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Any other security nerds around? Love playing around with OpenBSD, hardened gentoo and other things. If it can be made more secure and/or hardened, I love to do it. Running Encrypted OpenBSD + Hardened Firefox + DNSCrypt + Tor (when needed)

Encryption, device security, netsec, infosec, etc. Just don't let the paranoia get to you, anon!

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> Also, DNScrypt will take no effect if you're using TorDNS (as you should).
Naturally. I use DNSCrypt when I'm off Tor.

> no.
What project? Firefox has a large attack surface but I avoid using web browsers wherever I can anyway. If there's a secure client to interface with something I use that instead. If I need e-mail, I go to mutt. If I need RSS, I go to newsbeuter. If I need IRC, I go to weechat or irssi.

Have you tested ion3 or other tabbed WM's? It's the best, for my needs. Very organized and clean. I recommend you check it, openbsd has it on packages. I think "doas pkg_add ion3" will do the job, then startx. It's not maintained anymore, though (the last effort to maintain it is called "notion", but I haven't tried to run the Lua code on openbsd yet).
Have you tried Coreboot with SeaBIOS? Some guys reported it's working on -current...

> Have you tested ion3 or other tabbed WM's?
Nah. I'll be looking into ion3 though. Thank you for the recommendation. I've only used awesome, i3, and dwm as far as WMs go. As for Coreboot I'm out of luck because my hardware isn't supported

Any of these have tabs support? I used to use xmonad (for about 9 months), but I switched to ion3, because it has a much better organization (although vertical tabs would be better than horizontal ones).

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