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Bilikin charlie brown dead kid w/ crown symbology. Hidden stairwell symbology. Tophat symbology. Pointing to the heavens covered in blood symbology. Skull symbology.All seeying eye symbology

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Thank you good sir.  For all you have done.
You fight a brave battle for these kids when all the /tech/ companies sell them out.
And all the cops, rather than being the political force they could be, become tools of a true evil.

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very good. I know there is better starting points. I am just looking through the accounts i had saved before i get into the screenshots i have. I am glad you saw nicolas le bault  >>/5059/ that is a good starting point if you look at who likes the pictures.

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all seeing eye symbology. Tophat symbology. Alice and wonderland symbology. @joff_keens is a suspicious account that is ran by a freemason. Might corroberate jeff koons being a mason. Jeff Koons outwardly is a celebrated artist, philanthropist. During initial pizzagate digging he was a person who was dug on because he is/was on the board of the national center for missing and exploited children. And the baloon animal miniatures and sculptures have taken a life of their own. Even being pressed onto pins and sold on instagram etc. He is a central figure in the art world from my research. We don't know,  but if he is a mason that paints all of this in a different light seeing some of the symbolical usage of masonic symbols in some of the art shown thus-far. I am not sure even what his role in the cabal would be aside from maybe some money laundering. His sculpture broke world records for highest selling piece of art. now it makes sense more than menstrual blood things sold for a lot. But still considerably high for the sculpture. Clowns twist up balloon animals. Not sure if that ties into this.

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curator account shortly deleted amidst tangential walter peirce/ rachel chandler digging. Simular to @mortamoda.
here is a list of accounts it linked to in the curating.
not the ideal place to start because its kind of odd and nuanced where i don't even know what this junction is between fashion art and satanism. But a good list of accounts i never got through. might be worth a skim. pics unrelated to @bobthecleanerhateshumankind

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Don't know if the square clubs are clean or if the corruption is top down but just learned of it recently. you'd always see the masonic police badges its part of something called the law enforcement square club. Like the fop and patrolman's union but i guess a more in depth  focus on god only knows.That's what the fucking police is for you'd think. Then again Q says mil is the only way so it must be top down corruption. Its insane to think its anything but a way to control the world locally and globally at the same time.

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