picture this should be used.

> I wouldn't call it "good" but it maybe the most ambition thing I've done.
perhaps something could be compiled in the next thread  but yeah, sometimes these tests aren´t meant to display something amazing but mostly a visual example of  a certain practice that you have been working with the editor (as if we were talking about material only meant to be filed and report in public but nothing else)

> Here is some cheap edits of the Lego Golden Oaks that you uploaded at  >>/6303/
the emboss filter kind of works though. I have to ask myself what appeals the spark appeals to you so much. Just curious because despite having that option available, I´ve never found (so far) any fitting reason to use it. I find it quite complicated to place it into an image and end up with ""natural"" results by resorting to that effect.

> too much of a green tone

That's because I slid the blue all the way to the left, and dropped the red a bit too. Left the green as it seemed appropriate for the setting.

original seems to be from here:

thumbnail of nature_s_attendants_by_wourdeluck_d8f1ov7-fullview.jpg
thumbnail of nature_s_attendants_by_wourdeluck_d8f1ov7-fullview.jpg
nature_s_attendants_b... jpg
(70.25 KB, 1024x904)
oh...oh, alright, I feel a little bit stupid for implying that the image that you had posted was the original. I realize that you did for aesthetic purposes...just that I didn´t have the info or the edit word in order to notice that you made your own version.

A little bit awkward. Well, this thread is full of lies and illusions, so I have been tricked.

thumbnail of orig edit.jpg
thumbnail of orig edit.jpg
orig edit jpg
(161.51 KB, 900x436)
> I was actually trying to un-sepia it
you are referrring here about the noise and not about the color right? Because otherwise, I would be quite confused here.

I think that the image editors (GIMP, Krita, Photoscape...) have an option that diminish the noise (noise reduction). Depending on your editor, you could use a slight blurring as well.

I suppose that this was the intended objective for that edit.

thumbnail of SepiaShootingDay.jpg
thumbnail of SepiaShootingDay.jpg
SepiaShootingDay jpg
(31.51 KB, 900x436)
> you are referrring here about the noise and not about the color right?

No, the color. Here it is with sepia added, and just a little color washed out. My original attempt was to make it look like the pair were out shooting in the desert's mid-day sun -- but the background is not all one color, and using irfanview's color-replace (replacing selected "gray" with "white" lead to ... what you see above.
Which was a thing, too I suppose so I posted it.

thumbnail of 2672431__safe_artist-colon-ser-dash-p_daybreaker_pony_absurd+resolution_monochrome_sketch_solo.png
thumbnail of 2672431__safe_artist-colon-ser-dash-p_daybreaker_pony_absurd+resolution_monochrome_sketch_solo.png
2672431__safe_artist-... png
(3.41 MB, 4000x4000)
thumbnail of 2672431 edit meant for textures.png
thumbnail of 2672431 edit meant for textures.png
2672431 edit meant... png
(19.52 MB, 4000x4000)
> Here it is with sepia added, and just a little color washed out.
ah alright, you used the effect first without getting rid of the colors. Alright, I get the steps then.

> Irfanview's color-replace
so, you are using Irfanview...well, I am not familiar with that editor but I am implying that it has the essential features (like the Windows 10 editor has) in terms of brightness, contrast and colors. But if you find yourself limited at some point, try other editors as soon as you grow familiar with those tools. 

> Which was a thing, too I suppose so I posted it.
yeah, I see.

By the way, don´t take this edit too seriously. I am only sharing it because there is a certain texture that could bring ideas for a custom mosaic.

thumbnail of 2659988__safe_artist-colon-11-dash-shadow_nightmare+moon_alicorn_bat+pony_pony_bat+pony+alicorn_bat+wings_ethereal+mane_female_horn_mare_solo_starry+mane_wings.png
thumbnail of 2659988__safe_artist-colon-11-dash-shadow_nightmare+moon_alicorn_bat+pony_pony_bat+pony+alicorn_bat+wings_ethereal+mane_female_horn_mare_solo_starry+mane_wings.png
2659988__safe_artist-... png
(1.75 MB, 1700x1700)
thumbnail of 2659988 edit number 1.jpg
thumbnail of 2659988 edit number 1.jpg
2659988 edit number 1 jpg
(1.2 MB, 1700x1700)
thumbnail of 2659988 edit number 2.jpg
thumbnail of 2659988 edit number 2.jpg
2659988 edit number 2 jpg
(551.41 KB, 1700x1700)
Well, we all know how this goes I guess. I have like two versions of this picture (or you could add your version to the contest like  >>/5237/ did)  and I find myself undecided which one should be the one that appeals the most.

In both versions, they share the increase of brightness, just that I would like to check out how much of it is enough.

thumbnail of BothPrimaryColors.jpg
thumbnail of BothPrimaryColors.jpg
BothPrimaryColors jpg
(169.84 KB, 1000x1100)
I started trying to lean them toward the joke DWK made which was pretty much the joke made in the episode where spike's head apparently is what his cutie mark looks like.

"You're both purple unicorn with sparkly stuff on your plots"

But "purple" is a variant of *red* and BLUE is a primary color that very much stands apart from red

Inverting the image just gives us the Daring-Dont recolor of Glimmypoo.


thumbnail of 2694455__safe_artist-colon-symbianl_starlight+glimmer_trixie_pony_unicorn_blushing_cape_clothes_cuddling_cute_diatrixes_drool_ear+fluff_eyes+closed_female_fluff.jpg
thumbnail of 2694455__safe_artist-colon-symbianl_starlight+glimmer_trixie_pony_unicorn_blushing_cape_clothes_cuddling_cute_diatrixes_drool_ear+fluff_eyes+closed_female_fluff.jpg
2694455__safe_artist-... jpg
(272.67 KB, 1800x1200)
the editing thread... it´s been a long time since anything was posted over here.

Well, that edit clearly displays the primary colors (the greenish one for the most part) and while I am not all that fond with the blue contours, the parts that are supposed to look pink/purple seems to fit quite nicely. 

> But "purple" is a variant of *red* and BLUE is a primary color that very much stands apart from red
the primary colors are indeed red,green and blue for adjusting them with software. However, aren´t the main ones yellow, blue and magenta? Mostly because purple would be the mix of both magenta and blue (technically). Or are these three colors meant to be manually mixed for painters exclusively?

thumbnail of rgb-vs-cmyk.png
thumbnail of rgb-vs-cmyk.png
rgb-vs-cmyk png
(82.62 KB, 2400x1251)
> Or are these three colors meant to be manually mixed for painters exclusively?

RGB is for photons that you look at, CMYK is for pigments you smudge into materials that then refuse to reflect photons you could look at.

Opposing but complementary systems, if you will.
Also, unrelated, but somehow my browser has incessantly decided to remember, as the last downloaded-to location, H:\Stuff\Hacks\Game-reltd\Fo_NV
So EVERY TIME I want to save an image, or a .pdf, or an installer, I have to scroll around to find the root of my drives and decide, in *this* case, where to this file belong?

Which is sorta how it always is except instead of defaulting to C:\ or my documents, it remembers that over the summer I installed New Vegas and went looking for updated mods.

thumbnail of Rendered_Spectrum.png
thumbnail of Rendered_Spectrum.png
Rendered_Spectrum png
(99.94 KB, 1620x109)
thumbnail of 2724375__safe_artist-colon-quvr_derpibooru+import_trixie_pony_unicorn_female_females+only_forest_horn_mare_solo_tree.jpg
thumbnail of 2724375__safe_artist-colon-quvr_derpibooru+import_trixie_pony_unicorn_female_females+only_forest_horn_mare_solo_tree.jpg
2724375__safe... jpg
(1.08 MB, 1920x2560)
> RGB is for photons that you look at
so, that goes according to the wavelength that they have within the visible spectrum then. Alright, I have checked the whole visible spectrum and turns out that the ranges coming from the other visible colors (yellow, violet,cyan and orange) are so slim that the main three ones eat up the whole visible spectrum when those colors are put on a gray background. 

> CMYK is for pigments you smudge into materials that then refuse to reflect photons you could look at.
so they work as a barrier...got it.

> Opposing but complementary systems, if you will.
yeah, fair enough. 

> So EVERY TIME I want to save an image, or a .pdf, or an installer, I have to scroll around to find the root of my drives and decide, in *this* case, where to this file belong?
why? have you recently downloaded anything related to NV? The command normally goes to the last folder where you decided to download the last archive.Are you using Pale Moon, right? 

well, the donkey mouth could work as meme material. Although I wonder what led you to copy the horn and use the angle for the whole image (3D effect, i guess?)

thumbnail of 2532906__safe_artist-colon-florarena-dash-kitasatina-fwslash-dragonborne+fox_oc_oc-colon-katie+rubywing_changedling_changeling_absurd+resolution_cel+shading_cha.jpg
thumbnail of 2532906__safe_artist-colon-florarena-dash-kitasatina-fwslash-dragonborne+fox_oc_oc-colon-katie+rubywing_changedling_changeling_absurd+resolution_cel+shading_cha.jpg
2532906__safe_artist-... jpg
(1.2 MB, 2900x2900)
Alright, I am leaving a reply so other users get a warning before clicking that spoiler with a clip of 40 seconds (it´s Surf and/or Turf´s intro, by the way)

And...WOW, freaking wow! That´s really trippy.

I definitely DO NOT recommend watching this with headphones (unless that you want to experience the hearing embodiment of taking mushrooms) Considering the huge amount of delay and overlapping (the voices are repeated three times if I am not wrong), I swear that the first thing that popped up in my mind after going through those 40 seconds was this:


The first 11 seconds make sense and the CMC exclaiming: "Princess Twilight, we are glowing!" just simply work and instantly reminded me of this track full of psychedelia (singing repeatedly "On my father´s grave" 8 times in a row.  Also, don´t look at the cover art because it moves by itself even when the video is stopped)

However, after those first 11 seconds...

...I just simply say good luck at keeping track of all their voices (and you might find Twilight´s laugh genuinely creepy) 

> Posting video to the image editing thread. I have a couple of mildly experimental projects but unfortunately have ran into some issues in rendering them. So have this instead.
< MFW haven't done this.
> And...WOW, freaking wow! That´s really trippy.
Maybe I should become a punk/insane Tridashie.

> https://youtu.be/DRFlyfcbcFM?t=160
Way nicer though!

> (and you might find Twilight´s laugh genuinely creepy) 


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thumbnail of 2971788.jpg
2971788 jpg
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The Pony of Shadows... what can I say for the context for this character?  I find myself at a loss for words, not in awe nor disappointment, just thinking of where I could take this. I have watched it three times and tried to see if you have any subtleties hidden within. My first impression is a haunting feeling but also a dark one. This feels a little creepy and there is a almost a eldritch feeling with how some of the pictures are edited though I am not sure that was your intent. 

I am interested in what you mean with Po(L)S. I presume it means, Pony of Shadows, correct? A double meaning, if I dare bet on something more specific here. How Stygian in limbo as the Pony of Shadows he really can't prove his "life" if that makes any sense? I am trying to think if I could word that better. 

As for a review. Well, this was perfectly fitting for Nightmare Night. This is something that is relatively simple but the effort to make it uniform with edits (plus some possible other editions) puts it above a lot simpler "picture shows" that were popular back in the day. 
 and apperently still somewhat recently???? https://youtube.com/watch?v=PktlKTnGSfU [Embed] 

I feel something else ought to be said but it alludes me at the moment.


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