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'Developing: Mass Shooting at Texas A&M Commerce College Homecoming. Scene is secure but murder is still at large as of 1:28am. At least 3 killed 20+ injured. Will Update when we can. 

What a nightmare, when will it be enough...'
'How the Washington Post described the head of ISIS:

"an austere religious scholar with wire-frame glasses"

"maintained a canny pragmatism as leader"

"Acquaintances would remember him as a shy, nearsighted youth who liked soccer"'
'Steve Bannon: 

 is running the most sophisticated political warfare and political disinformation campaign against #Trump. She has the votes to impeach @POTUS
 and right now she's winning. 

#Republicans need to wake up now!" || #WarRoom' - Sara
One of a continual stream of interdasting shiit, at 2:02:20 Freeman points out in the credits for Stargate SG1 the tv show from the 90’s credit is given to the US Space Force, and how so many of the characters look like Obama admin members.
 >>/24557/,  >>/24569/ Vid on subliminal and subsonic images & how they may affect human behavior; commentary by anon
 >>/24570/ For KEKS: Motorcyclist Who Identifies As Bicyclist Sets Cycling World Record
notable kek
 >>/24576/ Weird new commercial suggesting men get periods
 >>/24562/ McCabe withdraw his lawsuit against the Dept of Justice
 >>/24559/,  >>/24563/,  >>/24565/,  >>/24654/ Anons on obelisks
 >>/24585/ FBI Entrapped Flynn With Manipulated Evidence As Clapper Allegedly Issued 'Kill Shot' Order: Court Docs
 >>/24607/,  >>/24698/ Jim Watkins Q&A 'Service Due': CALL FOR A DIG on money behind 2019 elections
 >>/25199/  >>/25204/ Video from Mohamad Rasheed of the attack in progress? Also gunfire can be heard in this vid.
 >>/24666/  >>/24732/ Who is Eric Ciaramella
 >>/25212/  >>/24763/ notable discussions: Anon compares 8chan & endchan; heated discussion ensues
 >>/24768/ Bongino twat: They're panicking (Clinton machine tries to stop book pub connecting dems with Russia investigation)
 >>/24866/ DKT tweet: Something very big just happened!
 >>/24903/ Breaking: between 8-12 helicopters with US special forces just attacked a convoy of terrorist leaders near Barisha, Syria
 >>/24918/,  >>/24923/,  >>/24932/ For KEKS: Anons discuss Obama's influence in the Middle East
 >>/24971/ DJT to make big announcement at 8am EDT
 >>/24997/ Anon analysis of DJT tweet(s)
 >>/25222/ Statement from the President on the Death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
 >>/25003/ Anon breaks down tweet ananlysis for mathtarded anons (most of us)
 >>/25007/ U.S. targeted Islamic State's al-Baghdadi: official
 >>/25009/ Acts of Treason (Q posts, one year delta for 11:11:18)
 >>/25036/ ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi targeted, believed dead in US raid in Syria: Sources
 >>/25064/,  >>/25066/,  >>/25187/ Pics/vids of Syria heli attack
 >>/25072/ Who uses Twitter? A small group of "prolific political tweeters"
 >>/25225/ Mass Shooting at Texas A&M (11 hours ago)
 >>/25230/ Twat: Schiff not briefed before the mission?
 >>/25218/ The four #ExposeCNN videos (links)
 >>/25230/ How WaPo described the head of ISIS (austere, scholarly, pragmatic)
 >>/25229/ Dozens of bodies found buried in mass grave near resort town by Arizona border
 >>/25239/ DICK's sporting goods CEO Ed Stack considers POTUS run
 >>/25243/ Steve Bannan on Pelosi's disinfo campaign
'The not-briefing-Gang-of-8 thing is a red herring. Law requires briefing about covert intel activities, but this was a DOD raid in a war zone. (Bin Laden raid was CIA-controlled & covert bc it violated Pakistani sovereignty, so Obama admin wanted deniability if UBL wasn't there.)'
Anons, plz look over, i will too, b4 baking

Notables #9444
baker & anons
 >>/24557/,  >>/24569/  Vid on subliminal and subsonic images & how they may affect human behavior; commentary by anon
 >>/24570/  For KEKS: Motorcyclist Who Identifies As Bicyclist Sets Cycling World Record
 >>/24576/  Weird new commercial suggesting men get periods
 >>/24562/ McCabe withdraw his lawsuit against the Dept of Justice
 >>/24559/,  >>/24563/,  >>/24565/,  >>/24654/ Anons on obelisks
 >>/24585/  FBI Entrapped Flynn With Manipulated Evidence As Clapper Allegedly Issued 'Kill Shot' Order: Court Docs
 >>/24607/ ,  >>/24698/  Jim Watkins Q&A 'Service Due': CALL FOR A DIG on money behind 2019 elections
 >>/25199/,  >>/25204/ Video from Mohamed Rasheed of the attack in progress 
 >>/24666/,  >>/25213/ Who is Eric Ciaramella?
 >>/24647/,  >>/24703/,  >>/24737/,  >>/24753/,  >>/24758/,  >>/24760/,  >>/25214/ Anon compares 8chan & endchan; heated discussion ensues
 >>/24763/,  >>/24769/,  >>/24778/,  >>/24782/,  >>/24787/,  >>/24738/,  >>/24795/,  >>/24800/,  >>/24801/,  >>/24809/,  >>/24842/,  >>/25020/ Discussion continues (heated but ultimately resolved)
 >>/24768/ Bongino twat: They're panicking (Clinton machine tries to stop book pub connecting dems with Russia investigation)
 >>/24866/ DKT tweet: Something very big just happened!
 >>/24881/ Biden's article from 1992 on how he "learned to love the NWO"
 >>/24903/ Breaking: between 8-12 helicopters with US special forces just attacked a convoy of terrorist leaders near Barisha, Syria
 >>/24918/,  >>/24923/,  >>/24932/ For KEKS: Anons discuss Obama's influence in the Middle East
 >>/24971/ DJT to make big announcement at 8am EDT
 >>/24997/ Anon analysis of DJT tweet(s)
 >>/25222/ Statement from the President on the Death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
 >>/25003/ Anon breaks down tweet ananlysis for mathtarded anons (most of us)
 >>/25007/ U.S. targeted Islamic State's al-Baghdadi: official
 >>/25009/ Acts of Treason (Q posts, one year delta for 11:11:18)
 >>/25036/ ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi targeted, believed dead in US raid in Syria: Sources
 >>/25064/,  >>/25066/,  >>/25187/  Pics/vids of Syria heli attack
 >>/25072/ Who uses Twitter? A small group of "prolific political tweeters"
 >>/25225/ Mass Shooting at Texas A&M (11 hours ago)
 >>/25230/ Twat: Schiff not briefed before the mission?
 >>/25218/ The four #ExposeCNN videos (links)
 >>/25230/ How WaPo described the head of ISIS (austere, scholarly, pragmatic)
 >>/25229/ Dozens of bodies found buried in mass grave near resort town by Arizona border
 >>/25239/ DICK's sporting goods CEO Ed Stack considers POTUS run
 >>/25243/ Steve Bannan on Pelosi's disinfo campaign
Suspension of the Constitution in " Emergency " No law or method for restoration has been found.

Somewhere  within  the  volumes  of  secret  NSD  directives  there  is  a  plan  to  suspend  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States  of  America.  The  existence  of  this  plan  surfaced  during  the  Iran-Contra  hearings.  Congressman  Jack  Brooks  (D),  Texas,  attempted  to  bring  it  into  the  open.  When  he  asked  Col.  North  directly  if  North  had  ever  helped  draft  a  plan  to  suspend  the  Con-  stitution,  Brooks  was  silenced  by  the  committee  chairman  Senator  Daniel  K.  Inouye  (D),  Hawaii.  Senator  Inouye  stated  that  the  subject  dealt  with  national  security,  and  any  questions  regarding  the  matter  could  be  brought  up during a closed-door session. We never learned the outcome. 
Behold A Pale Horse ,Chapter Five  -  Good-bye USA, Hello New World Order• 

like  to  know  who  gave  anyone,  in  any  branch  of  government,  with  any  title,  the  right  to  suspend  the  Constitution  at  any  time,  for  any  reason,  under any conditions?I  believe  the  plan  to  suspend  the  Constitution  is  directly  tied  to  the  underground  facility  called  Mount  Weather  and  to  the  Federal  Emergency  Management  Agency  (FEMA).  Mount  Weather  is  so  shrouded  in  secrecy  that   99.9%   of   Americans   have   never   heard   of   it.   FEMA,   however,   is   another  story.  Remember  Hurricane  Hugo?  Remember  the  federal  agency  (FEMA)  that  was  sent  to  handle  the  emergency  and  was  thrown  out  by  the  citizens because of gross incompetence? FEMA was incompetent, because"emergency  management"  is  just  a  guise  for  its  real  purpose,  which  is  to  take  over  local,  state,  and  federal  government  in  case  of  a  national  emer-  gency.  The  only  way  FEMA  could  do  such  a  thing  is  if  the  Constitution  Were  suspended  and  martial  law  were  to  be  declared.  Therefore  its  very  existence is proof positive that a plan to suspend the Constitution does in fact exist.MOUNT WEATHERJust  outside  of  a  sleepy  little  town  called  Bluemont,  Virginia,  about  46  miles  west  of  Washington  D.C.,  is  an  area  of  wilderness  covering  what  has  been  called  the  toughest  granite  rock  in  the  eastern  United  States.  The  area  is   surrounded   by   signs   marked   "Restricted   Area"   and   "This   installation   has   been   declared   a   restricted   area....Unauthorized   entry   is   prohibited."   Other  signs  state:  "All  persons  and  vehicles  entering  hereon  are  liable  to  search.   Photographing,   making   notes,   drawings,   maps   or   graphic   repre-   sentations  of  this  area  or  its  activities  is  prohibited.  Such  material  found  in  the possession of unauthorized persons will be confiscated. Internal Secur-ity  Act  of  1950."  The  installation  is  beneath  a  mountain  and  its  name  is  the  Western Virginia Office of Controlled Conflict Operations. Its nickname isMount Weather. It was ordered to be built by the Federal Civil DefenseAdministration, which is now the Federal Preparedness Agency.Mount  Weather  was  designed  in  the  early  '50s  as  part  of  a  civil  defense  program  to  house  and  protect  the  Executive  branch  of  the  Federal  govern-  ment. The official name was "The Continuity of Government Program."Congress   has   repeatedly   tried   to   discover   the   real   purpose   of   Mount   Weather,  but  so  far  has  been  unable  to  find  out  ANYTHING  about  the  secret  installation.  Retired  Air  Force  General  Leslie  W.  Bray,  director  of  the  Federal  Preparedness  Agency,  told  the  Senate  Subcommittee  on  Constitu-  tional  Rights  in  September  1975:  "I  am  not  at  liberty  to  describe  precisely  what is the role and the mission and the capability that we have at MountWeather or at any other precise location."

Several  disturbing  facts  emerge  when  one  researches  Mount  Weather.  One  is  the  conclusion  that  a  complete  parallel  government  exists  at  the  site.  Nine   Federal   departments   exist   there   —   Agriculture,   Commerce,   HEW,   HUD,  Interior,  Labor,  State,  Transportation,  and  the  Treasury.  Apparently  at  least  five  Federal  agencies  are  also  in  residence:  FCC,  Selective  Service,  Federal  Power  Commission,  Civil  Service  Commission,  and  the  Veterans  Administration.  Two  privately  owned  corporations  have  offices  at  Mount  Weather:  the  Federal  Reserve  and  the  U.S.  Post  Office.  There  is  also  an  Office  of  the  Presidency.  What  makes  all  this  upsetting  is  that  there  is  a  President   and   a   complete   set   of   cabinet   officers   in   residence   at   Mount   Weather.  Who  are  they  and  who  appointed  them?  Where  is  such  a  thing  provided for in the Constitution of the United States of America?

Mount  Weather  is  the  operational  center  —  the  hub  —  of  over  96  other  underground    Federal    Relocation    Centers    scattered    across    the    United    States.  The  majority  of  these  appear  to  be  concentrated  in  Pennsylvania,  Virginia,   West   Virginia,   Maryland,   and   North   Carolina.   Each   of   these   facilities   contains   computer   data   banks   holding   information   —   not   on   enemy  agents,  Soviet  diplomats,  or  suspected  terrorists  but  on  American  citizens,  patriots.  A  list  of  other  files  kept  at  the  facilities  was  furnished  to  the   Subcommittee   on   Constitutional   Rights   in   1975.   The   list   included   "military   installations,   government   facilities,   communications,   transporta-   tion,   energy   and   power,   agriculture,   manufacturing,   wholesale   and   retail   services,   manpower,   financial,   medical   and   educational   institutions,   sani-   tary facilities, population, housing shelter, and stockpiles."The  committee  concluded  that  these  data  bases  "operate  with  few,  if  any,    safeguards    or    guidelines."    Senator    James    Abourzek    (D),    South    Dakota,  a  member  of  the  subcommittee,  said,  "I  feel  the  entire  operation  has   eluded   the   supervision   of   either   Congress   or   the   courts."   Chairman   Tunney  said,  "Mount  Weather  is  out  of  control."  Nothing  was  done  by  Congress  to  rectify  the  situation,  however,  and  Mount  Weather  remains  out  of control.

Anons , ask yourself what happens if POTUS / DC gets taken out ?
First reported as rifle used, then said handgun used. Big party, police and TV were already there.
Suspect still at large.

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Bombshell Reports Indicate Days Ahead Will Be DEVASTATING for the ‘Deep State’
Part 1 of 2

Friday night was a devastating night for the Deep State, after four reports uncovered many corrupt actions taken by the Obama administration.

Below is a detailed list of the four reports compiled by The Gateway Pundit, that has left the Deep State crooks extremely worried:

1. The FISA Report
The first event reported is that the DOJ IG’s FISA report is about to be released.

Of course this is nothing new to those of us who have been following the Russia Hoax scandal.  We knew this was eventually going to come out.  The news overnight is that the report “will be released publicly with few redactions”.  This means that negotiations over redactions were either mute or they weren’t happening.

Many of us thought that the “Deep State was Deep Sixing” the FISA report.  Perhaps they were.  But another theory is that the DOJ IG may have been held back from releasing his report until a time when it would not impede AG Barr’s investigation by his DA John Durham into the Deep State actions before and after the 2016 election. Had IG Horowitz released his document before all the players in Durham’s investigation were questioned, they might have altered their testimonies based on Horowitz’s report.

2. AG Barr and John Durham’s Investigation into Deep State crimes

Last night we also received word that AG Barr’s Justice Department’s review into the actions of Deep State players before and after the 2016 election by DA John Durham has turned into a criminal investigation.

Over the past few years especially, the New York Times was used by Deep State crooks in the Obama Administration to push narratives damaging to President Trump.  This was really no exception as the next paragraph in the Times’ piece claims that the criminal investigation is happening because “Mr. Trump is using the Justice Department to go after his perceived enemies”. Of course the Times can’t refer to Donald Trump as the President.

What this piece does tell us is a few things.  One, some individuals in the Deep State (i.e. two people familiar with the matter) likely want to get out to their cohorts that Durham is now running a criminal investigation.  Perhaps this is to allow them time to prepare for their impending indictments. What the Times doesn’t tell us is how long Durham has been running a criminal investigation.

If Durham has been running a criminal investigation for some time, perhaps there are already indictments in the works.  We really don’t know.  What this also may indicate is that IG Horowitz can now release his IG report because Durham has met with all the individuals he needs to meet with to begin indictments for criminal activity.
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Bombshell Reports Indicate Days Ahead Will Be DEVASTATING for the ‘Deep State’
Part 2 of 2

3. Sidney Powell’s filing Regarding General Flynn’s case
We also found out late last night that Sidney Powell is aware of numerous documents and actions by Obama’s Deep State that have been withheld from General Flynn that are damning to the government’s case.  These are so damning that she is asking the court to dismiss the case against General Flynn.

What we learned is that among other things, former Deep State and FBI attorney Lisa Page altered the 302 document materially in a manner that implicated General Flynn for lying to the FBI.  She then lied about making the edits. Page of course was the paramour of the most corrupt FBI Agent in history, Peter Strzok.

We also learned from General Flynn’s attorney Powell that Obama’s former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, was involved in the felony release of General Flynn’s phone call with a Russian diplomat before the 2017 Inauguration.

Both of these bombshells related to Page and Clapper were dropped tonight.  It is likely that they were dropped now because the information is no longer information that can impact Durham’s criminal investigation, indicating Clapper may have been interviewed already.  On the other hand, perhaps the information on Clapper and Page is already locked and loaded and there is no harm in this information now being released.

We may find out that the recent delays and redactions by the DOJ in regards to Flynn’s case and the IG’s FISA report may have been to prevent the Durham investigation from being derailed rather than the typical Deep State redactions and delays we have been accustomed to in the recent past. Time will tell.

4. Recent Reports regarding Obama VP Biden’s pay-for-play scandals
We also learned last night that Joe Biden during the time he was Obama’s VP, partook in actions resulting in payments to him and his son Hunter.  These payments go beyond the Ukraine and China.  Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani claimed previously that Biden was suspect of a pay-for-plan scandal in Romania.  

If this is anything like the Bidens’ actions in the Ukraine and China, it is suspect and likely criminal.  Rudy Giuliani claimed that Obama, the Chicago ‘pol’, ran a pay-for-play sham his entire time in office.  Rudy said his VP was making millions and his Secretary of State Hillary was making hundreds of millions.  Rudy expressed this shortly after Joe DiGenova’s statements about New York Rep. Ocasio-Cortez and the Democrat Party on the Ingraham Angle a couple of weeks ago –

The biggest question left unanswered is why would the Democrats and their Deep State work so hard to prevent candidate Trump from becoming President and then try to end his Presidency prematurely? Why would they put in place a phony Russian sham Special Counsel and then morph into a fake Ukraine impeachment, both of which are bogus?

It may be that they didn’t want anyone to know how corrupt they were.  It may be that the amount of money the Obama Administration made in pay-for-play schemes around the world will shock the average American.  Is this why we constantly hear – Follow the money?

Get your popcorn ready.  This is going to be devastating!
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