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The eternal robot

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thumbnail of current life.jpg
current life jpg
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Been living the NEET life for 5 months
> Go to bed at 7 in the morning 
> Wake up at 4 in the afternoon
> Only shower when the smell gets to me
> Bottles pile up in my room
> at my computer for 15 hours a day
i lie to everyone i know about how im doing in my "life" is this True neet?
I can't really be proud of being a NEET myself. It'll change soon. And I'm glad of that, actually. I don't mind being challenged for once. I know it'll probably suck, but it'll probably suck in a good way.

I just can't deal with being so isolated anymore. I've got to get over that. The social isolation has driven me insane.
True neet is no people contacting you anymore or asking how you're doing, except maybe your parents. You know the kinda guy that makes other people wonder if he dissapeared once in a blue moon. When I was NEET I showered 5 times a day, lol, because I fell in love with the feeling.
only leave the house to go to the shop only outside contact i have is the boss man at the corner shop, dislike showers because i hate the cold feeling when going out of the shower
I was NEET for two years until life kicked me in the balls. Now I'm off to uni again, but I cannot predict how I will ever fare in a job market.
Nice collection. I saw someone with a similar collection pour all of this into a bathtub and then submerge himself in it. His head too.

> Probably got a dick infection, kek
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thumbnail of Screenshot_20170201-033748.png
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Im saving it for when a normie fucks with me ill fill up my super soaker water gun and spray em with it, ill use these ones being the oldest and most putrid i have

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