/pone/ - World of Equestria

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Even though Celly tends to be more associated with the summer and EQD is celebrating the day for /endpone/´s first mascot, I have also run into a few Celestia pics that give the impression of spring´s arrival, making her thematically related to this date.

Not a very common trait that you see from her (even though this board doesn´t seem to follow very common ideas, see the Bat Pony Cadence mascot or a handful of threads in the catalog)  but it doesn´t prevent anything from getting some material where she can irradiate her beauty seamlessly. 

These posts are also the first ones for her thread in 2021, so...well, this makes it a little bit more symbolic. 

Let the new blooming season begin...
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Around here, spring can be pretty dark. Not perhaps, as dark as winter, but for the constant alteration of bright-yesterday dark-today, it seems dark.

 It is spring, but it is dark, and so it light of certain revelations seen in other threads, I offer to those needing, the consolation (?) of a dark & tired Celestia.
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> spring can be pretty dark. Not perhaps, as dark as winter, but for the constant alteration of bright-yesterday dark-today, it seems dark.
spring doesn´t mean that all of a sudden it will get bright. I am aware that the southern hemisphere is going through the fall season and the zones located closer to the poles, well, those people won´t notice much difference all of a sudden because of geographical reasons.

What one can pull out from the word spring is that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel but it doesn´t have to be exactly because of the seasons themselves but the meaning within your life. 

> It is spring, but it is dark, and so it light of certain revelations seen in other threads, I offer to those needing, the consolation (?) of a dark & tired Celestia.
which is appreciated. You know, /endpone/ has delivered quite a lot of dark/bleak content as well,just that said trait has been overshadowed by other stuff. The negative/sad/pessimistic tone has never gone away though. Besides, Celestia holds a nightmarish entity within herself so, what you are conveying right here doesn´t feel out of place at all.
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Haunting pic.

> You know, /endpone/ has delivered quite a lot of dark/bleak content as well,just that said trait has been overshadowed by other stuff. The negative/sad/pessimistic tone has never gone away though. Besides, Celestia holds a nightmarish entity within herself so, what you are conveying right here doesn´t feel out of place at all.
Yeah, the revoultion and everything else...

Something else darkish, Cozy's fate,  though I am pro stoning, not pro her treatmeant before getting there though. 
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lol, you have opened a can of worms that would be quite uncomfortable for some fans...and the worst part is that you can rely on reality in order to actually check it. 

The reaction...which would be the most fitting for this? An evil grin from Celestia? A smile of hers while she is making fun of this?
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> the revoultion and everything else...
a 4d chess revolution (2019 /endpone/ vibes are sure strong right there with that line). I was referring to pic related but I suppose that this board can provide another perspective (in case that we got bored of the normal canon, as if we didn´t have enough with 9 seasons already)

> Something else darkish, Cozy's fate, though I am pro stoning, not pro her treatmeant before getting there though.
Cozy fan confirmed, displaying some sympathy towards her because of her treatment in the Ending of the End...and her cutie mark is a tower. 

I...I am considering several theories about what you actually meant with this post...
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> Have a mixed bag of alicorns while I fix myself some coffee.

the pictures are truly nice, no complaints about that.Nonetheless...

> I had a generally rotten day. No specific reason.
what happened? Did you wake up with low energy or in a bad mood with low self-esteem? Because if that´s the case, I have had quite a few of those. Except for a couple of hours during the afternoon and/or the evening, days of that kind don´t turn out to be very worthwhile.

> I hope tomorrow is better.
hooves crossed.
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... and this is due to the fact that the summer solstice occurred without neither pity nor glory over here. Even though it comes almost a month late, it is never too late to post a few drawings in which the  former sun princess can shine for herself. 

It´s just that she needed a small spotlight in order to remember the vibrancy that she delivers with her presence alone.
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Definitely someone doesn't seem to have a great /sun/day. I thought that comments of this kind would have no place in 2022,3 years after the ending of Friendship is Magic (gen 4) and people still get mad for no reason at all except for the fact that fans of this franchise still exist. 

Thank you for reminding why I even became a fan in the first place 8 years ago.Only a few minutes before finishing my calm Sunday and it seems that I am getting a little smile before midnight.

Have a happy Celly in return,sir.
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> When is it staying up late and when it is being up early? 

> At what point is it my domain?

> One might say when the Sun raises, and that is where my instinct is.

> Not everypony though defines a day as the day. Legal reasons as well. 

> Regardless of whom the domain it is currently right now I have one thing to say:

> Go to sleep.
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A brief glance at the Easter tag on Twibooru, and nopony has tried to make a good overlap between human religion and ponies. It's been done for Christmas, but apparently they don't teach about the Resurrection in big-city-churches.

So have some easter eggs to brighten your day, and some cute bunnies to deliver them.
Belated happy Easter Sunday from a lurker and sometimes poster. 

> A brief glance at the Easter tag on Twibooru, and nopony has tried to make a good overlap between human religion and ponies. It's been done for Christmas, but apparently they don't teach about the Resurrection in big-city-churches.

You'd think with how many things I have seen ponyfied you'd have something,referencing that.  

I find it funny the various lines we all draw in that in. Some places are very restrictive, some (too) permissive and then some that are somewhere inbetween. /endpone/ has always felt odd in allowing stuff but pony remaining more or less supreme. NGL The only one which burns my eyes is  beautifulbunny.png and I don't think that counts for either full furshit or g5.  The anthro's are just tacky and g5 is... just g5.
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Very belated happy Easter Sunday. 

>  /endpone/ has always felt odd in allowing stuff but pony remaining more or less supreme.

It is just the culture that arose here I suppose. For example, Equestria Girls is allowed but I don't think I nor anypony else have ever posted it. I draw a line at passing off complete generic furry or human ocs with no obivious connection to ponies. 

> I find it funny the various lines we all draw in that in

I think one thing that exacerbate this is how pony was both very big but one of the last fandoms to establish a bunch of own websites. Thus a lot of different people have different ideas of and experiences of what was the fandom to them. This is always the case with any fandom to a extent but with us you truly had a bunch of different places and little spinters. You still do. Old 8/pone allowed anthro and /mlp/ saw them as impure faggots, yet 8/pone would turn around and call out there being too much Equestria Girls threads and see them the same. nhnb sees both as impure.It can be fascinating to watch it all play out.
> one of the last fandoms to establish a bunch of own websites.

That is a good point that I haven't thought about. Touhou the previous internet big meme fandom, had dozens of websites. We had a lot and still do, but how many sites did the /co/ fandoms that came into existence shortly after us have? I guess we just managed to slip in just before social media became large enough to block that out. 

Hides under bed
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This drawing puts me very much in mind of the .gif in
When I was offered an emergency drop of Princess.

We're in the middle of what some in my circle are pronouncing twenty twenty free.
Here's to hoping the princesses win decisively; Littlepip won't always be that little.
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> Here's to hoping the princesses win decisively; Littlepip won't always be that little.

Here here! /)  and I hope your year has been doing you well! 

> We're in the middle of what some in my circle are pronouncing twenty twenty free.

Do you still say two thousand?  It is interesting as I still pronounce that way, sometimes... I suppose it is a hold over in a similar sense of still saying "video taping" over simply "recording". Albeit I am probably a little two young for either.

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