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* CALL FOR HELP (No Need to Lurk)
spreadsheetfags  >>/14934/  >>/14958/
archivefag  >>/14925/  >>/14951/
pollfags watch for fox polls (the flippening)
4chanfag  >>/14266/
toolsfags find tools
servicesfags find services
planefags watch the air
landfags watch the land
waterfags watch the water
spacefags watch the stars
moneyfags watch the money
statusfag keep anons on focus with tasks on the board
lurkerfags eyes on for shills. calle'm when u see'm
gematriafag  >>/14609/
obamafag eyes on obama 24/7
* CALL FOR MEMES  >>/960/
4more years memes
Calm masses before the storm
calm masses after the storm
Wake Masses to Democratic evil (slow pill)
Wake the Waked Masses to Divine Awareness (hard pill)
turkey no War
tlaib fails
wake /our/ sports/celebrity frens (break the ties that bind)
 >>/15419/ generating some memes that compare the kowtowing of American businesses
 >>/15348/ Can anyone make a compilation for foundational info on the movement?
POTUS protect Friends (support Jr. also)
Companies have alternatives
Thank you GOP for supporting Trump
endless Quagmires in Middle East
ICIG fail by letting hoax start
182 Fed Judges thanks to last admin kek (40)
obama DACA deal stand = no DEAL
Only 25 percent want the President Impeached
* NeverForget 
 [ >>/15281/ Turkey is next)] 
 >>/15709/ NOTABLE: PROJECT VERTIAS "BIGGEST STORY EVER" -- CNN https://streamable.com/z39mg
 >>/15662/ HMM: Creepy Former Nickelodeon Executive Dan Schneider Goes on Tweet-Deleting Spree
 >>/15603/ Report: Democrats Privately Urging Pelosi to Hold Impeachment Inquiry Vote
 >>/15500/ Philippines apparently has a new populist leader that's going after Soros
 >>/15424/ 09/12/23 when the storm ends?
 >>/15358/ The Illuminati's declaration of War upon the people of America.
 >>/15339/ Hunter is in jail in another country.
 >>/15324/ Night Shift Prayer.
 >>/15315/ Looks like Ilhan Omar & her lover Tim Mynett
 >>/15295/ Wheres biden/waldo
 >>/15263/ Instances of the United States overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War
 >>/10268/  >>/10269/  >>/10274/  >>/10282/  >>/10413/  >>/10418/ INFO: SHILLING BOOT CAMP
 >>/11720/ Just finished reading the Barr/Watkins material on 8ch
 >>/9517/,  >>/9521/,  >>/9856/,  >>/9532/,  >>/9548/,  >>/9550/,  >>/9625/,  >>/9644/,  >>/9645/,  >>/9707/ "We gotta start eatin' the babies (straight stories plus satires, goes viral
 >>/9528/ Pelosi's son was a board member of Viscoil and executive at its related company NRGLab (UKRAINE connection)
 >>/9553/,  >>/9566/ Memefags talk strategy (Max Headroom strobe effects, etc.)
 >>/9556/,  >>/9559/,  >>/9570/,  >>/9578/,  >>/9650/,  >>/9661/,  >>/9847/,  >>/9723/, Dig on 23 (also Network 23, Max Headroom) con't.
 >>/10089/ Second Trump-Ukraine whistleblower complaint?
 >>/11153/ JS script hide images
 >>/11196/ js reqst convert time
 >>/11395/ MKULTRA Subproject 94:
 >>/11515/ Encryption Basics
 >>/11598/ "Bigger than you could possibly imagine."
scraperfags collect memes from last 4 threads and update meme thread  >>/960/ [biden, pelosi, schummer, turkey, awakening]
scraperfags collect from thred  >>/14953/ dumped to meme thread  >>/960/
scraperfags collect these post memes  >>/11141/,  >>/11142/,  >>/11145/  >>/13349/,  >>/13348/,  >>/13345/,  >>/13344/,  >>/13342/,  >>/13333/,  >>/13336/,  >>/13338/,  >>/13339/,  >>/13341/ dump to meme thread  >>/960/
socialfgas Go to giuliani's twat, grab those GREAT reply memes on his last twat
minibunfag collect last 2 threads and drop off in respected threads [pelosi turkey biden, obama] and post here
awarefags (thegreatawakening) need before and after memes/graphics to calm the masses. *Think Apocolypse
pepefag thread - need anon to collect all pepes and start a thread just for him <3
documentfag collect all pdf/caps (high intel) and drop in document thread  >>/5829/
threadfag track livingstreaming of violent/illegal acts  >>/14089/ (thread needed)  >>/15148/
thredfag use pelosi as template (has dough) create the following threads [turkeys president, syria, tliab, romney, ukraine, obmama]
pollfags (theflippening) keep those links coming in please
-Meme Hashtags https://hashtags.org
#obama #Romainia #Turkey #Syria #ArrestIlhan #nancypelosi #DoNothingDemocrats #WHERESHUNTERBIDEN #WheresHunter #ChuckSchumer #Ukraine #joebiden #california #MittRomney #seemslegit #EndlessWars #MoveOut #bringthemhome #TrumpTrain #NewFrens #Breaking #BeBest #QAnon #flippening #KAG #ReleaseTheText #ReleaseTheTranscript #Whitewater #Cattle Futures #Bimbo Eruptions/Intimidations #TravelGate #FileGate #Vince Foster #ClintonFoundation #PayForPlay #Benghazi #Blackberries #ServerGate #EmailsHackedandSold #SidBlumenthal #HumaAbedin #TrumpLovesCops #CopsLoveTrump #TrumpLovesPolice #PoliceLoveTrump #CherylMills #ProtecttheVote #COPSFORTRUMP #PROTECTTHEVOTE #ProtectTrump #ProtectAmerica #worktogether #pedovore #superpredator #unity #christianity #GOTRUMP #requirevoterid #Alwaysforward #neverstop #neverdurrender #youaredivine #egofail
#BringBack8Chan (use it, tell others. Updates about Q and 8chan get you a lot of coverage.)

-Meme Advice
- make retweet lounge on backup account
- always use a meme
- hit reply on those HUGE accounts and use your best meme
- only retweet GREAT STUFF
- dont waste your time on fights/drama, hit BLOCK instead
- always like twats you like.
- stick to a daily routine
- (re)tweet #TrumpTrain #NewFrens etc: posts with new frens to follow (and follow them)

*Eyes On
BIDEN THREAD  >>/14854/
PELOSI THREAD  >>/16673/
TURKEY THREAD  >>/16810/
OBAMA THREAD >>[0000] Place holder
SOCIAL THREAD  >>/15186/
MEME THREAD  >>/960/
Media - https://pastebin.com/Fh0ZFt8Z
Military - https://pastebin.com/0JVakGS9
FBI - https://pastebin.com/N04DMase
Politician - https://pastebin.com/KuiyjjwN
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"impeachment season" 6:00 A.M.
Nancy Pelosi’s Game Inside the Democrats’ war room.
By Gabriel Debenedetti

VERY LONG ARTICLE - MOST IMPORTANT P (followed by key points, including their keywords in messaging):
Aiming to streamline the investigation and minimize internal friction, Pelosi and her leadership group told the caucus a few days after announcing her support for the inquiry that Schiff’s committee would take charge of looking into the president’s actions regarding Ukraine, the Foreign Affairs Committee would look at the State Department and Rudy Giuliani’s involvement, and the Oversight Committee would probe how the White House handled Trump’s calls with foreign leaders. Judiciary would still bring the ultimate articles of impeachment. But under this new plan, the behind-the-scenes diggers and trusted messengers would handle phase one. The aggressive impeachers would step back in when the time comes to drop the hammer.

Hakeem Jeffries, the caucus chairman, shared his messaging advice, harping on a six-word framing: betrayal, abuse of power, national security.

For now, no Democrats are willing to speak with much specificity about the individual articles of impeachment they expect to bring against Trump. 

 Some members see merit in limiting the ultimate impeachment articles to the Ukraine call and excluding Mueller’s findings. ... But to members who’ve been calling for impeachment for months, if not years, a strict Ukraine focus is “too near, too simple and clever,” in Connolly’s words. “I don’t think you can ignore the other things that 138 of us thought merited impeachment, especially obstruction of justice.”

The investigative committees are now eager to test the limits of Trump and his allies’ defiance (all the better to draw up impeachment articles based on obstruction, some members say).

But as the inquiry matures, Pelosi’s leadership team hasn’t sent rank-and-file Democrats talking points, and its messaging advice hasn’t changed.
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That's not a very good way to live forever. 
There are "pro aging" and "pro youth" factors in blood that set biological age. By identifying the peptides they can be synthesized and removed or added to the blood. Blood is a liquid network. Aside from delivering the groceries (oxegen mostly) and hauling out the trash (CO2) the blood regulates and coordinates the function of every organ system in the body. 

What the cult has been at pains to conceal is that there is no longer any necessity for competition for material resources. 

Our problem is the cult controlled media will not distribute this information and We the People have no idea what we are collectively capable of because our knowledge about science and technology has been artificially constrained in order to keep humanity enslaved. 


formatted some shit
rebuilt status check section
created call for meme section
created support section
added positon needed section
added focus section
[12] pages atm
added more tools for archiving
added military/fbi twitter list > eyes on
added Q section
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Erdogan holding our nukes hostage

An MSNBC repackage of:

 A David "Clown" Sanger seditious libel, originally published in Slim Helu's NY Times 

"President Trump’s acquiescence to Turkey’s move to send troops deep inside Syrian territory has in only one week’s time turned into a bloody carnage, forced the abandonment of a successful five-year-long American project to keep the peace on a volatile border, and given an unanticipated victory to four American adversaries: Russia, Iran, the Syrian government and the Islamic State.

Rarely has a presidential decision resulted so immediately in what his own party leaders have described as disastrous consequences for American allies and interests. How this decision happened — springing from an “off-script moment” with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, in the words of a senior American diplomat — likely will be debated for years by historians, Middle East experts and conspiracy theorists.

But this much already is clear: Mr. Trump ignored months of warnings from his advisers about what calamities likely would ensue if he followed his instincts to pull back from Syria and abandon America’s longtime allies, the Kurds. He had no Plan B, other than to leave. The only surprise is how swiftly it all collapsed around the president and his depleted, inexperienced foreign policy team."
 >>/17364/ Turkey’s move to send troops deep inside Syrian
 >>/17300/ meet-man-who-funds-isis-bilal-erdogan-son-turkeys-president)
 >>/17242/ abc-news-error-gun-video-syria-turkey
 >>/17229/ he’s planning bipartisan legislation to sanction Turkey,
 >>/17199/ Easily recaptured by Turkey or European Nations from where many came
 >>/17136/ caught-abc-uses-faked-video-claims-its-turkey-bombing-syria/
 >>/17014/ I.G. report on FISA out Friday. 18th Oct.
 >>/17018/ Who is the news now?
 >>/17017/ Q Baker Babes Noice!  >>/17005/  >>/17015/  >>/17010/  >>/17007/ >>/17005/  >>/17006/  >>/17009/ (caps)
 >>/16997/ Sebastian >funny you pull that name anon
 >>/16994/ What does the flag say about Turkey?
 >>/16988/ Who safeguards 'blank' ballots? >dems
 >>/16989/ #thinkpeaceturkey (cap)
 >>/16982/ ok memers we need peace memes to push to turkey
 >>/16971/ call to push middle east peace memes to turkey >add to call
 >>/16887/ Now the same thing is happening with Turkey
 >>/16885/ Mainly, Turkey is a pivot point.
 >>/16881/ WHAT TO DO ATM >add to dough #Turkey #EgoFail #GODWINS
 >>/16868/ So now when Turkey tries to attack the Kurds in Syria they gotha deal with Syria and Russia.
 >>/16855/ repost from turkey thread
 >>/16845/ Turkey and the Kurds must not let them escape
 >>/16837/ everyones at pelosi notables dump thread with eyes on turkey
 >>/16806/ Can u hear it now. Turkey...
 >>/16788/ If Turkey falls into chaos, who will be blamed in America?
 >>/16784/  >>/16854/ Who leads Turkey?
 >>/16667/ Choice is theirs. (Turkey)
 >>/16656/ about imposing powerful Sanctions on Turkey
 >>/16644/ The Kurds and Turkey have been fighting for many years.
 >>/16639/ Turkey has asked that it not be done.
 >>/14936/ US Special Forces in Syria 'mistakenly' bombed by Turkey
 >>/16507/ Todays Twitter Focus Anons - Hunter | Turkey | Syria | Louisian | tlaib | kurds | pkk
 >>/16606/ turkey/kurds/syria/
 >>/16582/ #QAnon #WWG1WGA #Breaking #Turkey #Syria #Biden #Ukraine #MAGA
 >>/14936/ US Special Forces in Syria 'mistakenly' bombed by Turkey
 >>/16507/ (you) Todays Twitter Focus Anons - Hunter | Turkey | Syria | Louisian | tlaib | kurds | pkk
 >>/16527/ Anon disagrees with Potus Call to digs focus on cnn not turkey (seems legit)
Exactly my thought.  I even thoutht maybe 8kun.net went live - checked - nope.  Went over to 08, no posts on QR since the 8th.  Maybe everyone was watching Tucker 
& Hannity,  I know I was.
But, night shift is always active   ???
2100 Children rescued from CA bunkers!!

(God, I hope this is true and please someone record this and embed it)


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