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The eternal robot

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> want to go to counseling to get my autism/schizophrenia/paranoia checked out and recommended to a psychiatrist so I can get NEETbucks
> pathological liar mode automatically kicks in because I'm too afraid to reveal my true self to another person and I try to hide and downplay my problems or outright lie
How do I solve this dilemma?

I've been heavily autistic as long as I can remember, my mom knows but never got me diagnosed because she thinks I don't need it, my dad is autistic as well if I needed any more reassurance that I have it. Seeing and hearing things outside "this" reality has been normal for me ever since I was a small child. Static noises, people, entire lives just enter and leave my head without asking. And paranoia, paranoia is the worst. I constantly assume everyone and everything is trying to kill me and that I can't trust anyone. This is all topped off with an instinct to lie in order to avoid trouble, to the point where I don't even think to say what I really mean or feel or the truth in any way. This is a problem because I need to tell the counselor about it but I can't bring myself to not lie to her. I don't even realize I've lied until it's over, most times.

if you want neetcoin then you have to go on and on about like legos or an obsession. learn linux and just explain the basics of terminal commands she will understand very quickly.

Counselors are trained and paid to keep a straight face for the duration of their session, no matter how weird the conversation would be in any other social setting. They've seen it all and are legally required (in first world countries) to keep their mouth shut. Unless you're sharing pedo or violent thoughts about harming yourself or another, that gets you vanned. Meet guy saying that he's a antromorphic teapot from Zeta Reticule sent to liberate coconuts? They've seen weirder.

I tried to make accurate models of fighter planes, trains, and star wars spaceships. I guess I could tell her about that. I really cannot function in society, I'm too weak to do manual labor, too autistic to do retail, and too dumb to do anything else. I can't even be a trucker or some other hikki-tier job because I can't get my license to save my life.

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I'm in the exact same boat except I can't bring myself to talk to a psych doc because of my paranoia. How many personas/masks do you have in your head and are any of them violent? I've been having issues with a violent one trying to do some janky shit

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