/qresearch/ - FUCK OFF Q-RESEARCH

FUCK OFF Q-TARDS - Q-Faggotry not tolerated. Board exists in Spirit of 8/pol/ - kind of...

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Qresearch has been a fucking mess
constant flame wars
yelling at each other like a bunch of immature people.
How the hell do they think they can overcome anything when they act like children!
what do we do?
We have too much information in-between /cbts/ /thestorm/ and /qresearch/.
Seems the problem now is all of 8ch seems to be getting ddos'd and is shambles.
Does this mean we will be public soon?

When are all these fucking arrests that allegedly are supposed to happen going to take place? I've been waiting and waiting and waiting and I'm starting to have my doubts any justice will ever be served.

pr0@v01d  /home/pr0   cloud-buster 8ch.net                                      01:03:41 
[target] 8ch.net
>  ip: (CF yes RAY-4415250ae4149a16-EWR)
>  http: cloudflare - 301 Moved Permanently
[mx] mail.nttec.com
>  ip: (CF no)
>  http: Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS) - 301 Moved Permanently
[subdomain] direct.8ch.net
[subdomain] www.8ch.net
>  ip: (CF yes RAY-4415260345b718a0-EWR)
>  http: cloudflare - 301 Moved Permanently
[subdomain] mail.8ch.net
>  ip: (CF no)
>  http: nginx/1.11.3 PHP/5.4.16 - 200 OK
[subdomain] ftp.8ch.net
[subdomain] localhost.8ch.net
[subdomain] webmail.8ch.net
>  ip: (CF no)
>  http: nginx - 301 Moved Permanently
[subdomain] smtp.8ch.net
[subdomain] webdisk.8ch.net
>  ip: (CF no)
>  http: nginx - 301 Moved Permanently
[subdomain] pop.8ch.net
[subdomain] cpanel.8ch.net
[subdomain] whm.8ch.net
>  ip: (CF no)
>  http: nginx - 301 Moved Permanently
[subdomain] ns1.8ch.net
[subdomain] ns2.8ch.net
[subdomain] autodiscover.8ch.net
[subdomain] autoconfig.8ch.net
[subdomain] ns.8ch.net
[subdomain] test.8ch.net
[subdomain] m.8ch.net
>  ip: (CF yes RAY-441526f7e7731840-EWR)
>  http: cloudflare - 301 Moved Permanently
[subdomain] blog.8ch.net
[subdomain] dev.8ch.net
[subdomain] www2.8ch.net
>  ip: (CF no)
>  http: nginx - 301 Moved Permanently
[subdomain] ns3.8ch.net
[subdomain] pop3.8ch.net
[subdomain] forum.8ch.net
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[subdomain] mail2.8ch.net
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[subdomain] mx.8ch.net
[subdomain] imap.8ch.net
[subdomain] old.8ch.net
Target: 8ch.net
>  ip:
>  protected: True
[interesting ips] > mail.nttec.com / mx > mail.8ch.net / subdomain > webmail.8ch.net / subdomain > webdisk.8ch.net / subdomain > whm.8ch.net / subdomain > www2.8ch.net / subdomain

cowboybebop aka cia mkultra suprise
umm akame ga kill of course
all the tenchis & muyo from way back
ill have to check my list, can you just name last 3 you watched i wont make fun of you i seriously am trying to fo find something good
oh i watched rozen maiden the other day too

theres a new one where girls do voices in anime, its super meta but i dont recall name right now (my hard drive nuked other day, got too close to some shit, nuked bios too, luckily im prepared for everything but emp, havent built faraday cage yet)

im multitasking, they can see our screens, and files ya know

don really like the new pirate one, full sail or whatever, and i love pirates
but i do like bounty hunter stuff like the guy who becomes a boat pirate, need to finish that, so tired cant remember names right now

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The last three I watched was Kin-iro Mosaic, Love Live, and Kill la Kill.
And yeah, I know they are watching us and listening to us. Or at least I am paranoid enough to believe that has been what's going on this whole time.
Cowboy Bebop is cool, and I kind of remember Tenchi Muyo.
Did you watch Outlaw Star? Or maybe Vash the Stampede?

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nah, stretch out enjoy normie absense, if we make a bread it should be in 2nd location so this one is preserved to avoid search engine

there have been threads on halfchan about how cloud fare is essentially censorship, which it can be, and it does inject javascript, which is hte worst,  i know we had our racks upgraded earlier this summer, so maybe trump taking chan down for optics, theyll use all our evidence, maybe we finally unlocked everything needed, maybe they scared of seeing us call people cucked nigger faggots, but its probably just a 2 hour dns change

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Okay, well someone made a shitty want to be bread. Not sure who, but whoever did was probably just doing it in best intentions. I'll just ignore it for now. And apparently Tripcodes do not transfer to Endchan from the other chans.
Yeah, I liked it. The teacher was retarded when he says "nudist beach". I still laugh about it ;p
A wild anon appears!

outlaw star!!! was amazing
its slow moving sci fi just like an alien movie, oh that show is dear to my heart, thank you for reminding! have not seen vash
kin-iro mosaic? any relation to kunio like the characters in river city ransom, double dragon, etc? NES is where my anime love came from, golgo 13, ninja gaiden cut scenes, famicom games i still dont know the name of

oh please i posted dozens of posts daily to look at steg and was abused for about 3 weeks straight while that board slid, all theyve been doing is posting news headlines, we need the EVIDENCE.
should consider faking 8ch death like jfjjr supposedly

you knew it was here
i knew it was here
anons were trickling in
if its a serious attack i dont wanna give up our bunker, i think we could come here and then tell other ppl via other mediums,  i dont pretend to give orders anon so you do what you want, im personally tired of trying to educate the masses, i think im turning into ... into.... YOU MUST stop me before its too late
kek, i have no problem sharing and teaching its just when i get called names by non shill anons i get upset after several weeks of it

not sure what's going on really, but that would be interesting at least. 
yeah, i suppose we found it. i'm not too worried about telling anons. when shills attack you just tell them to kill themselves and carry on. if an anon takes opinion and social pressure over information, then they are retarded anyways and can be disregarded.

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< ^>
okay b.o.
will you let us play in yer sandbox or would you be willing to give up the keys?
itll keep qgüp out of everyones hair... which seems to be what everyone wants.
8chan /polt contained [us].
you can do the same.
ye dont have to listen but æı think its best [end/pol/] stays [end/pol/].
> please?
then life can go on.
qgrup is coming to [endchan] either way.
at least /pol/ would be "safe".
< æıll trade you mæı /endpolqresearch/ fer this boardset...
lemmæı knœ.

look here you fucking cunts
make your own Q-Chan or some shit
get your own coders and shit - but you probably have nobody because you are all a bunch of room-temperature IQ half-breed niggers
Fuck Off
As a Group, you ruin everything that you get near
Fuck Off

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