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I suppose this reaction face  >>/2563/
is what I would have posted as well.

Ground Control to Major Tom, we have a problem with the extension.  

89x 50. Yeah, the rocket will be launched for another day. 

that´s sick

It´s the bridge architect!

definitely. Ambient music fits a lot on this one.
Twilight, I think you may have developed a fetish for swords. Isn´t that a little bit excessive, sweetie?

is she blinking because of tiredness or because she is sleeping while guarding the place?

Yandere Twilight makes an appearance to the scene. I wonder if she doesn´t have a good taste in her mouth because of those last bridges Dolores has built lately.....
Note, was using this old thread for tests (formating tests, video test with a certain movie.) Deleted these post because I was just sage posting and was going to return the thread to it's original state. 

> heh.
It's true! Your thread... I know this is a small thing in the grand scheme, but I think it maybe the best webm thread I have ever seen, at least from a formatting standpoint, /). Just that little extra effort counts ya'know?

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