/postleftypol/ - Post Left Politically Incorrect

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> 1:30 you'd be exploited

Stopped watching there. "Ability to work" is not intrinsic to the laborer, it's a conlcusion to an extravagantly complicated chain of events that sets all the pieces in place so that the labor is able to happen where and when it happens so that it still actually makes that use-value. Who's gonna do that? The laborers, for free, on their spare time? Fuck off commie. You're the one trying to exploit 3/4 of the industry, and being an approximation set by yourself I'd be surprised if a laborer is actually creating even that 1/4 of the value, so in truth you'd be exploiting more.

And you're trying to even out the deceit by a cop-out instead of a fix to begin with. Forcing the representative of the 1/4 and the 3/4 to meld together as the same person is not fixing the issue in the unbalanced system, where if any imbalance happens it's supposedly "fair" because every working unit is interchangeable. That's shit, it would be like getting your fingers amputated but at least you get to keep the fingers because you're only "exploiting" (your words, not mine) yourself. Any attempt to correct a system like this would be to manage the imbalanced sections individually rather than sweeping them under the rug with faux "equality" like this fucking cancer does.

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