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Catherine Herridge (FOX): And tonight FOX News can confirm that on July 26th, one day after the president’s phone call with the Ukrainian leader the first whistleblower writes a two-page single spaced memo to themself using dramatic language. The whistleblower says a White House official (leaker) described the phone call as “crazy”, “frightening” and “completely lacking in substance related to national security.”

on Lou Dobbs:

> writes memo to self
Sounds like Susan Rice - a CYA or in this case, creating "evidence" that they (leaker and fake WB) think will help them (Ds). Unfortunately, it won't. The evidence is actually of the leaking, not of malfeasance of POTUS.
Dems Consider Hiding Identity of Whistleblower From GOP Lawmakers by Holding Testimony in Remote Location – Changing His Appearance, Voice
by Cristina Laila October 7, 2019

The Washington Post reported on Monday, citing three people familiar with the discussions, that Democrats are going to go to great lengths to conceal the ‘whistleblower’s’ identity by holding his testimony in a remote location and even changing his physical appearance and voice.

The Democrats also want to bar GOP lawmakers from questioning the whistleblower and only allow staffers to question him outside of the Capitol.

The meetings outside of Capitol Hill could take place “within the next couple of weeks,” however a concrete date has not yet been set.

REPORT: Dems Consider Hiding Identity of Whistleblower From GOP Lawmakers by Holding Testimony in Remote Location – Changing His Appearance, Voice
Cristina Laila by Cristina Laila October 7, 2019 55 Comments

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House Democrats are considering hiding the Deep State CIA officer’s identity by holding his testimony in a remote location.

The Washington Post reported on Monday, citing three people familiar with the discussions, that Democrats are going to go to great lengths to conceal the ‘whistleblower’s’ identity by holding his testimony in a remote location and even changing his physical appearance and voice.

The Democrats also want to bar GOP lawmakers from questioning the whistleblower and only allow staffers to question him outside of the Capitol.

The meetings outside of Capitol Hill could take place “within the next couple of weeks,” however a concrete date has not yet been set.

Via WaPo:

    House Democrats are weighing extraordinary steps to secure testimony from a whistleblower whose complaint prompted an impeachment inquiry, masking his identity to prevent President Trump’s congressional allies from exposing the individual, according to three officials familiar with the deliberations.

    The steps under consideration include having the whistleblower testify from a remote location and obscuring the individual’s appearance and voice, these officials said.

    The efforts reflect the deepening distrust between Democrats running the impeachment inquiry of Trump and their GOP colleagues they see as fully invested in defending a president who has attacked the whistleblower’s credibility and demanded absolute loyalty from Republicans.

    The highly unusual arrangement for the whistleblower’s testimony underscores the toxicity between Republicans and Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee, which was once considered among the most bipartisan but is now spearheading the divisive impeachment investigation. One individual familiar with the discussions said this is the first time the panel has had to take such extraordinary measures to protect a witness — including from their own GOP colleagues.

The House Democrats also restricted access to the visitor logbook after GOP staffers were looking at who signed the logs and gave the information to reporters (gasp).

We now know that House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff was made aware of the CIA officer’s allegations against President Trump before he filed the whistleblower complaint form.

WaPo link: https://web.archive.org/web/20191008001346/https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/house-democrats-consider-masking-identity-of-whistleblower-from-trumps-gop-allies-in-congress/2019/10/07/171a4b14-e927-11e9-9306-47cb0324fd44_story.html

> How long can they protect Bolton's identity (leaker)?
There's lots of things that need be done, and many people much smarter than me. I'm not a socialist, and respect the rule of law (as far as it makes sense).
So I know there's limits as to what he can do (as a federal instance)......
But here's some questions:
Education is one key.
How is it allowed that kids are brainwashed with this gender/climate/race-baiting shit?
How is it that people are not getting tought classic ethics/morals, instead it counts what phone they have or what car their parents drive?
Why are is the quality (and salary) of teachers so bad, compared to let's say useless, lying lawyers?

What's up with high-fructose corn sugars?
What's up with adding cheap additives/fillers etc for the purpose of making more profit, but to the disadvantage of the consumer's health (FDA & lobbying)?
What's up with all kinds of hormones, chemicals etc in meat production?
Why not allow small farmers privately sell their own produce?

What's up with psychopharmaceuticals and their widespread use/prescription?
Why not rather treat causes instead of symptoms?
What's up with requirements re: long-term testing of medicines when compared to earlier times?
Why so many people with allergies, cancers and whatever else not, when compared to earlier times?

There's much more, e.g. thinking about the fiat monetary system, the lobby industry and bribability of politicians etc.

Personally, I've never cared much about money and was always a straight shooter, because I know a cook will never starve, esp. when he delivers real quality.
But it's not too surprising that a society where asskissing, lying, cheating & ratting out or abusing other people is the most promising & fastest way to what's commonly considered "success", evolves in a way that can be observed these days.....
Apologies for the lengthiness ... I'll shut up now. Kek!

prevent shills from annoying anons today  

but don't run untrusted javascript without verifying what it does.

unfortunate side effect is it freezes all gifs, but simply click to enable the animation.

function freeze_gif(i) {
    var c = document.createElement('canvas');
    var w = c.width = i.width;
    var h = c.height = i.height;
    c.getContext('2d').drawImage(i, 0, 0, w, h);
    try {
        i.src = c.toDataURL("image/gif"); // if possible, retain all css aspects
    } catch(e) { // cross-domain -- mimic original with all its tag attributes
        for (var j = 0, a; a = i.attributes[j]; j++)
            c.setAttribute(a.name, a.value);
        i.parentNode.replaceChild(c, i);

function findGifs(f) {
    .filter(link => /^.*\.gif$/i.test(link.href))
    .map(link => link.querySelector('img'))


setInterval(() => findGifs(freeze_gif), 5 * 1000);

credit: freeze_gif() from https://stackoverflow.com/a/4276742
Don't all of those things require a control over all "checks and balances" in government?
He is very powerful, but is not a dictator.
Seems like he's hitting the goals all the way he can, as a president.
It's not like he can get anything useful passed right now, publicly.

I don't think you should insult yourself. Nor should you empathize with authoritarianism concepts. It can only be used by "good guys" for so long. It's very nature is against creativity and change.

I'm careful of most anyone who says they can fix everything for me... that's just a power grab, in my mind. I'd rather see somebody empowering others.
You are completely right. There's no use in establishing authoritarianism or a federal power grab.
But I do know that there's really smart people out there, and that there are ways to cautiously "steer" (or stimulate) certain developments in society.
After all, that's what the fuckers in Hollywood and the MSM have been doing for decades ....
The "government" has just been pleasantly watching, stuffing their pockets & legislating corresponding laws conveniently playing to those evil intentions.
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TrumpPatriot 🇵🇱 🇺🇸‏ @TrumpPatriotPL  

Clapper admits on CNN today that Obama ordered him and others to begin spy and coup operation against President Trump

The point above is at the 1:21 mark.

'Beyond  minute  categories  of  unprotected  speech  remain  all  sorts  of  uneducated,  ill-informed,  and conspiratorial  opinions.  These  remain  protected  under  the  First  Amendment  and  protected  by  8chan.  As Justice Brandeis reasoned, “If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence.”48chan encourages  vigorous  debate,  discussion,  and  changed  opinions  as  a  result  of  interacting  through  its imageboards. Unlike platforms like Facebook or Twitter, there are no “speech police” to shut down poorly formed  opinions,  popular  conspiracy  theories,  or  hateful  monologues.  Instead,  this  curation  is  left  to thousands  of moderators  and  fellow  userswith  the  hope  that  better  reason  and  enlightened  wisdom  will, ultimately, prevail.'
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TrumpPatriot 🇵🇱 🇺🇸‏ @TrumpPatriotPL  

Clapper admits on CNN today that Obama ordered him and others to begin spy and coup operation against President Trump

The point above is at the 1:21 mark.

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Donald Trump scored in the 99.9 percentile on his IQ test, his score a 156, technically speaking that classifies him as a genius. Barack Obama on the other hand is bordering on being classified as mentally challenged with a score of only 102. To put this is a better perspective, some third graders have a higher IQ than Obama has. In fact Obama has the lowest IQ of any president to date.

 >>/11713/ 'Thank you for your service.
 >>/11714/ Many 0:00.xx's but that doesn't cut it for Anon's. pretty much

anon collected notes
 >>/11665/ (Social Marketing - Win California to Republican  >>/7464/) click that shit.
 >>/11670/ Prince Andrew visited disgraced Jeffrey Epstein ‘to end friendship’ seems legit
 >>/11682/ It's bullshit 5:5
 >>/11691/ Friends in high places
 >>/11704/ Correlation != causation
 >>/11718/ President Donald Trump defended his decision to remove American forces from Syria during a press conference Monday
 >>/11720/ Barr/Watkins material on 8ch (suggested reading)
 >>/11722/ Anons ebeware, but not a UID in sight
 >>/11731/ Dems Consider Hiding Identity of Whistleblower From GOP Lawmakers by Holding Testimony in Remote Location (aint there repubs in the house too?)
 >>/11732/ 0 Deltas [End & Q+] New Thread
 >>/11734/ I'm not a socialist, and respect the rule of law (as far as it makes sense). me neither tg
 >>/11742/ donalds got (woulda been hillarys) position topkek. "they" dint expect that.
 >>/11743/ #hivemind my thoughts exactly
 >>/11745/ Clapper admits on CNN today that Obama ordered him
> Pharma
> What's up with psychopharmaceuticals and their widespread use/prescription?
MKUltra on the populace at large
> Why not rather treat causes instead of symptoms?
The cause is abuse
acutely physical and emotional
and generally by the [social] matrix
'The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.'
'The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital.'
> What's up with requirements re: long-term testing of medicines when compared to earlier times?
muh side effects
> Why so many people with allergies, cancers and whatever else not, when compared to earlier times?
re-read what you wrote re: Food


But, you already know this

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