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thumbnail of AJ_bikeroutwest.jpg
AJ_bikeroutwest jpg
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thumbnail of AJ_DivesIcewatr.jpg
thumbnail of AJ_DivesIcewatr.jpg
AJ_DivesIcewatr jpg
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CowgirlFlutter... jpg
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MakIEponDef png
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TakingFlight png
(1.29 MB, 975x1300)

But obviously we don't need to duplicate the storage actions of Derpi, Twibooru, et al,  but ...
What images stopped you, as you scrolled by?
What images haunt you, when you think of pony at work or school?

In short, show us who is best pony by virtue of having the nicest images in your local cache of mlp-themed art.

thumbnail of MLP_LikeParty.jpg
thumbnail of MLP_LikeParty.jpg
MLP_LikePa... jpg
(427.69 KB, 600x3700)
thumbnail of PoniesMustBeMetal.jpg
thumbnail of PoniesMustBeMetal.jpg
PoniesMust... jpg
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thumbnail of MagiUncured_comic.jpg
MagiUncure... jpg
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thumbnail of Comic_MaudHasturGibbersAt.png
Comic_Maud... png
(1.91 MB, 950x3088)
thumbnail of Comic_HauntedMn.png
thumbnail of Comic_HauntedMn.png
Comic_Haun... png
(4.45 MB, 2000x7000)
Here's a few for those who turn their monitor sideways.
I'd also post "never forget, and never understand" but ... the feels in that one are heavy. Luna dates, falls in love with Pipsqueak, who grows old and dies.
Yeah, that's a sideways monitor sized comic.

thumbnail of crystal_rarity_by_jonnyb1250-d5xzuuw.png
thumbnail of crystal_rarity_by_jonnyb1250-d5xzuuw.png
crystal_rarity_by_jon... png
(2.09 MB, 3508x2480)
thumbnail of images.duckduckgo.com.gif
thumbnail of images.duckduckgo.com.gif
images.duckduckgo.com gif
(53.02 KB, 1024x758)
thumbnail of rarity_greet_by_adamlhumphreys-d49ltmo.png
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rarity_greet_by_adaml... png
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thumbnail of rarity_teehee_by_heroman4b3-d4qxjah.png
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rarity_teehee_by_hero... png
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serveimage png
(51.09 KB, 225x240)
> What images haunt you

Well, for that question, I have to say finding random images I downloaded and have little memory of what I was doing. These five I found in a old USB with a mix of random webpages and other junk. I think back and the only one I can recall was the Twilight one which I used for a edit test of somesort, but the others, don't know. As small as it is, it is kind of haunting to me.

thumbnail of FluttDru.jpg
thumbnail of FluttDru.jpg
FluttDru jpg
(165.15 KB, 791x1024)
thumbnail of City_UnguladeTwiley.jpg
thumbnail of City_UnguladeTwiley.jpg
City_UnguladeTwiley jpg
(155.4 KB, 1200x1050)
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thumbnail of FlufflPainter.jpg
FlufflPainter jpg
(136.13 KB, 1200x771)
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thumbnail of Fluttrcord_HmnzdAngry.jpg
Fluttrcord_H... jpg
(160.52 KB, 724x1024)
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thumbnail of TechTwi.jpg
TechTwi jpg
(44.75 KB, 667x1037)
> I assume
I took the comment in context, to mean that in no wise could Big Mac, in that image, be described as having "unshorn fetlocks" as they look neatly under control

Here I'd like to diverge into a new favorite tag, 'ungulade anthro' and would have more than two images of it but Twi has undone her booru, although as you see here she's currently trying to get it back online.

thumbnail of 617971__safe_artist-colon-foughtdragon01_princess+luna_changeling_pony_armor_changelingified_curved+horn_ethereal+mane_fangs_floppy+ears_galaxy+mane_looking+at.jpg
thumbnail of 617971__safe_artist-colon-foughtdragon01_princess+luna_changeling_pony_armor_changelingified_curved+horn_ethereal+mane_fangs_floppy+ears_galaxy+mane_looking+at.jpg
617971__safe_artist-c... jpg
(1.91 MB, 2700x2400)
> Here I'd like to diverge into a new favorite tag, 'ungulade anthro' and would have more than two images of it but Twi has undone her booru, although as you see here she's currently trying to get it back online.

Understandable why you like it. It has its appeal even though discussing about anthro (or features related to anything that fall under the hybrid of human-pony territory) is quite a controversial topic to handle on the anonymous (and not so anonymous) fan circles that aren't either EQD or the boorus.

Are you facing server problems out there in Twibooru,CB?

Heh, that's nothing in comparison with the errors that this site has faced for years (the day in which Odilitime faces no issues with Endchan,it will be worth celebrating) or even on the boorus, Ponybooru has also dealt with these outages a few times in the past but those periods never lasted beyond 6-7 hours (and I think I saw claims of aiming attacks at Sissy's site). Keep refreshing the page every now and then just to check out if it removes those problems but it shouldn't take up more than a day for Twifag to fix the servers. 

Far from being a novelty,we are all sick of running into these server issues. Nothing new under the sun.

thumbnail of Yakovlev-vad_FluttGuitar.png
thumbnail of Yakovlev-vad_FluttGuitar.png
Yakovlev-vad_FluttGui... png
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thumbnail of DarkCity-ins.jpg
DarkCity-ins jpg
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thumbnail of BaconHair_GlimGlam_YellowQuietBeingLoud_TwigglesOnMic.png
BaconHair_GlimGlam_Ye... png
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WoodenPhone jpg
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Wooden-ish_char-scen jpg
(56.88 KB, 900x637)
bumping this thread with another look at unguligrade anthro.
I came across this first image today, and was stopped by the beauty that SFM (or blender), with enough effort at lighting control and a few extras, can provide.

I'd been testing my install / .ckpt's of stable-diffusion, to see if it understood some of the artist names you'd find on derpi, or e621, or what have you. I remembered liking Yakovlev-vad, but couldn't be assured I was remembering his style aright.

And found Fluttershy, quietly strumming her guitar for her woodland friends. Not SFM, but have the, I believe, Dark City nightclub-scene inspired SFM piece. Followed by Twiley again with the music, this time with Glim-Glam keeping the beat in the background. Bacon Hair on Bass. Flutts back to strumming quietly for friends.

And then there's the edited piece. Well, actually they've all been edited, mostly for size, but I had to add a thong bikini for Busty Belle ... and her old-timey phone. Lastly, another piece seemingly carved from wood, this time Background Horse doing the strumming.

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>  Yakovlev-vad_FluttGuitar.png

Good. Has a natural looking body that works well enough. Nice style, as you say. 

>  DarkCity-ins.jpg) 

Is this what you were talking about with lighting? This one is a good one and seems to demonstrate that. SFM anthros usually suck but she is actually looks good.  Above not hideous tier. I actually like it.  

> BaconHair_GlimGlam_YellowQuietBeingLoud_TwigglesOnMic.png

A little uncanny valley. Lighting isn't terrible but they do have a bit more of a stick figure plastic look. 

These selection of images I'll admit feels like a whiplash of tone and a bit random despite it all being anthro. 
< previous posts

< Felt like posting some gifs I found when going through old stuff of mine. just a bunch of walk cycles of varying degrees (but overall) decent quality.

<>Felt like posting some bridges today. No other shared context or quality exists between these pictures.

**  I'd been testing my install / .ckpt's of stable-diffusion, to see if it understood some of the artist names you'd find on derpi, 
Are any of these yours? Regardless, remember what L23 said here:

thumbnail of BadflankAppleBloom.jpeg
thumbnail of BadflankAppleBloom.jpeg
BadflankApple... jpeg
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CuteOCWith... jpeg
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Hitch jpeg
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Magic jpeg
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TwilightWithAGiantSwo... jpeg
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I completely agree. Even mid lower quality pencil drawings beat similar tired quality levels digital and 3D models.*

*I think 3D models are overly mainlined though. There is a larger base of lower quality but it can still be good, even great, with skill.

thumbnail of breakfast_buffet_sugar_rush__by_pixelkitties_d8pagvj-fullview.jpg
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thumbnail of G3InspiredFlutterThatDoesn'tLookHalfBad.jpg
G3InspiredFlut... jpg
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neon_discord_b... jpg
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teenage_mutant_ninja_... jpg
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I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately have non on hoof at the moment so in the spirit of IMAGE DUMP and:  >>/8738/
> Well, with that note, to further add to the discordance of this thread

have some random deviart images.

thumbnail of DrYiff.webm
thumbnail of DrYiff.webm
DrYiff webm
(7.42 MB, 1280x720 vp9)
thumbnail of UnshortFetlocks-KnittedFace.jpg
thumbnail of UnshortFetlocks-KnittedFace.jpg
UnshortFetlocks-Knitt... jpg
(188.23 KB, 1024x1024)
thumbnail of ComputerlyraLearnsToLoveYouToo.jpg
thumbnail of ComputerlyraLearnsToLoveYouToo.jpg
ComputerlyraLearnsToL... jpg
(293.45 KB, 1024x1024)
thumbnail of Ponytober_FallOutDay.jpg
thumbnail of Ponytober_FallOutDay.jpg
Ponytober_FallOutDay jpg
(308.52 KB, 2160x2160)
thumbnail of WhatServicesEvenIsThis.jpg
thumbnail of WhatServicesEvenIsThis.jpg
WhatServicesEvenIsThis jpg
(39.19 KB, 800x800)
>  so, first five
I'd like to think we could be a little more directed.

Let's have a discussion about the important services pony-artists provide. Although we're not so sure what services Pinky can provide.
Artificial Intelligence is ... another story entirely.
So, have three computer generated attempts to compare to one person. I guess.

thumbnail of AITwilight.jpeg
thumbnail of AITwilight.jpeg
AITwilight jpeg
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thumbnail of AJPullingSomeApples.png
AJPullingSomeApples png
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thumbnail of AJWorkingRDRelaxing.png
AJWorkingRDRelaxing png
(425.44 KB, 800x518)
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thumbnail of ContextNeeded.jpeg
ContextNeeded jpeg
(213.55 KB, 659x600)
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medium jpeg
(136.33 KB, 800x480)
Misread this as, 
> Let's have a discussion about the important services ponies provide.

So have a bunch of carts.Because ponies pull things and can still be a decent pack animal. Well, one is Equestira Girls Rainbow Dash pushing Twi for some odd reason.

thumbnail of SomethingColdAndCreepy.png
thumbnail of SomethingColdAndCreepy.png
SomethingColdAndCreepy png
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thumbnail of WarmAndWelcoming.png
WarmAndWelcoming png
(736.22 KB, 583x600)
Now for your actual question:
> Let's have a discussion about the important services pony-artists provide. 

Realize things that are otherwise impossible and put our collective imaginations to reality? Or at least, used too...

> Artificial Intelligence is ... another story entirely.

It may replace them in that roll. Many cheer on AI to wipe them out. I understand the sentiment, from idiot tweens and teens and adults with a very childish view of copyrights and OC Donut Steal to the more mature left leaning suffocation of the twitter crowd, I get it. Though that isn't all artist and...
> So, have three computer generated attempts to compare to one person. I guess.

With AI art, still something about it sometimes just feels off, it's getting better now, but I do wonder: if AI becomes inseparable from artist, I am not just talking about replacing entirely is there something lost in the art? 

Shit man, that Celestia is going to give me nightmare fuel.

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:( png
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Lyra jpeg
(133.15 KB, 800x555)
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medium jpeg
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NightmareFuel jpeg
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show jpeg
(121.04 KB, 597x600)
> UnshortFetlocks-KnittedFace

I like this one.

> Lyra

Looks a little too masculine but not bad

> Celestia

you already know
> Lyra... again

Always cute. Regardless of context... well mostly.

> Failed bedroom eyes

Looks sort of mad.

> Horror pone

Scarrier than big lipped Celestia.

Didn't the old BO here like Lyra a lot?

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(184.37 KB, 1024x1024)
Don't take me wrong, I agree with those concerns as well. The artist class are stupid to suddenly want harsh copyright enforcement when their entire careers were build on the internet causing copyright to be relaxed de-facto. Just, even if I love some of AI's results, I don't want us to become dependent or lose a certain human element.

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Parasprite jpg
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WindWakerDash jpg
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WindWakerE... jpg
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thumbnail of WindWakerMane6.jpg
WindWakerMane6 jpg
(178.9 KB, 696x600)
Wind Waker, never played it. Have memories of others doing so. Art style and emulations of it have a mix of charm and slight ugliness but I think I overall like it. This is all from an artist called dajapony (I think).

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thumbnail of fimflamfilosophy_Tumblr_Fluttershy_Friday.gif
fimflamfiloso... gif
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GregsNASArtStyle jpg
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thumbnail of StarInYellow.png
StarInYellow png
(302.98 KB, 800x447)
It reminds me a bit of where flimflamfilosphy/Greg was going in the direction of his ponies before he gave up. At least the look in his Nepotism Adventures series. I have a weird relationship with Greg in that I disliked most of his artistic output  didn't hate, but not my taste and I felt that MAS fans were a bit elitest and the humor and tone was FAR from my tastes. Yet ran into people around him often and is probably the only major artist/creator in this fandom I have ever interacted with. It was interesting watching him struggle with pony as Petirep moved on to other things and copyright prevented him from just using screencaps and redubing so he tried going for it on his own with no artistic experience and just forced himself forward.

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