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(128.2 KB, 750x750)
What's the new flavor of vapour now, edgy autists? Hardvapour? Fashvapour?
Post your interpretations about all these meme music movements.
vapour is like reggaeton, overrated latin shit
I prefer house music, its melodies are so pleasant
Why you guys say that? What's your argument?
House music is early electronic. Low-Fi is early "vintage-like" movements. Aren't we past that? Shouldn't we be going to hyperinformation-era, like Breakcore? Digital-Hardcore/Gabber and Noise music?
I thought the Vapourwave movement was a mocking of the past, a lost idealism...
Is all this shit too "avant-garde" for the imageboard culture?

ps. I have no background on current memes. I mainly mess with >>>/tech/ , but I'm interested in current view of internet aesthetics...

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