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#DoneWithCovid Ranking in at #5 atm

Please take a moment to Tweet or RT the Hash and add anything pertinent

> suggestions
"We've known now for 2 years that there are cheap, safe, highly effective and widely available medicines that can treat this disease" - Dr. Pierre Kory

Alberta Canada Inadvertently Published (and Quickly Deleted) Health Data Exposing that MORE THAN HALF of VACCINATED DEATHS Have Been COUNTED AS UNVACCINATED


In yet another absolute bombshell revelation the government of Alberta, Canada exposed itself this week when it accidentally published damning evidence that exposes how the public health authorities have been manipulating the Covid-19 statistics.

After seemingly realizing what it had just done, the corrupt Canadian province quickly scrambled to delete the incriminating data off their website, but, thanks to internet sleuths like Twitter user Metatron – and his substack post, we have the receipts.
Sen. Ron Johnson moderates a panel discussion, COVID-19: A Second Opinion. A group of world renowned doctors and medical experts provide a different perspective on the global pandemic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed long term.

Ron Johnson has people likePeter McCullough, Bret Weinstein, Pierre Kory, Paul Marik, Robert Malone, and otherstalking about all aspects of covid and our government's response to it.


BREAKING HEADLINES, [24.01.22 10:58]
Truck Drivers Protesting COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Begin March From Vancouver to Ottawa

READ: https://breakingheadlines.news/pWRqSW


mRNA Death Toll, [24.01.22 14:13]

[ Video ]

Supporters of the trucker freedom convoy greet truckers headed to Ottawa to protest mandates near Bow River, Alberta, Canada.
Truckers v. Trudeau

Started streaming 37 minutes ago

Legal Mindset

26.8K subscribers

On this stream, we discuss the 2022 Freedom Convoy of truckers protesting the Trudeau governments mandates by driving across the country. This campaign raised over $3.7 million CA to protest the draconian mandates, which Trudeau refused to lift. 

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Our new favorite saying TRUCK YOU TRUDEAU!..
3 convoy heading too Ottawa from the
East, West, & South con.


Now at 3.96 - Millions
51.8K - Donations
https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/freedom-convoy-anti-vaccine-mandate-1.6325724 They are back peddling. this is amazing keep up the pressure

Convoy travels through Sask. to protest vaccine mandates for truck drivers | CBC News
Hundreds of semi-trucks travelled both east and west into Saskatchewan Monday as part of the Freedom Convoy 
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Our new favorite saying TRUCK YOU TRUDEAU!..
3 convoy heading too Ottawa from the
East, West, & South con.

Now at 4.04 - Millions
52.6K - Donations
Empty Shelves Have Consequences, Canadian Multinational Business Groups Ask Government to Quickly Reverse Trucker Vaccine Mandate

January 24, 2022 | Sundance | 139 Comments

Massive Trucker Convoy Heads To Canadian Capitol To Protest Vaccine Mandates…
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Hey 🇨🇦, look what happened while you were sleeping.
They're counting on you to be there when they arrive.
Rise up folks, it's now or never. Freedom. Is. Fun.
🇨🇦♥️💕🇺🇸 🚛
#TruckersForFreedom #FreedomConvoy2022 #Cdnpoli #covid19 #NoVaccinePassports #NoVaccineMandates
January 25, 2022 Question of the Day
Do you support the trucking convoy on its way to Ottawa?


Let them know
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Our new favorite saying TRUCK YOU TRUDEAU!..
3 convoy heading too Ottawa from the
East, West, & South con.

Now at 4.375 - Millions
56.9K - Donations
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Sharing is caring - Route and Date
The East and west routes will be arriving in Ottawa on Jan 29th.

Kingston has multiple days where people will be coming thru.  The earliest people will get to Kingston is Jan 27th.  Starting Jan 28th people will begin to head up to Ottawa and the last day people will be departing out of Kingston is Jan 29th.
Trudeau's latest tweet is an insult to the convoy. Please flood his Twitter timeliness with #ConvoyToOttawa

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RCMP Block Trucker convoy from accessing Flying J Truck Stop in Headingly (Just west of Winnipeg) (TV report, not in linked story)


Just reported on tv news that the trucks were not allowed to stop at this location.  East from here is a long trek through Northern Ontario.  RCMP interfering with the convoy as feared.  Drivers will be tired and need a rest.  Next leg of the trip is brutal.  Kenora, Dryden, Thunder Bay then long stretch north of Lake Superior.
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Our new favorite saying TRUCK YOU TRUDEAU!..
3 convoy heading too Ottawa from the
East, West, & South con.

Now at 4.879 - Millions
63K - Donations
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Our new favorite saying TRUCK YOU TRUDEAU!..
3 convoy heading too Ottawa from the
East, West, & South con.

Sharing is caring - Route and Date
Now at 4.879 - Millions
63K - Donations
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Our new favorite saying TRUCK YOU TRUDEAU!..
3 convoy heading too Ottawa from the
East, West, & South con.

Now at 5.005 - Millions
64.6K - Donations
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Convoy to ottawa 2022 fb page was just closed by FaceBook
Yeah it has half a million members, the group gone wow the nazi fb doesnt want us to connect.
This one still up but for how long  LOL
Truckers Track Trudeau - They’re Going to SHUT. IT. DOWN.

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Truckers’ convoy isn’t about vaccines – it’s about freedom


Millions of dollars in donations. Thousands of big rigs. Countless supporters lining highways and overpasses. The trucker convoy hasn’t even made it to Ottawa yet and it’s already making an impact, advocating against Justin Trudeau’s vaccine mandate for truckers. True North’s Andrew Lawton says the convoy is doing more to stand up to mandates than any of the opposition parties represented in Parliament have.
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Just saying TRUCK YOU TRUDEAU!..
3 convoy heading too Ottawa from the
East, West, & South con.

Now at 5.303 - Millions
68.3K - Donations
Donald Trump Jr. 
5h  · Heroic Truck Driver Stands Up To Medical Tyranny! 7,900 awake sharing the message! FB had jailed many of us for sharing the truth. God Speed

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Hug a Trucker and Share, Share, Share!

Rumble Link:

Odysee Link:
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Let me put this into perspective for you if you're not from Canada. 
It takes 8 hours at 100 kilometers per hour to drive from the Saskatchewan side of Manitoba to Ontario. That means this convoy from beginning to end is longer than the province is wide. 

This means that the lead truck will be in Ontario for 8 hours (most people work 8 hour days), before the last truck catches up to the lead. 

Imagine how many trucks and people that is. We haven't even talked about the thousands of cars, truck, SUVs, that have joined the convoy yet. Or the 1000s of trucks blocking the borders on both sides, or the Americans coming in to join Canada, or the 100s of thousands of canadians lining the highways and overpasses cheering on the convoy. Are you impressed yet? I am!!
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david fisman freedom convoy


Experts rally around doctor on Ontario COVID-19 science table amid conflict of interest allegations

Dr. David Fisman is known for speaking his mind and not holding back.

Over the course of the pandemic, he has been especially pointed in his views about children returning to school, saying that enhanced health measures are needed to ensure being back in the classroom is safe.

Fisman has come into the spotlight this week for allegations of conflict of interest.

While he serves as one of the more than 20 members on the Ontario science table, he has also done paid consulting work with the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario.

A story first published by the Toronto Sun asserted that because he was paid for his work with the union, Fisman’s role advising the Ontario government is a conflict. The allegation has been met with harsh criticism from the medical community and beyond.

Members of the science table are required to disclose their professional relationships. This information is publicly available online. As of Tuesday, his relationship with the union is listed. The link between Fisman and the teacher’s union has not been a secret.

A press release from Oct. 7, 2020, is one example. In the release, Fisman was listed as an expert, sharing views on the province’s return-to-school plan, which he saw as flawed.

Sam Hammond, the president of ETFO, said through legal counsel that Fisman was also retained over the summer to provide an expert opinion for a matter before the Ontario Labour Board. The matter focused on safe working conditions and Fisman was paid for his work.

“The government was represented at that hearing, they had all of the documents and affidavits provided,” Hammond said.

“Any suggestion whatsoever that Dr. Fisman’s opinion was based on the fact that we were paying him for it is absolutely absurd.”….

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