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Behind the Big News Propaganda and the Council on Foreign Relations
Please use this thread if infinity is down.
Good Luck
Please find Seige, the 4th Edition, attached below
Other Videos
This guy is making some pretty funny videos
Check it out
Excuse me, I came from http//www. >>>/normie/ .com" but I don't know how to get back. My device doesn't have a back button. Can one of you young men help me? Btw, your website design unacceptable, I pay $50 for the internet every month, and the least you can do is make it worth it. The whole website looks like my facebook!

I can't get back to where I was...when I was in college, there was a hotline you could call when your typewriter doesn't work, but those days are gone. I miss my old phone line, it was so much easy to use.

You lousy good for nothing millennials can't make anything right, all I see you doing is playing with your iPods every day when you should be busting your behinds to serve me. It's intolerable. I didn't pay $3000 a month for premium nursing home to be given disrespect. I want to speak to your website's manager.

You had better fix my computer pronto and put a back button, or you'll be getting a letter from my attorney next week. If I don't get a reply within 48 hours, I will sue your company for every penny you're worth.
I don't know about these guys.
Someone give me a heads up on this.  
They sound libertarian to me
5 of the latest podcasts attached
Contained will be downloaded podcasts from the CFR sit.
I will post these, but I won't listen to them before I post them.
What I gather from it is by listening to them, that I would get an idea of what the CFR has planned for the future.

Here are two:

30 Jan 2019 - Conflicts to watch


31 Jan 2019 - State of the Union Anticipation, INF Deliberation and more

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