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in the second thread i had already uploaded all the files from the first thread because a few anons where worried about it not being archived in the 8chan catalog i assume. It seems funny in retrospect perhaps it was someone letting me know to have it pre-packaged to dump again. here are the files. MAKE IT RAIN MAKE IT RAIN ON THEY BITCH ASSES
old thread archived here the files at least
https://share.dmca.gripe/zFWilPdgmMVdRn6R.zip part 1
https://share.dmca.gripe/DUTEqLMaobtoO4jk.zip part 2
https://share.dmca.gripe/SslBKwvIr4sRoq9h.zip part 3
https://share.dmca.gripe/awdWmP9K2VAxh1RG.zip part 4

pic related jims masonic eye thing. Odd in retrospect he seems like a patriot though so grey/white hat? Not for me to judge we have know way of knowing for sure if he's a bad apple or not. I'd like to think he is neutral but it is an odd gesture.

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