> I was also sympathetic around season 3 and 4 with those who thought it was too focus around her to a degree So there is a bit of mixed feelings present at times
disagree with the season 4 part,mostly because she´s only had the opener, the finale and Three´s A Crowd as material that focuses on her specifically. Not even Twilight Time has her as the main character despite having her name in the episode.
But yeah,it´s a combination of everything in reality.
> I feel that with several. Especially with more minor characters.
mostly because they are not as overused and have more fuel left to imagine something around them.
> I remember around season 3 and 4 some fearing the writers were moving down that path.
well, I repeat those thoughts as well. I can to a degree write when she is not as random but that behavior kind of deviates the ideas because she as a character, drives the organic dialogue to what she wants with her appearance. Much less these days, but for the most part, she offer that.
> I won't touch the mane6 either (obviously) but that it is interesting to explore the margins such as Bat Cadence.
hence I have posted the princesses before anyone else.
> My thoughts on her are more organized now, though it'd take a post or two to fully explain and a bit of reseacrh for citations
> so I'll wait till post 3000 post before I do any of that.
start whenever you want because we all can take a break. /endpone/ has passed the barrier before the end of 2018 (with 2 days before the deadline), so now,one can enjoy pure liberty all over again fortunately.