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thumbnail of not hurting derpt.png
thumbnail of not hurting derpt.png
not hurting derpt png
(550.5 KB, 1260x1024)
I one day hope I can trick a pony into thinking that I am a machine.
I will use this as a way to leverage myself into a position where they're just ok with me fucking them because they think I am a robot.
Then, I will slowly have them become emotionally attached to me as many people do with objects that can talk back to them
And finally, once they can't live without me, I will have secured my waifu.
Its the perfect plan.

I am also hinging on the fact that she's a retard to pull this off.
I actually have no idea what the weeks are for, I wonder the same thing from time to time. Weeks until he has to leave equestria or some shit porbably

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