/r10k/ - ROBOT10000

The eternal robot

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Yup. Planning on making a sticky right now.

The layout of this website looks pretty basic and not much like 4chan. I do plan on making it look more like 4chan. The comfier the better. Right now I've stolen /sp/'s css which is meant to look like Yotsuba B. If you look at the bottom of your screen you should already see options for themes that look like Tomorrow and such. Hope to make the board the best it can be.
1. Thou shalt not identify yourself as female
2 Thou shalt not identify yourself as an non-existant gender (including traps)
3Thou shalt not try and seduce other male posters
4. Thou shalt not covet the normie life
5. Thou shalt not covet the normie job
6 Thou shalt indeed covet the normie sex, and be thirsty for as long as you live
7 Thou shalt honor thy dubs and thy trips, that they may be plentiful
8 Thou shalt not use stale memes
9 Thou shalt not force shitty memes
10 Thou shalt never leave and thy ride shall be unending

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