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/postleftypol/ - Post Left Politically Incorrect

Destroy the left from the inside

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What is Post Left?
Paladin Press and Loompanics books illegallly downloaded at archive.org
Isn't identifying as post-leftist still almost-leftist? It's always pathetic to identify as post-whatever, it means you've lost the idea, you're mourning for lost desire, meaning, or violently attacking it for that purpose. The post-leftist community seems to me still too ideological, too political (in the traditional sense) instead of just living your own 'egoistic' life, building the autonomy, new powerful forms of life, post-let strives to being reactionary in "destroying the left". Who cares about the Left?
As it is the school system serves the primary purpose of reproducing a workforce and reinforcing the values of democracy and markets. 

Leftists being the covert defenders of markets and liberal democracy they are, have the tendency to defend the system of schooling from criticism and even downright praise it proclaiming mandatory education to have been a victory for the proletariat. Schools are often viewed in this light as being a service like healthcare welfare, when it really should be recognized as a tool of enforcement like the police and military. If you were to ask several inner city kid from  low income households what they think of their school a response of "fuck it" or "meh" would be far more common than one of enthusiasm and praise for the supposed valuable knowledge has been taught in their curriculum. Despite reforms that have been made in many countries schools are still primarily institutions of enforcement rather than, while of course teaching reading, writing and basic mathematics are a social necessity virtually everything else about schools are set up not with the intention of nourishing the intellect of children but rather ensuring that they become good who produce and consume commodities, vote, and only complain in a "reasonable" matter.If a student is too troublesome the school will gladly throw them out, if they are caught with drugs the police will be called and before they're even legally adults will receive a criminal record. This is what schools are, individual teachers or other school staff with genuine intentions do not change this fact.

Pic related is a very good read and short read. https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/anonymous-toward-the-destruction-of-schooling

There is a good audio reading of it as well on youtube https://youtube.com/watch?v=FlqDSsupdfk
Hey guys lets go rape and murder some people and also money bad
is this board still a thing?
I bookmarked it months ago and it seems like shits dead now
Stop Masturbating

> The history of the world, whose shaping properly belongs altogether to the Caucasian race, seems until now to have run through two Caucasian ages, in the first of which we had to work out and work off our innate negroidity; this was followed in the second by Mongoloidity (Chineseness), which must likewise be terribly made an end of. 

what did he mean by this?
thougths on post left gf?

also gf/bf thread i guess
The seeds were sown. Alunya a best. Alunya has won.
Should we join failing leftist parties and organizations with the intent of destroying them from the inside?
I'm the BO from >>>/news/. 

I'd like to invite someone with the ability to make proper OPs to post a thread or two a week on the board. Right now there's a handful of posters but all seem right wing (I'd like the board to be unbias and share both sides). 

Post a reply in the stickies or just post a decent OP if you're interested. Also why haven't you went to 8ch.pl and Bunkerchan.xyz and 8ch.net and 4chan.org and forced an Exodus to here yet? This site is far more reliable and far less being abused by a capitalist pig like Jim Watkins who consistently abuses his users. You all deserve better. Gather your comrades and come here. 

Best of luck 
Underlying coercion...
Was mao tse tung /post-left/?
Megaman is going to stop you guys
There aren't enough
Am a post-leftist. excited for here.

> no tor
> no real community
> no hacking board
> captcha

y no 0ch.org, anons?
it is i, the post-left anarchist.

the superiority of the individuals will triumph the shallow artless cause of illusions.
How do you fuck up egoism that badly that quickly
it is so fucking based
What the fuck are you guys doing to achieve a body without organs?
Reminder that it's literally capitalism
How do you define it
Reminder if you use this un ironically you missed the whole point of egoism
Second interview with ITS by Radio Fórmula of May 12, 2017. This one focuses on the scandalous murder of a woman in Ciudad Universitaria.

"Why did they kill her?"

The question may have several answers, but let's get to the point, the murder of the woman in Ciudad Universitaria was a brutal and suffocating reaction of disgust towards the modern human being. Do you think that a person wandering at dawn, shaken by the chemical drugs ingested, is worth living? We think NO, that is why that being received what he wanted, what he deeply wanted, death.

All members of ITS completely repudiate the vices of the modern human being, we reject sharply their disgusting fun, we hate those who with the little or much money they have are living altering their senses, these and these only take away air, are a waste, A trash of people, whether women or men, are the same virus that infects this beautiful Earth that is why they deserve its extinction.

The woman murdered in CU is the faithful reflection of a decadent society that lives with regret, weak people who can not face life with all its crudity, and decides to drug itself with foreign substances, cowards that are only in the world vegetating uselessly.

It is funny that the reaction to having murdered a woman inside CU is so great, and although it is not strange, surely it would have been the same if a woman had been murdered in the National Cineteca, the Polytechnic, or any other area in Where feminists make their own. CU as we have said is one of the cradles of progress, that is where pestilent humanism is hidden and taught under the deceptive mantle of "own and critical thinking." The samples of repudiation we have already seen and left us with a smile spilling bile, all these feminists are idiots who with those banal demonstrations only make them look helpless, they look like a "revictimized victims", something completely contrary to what they wanted show. For all feminists and "feminists," that is, for all progressives,

Ah! And by the way, yes, we are against progress, we hate technologicalized society, and we care a grain of ground cumin being "incongruous" with that discourse, this is seen when we use computers to throw our misanthropic messages into mass.

[cont] http://maldicionecoextremista.altervista.org/mexico-segunda-entrevista-a-individualistas-tendiendo-a-lo-salvaje/
Does lesbian falangism have a place in the post left?
is pedophilia, dare it say it, immoral? as anti-moralists, are we not supposed to support it? or is there a non-moralist argument against pedophilia?
How do we do it

Max size is 32x32, keep the flagy flags at 32x22
favourite spook book passages? I'll start us off:

"Man is his goal, his ought, his destiny, calling, task, his — ideal; he is to himself a future, otherworldly he. And what makes a “proper fellow” of him? Being true, being good, being moral, etc. Now he looks askance at every one who does not recognize the same “what,” seek the same morality, have the same faith, he chases out “separatists, heretics, sects,” etc.

No sheep, no dog, exerts itself to become a “proper sheep, a proper dog”; no beast has its essence appear to it as a task, i.e. as a concept that it has to realize. It realizes itself in living itself out, in dissolving itself, passing away. It does not ask to be or to become anything other than it is.

Do I mean to advise you to be like the beasts? That you ought to become beasts is an exhortation which I certainly cannot give you, as that would again be a task, an ideal (“How doth the little busy bee improve each shining hour. In works of labor or of skill I would be busy too, for Satan finds some mischief still for idle hands to do”). It would be the same, too, as if one wished for the beasts that they should become human beings. Your nature is, once for all, a human one; you are human natures, human beings. But, just because you already are so, you do not still need to become so. Beasts too are “trained,” and a trained beast executes many unnatural things. But a trained dog is no better for itself than a natural one, and has no profit from it, even if it is more companionable for us."

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