/postleftypol/ - Post Left Politically Incorrect

Destroy the left from the inside

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I'm the BO from >>>/news/. 

I'd like to invite someone with the ability to make proper OPs to post a thread or two a week on the board. Right now there's a handful of posters but all seem right wing (I'd like the board to be unbias and share both sides). 

Post a reply in the stickies or just post a decent OP if you're interested. Also why haven't you went to 8ch.pl and Bunkerchan.xyz and 8ch.net and 4chan.org and forced an Exodus to here yet? This site is far more reliable and far less being abused by a capitalist pig like Jim Watkins who consistently abuses his users. You all deserve better. Gather your comrades and come here. 

Best of luck 

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