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> Who said anything about planning?
I´ve said mostly this because you were exposing here and I quote:

> who are all part of an online imageboard communist international with GETchan, /leftypol/ and others?
which implies that you are exposing them as they are all united for a single ideology uniformly. This post already gives an idea that you either come from /mlpol/ or you are ideologically (in the political sense) that you are disenchanted with the mentality/idiosyncrasy of those places.

> I just want this board to not be cancerous, whether politically cancerous or normalfag cancerous.
well, that depends on what you want to do first over here.

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> Holy shit fuck mlpol. I just don't trust ideologues
well, I have a clue (more or less) of where you are coming from. My guesses are that you hate the constant nazi shitposting and you tend more towards either the liberal (in the European sense), libertarian or conservative/republican who considers the nazi worshiping as something that would come from edgy teenagers. I am taking a guess though.

> others have a habit of being full of trip/namefags and general autists.
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell, about that... I am going to be fully honest here. Perhaps you should read the rules a little bit:

> 5 :It's actually okay to show a bit of a personal side here. This was not done as a choice but how our board evolved. With two or three anons there is not much of a veil to hide behind. Still, unless you are doing some kind of OC or project don't namefag or tripfag.
while this board doesn´t rely on trips all that much in the first place (not to mention that one doesn´t need them for a small board of this kind), this board has used them for several relevant thread over the last two years. 
I am leaving it at that and then, you judge the whole thing according to your tastes/preferences or whatever. I´ll let you a bit of time to think about it.

> /pone/ died years ago anyway. Bet you're too new to know when. 
in 2018, when 8chan shut down because of a trial that the owner won but had to rename it in order to appear on the web again. /8pone/ lost a lot of activity because of those months without any access for that board.

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Howdy, I am the BO of /endpone/. So, you're looking at a place that is pre politicized chan culture? I cannot tell you where /endpone/ fits in on the chart of what you like versus what you don't like but I can describe the culture to you and let you decide how it sounds.

/endpone/, despite its small size, does have something of a board culture that arose from a variety of influences organically. Conversations are often long and a bit marinading jumping from topic to topic in a handful of threads. At one point our ranks were as small as 2 posters, so you would end up talking about whatever, including personal life. The practice has been for any regulars that come by end up becoming know by a name or at least a nickname that is given to them by another poster because in this environment we are no collective and the conversations are individualized. Yet it was decided that trip/namefaging would still be banned and unlike Ponychan we still focus on MLP quite a lot. I dislike Ponychan's culture myself but I don't know if that would feel too Ponychanish for you. 

/endpone/ doesn't not have a strong political affiliation (maybe right leaning but not extreme if I go by the opinions) but it is only discussed sometimes. Politics is enough everywhere else so we often avoid it here. 

I don't know what your notion of a pure board culture is otherwise. That could mean a thousand different things. I could see us as coming off as somewhat too sincerer for later seasons or being too connected or outside the fandom "core" depending on what your personal definition is. 

I've seen people take us as  either a land of a few fags with mixed to cringe OC and mid level blogging or we are a small pony image board that has somehow managed to trudge along to being something unique and in someways more alive than a lot of other projects.  though frankly it probably is a bit of both. 

> So what are the plans to keep out Equestriachan, Ponychan, Lunachan, and MLPchan
Have you been away from the fandom for awhile out of curosity? Lunachan, MLPchan and Equestriachan are dead. GETchan merged with /leftypol/ on bunkerchan.

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