/postleftypol/ - Post Left Politically Incorrect

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Would religion be a key component to society? If it creates a subjugated individual, then it is society in a more spiritual form. 
> maximum edginess
that's poetry

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Isn't identifying as post-leftist still almost-leftist? It's always pathetic to identify as post-whatever, it means you've lost the idea, you're mourning for lost desire, meaning, or violently attacking it for that purpose. The post-leftist community seems to me still too ideological, too political (in the traditional sense) instead of just living your own 'egoistic' life, building the autonomy, new powerful forms of life, post-let strives to being reactionary in "destroying the left". Who cares about the Left?

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As it is the school system serves the primary purpose of reproducing a workforce and reinforcing the values of democracy and markets. 

Leftists being the covert defenders of markets and liberal democracy they are, have the tendency to defend the system of schooling from criticism and even downright praise it proclaiming mandatory education to have been a victory for the proletariat. Schools are often viewed in this light as being a service like healthcare welfare, when it really should be recognized as a tool of enforcement like the police and military. If you were to ask several inner city kid from  low income households what they think of their school a response of "fuck it" or "meh" would be far more common than one of enthusiasm and praise for the supposed valuable knowledge has been taught in their curriculum. Despite reforms that have been made in many countries schools are still primarily institutions of enforcement rather than, while of course teaching reading, writing and basic mathematics are a social necessity virtually everything else about schools are set up not with the intention of nourishing the intellect of children but rather ensuring that they become good who produce and consume commodities, vote, and only complain in a "reasonable" matter.If a student is too troublesome the school will gladly throw them out, if they are caught with drugs the police will be called and before they're even legally adults will receive a criminal record. This is what schools are, individual teachers or other school staff with genuine intentions do not change this fact.

Pic related is a very good read and short read. https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/anonymous-toward-the-destruction-of-schooling

There is a good audio reading of it as well on youtube https://youtube.com/watch?v=FlqDSsupdfk
I made a lot of spelling and grammatical errors in my post, I hope that doesn't make it too hard to understand what I had to say on the subject. It's nearly 3 am here and I just compulsively wrote this up on the spot.

But what if post leftism is the future

If you masturbate to 2d anime titty, you are sinning. 
Anime porn is the work of the devil

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> The history of the world, whose shaping properly belongs altogether to the Caucasian race, seems until now to have run through two Caucasian ages, in the first of which we had to work out and work off our innate negroidity; this was followed in the second by Mongoloidity (Chineseness), which must likewise be terribly made an end of. 

what did he mean by this?
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So the post-left just hand waves it off as "j-just a joke!". This is pathetic. 

How about you just accept that this author isn't infallible and not worth purging all of anarchist theory to center it on? The post-left situation within the anarchist movement is the biggest fucking joke I can think of. A milleu in the bourgiest parts of the primary world-power, the source of anarcho-primitivism, anarcho-pedoism, police informants as chief theorists and the list goes on. If this isn't what intelligence agencies sabotage of anarchist theory would look like I don't know what would. And then of course you have, at the same time, western academia trying to do the same thing, but from within the theory of "post-anarchism", which again removes all anarchist theorists as "not pure enough lol" to re-center anarchism around Stirner's asshole and a bunch of PoMo pseudo-Marxists. 

And don't get me wrong, I appreciate Stirner's insurrectionary and union-of-egoist conceptions, McQuinn (post-left) seems genuine, May (post-anarchism) too, but from a generalized perspective, with aspects like OP is pointing out, it's hard not to get the impression that what is happening is a shift away from 'anarcho-leftism' and toward anarcho-fascism. Abandonment of internationalism, emphasis on might makes right (which allows Hakim Bey to think of himself of an "anarchist" and not a pedophile rapist), ideological racism (OP); a topic previously only touched upon in passing (Proudhoun, Bakunin), not fucking ingrained dialectically within their fucking works. B-but it was juss a joke, anon! Well too bad it was so non-obvious that neo-fascists like Evola couldn't tell the difference and used Stirner for refreshing fascist theory.
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> maintaining such a comprehensive library that explaining obscure political jokes is easier by just taking a picture from your own collection than it would be to look for sources online
Your concern sounds awfully contemporary. How about you learn to deal with people being fallible, and others might be more proactive in letting your highness know they already accept it.

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well she has to be liberal enough for me to cuck under her feminist dictates. I love thinking about like these sewer women rising and smothering fascists there are trans women smothering men with their breasts they use to float in the shit of the land to wait and brood in a diabolic manner. I need a he-woman that soaks in uncontrollably fowl shit that is like a septic tank that just soaks in the sun there is my mocha mate brewing in the shit the feces and he does not shower he is mocha loca my liberal cart blanche to do what I please. thats the difference there are men that want to play it safe find a woman and submit your ego. I want a smelly trans person to walk around on a leash so that way I can basically be as racist as whatever I want I have the colonel of the populous. the stool left un-churned. he can not speak for he has to keep a mouth-full of feces for when I need to emphasis my mocha mate. I will yank the leash in a way that he knows to let the shit glop out of his mouth. We chill in the tranny bathroom we are the vip basically you want your dick sucked by a man that breathes closed septic tank fumes all day and of course he has a mouth full of shit to blow whatever cryptokike I need to achieve the ultimate freedom through depravity.  blowjob plus the shit seal of true earth men. you get that dick sucked by someone swishing shit in their mouth you will never be the same man. in a very very disgusting way you will find yourself paying a homeless man to bend over as you dry hump him in a porta potty until you tip it over and land on top of the failure 
goosh blue man goop. you can always take the money out of their jeans when you tip it over because they usually are stunned or playing hard to get soaked in shit hunched over with their neck at a 90 degree angle. Urban sex life is where its at these days get off of your fellow man. men just roughing each other into a good workflow. we can be like the navy but just fuck and take no shit.

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