/qanonresearch/ - Q War Room

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Welcome To Q Anon Research
We hold these truths to be self-evident.
- All men are created equal.
- All men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.
- That among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need, nor condone the use of force in our work here. All illegal content reported.
Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening
God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.
* Letters
-To My Family https://pastebin.com/WiGSu4mD
-To Patriots https://pastebin.com/0ieWe4t9
-Q Clearance Patriot https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/229860764
-A Prayer https://pastebin.com/3K3twDnQ
-A Prayer https://pastebin.com/DnH74iaK
-Stars Out Tonight https://pastebin.com/T6WFUXi4
-Be Ready https://pastebin.com/kDQZKaNc
-Thank You Potus and Flotus https://pastebin.com/zKPtGGdA
-One time a while ago https://pastebin.com/gF3y0imP
-Great Night and Days https://pastebin.com/Lpb6kbYT
-When I was a Rookid https://pastebin.com/RBTLu3hW
-Pray for Potus Isaiah 54:17 https://pastebin.com/tmbwaBh3
-We are Battle-Hardend Warriors  >>/24522/
* Access
Clear: https://endchan.net | https://endchan.org | https://endchan.xyz
TOR v2: https://endchan5doxvprs5.onion | https://s6424n4x4bsmqs27.onion
TOR v3: https://enxx3byspwsdo446jujc52ucy2pf5urdbhqw3kbsfhlfjwmbpj5smdad.onion
* Exits 404 Bunker >> https://endchan.net/qrb/ | 505 Bunker >> https://freenode.net #qanonresearch
* Report Illegal Content on Endchan  >>/10952/  >>/10957/  >>/10959/  >>/10960/
* FAQ  >>/10458/  >>/10468/  >>/10970/
*NChan Indexing  https://qresear.ch
Q Anon Research [Q Operations]
Nchan QAnonr Research TRIPCODES (In the name field enter #YourUserName)
 >>/18016/ What is a tripcode?
*SITEOWNER tbd [odilitime]
*BOARDOWNER ##qnktnX [citizen o7] Profile:  >>/21875/
*Board Volunteers
BV0 #jIFGUa [weaponized autism] Profile:  >>/20942/
BAKER0 #sGrv/I [angry gerbil] Profile  >>/15465/
BAKER1 #JVih97 [rolling home]
BAKER2 #wC2utB [barkeep baker] Profile:  >>/21071/
Awakening  >>/19890/ https://archive.is/BMb7d |  >>/13478/ https://archive.is/MwyS Locked
Memes  >>/960/ https://archive.is/70E93
Notables  >>/75/ https://archive.is/qqjlZ
Documents  >>/5829/ https://archive.is/Z2Z6U
Social  >>/15186/ https://archive.is/dZ1aO
War Room  >>/21400/ https://archive.is/Jr6Ml
0 Deltas  >>/11725/
Baker Babes  >>/18978/
Test Bake  >>/21146/  >>/22833/
Gematria  >>/20867/
Hell Fire  >>/25382/
Never Forget  >>/25452/
Pepe  >>/19031/
Qproofs  >>/1980/
Symbols  >>/4289/ https://archive.is/nkrkR
PLAYERS [* = Focus] https://pastebin.com/xPM3snNY
*[ Adam Shiff  >>/18339/ ] https://archive.is/PxPzM
[ Anderson Cooper  >>/22268/ ]
[ California  >>/20486/ ] https://archive.is/XB934
[ Hillary Clinton  >>/25290/ ]
[ Joe Biden  >>/14854/ ] https://archive.is/dN0qZ
*[ Lindsey Graham  >>/22160/ ] https://archive.is/WoyGW
[ Mitt Romney  >>/22283/ ]
*[ Nancy Pelosi  >>/16673/ ] https://archive.is/csClW
*[ Romania  >>/25339/ ]
[ Turkey  >>/16810/ ]
*[ Ukraine  >>/18390/ ]
Captain Logs  >>/24350/

Two sets of two synonyms or three mentions of a term = significant.
re: repeated 3x = signal (NOT noise)
Check the timestamps on the posts and tweets capitalization on his Twitter
41 - George H. W. Bush
43 - George W. Bush
0 deltas tweets = comms open
look for spoopy drop, thundercat arrival and or 0delta QnA
Also, check the timestamp on the last one vs the first one, and think mirror.
During homophones, hand signals will give you the coded (and correct, but unexpected) word to hear. Eyes open.
PCOMMS https://pastebin.com/q6EZCyx9 | https://pastebin.com/TGqnvChf
QCOMMS  >>/23599/  >>/23609/  >>/23611/  >>/23612/  >>/23635/  >>/23599/  >>/23609/  >>/23611/  >>/23612/  >>/23635/  >>/25395/  >>/25395/
RCOMMS  >>/23921/  >>/23927/  >>/23594/  >>/23279/  >>/25962/
USMCA https://www.trade.gov/usmca/
150 judges
ISIS - Baghdadi
Dissolved C_A?
Obamacare Adjustment
Veterans Security
Protect The Babies
5K Per Household
Ethnic UNemployement Down
Companies Returning (loui vuton)
Speech That Won Election - https://youtube.com/watch?v=zvrWvGJkfuU
Hillary Roast - https://youtube.com/watch?v=Bmvxx_YbDsM
4th July 19 - https://youtube.com/watch?v=lE3rNWYvkRg
MAGA Rally in NC - https://youtube.com/watch?v=5ODi8wTgoqs (That ending tho)
9/11 Interview - https://youtube.com/watch?v=V4ZfXOil1pk
Buckingham Palace - https://youtube.com/watch?v=oO-FT0q34tg
*B-BUT TRUMP hasn't done anything!
*TRUMP 4EVA 6/21/19
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: https://publicpool.kinja.com/

Q's Last Post - Thursday 08.01.2019
[C]oats before [D]eclas https://qmap.pub/read/3570
Bigger [slam-dunk] charges coming? https://qmap.pub/read/3569
Q 8ch.net Tripcode !!mG7VJxZNCI
Q Proofs
Website dedicated to Q Proofs -- https://QProofs.com | https://QAnonProofs.com
Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w
Book of Q Proofs —– https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/
8chan Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity  >>/4004099/ (LINK WORKS 8CHAN ONLY)
Shared folder of some Q "proofs" -- https://mega.nz/#F!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y
QPosts Archives
* QMap & Mirrors PDF:
MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ
MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file
SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg
* QPosts Archive - Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More.
https://qanon.app | https://qanon.pub | https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub | https://qmap.pub  | https://qanon.news | https://qposts.online
* Q Raw Text Dumps: https://pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE | https://pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t | https://pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt
* Spreadsheet and Resources QPosts Q&A and all images backup:
* Q Happenings Calendar
Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a
Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/
* Q and (You)
(this area for articles and such related to Q)
*Awakening  >>/18142/
Q Code of Ehtics  >>/15355/
#Q #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening #YouAreDivine #QResearch #QanonResearch #TheEndChan
* Expanded Q Text Drops: https://pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
* QMap Zip: https://enigma-q.com/qmap.zip
* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/
* Memo & OIG Report Links: https://otherch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188
* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/
* The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw
*How to make Q-related boards more effective sources of info via better content and presentation
would take a book
but have been working on this as digger, mostly done via example, e.g.:
- include details (authors/dates)
- cite relevant qresear.ch refs
- call out fake research (phony stats, msm material, fake studies)
- tie text to graphics ("see cap 1")
- call out main ideas with bold, etc.
- encourage descriptions in noms

*How it Flows
> BO manages dough and all the BV's
> BV manages board and all the bakers
> BAKERS eyes on potus tweets for thread ideas and keep anons focused with reminders
> DIGGERS  gather intel based on bakers thread and POTUS Tweets
> SCAPPERS keep dough updated with previous LB Main Notables and Memes list
> MINIBUNS gather and post towards end of thread or next thead
> NOTETAKER gather notable posts and per thread focus
> MEMERS build memes on gathered info of the focus
> SOCIAL fires memes based on current thread memes using Social Infowarrior thread and Warroom section
> BV posts minibuns/notables/memes to respected threads for normies and newcomers to get to speed.
> ARCHIVE maintain archives
> LURKERS watch our back and catalog for shill attacks
> OPTICS eyes on focus group 24/7S
*This place is not for people who need blow-by-blow direction.
But if you really want some, here are concrete suggestions
- compile notables for any bread--that's SUPER useful
- get sauce for tweets
- do caps for article links
- search on 'dig' or 'digg' and go do diggs anons have called for and report back.
Newbs Read Positions Here: https://pastebin.com/MUqNrY5m
-opticsanon  >>/22246/
-twitteranon  >>/22353/
*Moderation Manual
*Formatting Instructions
*Learn To Bake
Ghost Bake  >>/25536/
Simple  >>/22843/  >>/21146/ https://pastebin.com/r5BQDBTF
Advanced https://pastebin.com/waNBgamW
 >>/21200/ Baking Tips, Tricks & Traps
 >>/19659/ RE how you know bakers are legit if no tripcodes.
How To Collect Notables  >>/24512/
How to Take Notable Notes  >>/24523/
Note Procedures  >>/24373/  >>/24512/

*What is the Narrative Softpill  >>/25924/
*Operating Procedures
1. Make Aware: Standard SlowPill  Procedure Stage1&2  >>/21070/ | Stage3  >>/21380/
2. Make Awake: The Great Awakening  >>/18142/
Standard Operating Procedures  >>/23258/  >>/22435/
Standard Commenting Raid  >>/24255/
Beat the Narrative  >>/24327/
What is Information Warfare  >>/24172/
Cloak a Q anon Research with a Potus Tweet >> >>/24337/
Anti March RedPill Strategy  >>/25302/
*Documents  >>/5829/
Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
[1] #QAnon Hashtag ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'
[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!
[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
[4] Q's requested hashtags as of 3/11/19:
Moar Hashtags: https://pastebin.com/bFsuyT4V
#Romania #Turkey #Syria #ukraine #nancypelosi #adamshiff #joebiden #Ukraine #exposecnn #whistleblower #secretmeetings #shiffphonycall #panicindc #donothingdemocrats #WAKEUPAMERICA #FACTSMATTER #SAVEAMERICA #UNITEDNOTDIVIDED #WWG1WGA #BringSoldiersHome #WeWantThemBack #TimeToComeHome #WeLoveOurSoldiers
#BringThemHome etc. probably got the anons some nice #NewFrens who hadn't been redpilled.
#BringBack8Chan (use it, tell others. Updates about Q and 8chan get you a lot of coverage.)
Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING! Be A Tweet Storm Army!!!
Useful twat hints on war room info graphs
-Best Times to TWEET: 10-11 AM EASTERN /// AFTER 6 PM EASTERN
-Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use https://tweetdeck.com on Desktop or Mobile
* Sealed Indictments
-Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677
-Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y
-Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more – https://bad-boys.us/
* Resignations https://www.resignation.info | https://qresear.ch
* Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm
* POTUS' Tweet Archive: http://trumptwitterarchive.com
* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets
* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
* Twitter Video Downloader: https://twittervideodownloader.com/
* Youtube Downloader https://ytmp3.cc/
* Video Pastebin https://videobin.org/
* Download url vids https://9xbuddy.com/sites/openload
* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/archiver-menu/?src=search class="quoteLink" href="/qanonresearch/res/8607.html#8946">>>/8946/ (archiver)
* https://threadreaderapp.com
* http://trumptwitterarchive.com
* https://www.trendolizer.com
* https://www.fodey.com/generators/newspaper/snippet.asp
* https://www.trendsmap.com
 >>/25135/ Tools for anons
Are You Banned https://shadowban.eu/
search ex. [site:qanon.news shiff]
People Search https://www.truepeoplesearch.com/
 >>/15810/ Dough: https://pastebin.com/xY6LcKJa | https://pastebin.com/raw/Nb12HyuB
More Tools > https://pastebin.com/u7P7a6hv
*Other Known Boards
https://08ch.net (Decentralized)
https://8kun.net | https://oxwugzccvk3dk6tj.onion

Review Warroom for current tools and services and advisory.
(You) Play the part of Mad Hatter when Awakening "Them".
Use .@them to reply to all their followings. https://www.themuse.com/advice/mystery-dot-the-best-kept-secret-on-twitter
Them List: https://pastebin.com/jknaAkg5
Moar Social advice  >>/15186/ && https://pastebin.com/5p5X8MJ4
*Example of making Dem Supporters Aware and Awakened
STAGE1&2  >>/21070/
STAGE3  >>/21380/
*Sample Personal Timeline Tweet  >>/25390/
.@Social  >>/15186/
SOCIAL AMMO  >>/960/
Biden  >>/14854/
Clinton  >>/25290/
Memes  >>/960/
Notables  >>/75/
OBAMA >>[0000] Place holder
Pelosi  >>/16673/
Shiff  >>/18339/
Symbols  >>/4289/
African Amerc  >>/24005/  >>/24174/
Clinton  >>/24471/  >>/24595/  >>/24619/  >>/24624/  >>/24701/  >>/24708/  >>/24709/  >>/24712/  >>/24719/  >>/24723/  >>/24731/  >>/25916/
CNN  >>/25218/ vid
Dems  >>/23744/  >>/23775/  >>/24330/  >>/24171/  >>/24328/
Barr  >>/23676/
Biden Hunter  >>/24579/  >>/24881/  >>/24934/
Bolton  >>/24673/
Maga  >>/24444/  >>/24469/  >>/24616/  >>/25585/  >>/25621/  >>/25684/  >>/25687/  >>/25807/  >>/25427/
Mother Jones  >>/24160/
Obama  >>/24443/  >>/24752/  >>/25912/  >>/25913/
Pelosi  >>/24441/  >>/24442/
Pedovores  >>/24845/
Q  >>/25584/  >>/25631/  >>/25840/  >>/25885/
Rice  >>/24611/  >>/24671/
Soros Alex  >>/24605/  >>/24609/
Traffickers  >>/24811/  >>/25362/
Misc  >>/24479/  >>/25717/
Adam Shiff
-video   >>/24567/
-H. R. McMaster   >>/24606/
-Eric Ciaramella (whislteblower)   >>/25314/  >>/24666/  >>/24732/  >>/24792/
-Memes  >>/24614/
-link drop  >>/25604/
-cap  >>/25609/  >>/25633/
-fashion  >>/25627/  >>/25736/  >>/25752/
-peewee  >>/25632/
-misc  >>/25434/
Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date
2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA
2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg
Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw
Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

mitt romney
anderson cooper?
lindsey graham
hillary emails, pelosi-ukriane, pelosi-shiff, shiff-ukraine, shiff-whistleblower, biden-urkraine, shiff Secret proceedings, Secret witnesses, Secret testimony, Secret evidence, comey, timelinefails, turkey
Calm masses before the storm
Calm masses after the storm
Wake Masses to Democratic evil (slow pill) [AWARE]
Wake the Waked Masses to Divine Awareness (hard pill) [AWAKE]
4more Years
 >>/25914/ When The Lights Go Out
 >>/24104/ Germany and others are actually GETTING PAID to borrow money >call for memes
 >>/24028/ Romney Twitter Account: [P]ierr[E] [D]elect[O] > [PEDO] SStill aint seeing no memes?
TIP: For #Flippening, make a post on r/The_Donald . Create a new account if you don't have one.
Much bigger army there all hours of the day except late night shift to early graveyard ( 2:30am - 6:30am ).
Please show <3 and support for our fam. Drop positive memes, articles.. related to them Winning, on their twitter feed.
POTUS TRUMP, VP Pence, Mayor Rudolph, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Judicial Watch, William Barr, Ted Cruz, Judge,  Brett Kavanaugh, Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, Sean Hannity, Sara Carter, Tucker Carlson, The 5...
Social - Go to giuliani's twat, grab those GREAT reply memes on his last twat.
 >>/15148/ track livingstreaming of violent/illegal acts
 >>/10439/ Can you tie all those graphics together for us in text?
 >>/10418/  >>/10449/  >>/10450/ Is TDIP the Source of the 4 am Talking Points? CALL FOR A DIGG
 >>/10887/ POTUS calls to battle (Voat dig on Pelosi)
Moar Call to Actions: https://pastebin.com/cjxaxBpz

POTUS https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump
RUDOLPH https://twitter.com/RudyGiuliani
Military - https://pastebin.com/0JVakGS9
FBI - https://pastebin.com/N04DMase
Civilian - https://pastebin.com/N9mkxyBU @EddieRispone @StormIsUponUs
Fox - ⁦@MorningsMaria ⁦@FoxBusiness⁩ ⁦@SundayFutures⁩ ⁦@FoxNews⁩
*Media - https://pastebin.com/Fh0ZFt8Z
 >>/25212/  >>/25214/ compares 8chan & endchan | Discussion continues (heated but ultimately resolved
 >>/20035/ marshall island | general valley | barr subpoenas | getty fam >minibun
 >>/16890/ Potus Tweet Analysis
 >>/16610/ HARPA dig mini-bun
 >>/15875/ RALLEY
 >>/15356/ minibun history and origin of our National Anthem
 >>/15478/ Christopher Zullo Bun
 >>/11077/ Mini-bun on targeted persons regarding UKRAINE:
 >>/14139/ Bidens, General (may have overlap Ukraine/Romania)
 >>/14190/ Biden Gen | Biden/romainia | Biden/ukraine | Edward Szofer
 >>/14814/ DJT Minneapolis rally bun:
*BOARD VOLUNTEER NOTES https://pastebin.com/pFLKY8L5
BO - Update Dough.
BV - [PIN] current Baker's Bread.
BV - [Lock] Last Baker's Bread.
Bakers - Use Tripcodes Baking.
Baker - Eyes on POTUS TWITTER.
orderred and organized moar

Master Archives
*MasterArchivist —————— https://qarchives.ga | https://qarchives.000webhostapp.com | https://masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/
*Supplement to MasterArchivist
    - main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/
*Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa
*8ch Notable Archives https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD
*Offsite Archive - https://qanon.news/archives
Information Warfare Archives/Articles
Information Warfare I: http://archive.is/http://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5240137.html
ARCHIVE: https://archive.is/E0oJm (newest)
ZIP FILE: https://archive.is/download/E0oJm.zip
Information Warfare II: http://8ch.net/qrb/res/22979.html
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/jTJWj
ZIP FILE: https://archive.fo/download/jTJWj.zip
Archive ONLINE: https://pastebin.com/gTWJsjd6
 >>/15881/ HOW TO ARCHIVE
 >>/15883/ Archive Tools and services
#9427 https://archive.is/B3z0d
#9426 https://archive.is/ONQJ3
#9425 https://archive.is/T0KL1
#9424 https://archive.is/15QvE
#9423 https://archive.is/DAi5l
#9422 https://archive.is/N89lv
#9421 https://archive.is/SRsWo
Archive OFFLINE [Downloads]: https://pastebin.com/xCdx9zK7
Qmap https://mega.nz/#!74cwVIZD!K4FsXHkBQ-hlnhzPRnBs6nWMUAWsKS7Ny2PjD4v0Vgw
adam-shiff https://mega.nz/#!fh8DQAwB!eiBFuaf9zqJ0Hx-PyKN6hlZi91VtqYc-9jYxIY1VqqE
awakening https://mega.nz/#!j0tRkaAZ!6Kzu5Zqa8MgxlWjHv6XrhmK&#95;sAyYKLIfXgCvNrkQb1Q
california https://mega.nz/#!Oh9REITJ!ukLGbtUAhTgX6myypY340IkCVQ7p9oEoMzkukGScioQ
joe-biden https://mega.nz/#!Ol9FzCAA!-e6k-yjzqmMBAr6vJfC2W-BCMsiI4l7qKgJfZ7Zyxrs
memes https://mega.nz/#!K9l10KLB!Mu92YvK&#95;ZjZ1F9XaNHhpMLP254O9Awn2ZJBuzXxVKSI
nancy pelosi https://mega.nz/#!as8lxYbD!ntbrXfqcvxE6VUmZsP5EWX6xem0uckERnvo6oxq8xm4
notables1-1 https://mega.nz/#!v0lDhSKA!LD5g9qAyY&#95;MYhAhqbWkm&#95;N1oXEfCtavRfVKBRGirIsY
0deltas https://mega.nz/#!igszxAAL!&#95;yqhDSyiF7&#95;gp78BiBVIDnvBASvq4y8zjINATtZ08ug
P Listening https://mega.nz/#!P5sxHQDb!9YOa3-tmqxMtB3GlYfCBiOvh7BHFZ2aCLZ6sjtCWnCM
Social https://mega.nz/#!HkkxQQiB!il6j38-VnwKfL3HNndfywF3JnRYAYL8Msh7vxfl0Ge8
symbolism https://mega.nz/#!P41BzAzS!o3PtzY07QopJw4pTCUYTez8gMgVdBgXuTwOXqAWy4jQ
turkey https://mega.nz/#!f0lXVa4Z!LgZVbEgNIoGNJtFPlfA6zmKXix1kw6JsZgL7d1s5nVE
ukraine https://mega.nz/#!yw8xSY4D!R7TfJkTweLLURiBCVAIVbNHw8X0kaScMHyThPaIa6lg
warroom https://mega.nz/#!SsshxCSC!rbCMoVuLAV29bMpvxH&#95;r6EVW15TXC4vuhVjeQ4uWypk
#9437 https://mega.nz/#!q0E12IyJ!xTcnfUQy6895cYzBsslGCSftC6rQ1ilFJGFMxoq7F0I
#9436 https://mega.nz/#!T5EhTSrL!zLfIC1Rt0aHaQSps&#95;0YVX3AF67iST6SEi3cG35g6onA
#9435 https://mega.nz/#!Ckc1ESRB!GbF3wMTj&#95;c9AMLcI3-jhmvzeKXl&#95;XbFWYYB2P6p2sF4
#9434 https://mega.nz/#!m5MxxSSB!VGj31VgOY1ggJ2QuG6UcS2-ARcH0oo9uq79YUbOr7r0
#9433 https://mega.nz/#!O0U3nAAQ!BN78egiy2r&#95;NCbsAQ6rEWi1KLCx1OlNr6pKPPyEisw4
MOAR ARCHIVES: https://pastebin.com/4myHuYL7
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Global Announcements

Are not endorsements.

#9449 Notables
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Anon Collected Notables
 >>/28523/ 8Kun Email
 >>/28549/ Vindman's Identical Twin May Be Called To Testify
 >>/28553/ Was Eric Working on Ukraine Aid?
 >>/28554/ McStain Institute Ukraine connection
 >>/28564/ New Names, Everyday New Names
 >>/28565/ Tulsi doubts 9/11 Official Story(TM) but ignores one obvious culprit
 >>/28567/ Government officials around the globe targeted for hacking through WhatsApp - sources
 >>/28572/ Tom Fitton finds 'lost' strzok - Ohr e mails
 >>/28588/ Ukraine Lawyer's Statement on Speculation of Whistleblower Identity
 >>/28595/ New Garrison Dems' House of Horror
 >>/28598/ Cankles asked about Epstein death, cackles
 >>/28637/ Impeachment of POTUS is a certainty, Lawfare strategies
 >>/28640/ DJT Tweet from 2012, he's the best Tweeter, easy when it's fun
 >>/28642/ A thread of crumbs halfchan link
 >>/28661/ Operation Backfire Hurricane (For Keks)
 >>/28674/ Retired LTC knew Vindman, thread
 >>/28682/ U.S. opens national security investigation into TikTok - sources
 >>/28688/ RFK's granddaughter Saoirse Kennedy Hill, 22, died from an accidental overdose, officials say
 >>/28692/ Soros picks Pocahontas
 >>/28695/ Rallygoers greet Air Force One in MS
 >>/28698/ Romney fortune built with help from Robert Maxwell and Jack Lyons
 >>/28705/ Chestnut Lodge, Clown Mental Hospital dig
 >>/28708/ Swedish Men don't defend Swedish Women from alien men due to their politics enabling it all
 >>/28717/ Tick Tock LLC where to begin
 >>/28719/ Article on Crime Stats in Sweden
 >>/28724/ Shocking Vaccine Truth from the Health Ranger
 >>/28730/ Great New Economic Stats
 >>/28733/ Trump taps cancer specialist from Texas hospital to run FDA
 >>/28741/ More good news from Oct Jobs report
 >>/28748/ Why Biden being denied Communion is a big deal for people of faith
 >>/28751/ Thousands of migrants sent back to Mexico under Trump policy have given up their asylum claims: DHS
 >>/28774/ Poroshenko awards Orders of Ukraine to US Senators McCain and Graham(RT Vid)
 >>/28780/ POTUS Tweet about Stock Market
 >>/28784/  >>/28909/ CiA archives: Sex perverts who work at state department had secret agreements to acquire immunity as long as they signed on to be double agents with the CiA.
 >>/28785/ The left wants Trump supporters scared
 >>/28789/ New POTUS Tweets
 >>/28793/ 5G Weapons Systems Health Risks?
 >>/28795/ Halloween is Over and the Jig is Up
 >>/28799/ Sen. Amy Klobuchar is diving into the boiling controversy over Russia and President Donald Trump(from 2017)
 >>/28803/ Poroshenko awards Orders of Ukraine to US Senators McCain and Graham with sauce
 >>/28806/ Update on Pelosi/Schiff Coup, Obama/State/RussiaGate Collusion Uncovered, & MORE!
 >>/28813/ Deep State is in full panic and Trump is prepared for battle
 >>/28814/ New POTUS tweet.
 >>/28811/  >>/28817/ Beto is Out of Race
 >>/28819/ NoName and Graham get Ukraine Awards
 >>/28822/ Whistleblower w/ Asylum in Russian Has Epstein Videos, What’s on Them? Why the Media is Silent?
 >>/28823/ POTUS Dunks on Beto
 >>/28824/ Paula Poundstone charged with molesting child from 2001
 >>/28826/ Hard Times Create Strong Men Meme
 >>/28830/ Epstein Prince Andrew links
 >>/28832/ Fake News reporter quits, says MSNBC is now the “propaganda arm of the CIA and FBI” and routinely peddles disinformation to the masses
 >>/28837/ Paula Poundstone gets foster kids back after pleaded no contest to child endangerment from 2002
 >>/28844/ More about fake news guy outing MSNBC as clown propaganda
 >>/28847/ Poroshenko gets life for war crimes from 2018
 >>/28855/ MSNBC Reporter Quits; Admits Network Is ‘CIA Propaganda’
 >>/28858/ Ignition of Maria Fire caught on Castro Fire camera
 >>/28860/ X22 report (I'm a fan)
 >>/28882/ Permitless gun carry in Oklahoma takes effect
 >>/28895/ Trump says Homeland Security official Chad Wolf will be new acting DHS secretary
 >>/28897/ 4 Dead, Others Wounded In Mass Shooting At Orinda Halloween Party
 >>/28913/ Meme archive for posterity
 >>/28915/ Brazil police arrest man said to be one of world's most prolific human traffickers

#9449 Notables
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Anon Collected Notables
 >>/28921/ U.S. judge orders State Department to release more Ukraine records
 >>/28925/ Rally pics
 >>/28931/ Black comedy for the storm
 >>/28946/ RBG Soon meme
 >>/28964/ Meme war wall of text
 >>/28969/ Quid Pro Joe Meme
 >>/28986/ Seized: two containers full of cash bound for Libyan strongman
 >>/28989/ Nervous Nan clip on WaPo.
 >>/28993/ US-based foreign agent bankrolled Ukraine President Zelensky’s DC lobbying in hopes of Ukrainian government job
 >>/29022/ Ukrainian election shakes up foreign influence operations targeting the US
 >>/29024/ Scarface meme Brainwash people to think for themselves
 >>/29031/ President Xi goes to Iowa? Trump floats farm state to seal trade deal
 >>/29043/ (you) Ambassador to Ukraine Volker was on the Board of The McCain Institute
 >>/29060/ Open Secrets FARA amendments/payments
 >>/29062/  >>/29130/ Great Awakening memes
 >>/29066/  >>/29079/ (you)  >>/29110/ Infinitechan tweet says tomorrow may be the day
 >>/29068/ Google urges confidentiality protections in Texas-led antitrust probe
 >>/29091/ Alabama police think missing teen was harmed
 >>/29094/ Crappy leftie meme with zero self-awareness
 >>/29104/ Testimony From Ukraine Envoy Kurt Volker Directly Contradicts Democrats’ Impeachment Narrative
 >>/29122/ Twitter nixes political ads, serves the elites – Ben Swann | RT
 >>/29123/ Cohen Files as Rep for Ukraine President Zelensky
 >>/29147/ White House Freezes Military Aid to Lebanon, Against Wishes of Congress, State Dept. and Pentagon
 >>/29150/  >>/29152/ recent executive order seizing / repatriating any wealth and/or property of anyone or anything involved in ongoing conflicts in Syria
 >>/29156/ "GO HOME & FIX YOUR DISTRICT": Trump BLASTS House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Dems (vid)
 >>/29173/ Kamala Harris lays off entire New Hampshire field team amid dozens of staff cuts
 >>/29182/ Rapper 50 Cent is taking a stab at politics.
 >>/29193/ good examples of memes for beginners
 >>/29209/ 8kun going live in 10 hours
 >>/29214/ CIAramella meme, push it!
 >>/29234/ Other Known Boards (Q diaspora)
 >>/29246/ DOJ denies trapping Gen Flynn, call for dig on US Atty Brandon L Van Grack
 >>/29254/ Rep. Alcee Hastings Accused of Violating House Rule With Congressional Staff Relationship
 >>/29255/ Moar CIAramella meme
 >>/29272/ Ronan Farrow says Bill Clinton rape allegation ‘overdue’ for review
 >>/29273/ Brooklyn anti-cop protest turns violent, blocks traffic: 'Don't let these pigs touch us'
 >>/29275/ How Iran metes out amputation, flogging, hanging to enforce Islamic law

Baker Notes:
==Notables #9449 Complete and Ready for Archive

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Tweet thread from a retired Army officer who worked with LTC Alex Vindman - it's not complimentary!

6:27 PM - 31 Oct 2019 
LTC (R) Jim Hickman‏ @Jim_Hickman13  

@RepMattGaetz @GOPLeader @Jim_Jordan @DonaldJTrumpJr @GregRubini @QBlueSkyQ @Bluepopcorn8 @EpochTimes 
I know LTC Alex Vindman from a Combined US-Russian exercise called Atlas Vision 12 in Grafenwoher, GE. He worked w/the Russian Embassy & I was assigned to the JMTC (Joint...

...Multinational Training Command), w/in USAREUR (US Army Europe). He worked coordination w/the Russian 15th Peacekeeping Brigade, & I was in charge of all Simulations planning, as well as assisting the USAREUR Lead Planner as the Senior Military Planner. The following...

...account of LTC Vindman's words & actions are completely accurate to the best of my recollection & have been corroborated by others. We interacted on several different occasions throughout the planning cycle, but it was during the actual execution of the exercise, that we...

...had an issue relevant to his recent testimony. As stated earlier, Atlas Vision 12 was conducted at JMTC in the VBS2 (Virtual Battle Simulations 2) Classrooms for Simulation. Vindman, who was a Major at the time, was sitting in one of the classrooms talking to the US &...

...Russian Soldiers, as well as the young Officers & GS Employees about America, Russia, & Obama. He was apologetic of American culture, laughed about Americans not being educated or worldly, & really talked up Obama & globalism to the point of uncomfortable. He would speak...

...w/the Russian Soldiers & laugh as if at the expense of the US personnel. It was so uncomfortable & unprofessional, one of the GS employees came & told me everything above. I walked over & sat w/in earshot of Vindman, & sure enough, all was confirmed. One comment truly..

...struck me as odd, & it was w/respect to American's falsely thinking they're exceptional, when he said, "He [Obama] is working on that now." And he said it w/a snide 'I know a secret' look on his face. I honestly don't know what it meant, it just sounded like an odd thing to...

...say. Regardless, after hearing him bash America a few times in front of subordinates, Russians, & GS Employees, as well as, hearing an earful about globalization, Obama's plan, etc...I'd had enough. I tapped him on the shoulder & asked him to step outside. At that point I...

...verbally reprimanded him for his actions, & I'll leave it at that, so as not to be unprofessional myself. The bottom-line is LTC Vindman was a partisan Democrat at least as far back as 2012. So much so, junior officers & soldiers felt uncomfortable around him. This is..

...not your professional, field-grade officer, who has the character & integrity to do the right thing. Do not let the uniform fool you...he is a political activist in uniform. I pray our nation will drop this hate, vitriol & division, & unite as our founding fathers intended!🇺🇸

I need to make a slight correction on my statement, it was actually Atlas Vision 13 when the incident occurred. I was thrown off, as the next year Russia invaded Crimea. Also, I was promoted to Chief, Regional, Joint & Combined Exercises Branch, USAREUR, over many exercises.

Was looking at comments on FoxNews about Iran's treatment of their religious prisoners, and this was in there.

"Do you all know what Freedom of Religion is?
Who's constitution is it in? Not Iran.
Why is FoxNews posting a bleeding heart liberal stories for a people that hate the US?
Simple, they are TRYING to keep Americans divided.
Iran is not part of the US, it is an enemy to the US, but look at this story.
Nough said.
If you can't see the problem with this story, then most likely, you are part of the problem, due to programing that the 'idiot box' you call TV has guided you too!
We the People is now, Wake up People!"

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Interesting Trump comment from latest rally in MS:

"You know here's the good news: At least we have a forum, we have a place where we can talk, so everyone knows what's going on."
39:01 at https://hooktube.com/watch?v=qI7paS9Qaxk

Wild and crazy idea, but might swing more towards our way if we were to take findings here to the MSM's boards.
At the bottom of most articles on MSM sites now days, they have chat boards.
Let's post our findings on those as well as here.
This will spread the news to so many more via our own enemies coms systems.

Been replying to peeps on FoxNews tonight, and FoxNews is deleting my HUMA information or something ...LOTS of deleted posts.
Posted HUMA's website because of a question...this is the 3rd time to post it...they keep deleting it.
I'll keep reposting it until I need a new account...LOL!

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Spook [John McLaughlin]  'Thank God for the deep state'
> Check out the comments.
John Edward McLaughlin (born June 15, 1942 in McKeesport, Pennsylvania) is the former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence and former Acting Director of Central Intelligence. His CIA career lasted more than 30 years starting in 1972 with a focus on European, Russian, and Eurasian issues in the Directorate of Intelligence. From 1984 to 1985, he served a rotational tour at the State Department in the Bureau of European and Canadian Affairs, where he was responsible for following European relations with the Middle East, Central America, and Africa. He served as Deputy Director and Director of the Office of European Analysis from 1985 to 1989; Director of Slavic and Eurasian Analysis from 1989 to 1995; Deputy Director for Intelligence, Vice Chairman for Estimates of the National Intelligence Council, and Acting Chairman of the National Intelligence Council from 1995 to 1997; and Deputy Director for Intelligence from 1997 to 2000 - heading up the Agency’s analytical corps.
He currently serves as a Senior Fellow and Distinguished Practitioner-in-Residence at the Philip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in Washington, D.C., which has been a division of The Johns Hopkins University since 1950. He teaches a course on American Intelligence, involving issues related to American defense policy, counterterrorism, intelligence, irregular warfare, nuclear policy and proliferation, strategic and security issues, U.S. homeland security, and weapons of mass destruction. [4] He also serves on the Guiding Coalition of the Project on National Security Reform.

Fucking with FoxNews, may be in jail by sunrise, but they are also killing free speech...so...KEK!
FoxNews does not want comments, they want you brain dead and follow the crowd!
Keep it going if you see it stopped!

This truly shows what dems thing of human life, and only reason she apologizes is more than likely she was heard....fuck.
Dem lawmaker calls early miscarriages 'just some mess on a napkin', apologizes

The ONLY reason they done this shit is because they know without illegal aliens on the voter rolls they'll lose, by losing I'm talking seats on the electoral vote, and in the house. 55 votes to start dropping in number?
The Trump administration has agreed to pay $846,000 to the state of California in a settlement over the administration’s efforts to add a citizenship question to the U.S. Census, according to a report.

California sued the Trump administration earlier this year over concerns a citizenship question on the census would lead to underrepresentation of minorities.


Goto bottom of this one, and hit them hard anons!
They talking smack about us, and they are the ones STILL drinking cool-aid from Butma's ass.


Just heard that song the other day for the first time. Reminded me of jim with the Q team.Didn't actually listen to the second verse. But the first verse is what i was trying to convey a force to be reckoned with. godspeed 8kun.

But it's great for staying up until sunrise and fucking with everybody on there.

But on the serious side of things, I still believe we should be attacking hard and heavy on MSM's chatboards so we can get info out to the public.
The hoste deletes, we REPOST several times so at least some can see it before it's gone.

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Harry Reid talks UFOs in sit-down interview w/Knapp, Oct 31, 2019.
> Clickbait IMO, YMMV. 
...The ball started rolling in 2007. Reid and fellow Senators Daniel Inouye and Ted Stevens authorized a black budget study of UFOs. The acronym for the program was Aerospace Weapons System Application Program, or AAWSAP. In 2008, a contract was awarded to Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies, or BAASS, an offshoot of Bigelow Aerospace... 

Reid encouraged by newfound interest in UFOs, Nov 1, 2019.

...The UFO study that Reid initiated was largely carried out by a Nevada contractor, Bigelow Aerospace. After the contract ended, a scaled down version of the program continued within the Pentagon called Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or AATIP. In a 2009 letter to the Department of Defense, Reid tried to move AATIP into a more classified special access status...“We have a fringe group of people out there who want to control this. The so-called conspiratorial folks,” Reid said. “They don’t want anybody that’s based on facts involved in this. So what do they do? They go online and try to belittle Elizondo and me and anybody else that is trying to do it in a scientific way"...Although the Pentagon says AATIP ended in 2012, Reid has been informed it is ongoing and with greater resources than it had before. The U.S. Navy’s announcement that it will encourage UFO encounter reports by pilots and others is a key development, Reid said. It’s an indicator the subject is no longer taboo or a career killer. The ongoing wave of media interest has even convinced Reid’s most formidable skeptic — Mrs. Reid.


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BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Keep All Eyes on Hakluyt Cyber
The Landing Place for Many Russia Collusion Sham Participants!

Hakluyt Cyber


Pic related

While anons are intrested in UFOs keep in mind the NWO has plans to use their existance as excuse for world gubbermint.

Behold A Pale Horse.
CHAPTER 12THE SECRET GOVERNMENTThe Origin, Identity, and Purpose of MJ-12May 23, 1989 Updated November 21, 1990The signs are increasing.The lights in the sky will appear red, blue, green, rapidly.Someone is coming from very far and wants to meet the people of the Earth. Meetings have already taken place. But those who have really seen have been silent.

Pope John XXII, 1935

This hakluyt fellow played an important role in the opening of America, and now wretched spook coterie using his name on their corporate refuge.

What is the connection of Hakluyt the Elizabethan influencer to "Hakluyt Cyber?" The refuge of incompetent conspirators.


Also important for anons to understand.  

pp104 • BEHOLD A PALE HORSE William Cooper
1916 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD SENATE Mr. OWEN:I  wish  to  put  in  the  Record  the  secret  treaty  of  Verona  of  November  22,  1822,  showing  what  this  ancient  conflict  is  between  the  rule  of  the  few  and  the rule of the many. 
I wish to call the attention of the Senate to this treaty because  it  is  the  threat  of  this  treaty  which  was  the  basis  of  the  Monroe  doctrine.  It  throws  a  powerful  white  light  upon  the  conflict  between  mon-  archical  government  and  government  by  the  people.  The  Holy  Alliance  under  the  influence  of  Metternich,  the  Premier  of  Austria,  in  1822,  issued  this remarkable secret document:AMERICAN DIPLOMATIC CODE, 1778-1884
The  undersigned,  specially  authorized  to  make  some  additions  to  the  treaty  of  the  Holy  Alliance,  after  having  exchanged  their  respective  creden-  tials, have agreed as follows:
ARTICLE  1.  The  high  contracting  powers,  being  convinced  that  the  system  of  representative  government  is  equally  as  incompatible  with  the  monarchical  principles  as  the  maxim  of  the  sovereignty  of  the  people  with  the  divine  right,  engage  mutually,  in  the  most  solemn  manner,  to  use  all  their  efforts  to  put  an  end  to  the  system  of  representative  governments,  in  whatever  country  it  may  exist  in  Europe,  and  to  prevent  its  being  intro-  duced in those countries where it is not yet known.
ARTICLE  2.  As  it  can  not  be  doubted  that  the  liberty  of  the  press  is  the  most  powerful  means  used  by  the  pretended  supporters  of  the  rights  of  nations  to  the  detriment  of  those  of  princes,  the  high  contracting  parties  promise  reciprocally  to  adopt  all  proper  measures  to  suppress  it,  not  only  in their own States but also in the rest of Europe.
ARTICLE  3.  Convinced  that  the  principles  of  religion  contribute  most  powerfully  to  keep  nations  in  the  state  of  passive  obedience  which  they  owe  to  their  princes,  the  high  contracting  parties  declare  it  to  be  their  intention  to  sustain  in  their  respective  States  those  measures  which  the  clergy  may  adopt,  with  the  aim  of  ameliorating  their  own  interests,  so  intimately  connected  with  the  preservation  of  the  authority  of  the  princes;  and  the  contracting  powers  join  in  offering  their  thanks  to  the  Pope  for  what  he  has  already  done  for  them,  and  solicit  his  constant  cooperation  in  their views of submitting the nations.
ARTICLE  4.  The  situation  of  Spain  and  Portugal  unite  unhappily  all  the circumstances to which this treaty has particular reference.

Author's  Note:  Anyone  who  believes  that  the  monarchs,  after  being  deposed,  forgave      and      forgot,      is      not      playing      with      a      full      deck.      Most  of  these  families  are  wealthy  beyond  belief  and  may  be  more  powerful  today  than  when  they  sat  upon  thrones.  Today  they  are  known  collectively  as  the  Black  Nobility.  Just  because  the  secret  treaty  of  Verona  was  signed  in  1822  does  not  mean  that  the  treaty  is  void.  It  is  imperative  that  you  realize  that  privately,  the  Black  Nobility  refuses  to  ever  recognize  any  government  other  than heir own inherited and divine right to rule. They work diligently behind   the   scenes   to   cause   conditions   whereby   they   might   regain   their   crowns.   They believe that the United States belongs to England.

( many in the swamp have bloodlines back to ' black nobility ' ....the more you know )


Does anyone else have spidey tingles on this warning from the whistleblower’s lawyers?  

Like the ‘witnesses’ who are likely false anyway, will be arkancided and the President or anons will be charged?

It just seems too glorious to imagine the MSM would be liable.

Quick Rundown

Clearnet address:

Lokinet addresses:
Duke : http://pijdty5otm38tdex6kkh51dkbkegf31dqgryryz3s3tys8wdegxo.loki
Dune: http://s5swbfcf4joom9tzf8w7ss5fptywwpnnfop3pxcf5ebjnz8ioksy.loki
Rosie: http://pchpjz7ubqsfwa7qeyotqszrx5ayt3p1y4mbfnuffoupwq53nury.loki

Tor address:

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The past few months, our team has put a lot of time into revising policies, building stronger networking systems, new security protocols, creating anti-deplatforming tools, and reviewing criticism. We have put in many hours constructively addressing received criticism and [...]

73 replies461 retweets990 likes
Reply 73 Retweet 461 Like 990 Direct message

Following Following @CodeMonkeyZ
[...] building defenses against black hat attack vectors. Hopefully what we have done is enough to show that we are sincere and doing our best, in good faith, to provide a mature free speech platform for all who need it.


Quick Rundown

Clearnet address:

Lokinet addresses:
Duke : http://pijdty5otm38tdex6kkh51dkbkegf31dqgryryz3s3tys8wdegxo.loki
Dune: http://s5swbfcf4joom9tzf8w7ss5fptywwpnnfop3pxcf5ebjnz8ioksy.loki
Rosie: http://pchpjz7ubqsfwa7qeyotqszrx5ayt3p1y4mbfnuffoupwq53nury.loki

Tor address:


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Richard Hayluyt was the protege of a dynasty of spies generally regarded as the foremost in history, Cris Marlowe's bosses who directed the Information Operations which opened North American for settlement. 

Hakluyt was a spook.

> In accordance with the instructions of Secretary Francis Walsingham, he occupied himself chiefly in collecting information of the Spanish and French movements, and "making diligent inquirie of such things as might yield any light unto our westerne discoveries in America

> 1599 became an adviser to the newly-founded East India Company

> 1590s Hakluyt became the client and personal chaplain of Robert Cecil

Hakluyt prepared an English translation of Dutch jurist Hugo Grotius' Mare Liberum (1609) 

why? because 

> In Mare Liberum, Grotius denied that the 1493 donation by Pope Alexander VI that had divided the oceans between Spain and Portugal entitled Spain to make territorial claims to North America. Instead, he stressed the importance of occupation, which was favourable to the English as they and not the Spanish had occupied Virginia. Grotius also argued that the seas should be freely navigable by all, which was useful since the England to Virginia route crossed seas which the Portuguese claimed

TLdr sort of

Haykluyt the pawn was used to reintroduce collect edit and subsequently publish promote and popularize maps and stories to support the colonization of America.
An information operation forwarded by their agent Hakluyt who "did more than any other man to bring about the Englishe settlement in North America."

Hakluyt Cyber itself is a globalist international sludge sewer of globalist pedovore cultists.


And who is the topman here at hakluyt cyber dot com, the man who will read these words and recall he, himself, is Sir Iain Lobban KCMG.

Sir Ian is a seasoned nonlinear cber warrior 
> as former Director of GCHQ, where Sir Ian spearheaded the execution of the UK's first two national cyber security strategies -

The first cyber strategy was so darn good the Lizard Queen said "right, let's have another one of those cyber strategies, rise, and you can make it "sir Ian," now you are a Knight Commander.

Sir Ian found no knights he could easily command and thought, fuck no time to waste, I better cash in!

> before moving to the private sector in 2014. In addition to advising our clients on managing cyber risk, he holds a visiting professorship at King's College London, and was a member of the expert panel for Australia's 2016 Cyber Security Strategy.

Sir Ian's future path anon forsees a steepening downward arc to "operating a hostel for refugee bunco artists fleeing civilization, with cyber mercenary offices in racially diverse neighborhoods.  

Sir Ian has a wee trick to impress the clients. If you search Ian lob job on googler image you get an hilarious juxtaposition of images that just aren't, can't be random" and Sir Ian has awesom wizard power.
if you don't sign up now we won't launder your money or sell you children.

> These works were a fertile source of material for William Shakespeare


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8kun findings thus far:

clearnet getting DOS'd hard, laggy as shit

tor .onion works great, still laggy, but tor posting seems disabled. captcha loop(). tor posting with images disabled. pic attached is from /qrb over .onion.

not sure about lokinet just yet

please tag this post with additional findings anons

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8Kun Disclaimer:

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Please cease use of this website if you are under 18 years of age and/or if it is illegal for you to view such content. 

On 8kun, boards and posts are user-created and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the 8kun Administration. 

Any content that violates the laws of the United States of America will be deleted and the poster will be banned.

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Richard Hayluyt was the protege of a dynasty of spies generally regarded as the foremost in history, Christopher Marlowe's bosses who directed the Information Operations which opened North American for settlement.

Hakluyt was a spook.

> In accordance with the instructions of Secretary Francis Walsingham, he occupied himself chiefly in collecting information of the Spanish and French movements, and "making diligent inquirie of such things as might yield any light unto our westerne discoveries in America

> 1599 became an adviser to the newly-founded East India Company

> 1590s Hakluyt became the client and personal chaplain of Robert Cecil

Hakluyt prepared an English translation of Dutch jurist Hugo Grotius' Mare Liberum (1609)

why? because

> In Mare Liberum, Grotius denied that the 1493 donation by Pope Alexander VI that had divided the oceans between Spain and Portugal entitled Spain to make territorial claims to North America. Instead, he stressed the importance of occupation, which was favourable to the English as they and not the Spanish had occupied Virginia. Grotius also argued that the seas should be freely navigable by all, which was useful since the England to Virginia route crossed seas which the Portuguese claimed

TLdr sort of

Hakluyt the pawn was used to reintroduce collect edit and subsequently publish promote and popularize the maps and stories that supported the colonization of America.

An information operation to bring that about was forwarded by their agent Richard "Big Dick" Hakluyt who "did more than any other man to bring about the Englishe settlement in North America."


Hakluyt Cyber dot com is a globalist international chunky sludge sewer of pedovore cultists and butt wookies.


Who is the topman at hakluyt cyber dot com, the man who will read these words and recall he, himself, is Sir Iain Lobban KCMG.

Sir Ian is a seasoned nonlinear cyber warrior of the digital domain

> as former Director of GCHQ, where Sir Ian spearheaded the execution of the UK's first two national cyber security strategies -

The first cyber strategy was so darn good the Lizard Queen said, "right, let's have another one of those cyber strategies, Ian Lobsterbib, and you can make it "Sir Ian Lobsterbib," now you are a Knight Commander.

Sir Ian found no knights he could easily command and thought, fuck no time to waste, I better cash in quickish.

> before moving to the private sector in 2014. In addition to advising our clients on managing cyber risk, he holds a visiting professorship at King's College London, and was a member of the expert panel for Australia's 2016 Cyber Security Strategy.

Sir Ian's future path anon forsees a steepening downward arc to "operating a hostel for refugee bunco artists fleeing civilization," and a new rebranding effort to pitch themselves as avengers in video games and open cyber mercenary offices in racially diverse neighborhoods.

Sir Ian has a trick to impress the clients.

Search Ian lobban on googler image you get
(see attached)
 an hilarious juxtaposition of images

that just aren't, that can't be, random and conclude Sir Ian has awesome wizard power even to bind the googler. Sign up now or we won't launder your money or sell you any more children.

> These works were a fertile source of material for William Shakespeare


In case I was unclear, I meant to say that all tor posters on the entire site always have an id of full zeroes. That's how you can know that someone is a tor poster. The number string surprises people on occasion.

cm plugging lokinet it seems, though mentions use at own risk

8kun is also available on the new and experimental lokinet. In my tests over the past few weeks, I have really warmed to lokinet and see it as a big improvement over tor. It is still experimental, so please be careful and do your own research before using the software. [...]
9:16 AM - 2 Nov 2019 

[...] After installing lokinet, you should be able to find 8kun at one of a few lokinet addresses: [...]

[...] Duke: http://pijdty5otm38tdex6kkh51dkbkegf31dqgryryz3s3tys8wdegxo.loki Dune: http://s5swbfcf4joom9tzf8w7ss5fptywwpnnfop3pxcf5ebjnz8ioksy.loki Rosie: http://pchpjz7ubqsfwa7qeyotqszrx5ayt3p1y4mbfnuffoupwq53nury.loki [...]

[...] If you need support for lokinet, please head to the #llarp channel on freenode, or the #lokinet channel on irc://icxqqcpd3sfkjbqifn53h7rmusqa1fyxwqyfrrcgkd37xcikwa7y.loki/ [...]

[...] If you are a networking type with spare resources, please consider setting up a service node on the lokinet test network. This guide has information about setup: docs.loki.network/ServiceNodes/S… With more lokinet nodes online, 8kun will become even more resilient to deplatforming.


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A great new book by Howie Carr, “What Really Happened, How Donald J. Trump Saved America From Hillary Clinton,” is on sale now. Howie is a talented New England force who was there at the very beginning!

9:26 AM - 2 Nov 2019 


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MSM Articles on Q and 8chan: ~1450 articles thru October 2019
page 1 of 2
two year QResearch anniversary edition
Congratulations to anons on two years of research, memes and prayers. There are now almost 1500 MSM pieces on Q (mostly articles with a few videos). This report on them has been posted every month (now every two months) since Jan 2019. Although 8chan has now been down for almost 3 months, the media continues to write about both Q & 8chan/8kun. The intent of many MSM authors is discredit both Q and 8chan, and to keep 8kun from being launched for as long as possible. Whatever happens in the future, this ongoing negative attention by the press suggests we have been successful in our efforts to find ways to continue our investigatory work, despite recent obstacles.

 * Article timeline thru October 2019  
 * Total number of MSM platforms in descending order
 * BIG 9 Authors by MSM media platform
 * 1450 articles by DATE (also capped):  http://freepdfhosting.com/8477fec8c0.pdf
 * 1450 articles by AUTHOR : http://freepdfhosting.com/6663b46b87.pdf
 * 1450 articles by PUB:  http://freepdfhosting.com/5567298378.pdf
 * MSM Articles on Q and 8chan: ~1350 articles thru August 2019: http://freepdfhosting.com/c2b54b3561.pdf
Journalists with 6+ articles that oppose Q/8chan
  20+ Alex Kaplan (22), Ben Collins (24), Kyle Mantyla (26), Jared Holt (33), Will Sommer (33), Mike Rothschild (36)
  10+ Tom Porter (11), Drew Harwell (11), Emily Birnbaum (11), Abby Ohlheiser (11), David Covucci (13), Brandy Zadrozny (13), Kelly Weill (14)
  6+  Julia Carrie Wong (6), Luke Barnes (6), Philip Bump (6), Ryan Broderick (6), Cristina Lopez (6), Paris Martineau (6), Ellen Ioanes (6), Daniel Moritz-Rabson (6),  Andrew Whalen (6), Adi Robertson (7), Travis View (7),  April Glaser (8), E J Dickson (9), Ali Breland (9)

  Publications with articles that oppose Q/8chan
  50+ WAPO (108), DAILYDOT (68), RWW (65) 
  30+ NBC (55), DAILYBEAST (50), MEDIA MATTERS (44), THEHILL (40), NYT (38), NEWSWEEK (38), SALON (32), UK-GUARDIAN (31)  
  20+ BUZZFEED (31), VICE (31), HUFFPO (27), ABC (25), THEVERGE (22), ROLLINGSTONE (21)
  16+ CNN (19), SLATE (17), UK-BBC (17), BREITBART (16), VOX (16)
  10+  SPLC (14), NPR (13), NY-MAG (13), MOTHER JONES (12), FOX (12), BUS INSIDER (11), MASHABLE (11), SEATTLE TIMES (11), YAHOO (11), TIME (10), UK-SUN (10), WSJ (10)
SEPT 2019 THEMES in rough time order
 * Ben Collins of MS-NBC puts out hit piece 9/4 re Cong. testimony (F Brennan: "Watkins will lie under oath")
 * Reports on testimony: some not too bad, others distorted (e.g., Daily Beast characterizing Watkins testimony as "defiant" (9/5)
 * Many pubs runs interviews with F Brennan (all hit pieces); Brennan tweets constantly about his efforts to block first 8chan, then 8kun
 * WAPO hit piece profiling Jim Watkins (6/12)
 * DHS article on domestic terrorism mentions both 8chan & endchan (9/20)
 * Q coverage light--except DHS article on domestic terrorism echoes same themes that the MSM has been citing in articles on  Q [see footnote]
 * Misc hit pieces on Q: linked to UFOs; Sedona chapel vandal said to be a follower of Q; misc dark visions of Q as "internet cesspool," etc.
[footnote:  MSM often uses FBI report by Yahoo--which may be FAKE--to claim Q group is a domestic terror threat. Foreshadows the lumping together of 8chan & Q as fomenters of domestic terrorism; see Vice article, 10/18).]

page 2 of 2

OCT 2019 themes in rough time order
 * News much less focused bc 8chan offline (can't be attacked for anything)
 * Q "cesspool" theme continues (10/3 article), intro to image boards (they're scary), etc.
 * misc coverage of rebranding of 8chan as 8kun, discussions of F Brennan attacks 
 * WAPO Q coverage on "disturbing trends" (10/9)
 * Chrissy Teigen/John Legend flap 
 * Techie pubs weigh in on 8kun; mostly but not entirely negative
 * MSM trying hard to keep the narrative alive with calls to shut down hate speech sites
  * 8chan sued by family of elderly women killed during El Paso shooting (10/30)
More sauce
Anti-Q writers, pubs, discussions (see Qresear.ch)
Most of the following links are no longer live.  But they’re still worth reading.
https://voat.co/v/QRV/3408544  MSM Hit Pieces on Q and 8chan: 1350 articles thru August 2019 (MSM articles added July-Aug 2019)
   >>/6947314/ MSM articles thru June 2019
   >>/6675051/,  >>/6675058/ MSM articles on Q April, May 2019
   >>/6055292/ Newsweek responds to my chart on the "BIG 6" media outlets attacking Q
   >>/6027475/ MSM articles on Q: 697 and counting (3-31-19)
   >>/4932436/ Discussion of reporting on recent Comet Pizza fire
   >>/4692767/ IPOT goes after anti-Q writers like Will Sommer
   >>/4678761/ Discussion of Will Sommer, Jimmy Comet & Amanda Kleinman
   >>/4601471/ First anti-Q fake news article for 2019….RWW's Jared Holt 
   >>/4592014/ 238 MSM articles on Q from start thru 1/1/19
   >>/4386891/,  >>/4388458/ Moar on Travis View


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I dl'd lokinet, installed and it says I'm connected. None of the pages to access lokinet (listed on their site and also ititwetyet.net) will load. Tried on Opera (with & without native VPN), FF (regular and private window) or TOR:

lokinet site: https://docs.loki.network/Lokinet/Guides/AccessingSNApps/

Block Explorer: http://fyb983qpni4bp6nrm98skn33kr1robe979jb8wncxrewfy1rrtzo.loki/

Lokinet Wiki: http://icxqqcpd3sfkjbqifn53h7rmusqa1fyxwqyfrrcgkd37xcikwa7y.loki/wiki


Test for Photos: ">http://rxudcygaj7gzqgigyrtti97g4wwaftqe9rd3s6pmu3wby7gxwcbo.loki/photos

Congratulations, you now have access to the Lokinet.

Lokinet addresses:
Duke : http://pijdty5otm38tdex6kkh51dkbkegf31dqgryryz3s3tys8wdegxo.loki
Dune: http://s5swbfcf4joom9tzf8w7ss5fptywwpnnfop3pxcf5ebjnz8ioksy.loki
Rosie: http://pchpjz7ubqsfwa7qeyotqszrx5ayt3p1y4mbfnuffoupwq53nury.loki 

I'm not hosting a node, just followed the directions to access 8kun on .loki

Not sure what I'm doing wrong but nothing's working :(

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yep and yep.

don't have tech skills sufficient to host a node
want to figure how to mebbe get with other anons who do
so I can learn to do
and/or be "dumb" operator
with access to smart anons with network experience
they could get a lot moar nodes that way
maybe have 3 experienced people hooked up with a dozen inexperienced but smart enough to learn stuff or at least handle ordinary problems
(it i don't answer now, i will later, I'm dead see cap)

looks like it's time for a nap
very little sleep ha-ha
8chan makes endchan look turbo-charged for now
good time to catch 40 winks
return for moar chan fun later
you fags hold down the fort, ok? thx
night night

prolly not you
i'd wait and see
if ur having problems so are others
and u can also contact ron
everything still upside down for a bit


as of current

Nov 02 16:26:02 2019 - A great new book by Howie Carr, “What Really Happened, How Donald J. Trump Saved America From Hillary Clinton,” is on sale now. Howie is a talented New England force who was there at the very beginning!

Nov 02 02:48:33 2019 - RT @mike_pence: If you want to send a message to the Do Nothing Democrats that Kentucky and America support President @realDonaldTrump—VOTE…

Nov 02 02:48:02 2019 - RT @TeamTrump: \While we're Creating Jobs and Killing Terrorists, the Democrat Party has gone completely insane.\ - President @realDonaldTr…

Nov 02 02:28:23 2019 - RT @RepMarkMeadows: One reason why the 'quid pro quo' narrative is a fairy tale:  Not only were Ukraine officials unaware aid was even bein…

Nov 02 02:27:54 2019 - RT @RepMarkMeadows: Speaker Pelosi said earlier this Congress that any impeachment effort would need to be done on a bipartisan basis.  We…

Nov 02 02:27:27 2019 - RT @LouDobbs: Debunking Radical Dems. @RepMarkMeadows on former WH official, Tim Morrison’s testimony vindicating @POTUS. #MAGA #AmericaFir…

Nov 02 02:27:09 2019 - RT @GOPLeader: Strong show of unity among Republicans today. 💯% voted AGAINST impeachment sham. 💪🏼 https://t.co/vNJDq9ZfOi

Nov 02 02:20:00 2019 - RT @realDonaldTrump: The Greatest Witch Hunt In American History!

Nov 02 02:17:21 2019 - RT @IvankaTrump: This week @POTUS’s Interagency Task Force to combat #humantrafficking met and announced investments totaling $75M in the P…


$ cat  fetch.sh 

set -e
. torsocks on 1>&2
curl http://trumptwitterarchive.com/data/realdonaldtrump/2019.json
. torsocks off 1>&2
echo 1>&2

$ cat  ./format.sh 

set -e
. torsocks on 1>&2
cat - | jq '.[0:10][] | [.created_at, .text] | join(" - ")' -M | tr -d '"' | sed 's/^[^ ]* //;s/+0000 //;s/\\n\+/ /g'
echo 1>&2
. torsocks off 1>&2

./fetch.sh | ./format.sh | grep "Nov 02" # have fun codefags


Q has a special tripcode, with code salt somewhere on the 8chan/kun server. 

Q needs acces to his Q only locked board, verify his trip there

After that he could say with the tripcode that he moves to another place, with other tripcode there.

Then a Q only board needs to be made on the new board. So we know it is still Q when he changes trips.

Q probably stays at 8kun tho.

You are not Q.
Q uses a tripcode
Anons are anon
There is NO REASON for an anon to use a tripcode.
No one needs to recognize you because, that means you are no longer anon.
are all antithetical to being anon.

Once posting is re-enabled for /qresearch/ you will find your tripcode will not work. All tripcodes are disabled (blacklisted) except for Q.

tripfaggotry is CANCER.

There is Z ERO reason for anyone to use a tripcode except Q.


Trevor Noah Asks Hillary: "How Did You Kill Jeffrey Epstein?"
by Tyler Durden

Sat, 11/02/2019 - 06:20

In what was oh-so-transparently aimed a debunking a so-called "right-wing-conspiracy," Daily Show host Trevor Noah jokingly asked, during an interview with Hillary and Chelsea Clinton on Thursday, "How did you kill Jeffery Epstein?"

    "I have to ask you a question that has been plaguing me for a while: How did you kill Jeffrey Epstein?" asked Noah to laughter from the New York studio audience.

    "Because you're not in power, but you have all the power. I really need to understand how you do what you do, because you seem to be behind everything nefarious, and yet you do not use it to become president."

"Honestly, what does it feel like being the boogeyman to the right?” the host asked. 

Clinton responded by saying it was a "constant surprise."

    “Well, it’s a constant surprise to me,” she said. “Because the things they say, and now, of course, it’s on steroids with being online, are so ridiculous, beyond any imagination that I could have. And yet they are so persistent in putting forth these crazy ideas and theories. Honestly, I don’t know what I ever did to get them so upset.”

Of course, it would not be Hillary Clinton if she did not take a jab at President Trump proclaiming that,

    "I don;t think his real philosophy is America First, I think it's Trump First...

    [Trump]...clearly does Putin's bidding..."

Forward to around 6:09 for Noah's Epstein question...


> so q is not anon by ur statement
> neither is anyone that would use a trip
> how do i confirm i own a board?
This is how it will show up

If you are accessing via clearnet:

There is no need for tripfaggotry.
In addition, BOs don't post as BO like that example except to make board announcements/respond to issues. The rest of the time they just post as anon.


Trump-Ukraine Whistleblower Suddenly Won't Testify; Lawyers Break Off Negotiations Amid New Revelations

by Tyler Durden - Fri, 11/01/2019 - 13:25

A CIA officer who filed a second-hand whistleblower complaint against President Trump has gotten cold feet about testifying after revelations emerged that he worked with Joe Biden, former CIA Director John Brennan, and a DNC operative who sought dirt on President Trump from officials in Ukraine's former government.

According to the Washington Examiner, discussions with the whistleblower - revealed by RealClearInvestigations as 33-year-old Eric Ciaramella have been halted, "and there is no discussion of testimony from a second whistleblower, who supported the first's claims."

Ciaramella complained that President Trump abused his office when he asked Ukraine to investigate corruption allegations against Joe Biden and his son Hunter, as well as claims related to pro-Clinton election interference and DNC hacking in 2016.

On Thursday, a top National Security Council official who was present on a July 25 phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky testified that he saw nothing illegal about the conversation.

"I want to be clear, I was not concerned that anything illegal was discussed," said Tim Morrison, former NSC Senior Director for European Affairs who was on the July 25 call between the two leaders.
Tim Morrison

And now, the partisan whistleblowers have cold feet;

"There is no indication that either of the original whistleblowers will be called to testify or appear before the Senate or House Intelligence committees. There is no further discussion ongoing between the legal team and the committees," said the Examiner's source.

    The whistleblower is a career CIA officer with expertise in Ukraine policy who served on the White House National Security Council during the Obama administration, when 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden was "point man" for Ukraine, and during the early months of the Trump administration. -Washington Examiner

In other words, House Democrats are about to impeach President Trump over a second-hand whistleblower complaint by a partisan CIA officer, and neither he nor his source will actually testify about it (for now...).

    On Thursday, the House passed a resolution establishing a framework for Trump impeachment proceedings, belatedly granting Republicans the ability to subpoena witnesses, but only if Schiff and fellow Democrats on the Intelligence Committee agree.

    Mark Zaid, who along with Andrew Bakaj is an attorney for both the original whistleblower and the second whistleblower, told the Washington Examiner the legal team was willing to work with lawmakers so long as anonymity is ensured. “We remain committed to cooperating with any congressional oversight committee's requests so long as it properly protects and ensures the anonymity of our clients,” Zaid said.

Part 1 of 2


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Part 2 of 2

    On Wednesday, Zaid and Bakaj declined to confirm or deny in a statement to the Washington Examiner that Eric Ciaramella, 33, a career CIA analyst and former Ukraine director on the NSC, was the whistleblower after a report by RealClearInvestigations. -Washington Examiner

In September, House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff, who lied about contacts with Ciaramella (and hired two Ciaramella associates as staffers) said that the whistleblower "would like to speak to our committee."

    We have been informed by the whistleblower’s counsel that their client would like to speak to our committee and has requested guidance from the Acting DNI as to how to do so.

    We‘re in touch with counsel and look forward to the whistleblower’s testimony as soon as this week.
    — Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) September 24, 2019

Once Ciaramella's status as a CIA officer and his links to Biden emerged, however, Schiff backtracked. On October 13 he changed his tune, saying "Our primary interest right now is making sure that that person is protected."

    Attorneys for Ukraine call whistleblower new statement on speculation about the intelligence community employee’s identity. pic.twitter.com/UdsmSQ226P
    — Kelly O'Donnell (@KellyO) November 1, 2019

Meanwhile, once the House impeaches Trump - which it most certainly will - the tables will turn in the Senate, which will hold a mandatory trial. Not only will the GOP-Senators controlling the proceedings be able to subpoena documents and other evidence, they'll be able to compel Ciaramella, the Bidens, Chalupa and any other witnesses they desire as we head into the 2020 US election.

Nancy Pelosi saw this coming and caved to her party anyway. There isn't enough popcorn in the world for what's coming.


wait i just wanna know something.
whislteblower has backed out.
impeachement is go or not?
need impeachemnt to get more bad guys?
are we done with impeachment issue?
is there more to it?
do we need to continue?

advise please

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Exclusive: U.S. opens national security investigation into TikTok - sources

Greg Roumeliotis, Yingzhi Yang, Echo Wang, Alexandra Alper - 7 Min Read

NEW YORK/BEIJING/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government has launched a national security review of TikTok owner Beijing ByteDance Technology Co’s $1 billion acquisition of U.S. social media app Musical.ly, according to three people familiar with the matter.

While the $1 billion acquisition was completed two years ago, U.S. lawmakers have been calling in recent weeks for a national security probe into TikTok, concerned the Chinese company may be censoring politically sensitive content, and raising questions about how it stores personal data.

TikTok has been growing more popular among U.S. teenagers at a time of growing tensions between Washington and Beijing over trade and technology transfers. About 60% of TikTok’s 26.5 million monthly active users in the United States are between the ages of 16 and 24, the company said this year.

The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), which reviews deals by foreign acquirers for potential national security risks, has started to review the Musical.ly deal, the sources said. TikTok did not seek clearance from CFIUS when it acquired Musical.ly, they added, which gives the U.S. security panel scope to investigate it now. 

full article in cap, see sauce:



same news, moar sauce

DEVELOPING: Schiff’s CIA “Whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella May Be Implicated in Upcoming FISA Report

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft November 2, 2019

The complete list of anti-Trump CIA “whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella’s ties to top Democrat operatives will SHOCK YOU!

CIA snitch Eric Ciaramella filed a whistleblower complaint on August 12 over President Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky where the two discussed ferreting out corruption.  This included talk on investigating the Biden crime family.

see sauce:


moar djt tweets

Nov 02 18:18:44 2019 - Louisiana has a chance to have a really great Governor in @EddieRispone. Auto insurance costs and taxes will be coming way down with Eddie, and your 2nd Amendment will be protected. Current Democrat governor has done a really poor job! VOTE EARLY FOR EDDIE!


Nov 02 18:12:22 2019 - Tate Reeves will be a great Governor of Mississippi, and what an electric Rally last night. Vote for Tate on Tuesday! https://t.co/5AZHe5DT9A


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Information Poisoning is a catch all description for the cognitive impairment resulting from Information Operations. Information Operations, aka IO, psyops, are the methods and tactics employed in non-linear war, in theory only against “enemy” populations and then only in wartime.
The Smith-Mundt Act became law in 1948, and explicitly forbids information and psychological operations aimed at influencing U.S. public opinion. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2012 included an amendment that legalized the use of propaganda on the American public.


The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, which was contained within the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 (section 1078 (a)) amended the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 and the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1987, allowing for materials produced by the State Department and the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) to be available within the United States.

 The U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM), formerly the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG),[1] is an independent agency of the United States government which operates various state-run media outlets.[2] According to its website, its mission is to "inform, engage, and connect people around the world in support of freedom and democracy."[3] USAGM supervises Voice of America (VOA), Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Radio y Televisión Martí, Radio Free Asia, and the Middle East Broadcasting Networks.[4] 

The presumed independence and competitive operation of entertainment and communications industry is illusory. The legacy “mockingbird” media may be considered as a single organism functionally integrated with the advertising industry. The use of subliminal programing targeting the viewers unconscious below the level of awareness is common to advertising, entertainment and news content. 

TIME magazine famously published a Gaddaffi cover in the 80s which contained multiple embeds.  Since that era the use of by legacy media outlets of programs targeting the viewers unconscious has increased, subliminal embeds, hypnotic induction, memory holing gas lighting, the power of Information war tactics as well as the depth of their reach has been enormously enhanced by the advent of new technology. 

If the same pedovore cultist forces continue their control of US media, and VR and AR or Mixed Reality technologies are widely adopted the operators control of human consciousness and course of future development will be absolute. The late Lance Williams, a computer vision pioneer foresaw the danger in 2013, noting a trivial exploit in VR using binocular rivalry to introduce information that is retained acted upon and has been shown to influence future behavior. 



UPDATE: able to access /qresearch/ catalog & General #9404 via LokiNet on FF, posting is enabled, but attempting to use captcha results in 403 Forbidden error.
 This is true across multiple boards

Can someone with a twt account, please let CM know?

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copypasta from 8kun /qrb


Anonymous  11/02/19 (Sat) 18:12:16 000000 (18)  No.37734

I see a major problem coming...


> With the possibility of being deplatformed being such a large concern with our new website, we have prioritized development of our tor hidden service. It is not anymore a mirror of the clearnet site, and is now an independent service that should be able to stand on its own. [...]

> 8:16 AM - 2 Nov 2019


the TOR page and the clearnet page are not the same!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.


Privatised War
Fake news and false flags: How the Pentagon paid a British PR firm $500M for top secret Iraq propaganda


Now the Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us
· Secret report warns of rioting and nuclear war
· Britain will be 'Siberian' in less than 20 years
· Threat to the world is greater than terrorism


Pentagon ends $500 Million effort to train and equip moderate Syrian rebels


EXCLUSIVE: Documents expose how Hollywood promotes war on behalf of the Pentagon, CIA and NSA
US military intelligence agencies have influenced over 1,800 movies and TV shows


sET NEW DWORD32BIT VALUE TO 'DisableComponents' and value to FF


could be better but such is life, under 10mins of effort to yield extra comfyness


var isEbot = (post) => {
 var linkName = post.querySelector('.innerPost .linkName') || false;
 return linkName.innerText === '[m4xr3sdEfault]****,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ )';

var mutePost = (post) => {
  var hide = post.querySelector('.innerPost .hidePost');
  if (hide) hide.click();

var silenceEbot = () => Array.from(posts).filter(isEbot).forEach(mutePost);

var ival = setInterval(silenceEbot, 5000);

The Mueller Memos 

The Mueller Report’s Secret Memos

BuzzFeed News sued the US government to see all the work that Mueller’s team kept secret. We have published the first installment, with revelations about the Ukraine conspiracy theory, Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and more.

Impeachment. What a time to be alive! 🍑

Cut through the noise with our new daily podcast. 


upside down world...ty buzzfiends

n3rd r4g3
pub pi holes
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IPv6: 2a01:4f9:c01f:4::abcd
IPv6: 2a04:bdc7:100:70::abcd
IPv6: 2a0d:5600:33:3::abcd

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google JPG
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Interesting that google has "day of the dead" image today for their search.

Just found out that day of the dead is a mexican holiday.  


So why didn't google celebrate Easter? 
A bunny and a few eggs wouldn't have killed them to put up.

> do we need to continue?

Think about what you said Anon. Not calling you out. Just a word for you and others. This is a long struggle. 

Wanna take your pack and kit off for a minute? Smoke em if you got em Anon. Take a break. But the very idea of asking if we need to do anything anymore kind of reminds me of the attitude, in many of looking for that moment when we can all stop doing what we have set out to do. 

Look around. Look at the news. We are where we are currently because good people all took a break and just wanted to fire up the barbeques and quit the work of maintaining what others have fought to provide us with. 

In answer to your question anon? Keep working.
But take breaks.

> link?
posting is working through clearnet atm
your post might time-out, it might go through

if your going through TOR be prepared for equally laggy captcha-hell

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Don't watch legacy media content or advertising more than absolutely necessary. It's driven half the country mad, and we must be sure we understand they are victims. If we had been so programmed so would we be. By the grace of God, thanks to POTUS MI and Q we are here with a job to do.

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NotJob jpg
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Pelosi is worried 2020 candidates are on wrong track
Nancy Pelosi issued a pointed message to Democrats running for president in 2020: The liberal ideas that fire up the party’s base are a big loser when it comes to beating President Trump.
Nancy Pelosi Is Worried 2020 Candidates Are on Wrong Track
Sahil Kapur
BloombergNovember 2, 2019, 3:00 AM PDT
(Bloomberg) -- Speaker Nancy Pelosi is issuing a pointed message to Democrats running for president in 2020: Those liberal ideas that fire up the party’s base are a big loser when it comes to beating President Donald Trump.

Proposals pushed by Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders like Medicare for All and a wealth tax play well in liberal enclaves like her own district in San Francisco but won’t sell in the Midwestern states that sent Trump to the White House in 2016, she said.

“What works in San Francisco does not necessarily work in Michigan,” Pelosi said at a roundtable of Bloomberg News reporters and editors on Friday. “What works in Michigan works in San Francisco — talking about workers’ rights and sharing prosperity.”

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> Christian
Have you ever noticed that every praying mantis carries a cross on his back?
Pic related.
> 29625
> 625
> 25 squared equals 625
> 5 squared is 25 as well as # of fingers on hand AND # of sides of pentagon which ties to dodecahedron...
> law of magic squares of john searl and ancient greece
Meh, prolly nuthin...

To make this clear - look at the 3rd post
> Our bot is online
The bitter cripple & crew are going to portray this as if Q is just a bot that is created & run by Jim & Ron. They have already been saying that Q is cooked up by Jim to 'grift' anons, but this screenshot will be exploited to the fullest.

The bitter cripple has been setting this narrative up for a few days now.


thumbnail of nam shub.jpg
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nam shub jpg
(70.3 KB, 250x397)
A Sumerian Nam Shub had or has the curious property of being message which was a description of itself and a command that must be carried out. 

The Nam Shub of Enki was a description of linguistic disintegration (Babel) and the cause of that disintegration. 

A message that describes what it is: an order which must be carried out

Proteins do that. A virus does that. And a virus, like a Nam Shub is a dead thing, just a message saying "I am a flu virus etc which must be carried out. 

A Nam Shub is language specific, it will effect everyone who receives and understands. Alledgedly the Nam Shub of Enki was defensive, it broke up the single language so we would not all become infected by the same toxic Nam Shub and turned into black box slaves.

Enki was a real Sumerian leader around whom much myth has gathered, but the potential to create "Nam Shubs" or memes to change human behavior is real.

Q Research General bred #9404 on 8kun
latest post is:


this screenshot "scraped from twitter"

post number is:


What other Q related board is going to have more than 7,350,518 posts?

It has to be /qresearch/

where are all the posts that have happened on /qresearch/ that are NOT in the Q Research General #9404 bread?


Not Re-enact but Repeal that part of Hussein's 2012/2013 Midnight Amendment Section 1078 of National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2013 (Public Law 112-239) which incorporated The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012.

The original S-M Act of 1948 unless our new Congress and Re-Elected President Donald Trump want to make a new and comprehensive set of laws which will guarantee that the Free Press (MSM and SM) will always remain free, independent and diversified to assure that our Country shall always have an informed citizenry as our Forefathers always envisioned.

There is some weirdness going on the posts that get displayed on 8kun. The Q Research General #9404 I have open is stuck at post #7350078. However when I open the main page and scroll down to the same thread, it now has hundreds of more posts, with the final at #7350551 at the time of writing this. The visible latest comments support the idea that Q has returned in the thread.


I tried to reopen the thread from the main page to a new window.

> This page isn’t working
> 8kun.net didn’t send any data.

I've never seen an error message like that before. So it looks like Q really posted but 8kun is buggy.

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> Post  >>/7350508/
Just checked 8kun via Tor.
Found post 7350509 (pic1) made by /qr/'s BO in Meta thread (timestamps are UTC).
Didn't find a post 7350508 yet.
However, since 8kun via tor is supposed to be unrelated to clearnet 8kun, it might not be worth much.

As of recent couldn't connect to clearnet 8kun at all, except in the evry beginning shortly after countdown ran out.
Either my provider is blackholing the IP (, or something else is wrong.

Results from www.uptrends.com/tools/uptime (pic2) look weird as well.
Am currently in the process of building/testing lokinet-messenger, since all prebuild packages unfortunately are debian, which I cannot make use of.



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pf error PNG
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Q posted in the UK thread
clearnet direct link:
It works.

I have tested in two clearnet browsers and tor (captcha hell but can post on Opera/FF, but almost endless captcha hell on tor), and clearnet+LokiNet (can see, but posting can't happen due to captcha hell)

The problem is that everyone shows as the same UserID (tor of course is all 0s), so bitter cripple & friends will use the middle post to the hilt  >>/29641/

I meant by Kaplan - he posted screenshot only

Not true
possible to do trip codes
jut nobody does

But Adding all that stuff about namefaggory
That be ur opinion
NOT mine
Fuck that

Stop acting like anon policement
people do post identifying memes
espec bakers or others with specific tasks
But anyone could
why not?
Not your business or mine 
to judge that
each person's choice

One big tactic used by
BO @fj and his fukken shills
was to make us feel ashamed to do it
and ashamed of expressions like "o7" and "Godspeed"
And THAT from anons who had names!

i'm not gonna got thru that again, anon
will challenge that idea 
every time I see it
will fight that kind of social censorship
tooth and nail
Caused so much pain and division before 
ahd no damn good reason

yours is a moralistic argument
implying that it is morally better to be anon than not
Some of the 'anons' i know are insufferable and the 'namefags' are totally selfless

anonhood is great for privacy
lousy for communication
bad when board goes down
no comms whatsoever for anons
they are isolated

You do what you want
We each do
and don't be dumping on others
Coz they think differently than you
You ain't not morale arbiter
for me.
If i want to a signature meme,
i'll damn well adapt one
Or a name
Or anything.

Totally respect ur right to state an opinion
This is mine.
NOT statements of fact 
(and surely not some kind of ANON CREED).

> Clearnet [...] It works.
Thanks. Want to believe it works with you, but if you look at pic2 in  >>/29658/ or quickly check
it seems to be more difficult for others around the world.

As I said, I cannot connect to 8kun on clearnet for hours now, neither direct nor via any of the proxies I've tried so far.
Hope the lokinet stuff works -- providing precompiled binaries for deb only is quite a limitation as well ....

> The Q Research General #9404 I have open is stuck at post #7350078. However when I open the main page and scroll down to the same thread, it now has hundreds of more posts,

exactly the same for me anon
on the main page, just click "Click to Expand" and you will see all replies so far

If you open the thread, its gets tuck and doesn't load any new replies since like 8:30-9AM PST


TOR seems to be working better for me
I am accessing via cleanet and TOR concurrently 
TOR definitely less laggy
but posting in TOR = captcha hell
posting clearnet works, sometimes

wonder why Q posted in UK Bread first
Q was the FIRST poster in that UK bread since 8chan went down in August.

There aren't even any posts from October when it came up for 17 minutes in that UK bread.

What do you think it means, anons?
why UK bread?
the drops themselves seem to be obviously comms related 
@FJ deleted /patriotsfight/ correct?
^can some anon confirm this for me^
8kun.net/patriotsfight/ yields no return/ board does not exist


Thanks. Can confirm that Tor works best for me as well.
As it stands, fapjack has disabled posting for tor users (at least it was about three hrs ago), so that's not much of a help when one doesn't want to be limited to /qrb/.


Only way to migrate boards was to e-mail 8kun with the shared secret.

Don't think that Q is going to e-mail. No outside comms.

He probably asks soon with his trips to migrate /patriotsfight

Only Q hass the password of that board, so the login will double confirm it is Q

even considering /patriotsfight/ was deleted before 8chan got zerged;

what anon describes above sounds plausible
Q dropping comms checks in the UK bred seems odd as fuck
Q isnt going to post in Q Research General until identity has been "re-proofed" on the new site (8kun.net) 


eyes on timestamps for those comms checks 
any numberfags among us want to take a dive?
everything has meaning


this behavior gets worse
its eating posts
when you "click to expand"

you will get:

the entire bread up to the post where all the breads stalled out this morning

and then:


any posts between the last post where the bread locked up and the 5 most recent posts is getting lost into the ether

check the digits 


Access over clearnet seems to work for both FF & Opera. Posting only works (for me) on Opera.
Access over lokinet in FF & Opera work, but the captcha page is so slow it always returns an error or times out.
Tor works but is spotty with the posting (same captcha issue)

I'm updating the spreadsheet with links, and new Q posts, as well as November gallery.

November 2019 gallery of Q's posts (EST)
Nov: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1efnfn0re/

Spreadsheet is here:


YES, they do. Everybody does.
We fought Battle of Notables Creek over this.
Notables must be always there at top of the bred
Always in the same place
Always formatting the same
Always succinct 
bakers make sure this happens--
their most important task
and they know it
notables are part of the dough so they can be corrected by both bakers and anons--very helpful

Don't know about others but I do not read notables much on this board
or very seldom. Read them mostly when baking. REasons for skipping:
- Usually late 
- Don't know where to find them
- Full of irrelevant stuff that doesn't belong there (memes, random remarks, two word descriptors, etc)
- usually somewhere in the bred, but where? hard to find. There are a zillion irrelevant lists throughout the bred that look like notables but aren't  SO CONFUSING 
 - notables aren't clearly marked with red & bold text; bred number often missing, seldom linked to dough posts. 
- no chance to give feedback bc they're either posted 2 mins b4 baking (coz it's so late) or not at all in same bred
- notes are obviously not that valued. Instead the emphasis is on action--meming, sniping, flippening
It's not on informing anons of latest news or diggs.

In the long run, make Q-END a SPECIALTY board dedicated to action--to war room functions, bc that's what BO and those who work with him are excited about.
Don't say the board is QR General; change the names to something else like Patriot War Room. 
Ditch notables and focus only on action: what's trending, planning meme campaigns, and poll campaign, etc. You can find that out by looking at QR/QRB notables (espec QR, since it's more current in the moment).

Then you don't have to do notes.
If you hate to do them, then do something else you like. (Just wait until QR/QRB are fully functional first.)

> The rest of the time they just post as anon
You makin me kek. FJ recently posted as anon--in order to screw things up. But he made a mistake by referring the anons as "they" (when challenging to bake--"anons must take responsibility"). Does consider himself an anon, juts puts on a disguise for sneaking around, haha.

I don't think you'll find anyone defending FJ

> does anyone else think Q is replying to themselves in pic related
No, it's clearly a glitch. In each thread anyone posting clearnet has the same UserID, (tor always just shows 0's).  You can look on /qrb/ it's doing the same thing.

It will get resolved.

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8kun first q drop1 png
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> No, it's clearly a glitch.
anon I think you miss my point
dont think this is a Q reply because it has the same post ID
this is a glitch as has been noted
think it could be q replying to the comms check
stating the network is not comfy yet
the issue being everyone having the same post ID
odd to use triple >>> so the reply doesn't link/(you) to the Q comms
also the first comms check post did NOT have the tripcode either

/BAS_Test/1 = no tripcode


> thoughts?
I know it's glitchy and slow to load but there's a MASSIVE amount of data loaded behind just the catalog on Qresearch. I went back to #9255 on 7/28 and it's all there though the pics are slow or not loading. Think of the terabytes in play along with a gigantic load from the start up stress test. I'm confident they'll get the bugs worked out. If that's a valid Q post on UK, seeing the references to DoD routers should give black hats some pause. 
I hope it simmers down in a few days to see what Q has been up to. Interesting times. Semper Fi!

Re @fj:
no, nobody will defend now
but i knew early bc of interactions with him
his character
nobody was sure
better now that people know
maybe that's why q let him go on and on
my fav was fj's little statement about "captchas are here to stay."
He thought he'd pulled off his coup.

Soon after q said "revert."
Thanking him for his service, kek!
Always thought that was a bit of dank humor.

> If so, you would see exactly that
see exactly what?
that there is a glitch where everyone has the same post ID within threads?
yep, I noted that
and I NOTED it in my post
there is a glitch

I think pic related  >>/29697/
may be declaring that the board is not yet COMFY for Q to post 
because of this glitch


glitch must be fixed before Q will continue to post

Is that clear enough?


It's Q's tripcode: 
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI )qanon.pub)
but i can't get on the board right now
is it moving? (like mp4 here  >>/29701/)
Otherwise, fake Q
But is IS red--that's good
Fake q is limited, i think, to green or dark blue in that field
i think only links and tripcodes can be red (alternating with blue-purple)

> Not only because of glitch with IDs
yep yep
see  >>/29688/
all of this applies to /qresearch/
new posts are not populating in threads
they -are- populating in the preview under the main board page view
but if you "Click to Expand" all posts
you will get everything upto the stalled out posts
and the 5 most recent
everything in between is getting eaten by the server gods

/qrb/ is not exhibiting this behavior



work in progress
at least we can hang out here
better than voat
voat has no real social component
(combo of no images and no way to id people makes it a real just-the-fact-m'am site--just bc of the design)
What's interesting is that you can get moar of a sense of community by going to the awakening--i had frens there once. Was no big deal people having (fake) names, same kind of discussion sas in qrv. moar shills there now, but that's true everywhere.

> fake Q can't make the fake trip field move
I had no idea, anon
thank you for sharing that
this past 3 months has been an immense boot camp for me
came to the party late
never logged my 2 years of lurking -kek


Important Reminder

Donald Trump, Qanons, MAGA, and all the rest are strictly non-violent!

We fight with our minds, memes, and prayers, NOT with violence.

Clowns: Leave that poor kid in Kentucky alone.

As always: See Something, Say Something.

Still not too comfy on QRB
can't post easily 
just tried to reply to BO 8bit
endlessly posting

definitely anti-social, kek
funniest thing was when shills tried to make anons feel bad bc of baker babe post ("not research, disgusting, etc."). Some of us just inundated that bred with babes (it was late at night anyway), thus "beating back the attack."
Best battle ever!
(Should have titled nb "Battle of the Bewbs")

complainer eh?
I am baker (unofficial now).
"so complete"
yes, good notes are complete
but really "complete" would be whole bred
anons do not like notables that have junk in them--have gotten reamed out even for very long notables with good stuff in them bc it's hard to process so much stuff at once
even worse when you have to edit out random stuff
Posting notes well b4 end of bred (in partial form) allows anons to say "wtf is this notable?"--a lot of junky stuff gets weeded out that way. Necessary.

New research article about Hotwheels


no, disagree
have talked with them
some are scared of 8chan
some just like a less interactive forum
sometimes there is REALLy good stuff there too, really good diggs
but so many moar shills than a year ago
i was blown away when returning after 9 months (in Aug)

> scolds constructive criticism from baker on note taking
> has never helped take notes
I read you loud an clear rh bakes
of course I have been baking under your instruction, so one would hope so
my initial notes were overly verbose
have trimmed it down
agree that notes too long = law of diminishing returns 
not only does it hinder absorption, but it takes too long to collect; 
so I neglect it as a duty
bad baker 


Notes for CM:

The source IP is going to be the same because of the provider. You need to key off something else.

Maybe "X-Forwarded-For" header is available? That would be the IP the proxy is forwarding to you, and should be provided by the proxy itself.
Could also be under "Forwarded" in the new format.




i'm in seattle
have absolutely no intuition that anything untoward will happen
so either it's my time to go
or this is one of those fizzler FFs

i know, i know
not a curmudgeon
just aware of serious side and how bad enemies want us gone
really, they want us dead
Maybe be funny but more subtle?
Maybe up yr game to be less obvious
Like Q tanking fastjack for his service. 
kekked my pants off
So polite, no one could take offense...

you do an excellent job
top kek
in every way, just just a good but great baker
so any feedback on baking
is not directed ur way
you would be good teacher too

btw, check out /comms/ when 8kun gets rolling
there's a recent thread with baker discussion
you can meet rusty if he's still around
oldfag baker widely respected
watches over things

We have /PatriotsAwoken/ for normalfags already set up and running as the SRW/non-chan type board for them.

Bitter cripple fucked him all up and I think he ragequit (I don't follow him but have monitored the bitter cripple & crew- they could not help themselves but to gloat over it)

Went back there after 8chan shutdown and it was better than nothing, there’s some good posting but the comments are mostly brain dead.
So glad to find this board.
I much prefer a slower board than qresesrch on 8 Chan was.
I expect it will be overrun with every kind of shill, I plan to mostly stay here and just make hunting forays into 8 and try to bring back some fresh sauce

George Webb went to Mark Lambert
opening for U1 trail, and the judge
said we don't talk about U1 here.


October 26th, 2019. Trump Accuser Bill Taylor’s Used DoE Z Program For Covert Action


Then today I find this story.

Hanford's Plutonium Finishing Plant Demolition Job Reaches Even More Delicate Phase

In December 2017, demolition of the Plutonium Processing Plant — or PFP as locals call it — was in trouble. There were contaminated cars, radioactive particles found by the public highway and contamination even found on, and inside, workers.

The plant work shut down for 9 months while the contractor came up with a new safety plan.

Jason Casper is in charge of the job for CH2M Hill Plateau Remediation Company. He was brought on to straighten up the project after the contamination events. He said enhanced controls or better communication, using the suggestions from workers at the site and better use of spraying water and fixative, all have helped to keep fresh contamination events at bay. 

More than 90% of the demo is now complete. But that leaves some of the toughest, most contaminated parts of the plant to go after — including two plutonium processing lines, and underground utility tunnels full of water with pipes holding plutonium.

PFP started in 1949. It’s where the federal government turned liquids with plutonium into hockey-puck-sized solid plutonium “buttons” for nuclear weapons. It was also known as the “Z” Plant, because it was the last stop for plutonium processing before being shipped off Hanford.


 Operation Z 

Operation Z machine: China’s next big weapon in the nuclear ‘arms race’ could create clean fuel – or deadly bombs

    The Chinese military is building a test facility to simulate thermonuclear explosions on a much greater scale than comparable US centres
    Information from the experiments could give scientists a much clearer picture of how weapons perform under extreme conditions


“Secret Operation Z”: the Japanese air strikes on Pearl Harbor 73 years ago today
December 7, 2014


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CM please for the love of god keep it so that we can use links2 to post. So no scripts are needed it seems like it can work there seems to be a header bug. the last site had that the firefox addon refcontrol set to forge fixed it for me.You needed javashit to do all this on the last site pic related. It seems more lightweight impressive very nice man.

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DS Propaganda Arm Attacks QAnon, Trump as Violent

We are not.
We are so effective at awakening that they need to lie and use fear tactics to try to sway the public's opinion.

These people are sick.
8kun broken on purpose?

I am at work & use the mobile hotspot on my phone to connect (not gonna use the wifi here..kek)..I have tried downloading tor in the past but getting it to work is another story entirely.
What would you suggest-waiting it out or what? I am not tech-savvy enough to venture far beyond clearnet, Anon.
(TY for the reply, btw)

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Current /patriotsfight/ on 8kun

Hitting the refresh button over and over isn't going to make things happen quicker.
Surely there are some better ways we could spend our time?

Anyone want to say a prayer for 8kun, all patriots currently involved and all patriots future for Qanon?

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> Shit.
try different browsers, anon
I am getting very spotty access to 8kun from the clearnet 
never connects long enough to post anything, but I have been able to view a bit (slow/laggy as fuck though)

reposting some screencaps/ screen recording of the Q drops from today on 8kun.net/qresearch/ -UK Q Research Bread

8kun coming 8soon


Oh, meh, then...that was the only board I ever visited, the rest is largely irrelevant to me.
Please keep us posted here, fren.

So...I took a break from here since Thurs night; been working quite a bit and exhausted all the time.
I have been in a literal financial crisis for going on 6 months now, I've been doing what little I can to hold off eviction, car repo, etc...it was already looking very bleak as it was, then yesterday I get a call from work advising me that-effective Monday-not only is my schedule changing, but they are cutting my fucking hours on top of that...now I'm losing an additional $325/mo. I honestly do not know what to do, afraid I will end up homeless as I do not have anyone that would take me in even very short-term while I regroup. 
I don't even know why I'm discussing it here, other than it's constantly on my mind & I'm freaking out because I don't know how to fix this. StressedAnon.

Just some general advice: worrying about something is useless.

Have you ever worried a problem to solution?
Whatever will happen, will happen. Be prepared for it, but letting it hurt you now is just masochism...

< 3

Anon,you make a very good point, at least regarding the eviction/repo stuff that isn't here...yet...however, when you literally won't be able to afford groceries and food for your 2 dogs in a few days when it runs out...it's a little harder to put that particular worry on the back burner; same goes for putting gas in my vehicle to drive to work and back. Those are "right now" worries/problems...not weeks or months from now. What would you suggest for that? (serious question)

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> re-boostrap it
Kek! Was able to compile it from scratch, build it all for my non-deb system, and wasn't able to connect during "yarn test".
wtf does he mean with "re-bootstrap" and what am I supposed to do now (pic)?

Lel! Thanks however, CM for all you do!
I see you're still working hard on the clearnet /qr/, and in the meantime I was even able to see it in my browser. Happy it's not my provider blocking it!

A 24-year-old member of Antifa who hit another man over the head with a baton during a June 29 scuffle in Portland was sentenced to nearly six years in prison on Friday, according to Oregon Live.

Gage Halupowski
Gage Halupowski was identified as one of several black-clothed and masked Antifa demonstrators seen on video attacking Adam Kelly after he appeared to come to the aid of an elderly man who had been attacked by the violent leftists.

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Latest Kavanaugh accuser admits to making up lies about sexual assault, trying to harm A Good Man.

These people are sick.


>  Senate Judiciary Committee investigators concluded that a woman who claimed to be the author of an anonymous sexual-assault allegation against Justice Brett Kavanaugh had "fabricated" her accusation, according to a letter from Senate Judiciary chairman Chuck Grassley.

>  After being interviewed by investigators on Thursday, Munro-Leighton, who had never met Kavanaugh in person, "admitted, contrary to her prior claims, that she had not been sexually assaulted by Judge Kavanaugh and was not the author of the original 'Jane Doe' letter,'" Grassley's office said.

>  "No, no, no. I did that as a way to grab attention," Munro-Leighton said to investigators. "I am not Jane Doe ... but I did read Jane Doe's letter. I read the transcript of the call to your Committee ... I saw it online. It was news."

>  Munro-Leighton, who said she called Congress multiple times to oppose Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court, also admitted she "just wanted to get attention" and that her actions were "just a ploy."

> was sentenced to nearly six years in prison
Now they just need to start prosecuting the rest of those violent retards.

> Kavanaugh accuser admits to making up lies
There really should be penalties for doing shit like this, hopefully it would deter moar of this bullshittery in the future. Make an example of one of these lying fucks.

> was sentenced to nearly six years in prison
Now they just need to start prosecuting the rest of those violent retards.

> Kavanaugh accuser admits to making up lies
There really should be stiff penalties for doing shit like this, hopefully it would deter moar of this bullshittery in the future. Make an example of one of these lying fucks.

Ghislaine Maxwell attended Jeff Bezos’ secretive writers’ retreat: report 

Two 2018 Campfire attendees broke with the shroud of secrecy surrounding the event and told Vice that Maxwell was at the exclusive annual event hosted by the Amazon founder and had previously attended two others.

Campfire is an all-expenses-paid literary retreat where dozens of well-known novelists rub shoulders with celebrities, akin to the annual blowout Google Camp.


 blowouts I'm sure they were 

Sky city restaurant at the space needle.
Sky event?

Make a plan. If the worst comes to it, do you have somewhere to go? A friend's house? A car? A tent?
You took a responsibility for those dogs to take care of them forever, and that should be your primary mission.
You may not be able to keep your place, but you should be able to keep care for your pets. Focus on securing them and their future no matter what, and that should alleviate a lot of the stress.
Once you have that, you can work towards getting on the other side of this. Have you looked into part time work or whatever on craigslist, etc?
You can do a post for moving, folks get $50 / hr just for moving boxes and driving a truck in my area. It's not steady work, when you're just doing it for yourself, but it pays really well when you get contacted (average move is probably 3 hours, maybe you can do two a day?)
Have you applied at local places? Even if not in your field, you have to remember your priorities: food, safety, shelter.
A tent and a part time job should be enough to keep you guys fed and safe until you can get a more permanent position and get back on your feet.
You CAN beat this, you maybe aren't going to like it -- but that's fine.
When you're on the other side of it, you'll be stronger for it.
Basically: don't wait around for bad things to happen, if you see them, address them, and #BeBest. That's the best you can do.

Praying for you.

Meant for 29790


Study the EOs.
Follow the ‘pen’.
EOs post ‘pen’ pics.
SKY Event.
Push to DIVIDE is strong.
Think pre vs post 2016 election.
We, the PEOPLE.

I have lokinet running, and was able to access via both FF & Opera, but couldn't post (captcha hell).
I hope you can figure out what 'bootstrapping' is and let me know what I need to do (I'm not running a service node, just connected)

I'm still not that far, since during tests all connection attempts failed.
I'd imagine you'd have to somehow change the DNS (nameserver) settings of your browser (or system) for it to know where/how to resolve .loki links.
Just came across this link from above's post  >>/29793/
It says something to that effect (i.e. DNS settings). Maybe that'll help ...
Will report back once I got the test run successfully.

No it's just a stupid 4chan anti-Q troll (the Seattle bullshit).

The evidence is literally "Lol, remember terminator 2? And turtles!"
Well: It's turtles all the way down...

 >>/29818/ (contd)
It's meant to make Qanons look like a bunch of idiots when it doesn't happen, and then a 29 year old white "Qanon" follower in Kentucky with an ar-15 on SSRIs is going to rage out because Donald Trump told him to via twitter with his "violent hate speech."

You should know how this works, by now.


Prosecuting antifa violent people and prosecuting liars trying to take down a good man are great.  However, you assume the rest of the evil world will know this and cease being evil.  

Unfortunately the evil ones own the news agencies so the evil perps wont likely get the information to cause them to pause.

We will get satisfaction that the evil are getting punished in our lifetime.

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since no actual work is being done...
< picunrelated

Maybe someone’s pissed about the food up there:
Sorrow at the Space Needle: Dinner at one of Seattle’s most expensive restaurants


You've given a lot of sound advice, fren. 
My dogs are my number one priority, in fact since this whole mess started, the closer I/we get to eviction it's been their well-being that I mainly concern myself with...they are just about all I have in my life that's worth continuing to fight for. If not for them I probably would have said "fuck it all" a while ago and just given up. Here is the issue with my dogs though-they are only about 25-30 pounds each (so not big dogs) but my male, who does know how to go to the bathroom outside, still chooses to lift his leg on pretty much everything he can reach when I'm not at home. It complicates the housing/shelter issue-it's one thing to ask someone to let you crash at their place for maybe a couple of months while you regroup financially & look for another place (most people wouldn't like it, but it's not an unreasonable request right out of the gate); it is quite another to ask someone if you, your 2 dogs (one of whom wizzes everywhere) if you can crash at their place for a bit. I cannot abandon my dog because he does this....but what do I do with this?? 
After worrying about them, my biggest concern is losing the roof over our heads & my transportation so I can still get back and forth to my job (or jobs if I get a second one). You can't show up to work without showering & wearing dirty clothes...it's just all kinda tied in together. I'm not freaking because I can't go buy new clothes or "toys" or whatever-I'm worried about the basics, like you said, food, safety, shelter.
My love for my dogs is a double-edged sword in this scenario, my fren.
What would you say about that?

((They))  own almost every media outlet, slread lies, and then censor free sleech ideas, calling those leople derogatory names.  All along they have laws against speaking out against the selves.

Sweet gig.     It is is ending soon,   End cha is end of ((they)).


 Top Obama Official Funneled Steele Documents to Dem Lawmakers in Late 2016 and Was in Contact with Russian Embassy ‘Political Chief’

Deep State Democrats spent nearly three years trying to find Trump contact and collusion with Russia.

Officials in the Obama administration even tried to “set up” Trump campaign officials to make it look like they were working with Russians. We now know that SIX OUT EIGHT attempts listed in the Mueller report where the deep state attempted to tie Trump to the Russians were set up by the Obama deep state.

Larry Johnson released an excellent report a few days ago at the Gateway Pundit where he lists the eight cases in the Mueller report where the Deep State tried to tie President Trump and his campaign and administration to Russians. Of these eight events, six were set ups by the Deep State.


I would say the peeing everywhere is an assertion issue. (Yes, I am a dog person)
Dogs don't want to misbehave, they are proud to be in the pack.
You have to let them know what is expected and what is not. A pinch on the back of the neck / slap on the bottom and a stern tone.
I prefer to teach with positive reinforcement rather than negative, and most of my training is positive, but it can't all be that way.
The dog is thinking it is aiding the pack by spreading its scent everywhere -- that is because it thinks you need help being Alpha because you haven't expressed otherwise.
As the pack leader, you need to be the alpha. That doesn't mean being mean, dogs don't think that way. Remember: they want to be the best member of the pack, you just have to take the reigns and let them know how.
You provide the food -- you are the apex predator. There is nothing more to it than that, you just have to assert it.

It may be too late to fix that training now.
If you plan to stay at a friend's house, maybe you can block off an area for the dog? Or put the dog in a tent in the yard (if applicable)? Or a dog run (an outside cage, or a leash attached to an overhead line)?
You can certainly try to re-train in short order, but a new environment may make that more difficult.
I don't want to sound like I'm bragging, I'm not. I've had dogs poorly trained, and then I learned how to do better. It's all about learning to communicate with them, you need to establish signals ("yes/good" and "no/bad" as most basic).
It makes sense that he is trying to take over the alpha position when you are not there, and mark the territory. Again, he thinks he's doing the right thing. You need to assert that you are always the alpha, present or not. This probably involves showing him the pee in your absence, and giving a clear "No." in relation.

I don't want to give out too much personal information, but I have lived on the streets with my dogs. The first two days were rough, and after that... it was a whole new sense of freedom. The hardest part about "getting back on my feet" as far as job and money was in giving up that freedom...
Like I said, what is going to happen is going to happen. You can't change the past, and you can't change the future (yet), you only live in the present.
One moment at a time, always moving forward.

There's other options -- a crate, for example. If your dog is only peeing when you aren't there, maybe crating during the day is the right option? Dogs will almost never pee in their own crates, it is already scented and they don't want to lay in piss.
They are ready to sacrifice for you, always.

Just keep in mind the priorities: you take care of them first. If it doesn't work out at a friend's house, have a backup plan.
You should have a "worst case" plan -- if all other people shun you tomorrow, how will you and your furry children be safe?
Once you have that, everything else is just bonus.
It's going to take a shift in perspective, but there is no growth without pain.
Don't be upset that you're getting wet walking in the rain, be grateful for the experience.

< 3 Hope this helps!

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> Notables need to stay
I am a big fan of notables.
Collected them b4 baking.
But if you want notes, you have to attract bakers
And if you want to attract baker, you have to allow them a lot of latitude
Really like BO but from what i can see, his interest is mainly in action-- in develop a war room, memes, changing polls. Also in doing group projects, where everyone diggs together on an agreed-upon area.

If BO is here, he can contradict me, but i think he hates doing notables at this point. Will not do it, probably from burnout but maybe also bc it's not his schtick.

However, he would also like to have 100% control of the dough. Our BO is very, very hands on--unlike most BO's (with the exception of @fj, but fj wants control bc he's comp'd--likes to have power the board to turn it into "muh joos" board/ruin it. Angry Gerbil just his model better (again, he can refute on that if i'm not saying it).

Problem arises bc 8chan bakers want two things: a board that operates like QR and day to day mgmt over that board. If that not available, imo 8chan bakers won't bake here. And those are the bakers who know how to make a board run smoothly.

In May 2007, Schwarzenegger met with two of his counterparts in Canada, Dalton McGuinty and Gordon Campbell, in order to address climate change and advocate for stem cell research

In 2006, Schwarzenegger made several efforts to address global warming by signing the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 and negotiating the creation of a carbon emissions trading market with British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

> Notables need to stay
Huge fan of notables.
But if you want good notes, you have to attract bakers
Our BO is a good man. But he thinks he can separate bakers from note-takers.
Just ask BO 8Bit.
Intrinsic part of baking is note-taking.
When separated, note-taking deteriorates dramatically.

Now if you want to attract baker, you have to allow them a lot of latitude. 8chan bakers want two things: a board that operates like QR and day to day mgmt over that board. If that not available, 8chan bakers won't bake here. Maybe BO will prove me wrong, but i don't think so. 

Have offered to help change the structure of this board so it operates like QR. Offer still good; BO knows. Would require him to step into real role of BO--which is to watch board from a moar 40000 ft view and makes changes we can't (bred nos etc). Or to give that role up to someone he trusts. But he is new BO, never had the change to watch another BO in action or ask him questions. Not sure it's his schtick, to be honest. But only he can decide.

My proposal was just to provide a possible alternative that might work well after QR/QRB come back. Because at that point, i will certainly spend most of my time there--so much to do. Can't speak for the other baker, but the chance to bake fast breads for Q on QR is the goal of most bakers. And to work in that kind of environment as well. Nothing like it.

If that's BO,
i've seen you designate note-taking as a separate task
hard to explain how controversial that would be QR
controversial enough that 8bit exploded once about have "baker assistants" take notes instead of bakers--bc he understand what the role entails

All i can say is that you have to give bakers both a lot to do and a lot of authority to do it with
you have to trust them and allow them to take charge
and to trust the anons who helped implement it in the very beginning 
Don't know who did it but it's an inspired system.
Cannot be explained, only experienced. And bakers have the experience.

> It may be too late to fix that training now.
Yes, I believe it is.

You are accurate about so much that you've said here, Anon, and I am grateful for just the insight and the dialogue you've provided. 
As far as putting the dog outside, I really cannot...where I live it's still 95 degrees and humid as hell and it's fukken November. My state is not homeless-friendly in any sense of the word. All we are missing is snow & long freezing winters. Plus he's been an inside dog his entire life (he's 5 1/2 yrs) and even if the weather weren't so harsh, I would still feel awful putting him/them outside that way.
You're right about me not being a proper Alpha in our pack...as I am loath to physically discipline my dogs & how I typically deal with him when I come home to find fresh puddles of urine throughout the house is to curse like a sailor (and occasionally scream if I'm having a particularly difficult day)...if I tell him in a stern tone that if he doesn't stop pissing in the house I'm going to kick his ass (not meaning it, of course) he gets this look on his face and typically retreats under my bed for a few minutes until I'm done ranting about it. He's a sweet dog (they both are) and I am terrible about training dogs-period. So really it is entirely my fault that he has the few behavior problems he has. So I can't punish him for my shortcomings...like I said, it just really puts the brakes on even considering asking the 1 or 2 people I know that would even consider letting me stay with them for a short term; I can't omit the fact that he pees indoors & if someone said, 'Well, you can come stay with us for a couple months but you'll have to get rid of your dog/dogs..' that is not something I could do. 
And as far as crating, if he had been crate-trained as a pup it would be a viable short-term solution but he's never been in one and would possibly injure himself if left in one unattended..it doesn't help either that I work 12-hr midnight shifts and am sometimes gone for 16+ hours at a stretch because I have a bit of a commute, have to leave the house almost 2 hrs early to beat rush hour traffic, and on and on it goes. 
I put puppy pads down in the living room when I'm gone (because that's a long time to ask a dog to "hold it", imo) and they both use them...but he still pees on pretty much everything. A fuckin plastic grocery bag falls on the kitchen floor...I come home to it covered in pee. It's frustrating and sad for so many reasons...with the exception of my bed, there is no furniture anywhere in my house because A. I cant afford it & B. I know for a fact he would urinate on it in less than 24 hours. 

I'm sorry for rambling, Anon...I know this really isn't the place, but I am a loner who doesn't really talk to anyone (except for brief exchanges with coworkers) but you guise. I'm just overwhelmed with my situation & what's coming in the weeks ahead and I'm not looking forward to any of it. 
Please know though, that I truly, truly appreciate you taking the time to offer sound solutions to my pup problems...it means a lot that you care, fren.

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In case some of you have been too busy trying to access 8chan to keep up on the #wapodeathnotices inspired by the recent death of an "austere religious scholar," he are some examples to contemplate:

Ben Shapiro
‏Verified account
 Oct 27
Voldemort, austere wizard who overcame a severe facial deformity to achieve dark lordship, dead at 71 #WaPoDeathNotices

Robby Soave
‏Verified account
 Oct 27
'''Voldemort, austere political reformer and aspiring school teacher, killed by teen terrorist. #WaPoDeathNotices  #WaPoDeathNotices

Kassy Dillon
‏Verified account
 Oct 27
Hannibal Lecter, well-known forensic psychiatrist and food connoisseur dead at 81. #WaPoDeathNotices

8 replies390 retweets1,878 likes
Reply 8 Retweet 390 Like 1.9K Direct message
Donald Trump Jr.
‏Verified account
 Oct 28
Jeffrey Dahmer, connoisseur of exotic and locally sourced meats, dies at 34. #WaPoDeathNotices 


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Gabriel Popoviciu

Hunter Biden reportedly began advising Gabriel Popoviciu, a Romanian businessman said to have opened the country's first Pizza Hut restaurant, who came under authorities’ scrutiny over his real estate dealings.



Mykola Zlochevsky, a founder of Burisma and former minister of ecology and natural resources in Ukraine, was being investigated by then-prosecutor Viktor Shokin over allegations of corruption. At the time, Biden was spearheading the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy and successfully pressured ex-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to fire Shokin, amid the Burisma investigation.

NBC News reported last week that Hunter Biden in 2016 -- during the last year of the Obama administration -- traveled to Romania to advise real estate tycoon Gabriel Popociviu, who was accused of corruption. Hunter Biden’s work for Popoviciu went unreported, but at the time, then-Vice President Joe Biden was a leader in anti-corruption efforts for Romania.

the only thing i got on alabama and biden is his racist remarks vid


is this the link beween alabama and biden, or is there more?

>  or consider this bunker the new 8Chan.
We did. Anon's decided to wait, which is looking to be the smart choice. End has been the true Bunker in these last weeks, let's not destroy it by drawing attention to it. Just hunker down and see what happens "out there" before we start jumping the gun.

Found on Gab:

Jim Watkins new video, status of 8kun
"It seems that half the world is trying to get on 8kun right now", "more folks at one time than an entire month of historical usage."
"This is a tipping point moment". 
"It is likely this movement will become unstoppable" 
"It is almost to the point already where no man, corporation, or government will be able to stifle us."
"Nothing can match the common memories of trials endured together."

luther strange
rosa parks martin luther 62 years ago

Big Luther Strange
alabama crimson tide
FEMA has been told directly by me to give the A Plus treatment to the Great State of Alabama 
@GovIvey, one of the best
@GovernorKayIvey, one of the best
 23 people killed in the Alabama tornadoes
Alabama, Iowa, Nebraska, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina
Six Years, not just Two  (62)
 Alabama could have received some “hurt.” 

When Q is posting, my job is to faithfully and completely record everything in the spreadsheet, take  & upload screens of his posts/those he responds to in the offsite gallery and archive threads.
It gets crazy hectic, especially when he responds to someone in a previous thread who had posted a bunch of pics or links (they all get archived, too).
That's mah main job.

I dig and make graphics when Q is not posting.

> How can you see past...
exactly anon!
go to the MAIN page


and do not go to the catalog, or click INTO the bread
when you scroll down
you will see the 5 preview posts under each bread
these ARE the 5 newest posts in real time
unfortunatly, you ONLY get those
click into the bread
its still stuck way back on this morning
click "Click to Expand" to see all the bread posts right there
and you can see up to the bread stall this morning, and then it jumps to the 5 most recent

I just happened to catch Ron's post as I was refreshing the main page as described

I expect that is how the newest Q drop was found that is impossible to actually load


> Q vid 255 earlier 

Less than 10 can Confirm Q
30 Nov 2017 - 11:38:08 PM
Less than 10 can confirm me.
DOITQ - coincidence 
Twitter retweet - coincidence 
Twitter keywords - coincidence 
Pics - coincidence 
Meant only for you.
God bless. 

> 500

DEFCON 1 Stringer/Marker
7 Jan 2018 - 9:18:45 PM
(9) states of CLAS-ready go-live.
(34) commands LIVE.
[1] OWL [1]

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Q 2136

Fake News "Impeachment" Wave Attack on POTUS



11/2: DJT tweets


Nov 02 22:28:27 2019 - RT @realDonaldTrump: A great new book by Howie Carr, “What Really Happened, How Donald J. Trump Saved America From Hillary Clinton,” is on…

Nov 02 22:28:23 2019 - RT @realDonaldTrump: Tate Reeves will be a great Governor of Mississippi, and what an electric Rally last night. Vote for Tate on Tuesday!…

Nov 02 22:27:52 2019 - RT @realDonaldTrump: Big Rally in Kentucky on Monday night for a man who has worked really hard &amp; done a GREAT job, Governor @MattBevin. Ke…

Nov 02 22:27:50 2019 - RT @realDonaldTrump: Louisiana has a chance to have a really great Governor in @EddieRispone. Auto insurance costs and taxes will be coming…

Nov 02 22:27:33 2019 - RT @realDonaldTrump: The Whistleblower has disappeared. Where is the Whistleblower?

Nov 02 22:26:52 2019 - RT @VP: Under President @realDonaldTrump, we’ve cut taxes, rolled back red tape, unleashed American energy and forged free, fair and recipr…

Nov 02 22:26:29 2019 - RT @realDonaldTrump: Schiff will change the transcripts just like he fraudulently made up the phone call. He is a corrupt politician! https…

Nov 02 22:26:03 2019 - Didn’t he pick the Whistleblower? https://t.co/yalRJr8DgA

Nov 02 21:11:53 2019 - RT @WhiteHouse: When you look at what Democrats in Congress have accomplished compared to President @realDonaldTrump in just the past 2 wee…

Nov 02 21:11:34 2019 - RT @WhiteHouse: There is serious work to get done on behalf of this country—and Congressional Democrats are blatantly ignoring it. https://…

Nov 02 21:11:26 2019 - RT @WhiteHouse: While Democrats go on with their impeachment sham, President @realDonaldTrump will continue working for the American people…

Nov 02 21:11:14 2019 - RT @MarshaBlackburn: .@HouseDemocrats have been holding a closed-door investigation in @RepAdamSchiff’s basement.\n \nAfter facing intense fl…

Nov 02 21:10:59 2019 - RT @WhiteHouse: The left's impeachment sham sure hasn't slowed President @realDonaldTrump down this week. \n\nSee more: https://t.co/A68ueVC8…

Nov 02 21:10:22 2019 - A giant Scam! https://t.co/E2gcPaddD1

Nov 02 21:08:12 2019 - RT @1k_kilgore: Someone feeling a bit left out? https://t.co/VDsy93Blft

Nov 02 21:07:37 2019 - RT @TrumpWarRoom: President Trump on the mission that killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi:\n\n\American special operators executed a mast…

Nov 02 21:07:07 2019 - RT @RyanAFournier: You can call Trump a bully, racist, xenophobe, liar, islamophobe, fascist, or even a Cheeto. \n\nNone of it's true.\n\nTHE T…

Nov 02 21:06:23 2019 - RT @RealDrGina: Nancy &amp; Adam: We will worry about your ridiculous fake impeachment bs when ONE of your full-time candidates can fill a stad…

1 of 2


Nov 02 21:04:20 2019 - RT @ksorbs: Keep on rolling. https://t.co/5vOLzTaoRm

Nov 02 21:03:43 2019 - RT @danielledsouzag: The Democrats are pushing the Impeachment hoax because they know the President is going to get re-elected in 2020. So…

Nov 02 21:02:23 2019 - RT @SteveScalise: Same story, different day for Dems. \n\nThey’ve wanted to impeach @realDonaldTrump from Day 1.\n\nFirst they tried to use the…

Nov 02 21:01:44 2019 - Schiff will change the transcripts just like he fraudulently made up the phone call. He is a corrupt politician! https://t.co/b12GFXv6tE

Nov 02 20:57:58 2019 - The Whistleblower has disappeared. Where is the Whistleblower?

Nov 02 20:55:19 2019 - Big Rally in Kentucky on Monday night for a man who has worked really hard &amp; done a GREAT job, Governor @MattBevin. Kentucky is having the best economic year ever under Matt’s leadership. He is a fantastic guy who loves our Military, our Vets and our 2nd Amendment. Vote Tuesday!

Nov 02 18:18:44 2019 - Louisiana has a chance to have a really great Governor in @EddieRispone. Auto insurance costs and taxes will be coming way down with Eddie, and your 2nd Amendment will be protected. Current Democrat governor has done a really poor job! VOTE EARLY FOR EDDIE!

Nov 02 18:12:22 2019 - Tate Reeves will be a great Governor of Mississippi, and what an electric Rally last night. Vote for Tate on Tuesday! https://t.co/5AZHe5DT9A

Nov 02 16:26:02 2019 - A great new book by Howie Carr, “What Really Happened, How Donald J. Trump Saved America From Hillary Clinton,” is on sale now. Howie is a talented New England force who was there at the very beginning!

Nov 02 02:48:33 2019 - RT @mike_pence: If you want to send a message to the Do Nothing Democrats that Kentucky and America support President @realDonaldTrump—VOTE…

Nov 02 02:48:02 2019 - RT @TeamTrump: \While we're Creating Jobs and Killing Terrorists, the Democrat Party has gone completely insane.\ - President @realDonaldTr…

Nov 02 02:28:23 2019 - RT @RepMarkMeadows: One reason why the 'quid pro quo' narrative is a fairy tale:\n\nNot only were Ukraine officials unaware aid was even bein…

Nov 02 02:27:54 2019 - RT @RepMarkMeadows: Speaker Pelosi said earlier this Congress that any impeachment effort would need to be done on a bipartisan basis.\n\nWe…

Nov 02 02:27:27 2019 - RT @LouDobbs: Debunking Radical Dems. @RepMarkMeadows on former WH official, Tim Morrison’s testimony vindicating @POTUS. #MAGA #AmericaFir…

Nov 02 02:27:09 2019 - RT @GOPLeader: Strong show of unity among Republicans today. 💯% voted AGAINST impeachment sham. 💪🏼 https://t.co/vNJDq9ZfOi

Nov 02 02:20:00 2019 - RT @realDonaldTrump: The Greatest Witch Hunt In American History!

Nov 02 02:17:21 2019 - RT @IvankaTrump: This week @POTUS’s Interagency Task Force to combat #humantrafficking met and announced investments totaling $75M in the P…


“What we have to do ultimately is to disengage from China to get our companies out of China, to get China out of the United States because we cannot live with this militant Communist superstate that takes the position that China is the world’s only sovereign state,” said Chang. He noted that the Chinese government sees the U.S. as  basically subjects of Beijing’s expansion and that the communist government believes “Americans must acknowledge Chinese sovereignty and obey them.”


< iframe src="https://omny.fm/shows/the-sara-carter-show/gordon-chang-china-is-destabilizing-asia-and-the-w/embed" width="100%" height="180px" frameborder="0">


Nov 03 05:15:03 2019 - RT @realDonaldTrump: https://t.co/zJ9nW8i3ao

Nov 03 05:03:33 2019
https://t.co/zJ9nW8i3ao - https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1190857021316325376

Nov 03 03:51:21 2019 - RT @TaraLaRosa: #NEW: Pres. Trump arrives at Madison Square Garden to a positive reaction from the crowd ahead of #UFC244 . https://t.co/OI…

Nov 03 03:38:48 2019 - RT @EricTrump: At #UFC244 - chanting “Donald Trump, Donald Trump... USA USA” https://t.co/hiqKCw3cS9

Nov 03 03:37:40 2019 - RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Despite the bullshit from blue checkmark Twitter, when we walked into the arena it was overwhelmingly positive. @danawh…

 >>/29970/ :15
 >>/29959/ :03

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Who is "they" that have used lightening as a weapon?

Not Thor, "their" is plural. 

Why are "they" taking out chunks of Ft Worth tarmac?

 "They" are electroluminescent asphalt ants which generate high voltages during  fornicatory aggregation; the so-called  clusterfuck phase of collective reproductive activity. 

yellow rubber duck feet offer best protection but ye normies won't wear them for fear of looking ridiculous and dislike of the  slapping sound. 

Recommendation: watch it.

captchas were just turned on for all clearnet posting on /qresearch/
@flapjack at the controls 
this was NOT the case less than an hour ago
I got a clearnet post with picture through just over an hour ago in the new bread #9405
now I am stuck in captcha-hell
have passed the captcha twice with success, but it still wont let me post
just loads the captcha prompt every time I try to post 


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Q # 34

..we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated 
to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta 
(actionable 11.4). 
Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed..

I cant say for sure right now
I havent actually been able to post, and I have solved two captchas
there were no captchas earlier today in /qresearch/
all clearner
tor posting is turned off completely in /qresearch/

over on /qrb/
I can post via tor
but PER POST captchas 
I dont think that is intended, but that is functionally whats up

it looks like the bread is no longer stalled in #9405
but all the other breads are, like the UK bread where Q dropped today

will let you know if I can get a post through on /qresearch/

I keep seeing new posts, so it has to be possible
and a baker E-baked a fresh bred, so that is promising 


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there a captcha for /comms/ too
proly 24 hour captcha
don't know coz it won't load properly

@fastjack isn't BO there
think it is prolly Rusty
whose post i just saw
then got a catpcha preview page (or whatever it's called)
it may be that you can post normally 
(or semi normally)
until sometime during the day
you hit a captcha thingy
and then you are off in captcha hell!
(at least til Ron comes and fixes it tomorrow)

i ran into a captcha sometime earlier
but just bypassed with a different window
posted on qrb earlier with no captchas
(and then the whole thing kinda shut down)
bred was tallying new posts at least for a while
also showed images
which then went away
it'll all work out
just weird right now

just ran into a baker on /comms/
well not a baker
a baker post

look at you
all fancy with ur baker on duty getup
very nice, fren
ready for prime time
Can't do notes for ya
would if i could
need to get back in a place
where there is support
no one would try to do 
what we've been doing here
it's all the mousing, ya know?
that's what tough about baking
just finished a 25 hour report too
can just do light stuff

do notes for really key items only
or anon noms
post them early
let anons tell you if anything is left out
ASK THEM to look ('anything missing?')
also helps with typos
but will only work if there's time
like 10-15 mins minimum

if they don't suggest more notes
then don't post
if you always have a the top of bred
anons will read them
and want good ones
get moar involved
positive spiral

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was that you talking to me on qrb? (mine is last post on the cap)
Both of us shillin' for endchan?
prolly doesn't take much to get visitors
anons are eager to post
and board doesn't work

BUT did you see Ron's little note?
Said the "owner" of patriotsfight board didn't request a board migration by email, so patriotsfight isn't up in 8kun yet.

Ron did say he could make an exception in this case, if the board owner posts on "this board"

Could be interesting--he's on QRB not QR. Q has never posted there.

Stay tuned.......

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The treaty of Verona was a newspaper forgery.  Cooper was correct in a bunch of matters including that Senator Owen put the Treaty into the 1916 Congressional Record, but Owen was at best mistaken (to be kind).  


The secret treaty of Verona, so often cited by historians and statesmen as proof of the autocratic and aggresive designs of the Alliance, is now known to be a newspaper forgery, apparendy fabricated by the Lisbon correspondent of the London Morning Chronicle. The “treaty,” dated November 22, 1822, purported to demonstrate that the continental powers, with the connivance of the Papacy, plotted the overthrow of representative governments and the freedom of the press throughout Europe. After the appearance of the document in the Chronicle of June 11, 1823, Lieven, Esterhazy, Marcellus, and Werther immediately labeled it spurious and aprocryphal, and many contemporary journals followed suit. Later Chateaubriand and the other ministers who allegedly had signed it publicly repudiated the treaty. Their denials ended the controversy for a while, but twenty-three years later (April 8, 1846), the National, a Paris newspaper, repeated the anachronisms and flaws which give the forgery away; whereupon the Gazette de France (April 9, 1846), the Courrier (April 11, 1846), and the Echo français (April 11, 1846), challenged this refutation, thus renewing the debate.2

Senator Owen's claim is all over the internet but it takes several pages of scrolling to find reputable sources about the situation.  For more info, see:




Excerpt from Cooper's book about Senator Owen's submission to the 1916 Congressional Record:

Actual page from the 1916 Congressional Record (Tuesday, April 25, 1916) with Senator Owen's submission (scroll to page 6781):

The portion of Cooper's book about the Treaty of Verona:

there are supposed to be zillions of people crashing the system
and it's a very small group that's online
BO8bit posted on QRB
everyone was happy to see him
forgot i got on qresearch
probably bc i posted a lot of stuff
and then left for a half hour
not thinking it would post
Ron's post is interesting
i have never seen a post from him or anyone from off-board b4

didn't see @fj, ha-ha

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Got to 8kun on the clearnet and tried to post but captcha wouldn't load.  Gave up and going to quit for the night. 

8kun was up and working but it's down again.  So far, Q posted four times, all on Q Research UK #8: Boris, Brexit and Boom Times Edition (posted on 11/3/2019 immediately after the last post on 8/4/2019).  Posts #1 ( >>/7350508/) and #2 ( >>/7350518/) used his usual tripcode !!mG7VJxZNCI but posts #3 ( >>/7350535/) and #4 ( >>/7350650/) did not show up on any board when I clicked on them.

Q Research UK #8: Boris, Brexit and Boom Times Edition

Q Research General #9405: 93 Days Later E-Bake Edition

Btw, you guise missed some funny shit earlier; I went on my meal break & a replay of tonight's Watter's World was on FOX. The segment I saw featured a military guy who trained the dogs used in operations like the one that killed Al Baghdadi recently, so he talked for a few minutes on that and as Jesse Watters was wrapping up, the guy interjected and asked if he could make a PSA (Public Service Announcement) & Watters said, 'Real quick.' and the guy talks a little moar about the dogs and right at the very end he concluded with, "And Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself." 

Fast forward to the 32:00 min mark.

when you click it opens the bread they are contained in
the UK General bread
but the last 2 Q posts are lost in the ether
scroll through the bread, they are not there
ctr+F for the post number, no results
I am browsing using LokiNet now atm
and it is exhibiting the same lost post anomaly 


Let's see if this is correct:

Saturday 11.02.2019
8kun.net/qresearch/res/7350650.html ————————————–——– Rig For Red (Capp:  >>/29909/)
8kun.net/qresearch/res/7350535.html ————————————–——– Storm Flag Video
8kun.net/qresearch/res/7350518.html ————————————–——– /DoD_pack_1-99/
8kun.net/qresearch/res/7350508.html ————————————–——– /BAS_Test/2

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Nov 2 8kun Q Drops png
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> so that post is something on a thread in QResearch
check the poster ID on the Q drop posts
they are all the same:

all posters in a thread have the same poster ID right now
part of a glitch
each thread on a board has a different poster ID 

check the pic related from #9404 in this post  >>/30003/
bred #9404 Poster ID: 0a9924

thus, I am going to go out on a limb and say all the Q drops are in the same UK General bread on /qresearch/

yes there's a glitch with id's
if you can't find the post number
which DEFINITELY exists
it's on a different thread

i see that you have all the q posts there
they all look fine (right color and all
best to have an mp4 (to check that they move)
but i don't see a problem so far
i just don't know which of 40 or moar threads two of em are on
and can't access qr to check
time for bed!
s'yall in the am

btw, i meant that the post is somewhere on the QResearch BOARD
not on the QResearch General THREAD
we'll figure it all out

-bakes here
running out of steam
going to turn in for the night
post count currently ~725
am going to post the Fresh Bread link...

as always:
use Fresh Bread link to navigate to the new Bread once this one is complete (~751 replies)

Now I lay me down to sleep.
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.

If I should die before I wake,
I pray to God my soul to take.

If I should live for other days,
I pray the Lord to guide my ways.


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