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> spring can be pretty dark. Not perhaps, as dark as winter, but for the constant alteration of bright-yesterday dark-today, it seems dark.
spring doesn´t mean that all of a sudden it will get bright. I am aware that the southern hemisphere is going through the fall season and the zones located closer to the poles, well, those people won´t notice much difference all of a sudden because of geographical reasons.
What one can pull out from the word spring is that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel but it doesn´t have to be exactly because of the seasons themselves but the meaning within your life.
> It is spring, but it is dark, and so it light of certain revelations seen in other threads, I offer to those needing, the consolation (?) of a dark & tired Celestia.
which is appreciated. You know, /endpone/ has delivered quite a lot of dark/bleak content as well,just that said trait has been overshadowed by other stuff. The negative/sad/pessimistic tone has never gone away though. Besides, Celestia holds a nightmarish entity within herself so, what you are conveying right here doesn´t feel out of place at all.