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The eternal robot

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Mainly pokemon. I use to play WoW a lot, but that became a chore more so than a game. How ever if I see a nice single player game I will play it, Hellblade comes ot mind.
> Titanfall 2
> Verdun
I would play ARK if I could find a decent private server that wasn't total shit.
really getting into Path of Exile, honestly a nice relaxing game.
alsoatyped one of the nicest communities, just typed in chat for advice on better gear and some guy (lvl 95+) invited me, gave me free stuff and left.
I was honestly surprised
repost because I don't know how I fucked up that reply
really getting into Path of Exile, honestly a nice relaxing game.
also one of the nicest communities, just typed in chat for advice on better gear and some guy (lvl 95+) invited me, gave me free stuff and left.
I was honestly surprised
well if you were in the standard league that's probably why. It kind of encourages being nice. They have a lot of limited time leagues that are more cutthroat and competitive at least in the beginning. When it's over all that stuff moves to the standard league so there's just a lot more stuff in there so it's no biggie if you're really into the leagues, hardcore, or hardcore league because all that stuff will end up in standard eventually.
This board seems impossibly slow. What are the odds that the guy from 3 months before will even read your post?
What are the odds you will even read my post?
hey, i think i made that post when there was some activity on the board but didn't realize this particular thread was so old

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