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Learn To Bake!
Baking Tips, Tricks & Traps

open this dough tab: https://pastebin.com/MgavfXba
open this notable tab:  >>/20093/

begin with the dough tab.
copy the contents section by section //////\\\\\\
and paste each section as its own post.

when you get to the part at the end
Are not endorsements.

** Collected Notables

** Collected Notables
TestBaker Collected Notables

>  >

(FULL LIST OF NOTABLES from post  >>/20093/)


once full list of notables is posted, return to raw dough
post the last line of the script - Dough: https://pastebin.com/v8RxigPA  as its own post, THE FINAL POST
Add an Image to the posting related to your theme
Since your Edition is a Test. find a Test image to upload with your Dough FINAL LINK POST.

> when completed post in general thread and ask for BAKER OR BV TO REVIEW


> Ask questions in main thread if confused

Global Announcements
Are not endorsements.
Anon Collected Notables #9439
not complete
 >>/20128/  >>/20141/  >>/20582/ Fredrick 'hotwheels' Brennan, the MSM, and 8kun deplatforming efforts
 >>/20169/ Waltz not allowed to see transcripts Oct 14
 >>/20181/ NeonRevolt neat song Gab
 >>/20182/ Jimmy Kimmel & Frank Giustra
 >>/20185/ Nunes video
 >>/20190/  >>/20481/ teach others how to use QResear.ch
 >>/20196/ frm Ben, ty
 >>/20197/ Durham & Papa  >>/20199/
 >>/20198/  >>/20204/  >>/20342/ Susan Rice Timeline
 >>/20241/ POTUS twt (no sauce)
 >>/20271/ Anon is thankful for logic
 >>/20276/ Verizon looking to sell Huffpo
 >>/20295/ Another Q book
 >>/20298/ Beto on periods
 >>/20297/ @johnheretohelp's 3rd interview
 >>/20307/ Kim Strassel vid
 >>/20316/ Nearly 1/5 of Sweden’s population is now foreign-born
 >>/20326/ Pre-Spin " about coming I.G. Report.
 >>/20327/ Trump twt. Coded?  >>/20329/  >>/20332/
 >>/20335/ Trump twt Crooked Hillary
 >>/20341/  >>/20402/ Camp David, CD
 >>/20344/  >>/20525/ Protests Haiti, Ecuador, bolivia and chile
 >>/20346/ brennan Caught 6 ways from Sunday.
 >>/20365/ Good strategy, Newbies are our hope
 >>/20371/ Q's Last Post 8/1
 >>/20395/ Back to Iraq China moves
 >>/20398/ 7 things MSM wont say about Q
 >>/20421/ Less than 10
 >>/20426/ Bryan Cohen, a vice president at Goldman Sachs who works in the Consumer Retail arrested Friday
 >>/20440/  >>/20446/ DNC IN JORDAN!!! Pelosi Abdullah
 >>/20441/  >>/20451/  >>/20467/  >>/20473/  >>/20475/  >>/20477/  >>/20479/  >>/20482/  >>/20488/ #FlipCali
 >>/20445/ help
 >>/20458/  >>/20554/ Susan Rice, Italy Elite, Obama, Protest Haiti
 >>/20509/ Trump twtr archive 10/20/19
 >>/20514/ wall helping
 >>/20534/ Hippies For Trump
 >>/20555/ In the Matter of Nancy Pelosi
 >>/20556/ Crowdstrike reportedly didn’t determine that ‘Russia’ hacked Hillary’s emails until June 2016
 >>/20561/ Logan Act violations
 >>/20564/ Trump vs china
 >>/20565/ CO2 does not cause global warming
 >>/20577/ Democrats are going to be “outgunned, outspent, and out-lied” says Hillary
 >>/20582/ Fredrick Brennan never wants 8chan and 8kun to come back online: QAnon
 >>/20593/ Papa twt re Comey Mueller Mifsud
 >>/20595/  >>/20599/ oil blaze Iran
 >>/20597/  >>/20599/ smoke in Syria via cfr website
 >>/20600/ Kirk twt kids of Biden, Kaine, Waters
 >>/20603/ Hillary berfdae 27th
 >>/20611/ Moody's model Red States
 >>/20612/  >>/20803/  >>/20808/  >>/20821/  >>/20840/  >>/20841/  >>/20844/  >>/20855/  >>/20881/  >>/20899/  >>/20854/ Jim W's anti-censorship #CucumberDance
 >>/20799/ ‘I’m the Meryl Streep of generals' (RT)
 >>/20800/ AG shot to death on tiny island (related to AZ story of baby mill--Amazing Polly)

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